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guides/content/guide/compiling PHP.md

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Compiling PHP for Development 2021-08-12 development Lukas Winkler true A quick guide on how to compile PHP (especially new beta versions before packaging) to be able to test software with it


This guide assumes that you will download the source to ~/php/source and install PHP to ~/php/php8. It should also work on all Linux/MacOS system assuming you have the right dependencies installed.

If you are using Debian/Ubuntu, you need to have the build-essentials installed.

➜  sudo apt install build-essential

Fetching source

The names of the directories of course change depending on which version of PHP you are installing

cd ~/php/source
➜  wget https://downloads.php.net/~ramsey/php-8.1.0beta2.tar.gz
➜  tar xzf php-8.1.0beta2.tar.gz
➜  rm php-8.1.0beta2.tar.gz

Configuration and Building

This assumes you are going to run PHP as your user (instead of www-data or similar as normaly in production).

Create a new file called build.sh inside the source directory with the following content:


set -e
set -x


mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR

./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR \
    --enable-bcmath \
    --enable-fpm \
    --with-fpm-user="$USER" \
    --with-fpm-group="$USER" \
    --disable-cgi \
    --enable-mbstring \
    --enable-shmop \
    --enable-sockets \
    --enable-sysvmsg \
    --enable-sysvsem \
    --enable-sysvshm \
    --with-zlib \
    --with-curl \
    --without-pear \
    --with-openssl \
    --enable-pcntl \
    --with-password-argon2 \
    --with-sodium \
    --with-zip \
    --enable-mysqlnd \
    --with-pdo-mysql \
    --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \
    --enable-gd \
    --with-freetype \

This should enable all PHP modules Matomo needs to run. If you need more, adjust the lines above (and don't forget to end them with a \)

Now run this script:

➜  chmod +x build.sh
➜  ./build.sh

Afterwards we can start compiling PHP:

➜  make
# or if you want to use 6 processes in parallel 
➜  make -j 6

You can now optionally run the tests (don't worry if a few of them fail in beta versions)

➜  make test

And the last step is to install PHP to our INSTALL_DIR:

➜  make install

Run php-cli

You can now run php-cli from ~/php/php8/bin/php and also start the built-in server:

echo "<?php var_dump('Hello World!');" | ~/php/php8/bin/php 
string(12) "Hello World!"
➜  ~/php/php8/bin/php -S localhost:1234

If this is enough for you, you can stop here. Otherwise, continue with setting up php-fpm.

Set up php-fpm

If you want to use the compiled PHP version from your webserver (e.g. Apache or Nginx), you need to use php-fpm.

cd ~/php/php8
➜  cp etc/php-fpm.conf.default etc/php-fpm.conf
➜  cp etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf
# adapt the two config files if needed

If you want to improve performance, you might want to increase pm.max_children, pm.start_servers and pm.max_spare_servers.

You can also create a lib/php.ini with custom settings:

display_startup_errors = Off
display_errors = Off
memory_limit = 512M

Now you can start php-fpm using

➜  ~/php/php8/sbin/php-fpm --nodaemonize

php-fpm will be listening on port 9000 by default.

Now you can update your webserver configuration to point to your php-fpm. How exactly this works, depends on your webserver. But in Nginx something like this will work:

location ~ \.php$ {
    include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;