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2022-04-13 13:20:32 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 24 10:54:50 2022
@author: ben
from pathlib import Path
from directories import g4_output_basedir
from sys import argv
def create_dir_and_write_params_g4(Nres: int, Lbox: float, waveform: str, output_basedir: Path):
# create directory if it doesn't exist already
outputdir = output_basedir / f"{waveform}_{Nres}_{Lbox:.0f}"
if outputdir.exists():
print(outputdir, "already exists. Skipping...")
print("creating", outputdir)
# write param file there:
param_script = f"""
%---- Relevant files
InitCondFile \t \t /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/PBH_EFD/monofonic_tests/output/{waveform}_{Nres}_{Lbox:.0f}/ics_{waveform}_{Nres}_{Lbox:.0f}
OutputDir \t \t /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/PBH_EFD/monofonic_tests/output/{waveform}_{Nres}_{Lbox:.0f}
SnapshotFileBase \t snapshot
OutputListFilename \t /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/PBH_EFD/monofonic_tests/outputs.txt
%---- File formats
ICFormat \t 3
SnapFormat \t 3
%---- CPU-time limits
TimeLimitCPU \t \t 86400 \t % 24h, in seconds
CpuTimeBetRestartFile \t 7200 \t % 2h, in seconds
%---- Memory allocation
MaxMemSize \t 1800 \t % in MByte
%---- Characteristics of run
TimeBegin \t 0.02 \t % Begin of the simulation, z=49
TimeMax \t 1.0 \t % End of the simulation, z=0
%---- Basic code options that set the type of simulation
ComovingIntegrationOn \t 1
%---- Cosmological parameters #update according to monofonic output
Omega0 \t \t \t \t 0.3099
OmegaLambda \t \t \t \t 0.690021
OmegaBaryon \t \t \t \t 0.0488911
HubbleParam \t \t \t \t 0.67742
Hubble \t \t \t \t 100.0
BoxSize \t \t \t \t {Lbox}
# MeanPBHScatteringCrossSection \t 1.73189e-13
# AveragePBHMass \t \t \t 3.086978e-10
# SigmaOverM \t \t \t \t 5.6103e-4
%---- Output frequency and output parameters
OutputListOn \t \t \t 1
TimeBetSnapshot \t \t \t 0.0
TimeOfFirstSnapshot \t \t 0.0
TimeBetStatistics \t \t 0.01
NumFilesPerSnapshot \t \t 1
MaxFilesWithConcurrentIO \t 1
%---- Accuracy of time integration
ErrTolIntAccuracy \t \t 0.025
CourantFac \t \t \t 0.7
MaxSizeTimestep \t \t 0.025
MinSizeTimestep \t \t 0.0
%---- Tree algorithm, force accuracy, domain update frequency
TypeOfOpeningCriterion \t \t 1
ErrTolTheta \t \t \t \t 0.5
ErrTolThetaMax \t \t \t 1.0
ErrTolForceAcc \t \t \t 0.002
TopNodeFactor \t \t \t \t 3.0
ActivePartFracForNewDomainDecomp \t 0.01
ActivePartFracForPMinsteadOfEwald \t 0.05
%---- Initial density estimate
DesNumNgb \t \t 64
MaxNumNgbDeviation \t 1
%---- Subfind parameters
DesLinkNgb \t \t 20
%---- System of units
UnitLength_in_cm \t \t 3.086578e24 \t ; Mpc/h
UnitMass_in_g \t \t \t 1.989e43 \t ; 1.0e10 Msun/h
UnitVelocity_in_cm_per_s \t 1e5 \t ; 1km/s
GravityConstantInternal \t 0
%---- Gravitational softening length
SofteningComovingClass0 \t {Lbox / Nres / 30}
SofteningMaxPhysClass0 \t {Lbox / Nres / 30}
SofteningClassOfPartType0 \t 0
SofteningClassOfPartType1 \t 0
SofteningClassOfPartType2 \t 0
SofteningClassOfPartType3 \t 0
SofteningClassOfPartType4 \t 0
SofteningClassOfPartType5 \t 0
%---- SPH
ArtBulkViscConst \t 1.0
MinEgySpec \t \t 0
InitGasTemp \t \t 10
with (outputdir / f"{waveform}_{Nres}_{Lbox:.0f}_param.txt").open("w") as f:
if __name__ == "__main__":