{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %} Stackexchange Simulator Quiz - {{ question.title.text }} {% endblock %} {% block extraclasses %}quiz{% endblock %} {% block body %}

Stackexchange Simulator Quiz

{% if stats.correct <3 %}


Guess which of the Stack Exchange sites this question could belong to.

{% if difficulty=="easy" %}

There are four possible answers below.

Press Next to get to the next Question.

If you think this is too easy, you can try out the hard quiz which doesn't have possible answers.

{% else %}

Then enter your guess into the textbox below, select the website and click on check to confirm your guess.

Alternativly you can select a site with the arrow keys and press enter twice to confirm it.

If you think this is too hard, you can try out the easy quiz which does have possible answers to choose from.

{% endif %}
{% endif %} {% if difficulty=="easy" %}
{% for choice in choices %} {% endfor %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{{ stats.total }}
{{ stats.correct }}
{{ '%d' | format((stats.correct / stats.total * 100) if stats.correct > 0 else 0) }}%

{{ question.title.text }}

{{ question.upvotes - question.downvotes }}
{% for paragraph in question.text.split("\n") %}

{{ paragraph }}

{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}