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Hello everyone, my name is Christian. I'm greeting you from the city of Halle an der Saale in the
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beautiful country of Germany and well straight to topic we are going to talk more or less exactly
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about that. We or to be more specific I am seated in Germany, in Europe, in the European Union
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where we are in GDPR country. So the general data protection regulation
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in effect since 2018 has changed some things to be a little understated in this case and we're
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looking about the public reaction. So Matomo and the masses. Do the people really care about GDPR
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compliance? This is one of the big USPs, one of the big unique selling points of Matomo in general.
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It's well in very big letters on the home page as well that Matomo is a data secure alternative
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to Google Analytics and to other in this case not open but closed source
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software. So is this even a good selling point in this case? So what do the people think about
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data security, about data privacy? So to be a starter here if you can't see the infographics
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that well we can provide you with the presentation afterwards. This is no problem. Anyway this is
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here, sorry if I'm not having the exact words in any case, but we were asking some people or in
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this case Statista. So how have the new data protection regulations, the GDPR impacted on
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your sense of security? Did anything change after the GDPR came into effect?
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This was asked in this case to be exactly in Sweden. So we are in northern Europe and according to the
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survey 75% said well no difference in any way. So most of the people well before GDPR and after
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GDPR no difference at all. 14% at least said I feel more secure now. So the GDPR at least
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for around every sixth person did make a positive difference, had a positive impact.
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For 4% not so much they said I feel less secure and well 7% do not know anything about it or didn't
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care. But in this case so sorry in this case so the majority well didn't think there was a big
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difference before and after the GDPR and at least 14-15% around about feel more secure through the
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GDPR. So in this case most people had at least in Sweden it's seen as a having a positive impact.
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So the GDPR as a force of good if you want to say. But how is it done on the well more
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regional or state level in this case? So another survey about GDPR enforcement. So the data
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protection authorities this case lack of expertise. So most public administration
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is not really ready for GDPR enforcement. But one second I've got a question from Ronan. Have you
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ever heard of German citizens suing any websites because of a misuse of a web analytics solution?
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I will come to that in a moment. But regarding the public authorities in this case you well they
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aren't seen as that fit for the digital age in this case. Mostly because we have for example in
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Germany which is this case the country on the far left side. We have around 700 people in personnel
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doing non-technical stuff and only about 100. So one in seven people is a technical expert.
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In this case everyone else not so much. In other countries it's sometimes even more extreme.
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For example UK which isn't part of the European Union anymore. But there we have 22 technical
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experts regarding to 658 non-technical personnel. So this is a bit more extreme in this case. So the
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public authorities are very dependent on the populace to well talk to them regarding
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well data breaches. And to come into Ronan's question yeah I have heard of German citizens
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suing well not the website themselves. In Germany you can't sue a website because of a data privacy
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breach. You have to make an amend to the local authority in this case to the well data protection
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authority. In Germany data protection is a thing for the specific German states. For example in my
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case I'm living in a state of Saxony-Anhalt in Germany. And just recently I'm working as a data
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protection officer as well. And just recently I've actually had a case where an online shop was sued
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by a person who wasn't a client from that shop. Because the shop well did
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well did had some settings that weren't exactly GDPR conform. So
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it happens but you can't sue, at least in Germany, you can't sue a website directly.
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But you can make an inquiry with your local data protection authority. So this has happened.
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This happens sometimes a lot but not so much in Germany as it is in some other countries. For
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example many complaints were made in Italy and Spain if I recall correctly. Surprisingly not so
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much in Germany where as regarding stereotypes we Germans have a bit of an image
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as the big complainers. But in other countries it was well far worse to be put in brackets in
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this case. But to be answering that shortly, yes it happens, yes it happened. And this is not so
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much the fault in this case of the web analytics solution itself but of the company who uses
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this solution. For example when you normally use Google Analytics in the general setting when you
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just implement Google Analytics but Matomo as well with the well default settings they aren't GDPR
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compliant. You need to put them in some kind of a sandbox, the typical cookie banners in this case.
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And you have to ask your customers or your users, your website users before you track anything from
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them. You have to ask them if they are okay with that and you have to have an explicit yes and no
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button on this cookie banner. And when you do that you're fine. When you do it not, well up until
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this year maybe there wasn't a data protection authority who was complaining about it but it
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happens rarely. But beginning at least in Germany beginning with next year the public authorities
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declared that they would control these well for example websites or businesses or companies or
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whatever. But it would control the GDPR compliancy far more thoroughly. So some things at least
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will change in 2022. And this case but moving on I hope I answered your question.
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Well for gathering these facts at least so not much has changed in everyday lives of the people.
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Maybe that some people are complaining about having to click on so many cookie banners on websites.
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At least that's what I get in Germany that people like to complain that with the GDPR everything is
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far more complicated and you well at least that's what I'm saying. They are complaining about having
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to make a decision. So I guess this will become a far more used to in coming years. But right now
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we putting aside this nuisance in this case not much has changed. At least the public sees it that
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way as well that the authorities across countries don't have much expertise in the topic.
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So in essence why should the populace care about using data friendly solutions.
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Right now it's a bit of a nuisance. In some countries data protection is even seen as
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well kind of an hindering stone for innovation or for other things. So why should the populace care?
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In this case sorry for the German speaking part in this case but I will translate.
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Well one big part could be Corona pandemic in this case and the use of the
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German we called home office. No offense to the Brits in this case. So the home office the remote
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working situations we have at least since March 2020. Different in many countries but at least in
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Germany there was a survey made by the BVDW. This is a German
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association for the digital business economics. So they did a survey anyway regarding
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can you imagine working in home office working remotely because of COVID or after that as well.
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In this case around three quarters 75.4 percent said yeah I can imagine working from now on
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remotely. 66 percent even expect their employers to have an appropriate technical as well other
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kind of solution for working remotely and 58 percent even said that they want to have the explicit
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possibility of working remotely. In this case in Germany we had some not laws but some
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guidances that came to effect during the lockdown phases of the pandemic but they were well they
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were running out during the way of the summer so they are no longer in effect in Germany. However
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in neighboring Austria since April they even have home office laws so in this case remote working
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laws. So very different situation depending on the country but at least the German populace wishes to
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have more home office possibilities but they doubt as with the public authorities they doubt that
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their employers are ready for that. So in this case the white the right survey was asking questions
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is your employer well technically ready so have they the do they have the technical infrastructure
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to enable you to work remotely and this case 54 percent said yes but also 45 percent said no
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and regarding the mistrust of an employer this is even higher. So this for once. Also regarding
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the lockdown phases maybe some of you experienced this in your countries as well when you had
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lockdowns. I've here had some newspaper clippings regarding the consequences of lockdown. For
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example in Cologne there even was an app developed regarding the well corona regulations chaos that
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ensued because every state made more or less their own rules. There was a bit of chaos there also
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regarding the so-called home schooling so the lockdown school school stuff sorry
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which was also a big mess at least in Germany. So the typical joke was going on yeah what do we
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expect only teachers working in school they don't have a clue about IT infrastructure.
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So of course for example when in December in a hard lockdown was set in Germany and first day of
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so-called home schooling was done of course every server was well stressed to the seams and broke
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down. So in this case regarding corona and lockdown situation people are on one hand
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a bit in mistrust regarding data protection but on the other hand see well digitalization as a
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necessity at least and maybe in combination of the two and well populace will develop the
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perspective that I'm working more and more in the digital realm that who
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controls my employer that he's not sniffing after me that he's not trying to survey me to spy on me.
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And at least in Germany I've got here some paper clippings as well regarding the well general
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well the general outlook for example especially no not for example especially in regards to the
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gayfam economy so Google, Amazon, Facebook, Meta, Apple, Microsoft, etc. They are well
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general in mistrust I especially like that one thing that said well regarding Google Pay and Co.
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They are warning once again of them so even the journalists are getting tired of well
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well reporting about data protection incidents with Facebook, with Google, with everyone else.
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So on the one hand people don't really like data protection because well it's
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hindrance, it's nuisance, it's well stuff to do that I don't want to do. But on the other hand
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we are at least when regarding Germany we are a very mistrustful folk regarding big corporations.
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It has a lot to do with our history regarding kings and queens doing as they please regarding
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the national socialist regime in the 1930s and 40s regarding the star sea and the German
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democratic republic and the Iron Curtain stuff that happened. So we value on one hand at least
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in Germany we value our privacy very high but data protection is for many seen as some kind of
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nuisance so this is a bit schizophrenic in this case but that's the situation at least in Germany
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where we are. And to summarize this one so remote work is more prevalent the dangers for
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data privacy are more apparent. One thing that works in Germany very very good is the stuff
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think about the children for example in school when you have to work with for example Zoom with
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Microsoft Teams with whatever. Often it's the case that teachers as well as parents as well
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as the general populace they say well if it works it works and it's free so it's okay.
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That's the one hand but on the other hand the well safety of children of families
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as well as the general safety is stressed very highly. So as I said a bit of a schizophrenic
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situation in this case but something at least the German speaking countries have at least some kind
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of well sensibility in this case. So they say we well we have to do something to keep us safe.
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What? I don't know that's the general thing in this case but authorities are controlling more
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often as I said in beginning in 2022 the German data protection authorities said that they
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want and will control more frequently. So what can we do regarding Matomo? So what strategies
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could we apply? For once we need to look more abroad. In this case we need to look at other
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countries when we are living in Europe. The GDPR is often seen as some kind of nuisance at least.
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Regarding international situations these countries that are on this map green they were
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implementing laws in recent years that had the GDPR as a template, as an explicit template.
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Some countries are not doing so well regarding data protection for example in Brazil and
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also in Australia. This is well not that good of a situation but this is because there are
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other laws like in the United States for example the state of California implemented a specific
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law that was modeled after the GDPR. But unfortunately California is part of the United States in this
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case and the United States have laws like the US Freedom Act, the US Cloud Act and other laws
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that are above the Californian law and enable public administration. In this case specific
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offices like the National Security Agency, the NSA and other well security organs of the state
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to spy out everything that is saved on a server even if it's in Europe. The US Cloud Act which
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came into effect in 2018 explicitly states that in regards of homeland security and stuff like that
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that the public authorities are enabled to control every person, corporation etc.
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and the stuff that they are having for example they can control everything that is saved on
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any Microsoft service because Microsoft has its seat in the United States even if the server is
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in Germany. The company is in the United States and that's the general problem in this case.
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So on the one hand the GDPR is a template, is a model for well similar laws in the world
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but on the other hand we have I don't want to call a loophole but we have another situation
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where we have other countries that are well GDPR compliant without having the GDPR as a law in their
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country. So on the one hand we can look into countries that are having laws specifically
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made after the GDPR for for example for marketing and stuff like that so there we could market
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Matomo as a good alternative. Also in these countries that are here labeled green we can
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also have the GDPR as a some kind of a quality seal because Matomo is open source and everything
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open source and everything else. It's a good starting point for having a well GDPR compliant
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tool and these countries here Canada well for commercial organizations at least so Canada is
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half and half in this case regarded safe but the states or the countries of Switzerland,
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of Norway, of Iceland, of Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand, South Korea, Japan, Israel and
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well some other countries as well like the Channel Isles so these specific constituency
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that are and are not part of Great Britain as well as some other parts of Black Faroe Islands
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in the Northern Sea they have a specific situation regarding their legal status so they are part of
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it as well and the fun stuff actually is since Brexit Great Britain officially became at least
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for three years GDPR compliant again but I would call this more like a political dealing than
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real well real legislation in this case but the Channel Islands in this case like the Isle of
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Guernsey or the Isle of Man there are more GDPR compliant than the whole of the UK in this case
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because they have a so-called adequacy decision from the European Commission so this is some kind
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of well you apply for that there's some kind of application there's a multi-step and a multi-year
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inspection of the laws and of the practices in the specific countries that are applying for these
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adequacy decisions and for example in June 2021 South Korea was admitted after three years being
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observed and well applying for the status of an adequacy decision GDPR compliant whatever you want
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to call it country so these countries have laws in effect that are on the same level as the GDPR
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in the European Union so in this case every company every citizen every corporation
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every entity in this country have has to have well technical solutions tools software that is
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in essence GDPR compliant so Matomo could look into these countries regarding getting a foothold and
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they are in this case to differentiate it more clearly from tools like Google Analytics and stuff
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because you could at least in these countries the blue ones are part of the European Union the green
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ones are safe in this case because in this these countries you can argue with legal consequences
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when you use Google Analytics in these countries and you don't do it right you can get well sued
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or have to pay a fine or whatever and regarding the GDPR the fine can go up to 20 million euros
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per case or risk case scenario four percent of your of your global revenue no sorry global income
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so the gross income to be exact for example in 2019 Google was sentenced in France to pay a fine
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of 50 million euros and just this year Amazon was in I think was Sweden Spain somewhere in the
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European Union I have to look it up where exactly but Amazon had to pay a fine for some of 700
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million euros because every one of these companies they were well violating data protection so in
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worst case scenario Google is fined and you have to pay a fine as well because you are using Google
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you are using an illegal software and at least regarding to Germany we have the we have the
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local authorities as I said the data protection in Germany is part as a matter for the states
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so not the federal government is doing the data protection but every state has a specific office
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and the states officials are meeting at least once a year for so-called federal data protection
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meetings and at least in September 2020 the conference data protection conference in Germany
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they said that American specifically US American companies are not legal in Germany
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they explicitly mentioned Microsoft 365 and just in February this year the data protection
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authority in the state of Berlin said that for example Cisco WebEx was illegal so in this case
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Cisco WebEx was mentioned specifically but among others like zoom as well this case the state of
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Baden-Württemberg which is in the south west one of the richest richest states in Germany
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they well more or less outlawed zoom in 2020 in March 2020 then zoom did some paperwork and the
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outlawing was well was reversed and just a well general warning label that every United States
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company has in Germany was applied but in any case the at least the public authorities have a very
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very very or putting very strict eye on every United States based company on this case on every
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non-EU based company okay so and regarding once again the well this case companies but also part
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they are part of the general populace so they should count that well as well this case French
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companies were asked so what are the implications of the GDPR according to well French data driven
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and non-data driven companies so in essence the light blue ones are regarding data driven
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companies the dark blue ones are non-data driven companies so in general IT digital internet
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based companies on one hand and more or less traditional companies on the other hand
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and in general the traditional companies see the GDPR more as a constraint
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whereas the data driven companies so the more or less IT based companies see the GDPR well in
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this case as a guideline to improve marketing strategies as well as an opportunity for customer
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relationship some also see it as a constraint but in this case more data driven companies see
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the GDPR as a general good thing for well developing their marketing strategies as well
00:31:08,320 --> 00:31:17,120
as the customer relationship so they see it as an opportunity so in this case to make the best out
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of the law this best case scenario even to make it as a part of an USP in this case the unique
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selling point could be we are GDPR compliant we value your privacy something that Matomo already
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does so nothing new for you guys at least but something that also many companies see so in this
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case the public opinion at least in well IT centric industries is more pro GDPR than contra GDPR
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because the sorry because the companies are already working with data they are
00:32:07,520 --> 00:32:18,320
fluent in this field etc so a company could in best case scenario could use the GDPR and GDPR
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compliant tools in this case as an advantage in contrast to their opposition to the
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to the other parts of the branch sorry I don't have the right words right now
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and one company that does it is actually my my own company but I'll come to that in a minute
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but data-driven companies are for example these ones some of them you have heard some maybe not
00:32:47,440 --> 00:32:54,720
Trello maybe you heard of them they are part of Atlassian now so they are Australia based
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and others like monday.com like Dropbox, Asana, Evernote they are US based the ones on the bottom
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Meister and Meister task they are an Austrian based company so they are on the standard
00:33:09,520 --> 00:33:19,280
settings GDPR friendly because they must be they have to be it's law so for example these are some
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but when you look at other companies that are mostly in the well communications sector
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some of them are very very good regarding GDPR compliance for example when you look at
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messengers like Signal like Threema also open source stuff like Jitsi or right now we are using
00:33:39,760 --> 00:33:50,480
big blue button these are okay but some have a bit of well mixed image in this case when you look at
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image in this case when you look at zoom they are a big winner of the pandemic you have to admit that
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at least and many many that are using zoom they think well it's such a great service it's reliant
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it's blah blah blah whereas zoom is actually a very data hungry service also a very dirty service
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as well there is a website called website carbon.com where you can put in domains and they will well
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count how much co2 how much gram co2 does it cost in well energy in an energy production when you
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want to look up that site and for example i once tested that one with with my own site we came
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around 0.69 gram per website use where zoom has around eight or nine gram so tenfold
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the stuff so in this case when you use an external service in this case when
00:35:04,080 --> 00:35:15,120
us based also you have to have taken to account the environmental friendliness so how
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i don't have the word right now sorry but well how good for the environment how reliable how
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sorry how sustainable how sustainable is the service as well this is one thing that
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that comes more into effect right now for example when you look at for as for future and other
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movements so in this case matomo can make points as well regarding well you can install matomo on
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your own service so you can decide how environmentally friendly it will become but also how
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regional the service will be you don't have to communicate all the time with the united states
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or other countries where the servers are so you can decide in this case also another thing that's
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the service on the right bottom that's cisco webex or the old logo of cisco webex and for example
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cisco has a seal made that at least was one time i did a seminar for a federal agency and i also
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warned about matomo sorry i warned about cisco and stuff cisco webex and stuff not matomo
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matomo is all right and fine but webex i warned about them because well they are us based
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but then the federal agency told me no no no but it's all right we haven't
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this case we have we have a seal made by the german bundesamt für sicherheit in
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der informationstechnik or transcendent federal agency for safety in the digital infrastructure
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but the well the bad point is that this seal i looked up they have this seal but well it's
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not something that the federal agency itself makes but you more or less can ask your tax advisor to
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uh give it to you because they are well they um they make an audit at at your company and
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they say well everything seems fine and now i will get my payment so many many marketing
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jargon going on here but that could be something as well all these companies have sometimes very
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sometimes very flimsy excuses where they say but we are gdp are compliant we are safe we are looking
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out after human rights and stuff like that and here's our seal of approval for from the federal
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government and stuff like that so something that you could acquire very easily with matomo as well
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so to put yourself on at least the same level of trust that these companies say that they have or
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say that they are okay and other companies as well regarding data drivenness when you look at
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microsoft 365 or google workspace they are in general not gdpr compliant but when you look at
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other companies like next cloud that is a german-based company and cloud service i guess
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some of you may have heard of it or own cloud that wasn't uh is what was a part of next cloud
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this is with all open source it was next cloud is essentially a fork of own cloud like with
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open office and libre library office also another company der seminar that is my own for full
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enclosure we are working with some api with some api from next cloud we are also working with a
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big blue button for our video conferencing and at least we ourselves are marketing
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the use of open source products we also use matomo for our statistics and we market that as well we
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are using for example an app called tomorrow that is essentially green and sustainable banking in
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this case and we position ourselves with that so when we for example are looking at our campus
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our campus this is some kind of an office cloud like with microsoft 365 we say in german that you
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can work there collaboratively and also secure in the cloud because we are using an open source
00:39:49,920 --> 00:39:57,360
solution we are in we are based in germany and stuff like that also with a talk plus that
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essentially is big blue button but well we market it in another way also with other products we have
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in this case our media library and everything in this case we will say it's well regional based
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so the service on germany companies in germany we are sustainable because we look that we only
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have the energy sources well one case regional but also we only use well eco energy for this is
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this is one big big stepping stone that our partners our it partners our infrastructure partners
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have to make that they can guarantee and also then that they can prove that they
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use the data centers that they power the data centers only with sustainable energy also regarding
00:40:58,880 --> 00:41:06,960
security because we are based in gdpr country also with the data protection as well that we have
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well the regarded that we have some dean or eso norms the iso 27000 and one is for example one
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regarding data security data privacy in this case stuff like that for well this case one specific
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company with the er seminar we even market more or less we market the gdpr as a unique selling
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point of our company and we specifically target in this case for example lawyers or doctors or
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other in germany you wouldn't you would call it a professional secret carrier so the most nearest
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translation would be you are secret keepers based on your job when you are a lawyer you
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are forbidden in germany you are forbidden to use messengers like whatsapp or skype etc
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you have to use secure messengers in this case like threema or like signal or the messengers
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like with elements which are you which are using the matrix standard stuff like that
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lawyers in germany have normally at least legally have to use it as well
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so this could be a good entry point for matomo as well that you can contact or that you can market
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yourself for example for companies or for public authorities public authorities have to have even
00:42:51,120 --> 00:42:59,440
more scrutiny rules to follow regarding data protection okay but what we take from here is
00:42:59,440 --> 00:43:06,880
well remote work is more prevalent the dangers for data privacy are more apparent and well
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fact how do we approach the matter so in this case we can do it regarding the gdpr compliance
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that we put the gdpr as well the biggest selling point for matomo also that companies can check
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for themselves what matomo collects from data and also that they when they used not an on-premise
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but download variant of matomo that they have total control over their data
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okay and with more or less good landing in this case sorry
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i'm at the end of my talk and well if we have still time left for q&a please everyone shoot
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in any case i thank you very much and well stay good stay healthy and much success in every part
00:44:05,440 --> 00:44:12,480
of your life okay but if there are any q&a stuff going on any questions please
00:44:12,480 --> 00:44:23,920
please okay i guess that was silence also no question from silver so i guess we're through
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in this case yes there are no further questions in the chat so i'd simply invite people to continue
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the conversation there if some other question related to christians.com or something like that
00:44:40,480 --> 00:44:46,560
related to christian's topic comes up thank you for your talk it was very interesting
00:44:48,560 --> 00:44:55,680
uh well thank you as well for having me here all right so good luck everyone
00:44:55,680 --> 00:45:01,920
and if there are any questions you can contact me anytime just google my name you can find me
00:45:01,920 --> 00:45:11,280
all right so have a nice day everyone bye thank you