import hashlib import random import resource import string import sys from datetime import datetime from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from internetarchive import get_item def print_stats(i, skipped=None): print("{number} total entries".format(number=i)) if skipped: print("{number} skipped".format(number=skipped)) print_ram() def print_ram(): print("used {mb}MB".format(mb=resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss // 1024)) def html2text(body): soup = BeautifulSoup(body, "lxml") for code in soup.find_all("code"): code.decompose() return soup.get_text() def get_files(): ia = get_item("stackexchange") return {x["name"]: x for x in ia.files} def file_hash(filename): """from""" h = hashlib.sha1() with open(filename, 'rb', buffering=0) as f: for b in iter(lambda: * 1024), b''): h.update(b) return h.hexdigest() def get_settings(count): if len(sys.argv) != count + 1: if count == 1: return "sites/workplace" elif count == 2: return "sites/workplace", "Title" print("Please specify {x} parameters".format(x=count)) if count == 1: return sys.argv[1] elif count == 2: return sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2] def get_random_string(length): return ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=length)) def prettydate(d): diff = - d s = diff.seconds if diff.days > 7 or diff.days < 0: return d.strftime('%d %b %y') elif diff.days == 1: return '1 day ago' elif diff.days > 1: return '{} days ago'.format(diff.days) elif s <= 1: return 'just now' elif s < 60: return '{} seconds ago'.format(s) elif s < 120: return '1 minute ago' elif s < 3600: return '{} minutes ago'.format(int(s / 60)) elif s < 7200: return '1 hour ago' else: return '{} hours ago'.format(int(s / 3600)) def create_pagination(num_pages, page, padding=2): pages = ["1"] i = 2 while i <= num_pages: if i < (page - padding - 1): pages.append("d") i = page - padding elif (i > (page + padding)) and (num_pages > (page + padding + 2)): pages.append("d") i = num_pages pages.append(str(i)) i += 1 return pages def rand(): return random.randint(-2**31, 2**31-1)