nach der Anleitung von
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## please modify the following line for naming the end products (PDFs, ZIPs, ...)
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## Makefile von Karl Voit (
## some Makefile-hints taken from:
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* LaTeX-KOMA-template
** Purpose of this project
This is a generic template for [[][LaTeX]] documents using [[][KOMA Script]] classes
which are pretty common at least in German spoken countries.
The template does *not* want to contain each and every trick but should
provide a *clean*, *consistent* and *well documented* starting point for any
document exceeding a few pages. So if you plan to write a longer report,
a diploma thesis, a PhD thesis, or similar, this template should give you
a good basis.
The focus is that you - the author - is able to concentrate on the *content*
of your work rather than start fiddling around with the look of the document.
Several typographic optimizations are included in order to get a final document
that is optimized to deliver your content.
Please do read [[][Template-Documentation.pdf]].
** Requirements
This template uses up-to-date technology like pdflatex, [[][biblatex]]
(instead of BibTeX-Format), [[][biber]] (instead of bibtex-compiler), and
optionally [[][GNU make.]] You should be familiar with compiling LaTeX
documents by yourself. If you are new to LaTeX please get basic
knowledge from tutorial pages such as [[][this one]].
You can find out more in [[][Template-Documentation.pdf]].
** What makes this template special?
The speciality of this consistent template is, that every setting in
the preamble is *well documented* (in LaTeX). You can generate the
documentation file "Template-Documentation.pdf" on your own by not
removing the template documentation include command in the main LaTeX
file and using [[][GNU make]] with the rule "templatedocu":
#+begin_src sh
make templatedocu
This command results in the "[[][Template-Documentation.pdf]]" file
containing the most current documentation of this template. Please
refer to this PDF file for further information about the template.
** How to start?
Please do read the "[[][Template-Documentation.pdf]]" file which contains a
"How to use this LaTeX template" section.
** License
This template is licensed under a [[][Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) license]]:
- You can share (to copy, distribute and transmit) this template.
- You can remix (adapt) this template.
- You can make commercial use of the template.
- In case you modify this template and share the derived template: You
must attribute the template such that you do not remove
(co-)authorship of Karl Voit and you must not remove the URL to [[][the
original repository on github]].
- If you alter, transform, or build a new template upon this template,
you may distribute the resulting template only under the same or
similar license to this one.
- There are *no restrictions* of any kind, however, related to the
resulting (PDF) document!
- You may remove the colophon (but it's not recommended).
** What is still work in progress?
Please have a look at the file "[[][template/]]".
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Binary file not shown.
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-02-25 10:31:01 vk>
This is a placeholder for the abstract. It summarizes the whole thesis
to give a very short overview. Usually, this the abstract is written
when the whole thesis text is finished.
%\glsresetall %% all glossary entries should be used in long form (again)
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%\ .\\+'?'>1'\:'='
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "main"
%%% End:
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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-03-18 14:35:00 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
%% ========================================================================
%% created by
%% Karl Voit
This document
%% was written with \myacro{GNU}~Emacs,
is set in Palatino, compiled with
\href{}{pdf\LaTeX2e} and
The \LaTeX{} template from Karl Voit is based on
\href{}{KOMA script} and can be found
online: \href{}{}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "../main"
%%% End:
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
%%%% Time-stamp: <2012-08-20 17:41:39 vk>
%% example text content
%% scrartcl and scrreprt starts with section, subsection, subsubsection, ...
%% scrbook starts with part (optional), chapter, section, ...
\chapter{Example Chapter}
This is my text with an example Figure~\ref{fig:example} and example
citation~\cite{StrunkWhite} or \textcite{Bringhurst1993}. And there is another
\enquote{citation} which is located at the bottom\footcite{tagstore}.
\myfig{TU_Graz_Logo}%% filename in figures folder
{width=0.1\textwidth,height=0.1\textheight}%% maximum width/height, aspect ratio will be kept
{Example figure.}%% caption
{}%% optional (short) caption for table of figures
{fig:example}%% label
Now you are able to write your own document. Always keep in mind: it's
the \emph{content} that matters, not the form. But good typography is
able to deliver the content much better than information set with bad
typography. This template allows you to focus on writing good content
while the form is done by the template definitions.
%% vim:foldmethod=expr
%% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%\ .\\+'?'>1'\:'='
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% mode: auto-fill
%%% mode: flyspell
%%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
%%% TeX-master: "main"
%%% End:
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@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
% File : thesis-style.tex
% Author : Keith Andrews, IICM, TU Graz, Austria
% Created : 27 May 93
% Changed : 19 Feb 2004
% styling and technical implementation adopted 2011 by Karl Voit
%% defined an anvironment for the style Keith used to use:
{}\emph{Bad:} & \sout{#1} \\
\emph{Good:} & #2 \\
\chapter{Language and Writing Style}
This chapter is an adopted version of a single chapter of
\citeauthor{KeithThesis} thesis template \cite{KeithThesis} in its
version from 2011-12-11.
The reason why \cite{KeithThesis} is not recommended to be used instead
of this template is its more \enquote{traditional} \LaTeX{}
implementation. But the information contained regarding \enquote{How
to write a thesis} is generally brilliant and worth reading.
Using this chapter here is meant as a teaser. If you do like this
chapter, please go and download the full template to read its
What was modified from the original chapter:
\item strikethrough of bad examples
\item minor typographical details
\item technical modifications
\item moved citations from \verb+\citet{}+ and
\verb+\citep{}+ to \verb+\textcite{}+ and \verb+\cite{}+
\item changed quoting style to \verb+\enquote{}+
\item created various commands and environments to encapsulate
The classic reference for English writing style and grammar is
\textcite{StrunkWhite}. The original text is now available for free
online \cite{Strunk}, so there is no excuse at all for writing poor
English. Readers should consult it first, then continue reading this
chapter. Another good free guide is \textcite{NASAGuide}.
%orig% The classic reference for English writing style and grammar is
%orig% \citet{StrunkWhite}. The original text is now available for free
%orig% online \citep{Strunk}, so there is no excuse at all for writing poor
%orig% English. Readers should consult it first, then continue reading this
%orig% chapter. Another good free guide is \citet{NASAGuide}.
\textcite{Zobel-WritingCompSci} and \textcite{BugsInWriting} are guides
specifically aimed at computer science students.
\textcite{Phillips-HowGetPhD} gives practical advice for PhD
The following Sections~\ref{sec:Clear} and \ref{sec:Gender} are
adapted from the CHI'94 language and writing style guidelines.
\section{Some Basic Rules of English}
There are a few basic rules of English for academic writing, which are
broken regularly by my students, particularly if they are non-native
speakers of English. Here are some classic and often encountered
\item \emph{Never} use I, we, or you.
Write in the passive voice (third person).
\mybadgood{You can do this in two ways.}{There are two ways this can be done.}
\item \emph{Never} use he or she, his or her.
Write in the passive voice (third person).
\mybadgood{The user speaks his thoughts out loud.}{The thoughts of the user are spoken out loud.}
See Section~\ref{sec:Gender} for many more examples.
\item Stick to a consistent dialect of English. Choose either
British or American English and keep to it throughout the
whole of your thesis.
\item Do \emph{not} use slang abbreviations such as \enquote{it's},
\enquote{doesn't}, or \enquote{don't}.
Write the words out in full: \enquote{it is}, \enquote{does not}, and \enquote{do not}.
\mybadgood{It's very simple to\ldots}{It is very simple to\ldots}
\item Do \emph{not} use abbreviations such as \enquote{e.\,g.} or
Write the words out in full: \enquote{for example} and \enquote{that is}.
\mybadgood{\ldots in a tree, e.\,g.\xspace{}the items\ldots}{\ldots in a tree, for example the items\ldots}
\item Do \emph{not} use slang such as \enquote{a lot of}.
\mybadgood{There are a lot of features\ldots}{There are many features\ldots}
\item Do \emph{not} use slang such as \enquote{OK} or \enquote{big}.
\mybadgood{\ldots are represented by big areas.}{\ldots are represented by large areas.}
\item Do \emph{not} use slang such as \enquote{gets} or \enquote{got}.
Use \enquote{becomes} or \enquote{obtains}, or use the passive voice (third
\mybadgood{The radius gets increased\ldots}{The radius is increased\ldots}
\mybadgood{The user gets disoriented\ldots}{The user becomes disoriented\ldots}
\item \emph{Never} start a sentence with \enquote{But}.
Use \enquote{However,} or \enquote{Nevertheless,}. Or consider joining the
sentence to the previous sentence with a comma.
\mybadgood{But there are numerous possibilities\ldots}{However, there are numerous possibilities\ldots}
\item \emph{Never} start a sentence with \enquote{Because}.
Use \enquote{Since}, \enquote{Owing to}, or \enquote{Due to}. Or turn the two
halves of the sentence around.
\item \emph{Never} start a sentence with \enquote{Also}. Also should
be placed in the middle of the sentence.
\mybadgood{Also the target users are considered.}{The target users are also considered.}
\item Do \emph{not} use \enquote{that} as a connecting word.
Use \enquote{which}.
\mybadgood{\ldots a good solution that can be computed easily.}{\ldots a good solution which can be computed easily.}
\item Do \emph{not} write single-sentence paragraphs.
Avoid writing two-sentence paragraphs. A paragraph should contain at
least three, if not more, sentences.
% rules on the use of a comma in lists
\section{Avoid Austrianisms}
I see these mistakes time and time again. Please do not
let me read one of them in your work.
\item \enquote{actual}~$\ne$~\enquote{current}
If you mean \enquote{aktuell} in German, you probably mean
\enquote{current} in English.
\mybadgood{The actual selection is cancelled.}{The current selection is cancelled.}
\item \enquote{allows to} is not English.
\mybadgood{The prototype allows to arrange components\ldots}%%
{The prototype supports the arrangement of components\ldots}
% they allow to achieve
\item \enquote{enables to} is not English.
\mybadgood{it enables to recognise meanings\ldots}{it enables the recognition of meanings\ldots}
\item \enquote{according}~$\ne$~\enquote{corresponding}
\mybadgood{For each browser, an according package is created.}{For each browser, a corresponding package is created.}
\item \enquote{per default} is not English.
Use \enquote{by default}.
\mybadgood{Per default, the cursor is red.}{By default, the cursor is red.}
\item \enquote{As opposed to} is not English.
Use \enquote{In contrast to}.
\mybadgood{As opposed to C, Java is object-oriented.}{In contrast to C, Java is object-oriented.}
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-dimensional} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: two-dimensional, three-dimensional.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-based} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: tree-based, location-based.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-oriented} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: object-oriented, display-oriented.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-side} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: client-side, server-side.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-friendly} is spelt with a hyphen.
For example: user-friendly, customer-friendly.
\item \enquote{\emph{anything}-to-use} is spelt with hyphens.
For example: hard-to-use, easy-to-use.
\item \enquote{realtime} is spelt with a hyphen if used as
an adjective, or as two separate words if used as a noun.
\mybadgood{\ldots using realtime shadow casting.}{\ldots using real-time shadow casting.}
\mybadgood{\ldots display the object in realtime.}{\ldots display the object in real time.}
\section{Clear Writing}
The written and spoken language of your thesis is English as
appropriate for presentation to an international audience. Please take
special care to ensure that your work is adapted to such an audience.
In particular:
\item Write in a straight-forward style, using simple sentence
\item Use common and basic vocabulary. For example, use \enquote{unusual}
for \enquote{arcane}, and \enquote{specialised} for \enquote{erudite}.
\item Briefly define or explain all technical vocabulary the first
time it is mentioned, to ensure that the reader understands it.
\item Explain all acronyms and abbreviations. For example, the first
time an acronym is used, write it out in full and place the acronym
in parentheses.
\mybadgood{\ldots When using the \myacro{GUI} version, the use may\ldots}%%
{\ldots When using the Graphical User Interface (\myacro{GUI}) version, the use may\ldots}
\item Avoid local references. For example, not everyone knows the
names of all the provincial capitals of Austria. If local context is
important to the material, describe it fully.
\item Avoid \enquote{insider} comments. Ensure that your whole audience
understands any reference whose meaning you do not describe. For
example, do not assume that everyone has used a Macintosh or a
particular application.
\item Do not \enquote{play on words}. For example, do not use \enquote{puns},
particularly in the title of a piece. Phrases such as ``red
herring'' require cultural as well as technical knowledge of
\item Use unambiguous formats to represent culturally localised things
such as times, dates, personal names, currencies, and even
numbers. 9/11 is the 9th of November in most of the world.
\item Be careful with humour. In particular, irony and sarcasm can be
hard to detect if you are not a native speaker.
\item If you find yourself repeating the same word or phrase too often,
look in a thesaurus such as \textcite{Roget,RogetII} for an
alternative word with the same meaning.
Clear writing experts recognise that part of writing understandable
documents is understanding and responding to the needs of the intended
audience. It is the writer's job to maintain the audience's
willingness to go on reading the document. Readers who are continually
stumped by long words or offended by a pompous tone are likely to stop
reading and miss the intended message.
\section{Avoiding Gender Bias}
Part of striking the right tone is handling gender-linked terms
sensitively. Use of gender terms is controversial. Some writers use
the generic masculine exclusively, but this offends many readers.
Other writers are experimenting with ways to make English more
neutral. Avoiding gender bias in writing involves two kinds of
\item being aware of potential bias in the kinds of observations and
characterisations that it is appropriate to make about women and men,
\item being aware of certain biases that are inherent in the language
and of how you can avoid them.
The second category includes using gender-specific nouns and pronouns
appropriately. Here are some guidelines for handling these
\item Use a gender-neutral term when speaking generically of people:
man & the human race \\
mankind & humankind, people \\
manpower & workforce, personnel \\
man on the street & average person \\
\item Avoid clearly gender-marked titles. Use neutral terms when
good ones are available. For example:
chairman & chairperson \\
spokesman & speaker, representative \\
policeman & police officer \\
stewardess & flight attendant \\
\item If you are speaking of the holder of a position and you know the
gender of the person who currently occupies the position, use the
appropriate gender pronoun. For example, suppose the \enquote{head nurse}
is a man:
\mybadgood{The head nurse must file her report every Tuesday.}{The head nurse must file his report every Tuesday.}
\item Rewrite sentences to avoid using gender pronouns. For example,
use the appropriate title or job name again:
\mybadgood{Interview the user first and then ask him to fill out a questionnaire.}%%
{Interview the user first and then ask the user to fill out a questionnaire.}
\item To avoid using the third person singular pronoun (his or her),
recast your statement in the plural:
\mybadgood{Each student should bring his text to class.}{All students should bring their texts to class.}
\item Address your readers directly in the second person, if it is
appropriate to do so:
\mybadgood{The student must send in his application by the final deadline date.}%%
{Send in your application by the final deadline date.}
\item Replace third person singular possessives with articles.
\mybadgood{Every student must hand his report in on Friday.}{Every student must hand the report in on Friday.}
\item Write your way out of the problem by using the passive voice.
\mybadgood{Each department head should do his own projections.}{Projections should be done by each department head.}
\item Avoid writing awkward formulations such as \enquote{s/he}, \enquote{he/she},
or \enquote{his/her}. They interfere when someone is trying to read a
text aloud. If none of the other guidelines has been helpful, use
the slightly less awkward forms \enquote{he or she}, and \enquote{his or hers}.
Remember, the goal is to avoid constructions that will offend your
readers so much as to distract them from the content of your work.
\section{Titles and Headings in Initial Caps}
% Capitalization in Titles
\section{Use a Spelling Checker}
In these days of high technology, spelling mistakes and typos are
inexcusable. It is \emph{very} irritating for your supervisor to have
to read through and correct spelling mistake after spelling mistake
which could have been caught by an automated spelling checker.
Believe me, irritating your supervisor is not a good idea.
So, use a spelling checker \emph{before} you hand in \emph{any}
version, whether it is a draft or a final version.
Since this is apparently often forgotten, and sometimes even wilfully
ignored, let me make it absolutely clear:
Use a spelling checker, please. \\
Use a spelling checker! \\
Use a spelling checker, you moron. \\
\section{Use a Dictionary}
If you are not quite sure of the meaning of a word, then use a
dictionary. \textcite{DictionaryCom} is a free English dictionary,
\textcite{DictChemnitz} and \textcite{DictLeoOrg} are two very good
English-German dictionaries.
\section{Use a Thesaurus}
If a word has been used several times already, and using another
equivalent word might improve the readability of the text, then
consult a thesaurus. \textcite{Roget} and \textcite{RogetII} are free
English thesauri.
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Please take a look at the license in!
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%%%% Disclaimer
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%% created by
%% Karl Voit
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title = {PIM09 ASIS\&T 2009 Workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada},
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crossref = {PIM2009},
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title = {Why Personal Information Management (PIM) Technologies Are Not Widespread},
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OPTseries = {},
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isbn = {3642253636},
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month = nov,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-25364-5_33}
crossref = {USAB2011},
author = {Karl Voit and Keith Andrews and Wolfgang Slany},
title = {{TagTree}: Storing and Re-finding Files Using Tags},
pages = {471--481}
author = {Keith Andrews},
title = {Writing a Thesis: Guidelines for Writing a Master's Thesis
in Computer Science},
howpublished = {Graz University of Technology, Austria},
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year = 1918,
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title = {Grammar, Punctuation, and Capitalization:
A Handbook for Technical Writers and Editors},
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year = 2004,
isbn = {1852338024},
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title = {Bugs in Writing: A Guide to Debugging Your Prose},
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title = {How to Get a PhD},
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