import logging import sys from dataclasses import dataclass from datetime import datetime from time import mktime from typing import List, Optional, Dict from urllib.parse import urljoin import feedparser import requests import yaml from feedparser import FeedParserDict from api import WallabagAPI @dataclass class WallabagConfig: host: str client_id: str client_secret: str username: str password: str class Config: def __init__(self): with open("config.yaml", 'r') as stream: data = yaml.safe_load(stream) self.wallabag = WallabagConfig(**data["wallabag"]) if data["github_username"]: self.github_username = data["github_username"] else: self.github_username = None self.debug = data["debug"] @property def production(self): return not self.debug @dataclass class Site: title: str url: str github: bool tags: List[str] latest_article: Optional[str] filter: Optional[str] def load_sites() -> Dict[str, Site]: with open("sites.yaml", 'r') as stream: data = yaml.safe_load(stream) sites: Dict[str, Site] = {} for title, entry in data.items(): if "latest_article" not in entry: entry["latest_article"] = None if "github" not in entry: entry["github"] = None if "filter" not in entry: entry["filter"] = None sites[title] = Site(title, **entry) return sites def get_starred_repos(username, sites: Dict[str, Site]): r = requests.get("{user}/starred".format(user=username)) stars = r.json() for repo in stars: if repo["full_name"] not in sites: sites[repo["full_name"]] = Site( url=repo["html_url"] + "/releases.atom", tags=["github", repo["name"]], github=True, title=repo["full_name"], latest_article=None ) return sites def main(): sites = load_sites() config = Config() logger = logging.getLogger() logger.handlers = [] formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) ch.setLevel(logging.WARNING if config.production else logging.DEBUG) ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) fh = logging.FileHandler('debug.log') fh.setFormatter(formatter) fh.setLevel(logging.WARNING if config.production else logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(fh) wallabag_config = config.wallabag api = WallabagAPI( api.auth(client_secret=wallabag_config.client_secret, client_id=wallabag_config.client_id, username=wallabag_config.username, password=wallabag_config.password) if config.github_username: sites = get_starred_repos(config.github_username, sites) new_sites: Dict[str, Dict] = {} for title, site in sites.items(): new_site = handle_feed(api, site, logger, config) new_sites[title] = new_site.__dict__ del new_sites[title]["title"] if config.production: with open("sites.yaml", 'w') as stream: yaml.dump(new_sites, stream, default_flow_style=False) def handle_feed(api: WallabagAPI, site: Site, logger: logging.Logger, config: Config) -> Site:"Downloading feed: " + site.title) r = api.s.get(site.url) if r.status_code != 404: r.raise_for_status() rss = r.text"Parsing feed: " + site.title) f = feedparser.parse(rss) logger.debug("finished parsing: " + site.title) articles: List[FeedParserDict] = f.entries for article in articles: if article.title == site.latest_article: logger.debug("already added: " + article.title) break if site.filter and not site.filter in article.title: logger.debug("article filtered: " + article.title) continue"article found: " + article.title) taglist = [site.title] if site.tags: taglist.extend(site.tags) if "published_parsed" in article: published = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(article.published_parsed)) elif "updated_parsed" in article: published = datetime.fromtimestamp(mktime(article.updated_parsed)) else: published = None"add to wallabag: " + article.title) if site.github: title = site.title + ": " + article.title else: title = article.title if not hasattr(article, 'link'):"no link, skipping!") continue url = urljoin(site.url, if api.check_exist(url):"already found in wallabag: " + article.title) continue if config.production: api.add_entry(url=url, title=title, tags=taglist, published=published) else:"warning: running in debug mode - not adding links to wallabag") if articles: site.latest_article = articles[0].title return site if __name__ == '__main__': main()