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%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-09-18 19:27:11 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Basic settings
%% ========================================================================
%% (idea of using newcommands for basic documentclass settings from: Thomas Schlager)
%% e.g., "A4", "letter", "legal", "executive", ...
%% The size of the paper of the resulting PDF file.
%% "oneside" or "twoside"
%% Either you are creating a document which is printed on both, left pages
%% and right pages (twoside) or you create a document which is printed
%% on right pages only (oneside).
%% "true" or "false"
%% Use draft mode? If true, included graphics are replaced by empty
%% rectangles (of same size) and overfull boxes (in margin space) are
%% marked with black box (-> easy to spot!)
%% e.g., "no", "full", "half", ...
%% How to separate paragraphs: indention ("no") or spacing ("half",
%% "full", ...).
%% Inner binding correction. This value depends on the method which is
%% being used to bind your printed result. Some techniques do not
%% require a binding correction at all ("0mm"), other require for
%% example "5mm". Refer to KOMA script documentation for a detailed
%% explanation what a binding correction is and how to measure it.
%% e.g., 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
%% The font size of the main text in pt (points).
%% e.g., 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
%% Line spacing in %/100. For example 1.5 means 150% of the usual line
%% spacing. Please use with caution: 100% ("1.0") is fine because the
%% font was designed for it.
%% "english,ngerman", "ngerman,english", ...
%% NOTE: The *last* language is the active one!
%% See babel documentation for further details.
%% BibLaTeX-settings: (see biblatex reference for further description)
%% e.g., "alphabetic", "authoryear", ...
%% The biblatex style which is being used for referencing. See
%% biblatex documentation for further details and more values.
%% CAUTION: if you change the style, please check for (in)compatible
%% "biblatex" package options in the file
%% "template/preamble.tex"! For example: "alphabetic" does
%% not have an option "dashed=..." and causes an error if it
%% does not get removed from the list of options.
\newcommand{\mybiblatexdashed}{false} %% "true" or "false"
%% If true: replace recurring reference authors with a dash.
\newcommand{\mybiblatexbackref}{true} %% "true" or "false"
%% If true: create backward links from reference to citations.
%% Name of the biblatex file that holds the references.
%% e.g., "30,103,182" (blue/turquois), "0,0,0" (black), ...
%% Color of the headings and so forth in RGB (red,green,blue) values.
%% NOTE: if you are using "0,0,0" for black, printers might still
%% recognize pages as color pages. In case this is a problem
%% (paying for color print-outs vs. paying for b/w-printouts)
%% please edit file "template/preamble.tex" and change
%% "\definecolor{DispositionColor}{RGB}{\mydispositioncolor}"
%% to "\definecolor{DispositionColor}{gray}{0}" and thus
%% overwriting the value of \mydispositioncolor above.
\newcommand{\mycolorlinks}{true} %% "true" or "false"
%% Enables or disables colored links (hyperref package).
%% Your own or one of following pre-defined title pages:
%% "template/title_plain_maketitle": simple maketitle page
%% "template/title_Diplomarbeit_KF_Uni_Graz.tex": fancy (german) title page for KF Uni Graz
%% "template/title_Thesis_TU_Graz": titlepage for Graz University of Technology (correct Corporate Design)
%% "template/title_VWA": titlepage for Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit
%% e.g., "" (empty), "disable", ...
%% Options for the todonotes-package. If "disable", all todonotes will
%% be hidden (including listoftodos).
%% Load main settings for document preamble:
\input{template/preamble}%% DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE!
\setboolean{myaddcolophon}{true} %% "true" or "false"
%% If set to "true": a colophon (with notes about this document
%% template, LaTeX, ...) is added after the title page.
%% Please do not set to "false" without a good reason. The colophon
%% helps your readers to get in touch with LaTeX and to find this template.
\setboolean{myaddlistoftodos}{false} %% "true" or "false"
%% If set to "true": the current list of open todos is added after the
%% table of contents. If \mytodonotesoptions is set to "disable", no
%% list of todos is added, independent of this setting here.
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Document metadata
%% ========================================================================
%% general metadata:
\newcommand{\myauthor}{AUTHOR} %% also used for PDF metadata (hyperref)
\newcommand{\mytitle}{TITLE} %% also used for PDF metadata (hyperref)
\newcommand{\mysubject}{SUBJECT} %% also used for PDF metadata (hyperref)
\newcommand{\mykeywords}{KEYWORDS} %% also used for PDF metadata (hyperref)
%% this information is used only for generating the title page:
\newcommand{\myworktitle}{Master's Thesis} %% official type of work like ``Master theses''
\newcommand{\mygrade}{Master of Science} %% title you are getting with this work like ``Master of ...''
\newcommand{\mystudy}{Telematik} %% your study like ``Arts''
\newcommand{\myuniversity}{Graz University of Technology} %% your university/school
\newcommand{\myinstitute}{Institute for Softwaretechnology} %% affiliation
\newcommand{\myinstitutehead}{Univ.-Prof.\,Dipl-Ing.\,Dr.techn.~Some One} %% head of institute
\newcommand{\mysupervisor}{Dr.~Some Body} %% your supervisor
\newcommand{\myevaluator}{Prof.~Some Genius} %% your evaluator
\newcommand{\myhomestreet}{Street~42} %% your home street (with house number)
\newcommand{\myhometown}{Graz} %% your home town
\newcommand{\myhomepostalnumber}{8010} %% your postal number of home town
\newcommand{\mysubmissionmonth}{November} %% month you are handing in
\newcommand{\mysubmissionyear}{2013} %% year you are handing in
\newcommand{\mysubmissiontown}{\myhometown} %% town of handing in (or \myhometown)
%% additional information for generic_documentation title page
\newcommand{\myid}{1234567} %% Matrikelnummer
\newcommand{\mylecture}{LECTURE} %%
%% ========================================================================
%%%% MISC command definitions
%% ========================================================================
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Typographic settings
%% ========================================================================
%% ========================================================================
%%%% MISC usepackages
%% ========================================================================
%% ... it's OK to put here your own usepackage commands ...
%% ========================================================================
%%%% MISC self-defined commands and settings
%% ========================================================================
%% ... it's OK to put here your own newcommand/newenvironment-definitions ...
\newcommand{\myLaT}{\LaTeX{}@TUG\xspace} %% LaTeX@TUG text "logo"
\hyphenation{ex-am-ple hy-phen-ate} %% in order to use German umlauts
%% here (Ver-\"of-fent-li-chung), you have to check for
%% activated \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} in the preamble
%% override default language of babel: (be sure to know, what you're
%% doing here)
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Templates
%% ========================================================================
%% template for inserting figures:
% \myfig{}%% filename
% {}%% width/height
% {}%% caption
% {}%% optional (short) caption for list of figures
% {fig:}%% label
%% acronyms in small caps: \myacro{UNESCO}
\input{template/pdf_settings} %% should be *last* definitions in preamble!
%% ========================================================================
%%%% begin{document}
%% ========================================================================
\frontmatter %% KOMA: roman page numbers and such; only available in scrbook
\input{colophon} %% defines information about editor, LaTeX, font, ...
%% Choose your desired title page:
\input{\mytitlepage} %% include title page
\input{template/declaration_TU_Graz} %% Statutory Declaration
% \input{thanks} %% this is a suggestion: you have to create this file on demand
% \input{foreword} %% this is a suggestion: you have to create this file on demand
%% include the abstract without chapter number but include it on table of contents:
\include{abstract} %% Abstract
\tableofcontents %% this produces the table of contents - you might have guessed :-)
%% if myaddlistoftodos is set to "true", the current list of open todos is added:
\newpage\listoftodos %% handy if you are using todonotes with \todo{}
}{} %% with todonotes-package option "disable" you can get rid of any todo in the output
\mainmatter %% KOMA: marks main part using arabic page numbers and such; only available in scrbook
\input{example-short-chapter} %% remove this line to get rid of the example chapter
\input{example-style-chapter} %% remove this line to get rid of the style chapter
%% include tex file chapters:
% \include{introduction} %% this is a suggestion: you have to create this file on demand
% \include{problem} %% this is a suggestion: you have to create this file on demand
% \include{solution} %% this is a suggestion: you have to create this file on demand
% \include{evaluation} %% this is a suggestion: you have to create this file on demand
% \include{outlook} %% this is a suggestion: you have to create this file on demand
\appendix %% closes main document, appendix follows until end; only available in book-classes
\addpart*{Appendix} %% adding Appendix to tableofcontents
\printbibliography %% remove, if using BibTeX instead of biblatex
% \include{further_ressources} %% this is a suggestion: you have to create this file on demand
%%%% end{document}
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%\ .\\+'?'>1'\:'='
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "main"
%%% End: