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Okay, so first of all, thank you, everyone, for attending this Pre MatomoCamp event today.
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So from now until the next 60 minutes, so 45 minutes of presentation plus 15 minutes
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of questions and answer, I'm going to talk about a specific topic, which is Matomo Tag
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Manager, and I'm going to try to cover as many things as I can. So that's why I decided to name
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it from A to Z. My name is Ronan Chardonnoux. I'm a professional consultant and trainer on Matomo
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Analytics. And as well, I got with a couple of friends this crazy idea of creating an event
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named MatomoCamp, which will be held next month, so in 30 days exactly from now, where the idea is
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to have people from all over the world to a common stage and make a presentation about Matomo
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Analytics, so as I'm doing today. About this presentation, so I choose this specific topic
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because last summer we ran a survey on MatomoCamp, so matomocamp.org, survey asking about
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what kind of topic would you like us to cover during the MatomoCamp event, which will be
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on November the 4th and November the 5th, and one topic which was highly asked was Matomo Tag
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Manager, so the idea was today to talk about Matomo Tag Manager, and why are we talking about an event,
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pre-event today, whereas the official event will be in one month. The idea is that as it's the first
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time that we organize such an event with a team who, let's say, don't know each other, who has no,
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let's say, IT infrastructure defined, we decided to launch a pre-event in order to test our IT
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infrastructure in order to ensure that on the day we are able to scale the different conferences
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for the volume of attendees. So this is what we are doing today, so I really would like to thank
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two guys who are behind the screen, or at least behind the server, let's say, Lukas Winkler,
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Lukas Winkler that you just heard in the introduction was answering to me, and as well,
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Valentin, who is from a company named Empreinte Digital, and will in fact scale the server
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and install the different software on the server in order for us to be able to held
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this pre-MatomoCamp and the MatomoCamp event as well. If you have any questions at any time,
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please feel free to drop us an email directly on matomocamp.org, so I can show you the website. So
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here is the website, so matomocamp.org, you just need to go over here and write and contact us.
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So as, what you can do is you can go on live.matomocamp.org, so you can click over here,
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and if you click over here, you will get, in fact, access to the stream that you are currently
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viewing right now, and in addition to that, at the bottom of the page, you're going to see the
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metrics chat, which is the chat that we use in order to communicate with each other, and of course,
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the place where you can ask some questions. So yes, if you have some questions, please feel free to
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use either contact us page, and or you can as well use directly the chat over here on which you can
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send some questions. I can see already that someone is typing in something, so if you have
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some questions dealing with either the event or the presentation that I'm doing today about Matomo
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Tag Manager, please feel free to do so. So the topic of today is Matomo Tag Manager,
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so we're going to first start with a definition. Matomo Tag Manager is what we call a tag management
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system, so it's already like three big words here, tag management and system. Management system,
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you probably already, you are probably familiar with it, so if you are taking a content management
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system, for example, such as Drupal, such as WordPress, such as, I don't know, proprietary
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solutions, such as Wix or that kind of thing, you know already what it refers to. Content management
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system is a software which is here in order to manage some content, such as posts, such as pages,
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such as media, or any kind of other, let's say, content that you can imagine. In a tag management
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system, instead of managing contents like mostly media and text content, you're going to manage
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what we call tags, and tags are nothing more than, in fact, tracking codes. And some of you may not
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be familiar with tracking codes, but you may, I guess, have seen at least once, when you access
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to your Matomo installation, and then the first, let's say the first step that you need to do in
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order to send some data to your Matomo is to copy and paste a snippet, a tracking code, or we can
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call it a tag, which looks like this, and this is exactly what we are talking about here.
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Tags are nothing more than those snippets of code that you insert on your website in order to push
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data to Matomo. This is what it's about. So, Matomo Tag Manager is nothing more than a piece
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of software, a place where you're going to manage, instead of content, you manage tags, you manage
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tracking codes, in order to push your data collection to the next level. This is what it
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is about. So, of course, for most of the people, they don't really see the advantage of it because
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they are used to play with this single tracking code, which is pushing most of the time enough
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information in order to start, in fact, your analysis, because it's pushing out the page that
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you are looking at, it's pushing out through the enabled link tracking, the clicks, which are performed
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downloadable clicks, downloadable files, and outlinks, but it may happen that in some cases,
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you may want to collect more interaction than those three. For example, tomorrow you may be
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interested in measuring the fact that people are scrolling down the page because you would like to
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know if they read your content entirely, or at least if they view it entirely. If you have some
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videos on your website, you may be interested in knowing if people are clicking on the play button,
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pause button. If you have some pictures on your website, and when you hover your mouse over them,
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because it gets bigger, like there's a zoom which is happening, that's typically the kind of thing
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that you want to perform with additional, let's say, tracking data collection,
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and let's say scenario system, and it's exactly what you do with a tag management system. By the
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way, within this presentation, I will, of course, demo, I will choose a website, and we'll implement
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a tag management system in order for you guys to see really how you can push your data collection
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to the next level. This is exactly what I just mentioned, so I'm not going to go back on it.
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Why should you use a tag management system, or why should you use Matamode tag manager? Well,
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for better management, so it's exactly like a CMS. In a CMS, you create a lot of blog posts,
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you create different pages, you have different authors, you know when it's published, who has
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done what, and when. It's exactly the same thing with a tag management system. The idea is to have
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a backend on which you know what are different tracking codes which have been implemented on your
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website, who has done what, what has been implemented, and here we are talking about
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project management, that more transparency within your organization, about knowing about what your
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colleagues have implemented already, about, it's also about better communication between
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your IT teams and marketing and communication teams. It's of course easy to know what happened
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in the history of your website in terms of data collection. It's as well better in terms of
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security in the sense that you know at least what is deployed and when it is deployed. It can,
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in some cases, decrease the loading time of your website because most of the time what you do when
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you implement for the first time your basic tracking code on your website, you're just copying
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and pasting it everywhere, and when you add some other tracking code, you may have the same,
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let's say the same configuration, like putting it everywhere, whereas with the tag management system,
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you can decide when you would like those tags to be triggered or not, and of course
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if you optimize this, well, you can only measure what you need and not the amount of data that you
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need and not the extra data that you'll probably never look at. And as well, and this is very
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important, it gives more autonomy to marketing and communication teams, let's say the non-tech teams,
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and it allows them to more easily deploy advanced measurements without relying on, let's say,
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some deployment time from the IT team. How tag management systems are working? Well,
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you will see that it's really similar to what you are used to because most of the time you copy and
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paste this tracking code, you put it on all the pages. With the deployment of a tag management
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system, all you need to do is that instead of copying and pasting this code on all the pages,
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what you do is that you just click over here, this is very simple, it's named Matamode Tag Manager,
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and in fact, you take this snippet of code that you put as well on all the pages. In fact, this
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code is going to substitute this one, okay? So you take this one, you copy and paste it on all the
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pages on your website, and voila. Then once this one is deployed everywhere on your website, on
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all the pages on your website, then you can in fact use the backend of the tag management system,
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the backend of the tag management system, which will be displayed over here. So if you cannot
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see it right now on your Matamode installation, that's probably because maybe it has not been
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installed. So it's a plugin that you need to download and activate. It's a free plugin,
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you don't have to pay for it. Or either it means that someone gives you an access to Matamode,
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but you have extra rights in order to have an access to it. So in Matamode, you have the
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superuser, you have the admin, you have the write access, you have the read access, and you get the
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anonymous access, and you get as well special rights for the tag manager. So in order to play
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with it, you will need to ask either to your admin or superuser, I don't remember which one,
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in order for them to give you an access to it. Once you get an access to it, well, you just need
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to click, and then you will see here the backend. And here the backend, in fact, over here, represents
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all the tags and different configurations I'm going to talk about later on, which will, in fact,
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be fired thanks to the tracking code that I was, that was showing you just right here. So in fact,
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here, this is what we can call a master tracking code, which is going to control, which is going
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to execute everything which is located over here within this backend. To make it simple,
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this is the classical configuration that you add so far. So this is your website without tag
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management system. So you have, let's say, one tracking code, one tag for every solution that
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you want to, that you use in order to collect some data. So let's imagine that here instead of
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analytics.js, it's your classic Matomo tracking code. Here is another tracking code that you're
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going to install, because I don't know, you are playing with some advertising networks, okay,
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without naming it like the big American one, let's say conversion tracking code. And then in addition
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to that, you have as well another tracking code, such as, let's say, NAB testing solution. With a
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tag management system, what's going to happen is that you're just going to have your container
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over here, which is the master tag that was showing you some minutes ago. So the Matomo
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tag manager.js container. And then, in fact, all those scripts are going to be added within
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this one, thanks to the UI that we can see over here. So here I'm going to go into detail in this
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one. But as you can see, I can add tags. So it's not like only centered around Matomo. A tag manager
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is a general name in order to be able, let's say, to collect, to gather all the different tracking
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codes that you would like to send to other players or other solutions that you are on your server.
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So you can, this is probably one of the ones that you will play the most with, which is custom
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HTML, which allows you to copy and paste any script that you want over here. And on SmallVoila,
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this is exactly what we want to perform here, is that to have within one single system,
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named the tag management system, all our different tracking codes in order to organize better our
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data collection model. This is what I just explained. So this is the master tracking code
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that you need to implement on your website in order to get started. Of course, according to
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the different CMS that you are using, there's already some plugins which are here and there
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in order for you to even make this installation even faster. How does a tag management system
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work? Well, it works with mainly three components. The first one is what we call a tag. So the tag
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represents the solution to which you would like to send the data to. So this is what we have over
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here. This is the list of the different tracking code that we can pick up. Once you choose a tag,
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so let's say I want to send the data to Matomo, then you're going to configure it. I'm going to
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go into detail into this one later on. And then you need to explain when you would like this given
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tag to be triggered, so to say to be executed. I'm going to take back the example that I had
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some minutes ago, which was about, okay, you would like to measure the fact that people
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are scrolling down your website and you would like to send this information to Matomo. So what
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you will do is that you pick up a tag which is Matomo Analytics tag. You're probably going to
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send what we call an event, which is an interaction. So you send an interaction to Matomo,
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and you would like this to happen every time that someone is scrolling down. And to do so,
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what you will do is that you will select a second, let's say, big name or component that we have
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within the tag management vocabulary, which is trigger. And this is what we have over here. So
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here you get the list of triggers, so to say the condition in order for the tracking code to be
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executed. And here you're going to select, for example, over here, the scroll reach in order
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to say, okay, if someone is scrolling down my page, I want the tag to be fired. And here by
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default is going to be fired every time that the people are going to scroll down more than 50%
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of the page. Or you can, of course, change that out and say, okay, when they scroll up to 90%
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of the page. And this is how it's going to work. So as a recap, it's you select the, let's say,
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the place where you would like to send the data to, either Matomo, either an advertising platform,
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or either any other solution that you have on your server. Then over here as a trigger,
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you define the condition in order for this tag to deploy in order to execute your tracking code.
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And last but not least, exactly like in a content management system, when you write a blog post,
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it's by default written as a draft. And then if you want to put it live, to send it for real
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on your website, you need to publish. And this is exactly what we have over here. You see with
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a small rocket, it's the publish button. And when you click on it, it means that what you configured
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over here is going to be sent to the solution that you want, either Matomo or either an advertising
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platform or anywhere else. I'm not going to detail much about all the other, let's say,
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possibilities because I can talk about the preview mode. I can talk as well about variable
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and so on and so forth. But I'm not going to make it complex. So far, I'm just going to
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make a brief demo in order for you to clearly identify what's the point and what we are talking
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about here. So just to conclude with, let's say, the theoretical approach is that you select a tag,
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you link it to a trigger, and then you publish. You send it live. For the sake of the conference,
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what I'm going to do is that I'm going to take a real use case. What I did is that I use a website
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named the uselessweb.com, which is randomly picking up a website just for you to know that
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I'm not taking any website from a client or anything like this. And I ended up with the
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following website. So I don't know this website at all. I'm just going to try to show you how a tag
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manager will be useful here. So as I don't know the webmaster of the website over here, I'm going
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to use a great extension, which has been recommended to me by a guy named Thomas Persson from Digitalis
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AB that you will probably see during the Matomo campus. He's doing a lot of conferences about
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Matomo. This extension is available for Google Chrome, Chromium, and everything which is Google
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Chrome something. It's named user, CSS, and JavaScript. It's very useful because it allows
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you to insert some tracking code on a website that you don't own. So it's really good for demoing.
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So that's what I'm going to do here. So first things first is that I'm going to show you
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what the website would have looked like in Matomo if I wouldn't have used the tag management system.
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So I'm going to take the classic tracking code and I'm going to go over here on the website. I'm
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going to use this given extension. So the extension will just require me to remove the HTML comments
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so as the script tag like this. And now we are good to go. So I'm going to call it originally
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matmo matmo camp. Okay. Save and let's go. Okay. So now what's going to happen is that if I look
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at the website right now, the tracking code is going to be implemented. So normally if I go
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over here on this page, I should see that I get my visits. Okay. Great. It works. So this is,
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this is myself. So nothing incredible here. Okay. It's exactly what we are used to see with a
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traditional Matomo tracking code. As you can see, if I scroll down the page and if I look at my
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Matomo, nothing crazy will come. And the reason is that this is the classic tracking code. So
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it's just measuring the page view and just the click as well on outlinks. And we mentioned it's
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as a file extension downloads. So here, let's imagine, for example, I would like to track the
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number of people who are clicking on this given image. You see I'm like clicking like five times
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on it. Nothing's going to happen. Why is that? Well, because the classic tracking code of Matomo
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has not been, is not hyper here. If I click, for example, here on the RSS, as you can see on the
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bottom left of my page is going to go on the same, I think it's going to go on index. I'm going to
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double check if this will be measured by Matomo. Yes. This one's going to be measured by Matomo.
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It's just that it's not telling me that it's an RSS feed, but I could somehow guess it.
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Get in touch is a mail too. So I'm going to click on it. I'm going to see if it's going to work.
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No, it's not working. So here, this is just what I wanted to show you is that the classic
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Matomo tracking code won't measure probably everything that you need. So if you want to
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know, for example, if people are interacting with your images, if you want to know if people are
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clicking over here on the image, if you want to know if they reach a specific part of the content
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of your page, you cannot know it by default with the classic tracking code of Matomo.
00:21:50,400 --> 00:21:56,400
Now we're going to see what's going to happen if I deploy a Matomo Tag Manager tracking code. So
00:21:57,200 --> 00:22:02,160
I'm going to go over here in Tag Manager. I'm going to pick up the
00:22:02,160 --> 00:22:10,080
container. As I previously mentioned it, what's going to happen is that I'm going to use on small
00:22:10,080 --> 00:22:20,480
this extension. So it's, which one do I want to play with? It's this one. Okay. I'm going to remove
00:22:20,480 --> 00:22:29,600
this one. And now we're going to see what's going to happen. So oops. And save. Okay. All good.
00:22:29,600 --> 00:22:39,040
And save. Okay. All good. Now I go back on the page. Nothing's going to happen. Nothing's going
00:22:39,040 --> 00:22:44,480
to be incredible right now, because as you can see from the backend of my solution, I have not
00:22:44,480 --> 00:22:49,760
yet configured the different behavior that I want to measure, like the score tracking, like the click
00:22:49,760 --> 00:22:54,400
on the mail tool, and so on and so forth. So this is what we're going to do right now. So I'm going
00:22:54,400 --> 00:23:02,400
to create a new tag. These tags are going to be like, I'm going to call it like scroll event
00:23:02,400 --> 00:23:07,760
Matomo Ethics. So I just want to have a name, which is different than the other tag, which is already
00:23:07,760 --> 00:23:13,360
implemented, which is just measurement of page view. Here I'm going to say, okay, I want to measure
00:23:13,360 --> 00:23:18,480
an event, not a page view, because it has no sense. I mean, someone who is scrolling down the page is
00:23:18,480 --> 00:23:25,600
still on the same page, so I don't need another page view to be recorded. Then I'm going to have
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to insert here different values. This is specific to events, because an event is defined by a
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category, an action, and the name. I mean, that's what Matomo is expecting to have as an event.
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So here I can fill them with whatever data that I want, but also a time you organize your company,
00:23:48,320 --> 00:23:53,120
you organize your analytic system in a certain way, and you want to have a naming conversion,
00:23:54,240 --> 00:23:59,600
which makes sense. So most of the time, the category of an event will be something like,
00:23:59,600 --> 00:24:10,160
okay, we want to measure interactions. The action is, let's say, the scroll. This is what people
00:24:10,160 --> 00:24:16,880
perform. This is scroll. And name, I could put the same name as this one, but will be redundant.
00:24:16,880 --> 00:24:22,160
And so what I'm going to do here is that I'm going to pick up over here what we call a variable.
00:24:23,040 --> 00:24:28,080
Instead, so variable means that it's not going to be an outcoded value like I did here. It's
00:24:28,080 --> 00:24:33,520
going to be something which is dynamic based on what we call the DOM of the page, the document
00:24:33,520 --> 00:24:42,000
object model, which is the information which are on the page. And so here they are. And the one that
00:24:42,000 --> 00:24:47,760
I'm interested in is technically be, in fact, the page URL, but I would rather prefer to know
00:24:47,760 --> 00:24:52,880
how far people are scrolling down the page. So I'm going to pick up over here the scroll,
00:24:53,440 --> 00:25:01,360
and it's the scroll vertical percentage. So until which level do people scroll down.
00:25:02,240 --> 00:25:08,640
And now I'm going to add a trigger. So the trigger is, as I previously mentioned, is the condition
00:25:08,640 --> 00:25:13,600
for which the data will be collected. So I'm going to pick up over here the scroll reach.
00:25:14,640 --> 00:25:23,040
And I want it to be fired. I would consider like, yeah, 50% is fine to me. And that's it.
00:25:23,040 --> 00:25:29,200
So I click over here and create new trigger. So what I did over here is that I said to the system,
00:25:29,200 --> 00:25:35,440
please Matomo Tag Manager, send an event with those values, so as a category interaction,
00:25:35,440 --> 00:25:41,920
as an action scroll, and as a name, pick up the dynamic value to which the people scroll down.
00:25:42,880 --> 00:25:51,360
And I want you to fire every time that someone is reaching more than 50% of the scroll of the page.
00:25:51,360 --> 00:25:57,760
And now I can create my tag, and I can decide to publish. So it means like everything which is
00:25:57,760 --> 00:26:07,280
now within the container, I want it to go live. So I go over here. I give the name of the version.
00:26:08,320 --> 00:26:18,800
So like scroll deployment. And I click over here. And now what is happening is that
00:26:18,800 --> 00:26:23,920
everything which was within my container, so here the measurement of the page view,
00:26:23,920 --> 00:26:30,320
the measurement of scroll event, should have been, if my demo is going in the right direction,
00:26:30,320 --> 00:26:37,360
should have been deployed properly. So if I go now back on the website, well, nothing impressive
00:26:37,360 --> 00:26:42,880
is happening because I have not yet scrolled down my page. So if I go over here, I will still see
00:26:42,880 --> 00:26:49,520
that's okay. I'm over here. I mean, the page is currently viewed. The time is correct. But I have
00:26:49,520 --> 00:26:54,560
not yet scrolled down. So there's no scroll event which are measured. And now if I scroll down,
00:26:54,560 --> 00:27:01,120
as you can see, I'm not yet at 50%. So I'm like 30% here. If I go back and let my refresh,
00:27:01,120 --> 00:27:06,240
nothing should have happened. And this is normal because I have not yet reached the 50%. I'm going
00:27:06,240 --> 00:27:13,120
to reach the 50%. This is a long page. So it's probably okay. I'm not yet at 50%.
00:27:14,320 --> 00:27:19,360
But I'm just going to refresh in order to show you that it's still not deployed. And now
00:27:19,360 --> 00:27:28,000
if I go, okay, here I guess I reached at least 60 or 70%. So normally if I'm lucky enough,
00:27:28,000 --> 00:27:33,920
I should see, wow, okay, I'm lucky enough. You see, as you can see, the event has been measured.
00:27:33,920 --> 00:27:40,160
So like, okay, I reached more than 50% of the page. So it's pushing to the system,
00:27:40,160 --> 00:27:47,520
interaction, scroll, and 50, which represent exactly what I wanted. And once those data are
00:27:47,520 --> 00:27:53,600
sent, as I decided to send them as an event, they will show up over here in behavior and then event.
00:27:54,480 --> 00:28:00,560
And I will see them over here. So of course, it's going to give me a lot of valuable information
00:28:00,560 --> 00:28:06,000
that I didn't have so far. So far with a, let's say, classic tracking measurement,
00:28:06,000 --> 00:28:10,960
all I could say that people are going on the page, but I don't know if they are reading the
00:28:10,960 --> 00:28:14,800
content at all, or at least I don't know if they are interacting with the page at all.
00:28:14,800 --> 00:28:19,440
And thanks to the scroll tracking, I can already say that, okay, at least they understood that
00:28:19,440 --> 00:28:25,360
they can, let's say, go down the page. Let's take maybe another example,
00:28:25,360 --> 00:28:32,320
and we're going to take this button, which is the get in touch. So here it's, this one is more for
00:28:32,320 --> 00:28:38,000
contact interaction. So this is of course very interesting because probably, I mean, this guy,
00:28:38,000 --> 00:28:43,360
I don't know who is behind the website, but probably he or she wants to get his book
00:28:43,360 --> 00:28:49,920
purchased or anything like this. So getting the measurement of people who had an intent to contact
00:28:49,920 --> 00:28:56,800
him, I think it's important. So I'm going to do is that I'm going to hover my mouse over here on the
00:28:58,640 --> 00:29:05,520
elements because I will need this element information in order to configure my Matomo
00:29:05,520 --> 00:29:14,240
Tag Manager. Here what I can see is that I have a, it's a link, which is an href, which contains
00:29:14,240 --> 00:29:23,120
an information, which is mailtooth, so as a text element, which is get in touch. So here I can play
00:29:23,120 --> 00:29:28,160
differently. I can configure it differently, but I guess that in my case, I will probably say, okay,
00:29:28,160 --> 00:29:34,560
every time someone's going to click on a link on the page, which contain the information,
00:29:34,560 --> 00:29:40,880
get in touch as a text element, I want the information to be sent to Matomo. So that's
00:29:40,880 --> 00:29:46,640
what I'm going to do. So I'm going to go back over here within Matomo. I'm going to select
00:29:47,520 --> 00:29:52,720
Matomo Analytics as a tag. I could definitely decide to send the data to a third party player.
00:29:52,720 --> 00:29:59,840
I mean, that's totally fine. It of course depends on the different information system that you are
00:29:59,840 --> 00:30:05,520
using, but in my case, I'm just using Matomo Analytics. So I'm going to call it like Intents
00:30:06,560 --> 00:30:15,760
to Contact, Intent to Contact, and I keep the name Matomo Analytics. So here I could decide
00:30:16,480 --> 00:30:22,080
to send it as an event or to send it as a goal. Maybe for the sake of this example,
00:30:22,080 --> 00:30:27,120
I'm going to use a goal. The reason why I would like to use a goal is just for this
00:30:27,120 --> 00:30:32,480
presentation for you guys to see differences. So let's imagine that I want to consider it
00:30:32,480 --> 00:30:39,200
as a goal. The purpose of my website is really to get some leads, to get some contacts,
00:30:39,200 --> 00:30:44,160
and probably this interaction has far more value than just scrolling down. If people are scrolling
00:30:44,160 --> 00:30:48,160
down, nothing is telling me that they are going to contact and purchase my books. Whereas if they
00:30:48,160 --> 00:30:54,560
contact me to get in touch, there's probably a highest probability that those people convert.
00:30:54,560 --> 00:30:57,840
So that's probably why I want to define a goal here rather than an event.
00:30:59,440 --> 00:31:06,320
I'm going to add a trigger now. So the trigger will be an interaction which is based on the click,
00:31:06,320 --> 00:31:14,960
which is based on the link element. So I'm going to call it like Link Click Mail To.
00:31:16,480 --> 00:31:22,800
And here I'm going to use a filter because if I just set it like this, it will be like
00:31:22,800 --> 00:31:29,280
every link that I click on the website, which will be measured as a goal. That's typically not
00:31:29,280 --> 00:31:33,840
what I want to do because I have many links on the page. As you can see, I've got one here,
00:31:33,840 --> 00:31:40,720
I've got one here, I've got many. That's not what I want to do. So I want to filter it and I want
00:31:40,720 --> 00:31:46,480
to say, okay, it's just every time that someone is going to click on an element of the page,
00:31:46,480 --> 00:31:54,240
so to say here the link where the value equal get in touch. Okay. So click text, get in touch.
00:31:54,240 --> 00:32:01,600
Here I'm saying, okay, if someone click on the link which contain the text, which is in my case,
00:32:01,600 --> 00:32:09,280
get in touch. Okay. And now I can create my tag. So it's not going to work straight away.
00:32:09,280 --> 00:32:16,800
All I need to do first is to go over here in Matomo and I need to add a goal because I haven't
00:32:17,520 --> 00:32:24,720
done it yet. MailToIntentToContact. So for the people who don't know what a goal is,
00:32:24,720 --> 00:32:30,160
it's like the most important action that you would like to measure on your website. Here I'm
00:32:30,160 --> 00:32:36,000
going to select a manual goal because that's how the Matomo Tag Manager recognizes goals
00:32:36,000 --> 00:32:43,040
with child shift. You need to set them as a manual. I'm going to select a low goal to be
00:32:43,040 --> 00:32:48,560
converted more than on the visit just for debug purposes and as well because probably one person
00:32:48,560 --> 00:32:54,880
during the visit can be interesting contacting me multiple times. It's not making much sense,
00:32:54,880 --> 00:33:03,920
but we never know. So this is what I did. So same thing as last time. Nothing extraordinary
00:33:03,920 --> 00:33:13,600
is going to happen right now because I have not yet published my work. So now I can decide to publish
00:33:13,600 --> 00:33:20,800
it. But in my case, I'm going to use something that I have not yet shown you, which is the preview
00:33:20,800 --> 00:33:25,360
and debug mode because if I publish it, I mean, it's fine in order to make some demo and stuff,
00:33:25,360 --> 00:33:31,120
but if you do it for real and that you mess up something up, it means that everybody,
00:33:31,120 --> 00:33:38,080
all the visitors who are going to go on your website will probably send you some fake data
00:33:38,080 --> 00:33:42,880
or the wrong data and this is like this. So it's a good practice to never publish straight away,
00:33:42,880 --> 00:33:50,080
but just to preview first in order to say, okay, I want to see if my implementation is correct
00:33:50,960 --> 00:33:59,440
rather than directly publishing it live. In fact, using the preview mode, it's like reviewing your
00:33:59,440 --> 00:34:04,560
content draft before publishing it. So that's what I'm going to do over here. So in order to
00:34:04,560 --> 00:34:09,360
activate the preview mode, you need to enable it within the Matomo Tag Manager, so as I did,
00:34:09,360 --> 00:34:15,360
and then you need to open the following parameter at the end of the URL. If for some reason it
00:34:15,360 --> 00:34:22,400
doesn't work like right now, it's probably that you need to clear your cache first, so CTRL F5,
00:34:22,400 --> 00:34:29,680
and then if you are lucky, so as I do, you get in fact the preview mode which is activated here.
00:34:29,680 --> 00:34:35,680
So here the preview mode is telling me, okay, the first tag has been deployed, which is the
00:34:37,040 --> 00:34:41,600
page view one, the fact that the page has been viewed. The scroll tracking has not been yet
00:34:42,560 --> 00:34:48,000
fired, and that's normal because I have not yet scrolled down up to 50%, and the intent to contact
00:34:48,000 --> 00:34:52,720
tag has not been deployed yet, hasn't been executed because I haven't yet clicked and get in touch.
00:34:54,000 --> 00:34:59,200
Just for the sake of the example, you see if I scroll down the page, if I go up to 50%,
00:34:59,200 --> 00:35:05,120
I get the scroll reach over here, and the scroll reach is executed. Okay, so this is what the preview
00:35:05,120 --> 00:35:11,520
mode is about. It's about showing you, debugging, helping you in knowing if the tag that you
00:35:11,520 --> 00:35:17,360
implemented is working or not. What I'm going to do right now is I'm going to click and get in touch,
00:35:17,360 --> 00:35:22,000
and if I'm lucky enough, normally what's going to happen over here is that an event will be fired
00:35:22,000 --> 00:35:28,320
in order to say, hey, you know what, the trigger that you implemented with the tag associated to
00:35:28,320 --> 00:35:35,200
it worked, and it has been recorded by the system. So here I'm going to click on get in touch. Since
00:35:35,200 --> 00:35:40,160
that I'm kind of lucky, as you can see, the whole link click has been deployed, and here
00:35:40,160 --> 00:35:47,680
I'm getting it, so it's great. It means that the data has been sent to Matomo, so I can now
00:35:47,680 --> 00:35:54,880
peacefully look over here and have, in fact, as you can see, the goal which has been deployed.
00:35:54,880 --> 00:36:00,560
So this is, in fact, what Matomo Tag Manager is about. As I said, it's like pushing your data
00:36:00,560 --> 00:36:08,720
collection to the next level by giving you the possibility to implement very complex tracking,
00:36:08,720 --> 00:36:16,880
let's say, method easily thanks to a backend. So, of course, shown like this, you may have the
00:36:16,880 --> 00:36:24,000
feeling that it's super hard to do, it's going to take me hours to do, I need training, and so on
00:36:24,000 --> 00:36:29,600
and so forth. Well, just to let you know, just by watching this video, watching this training,
00:36:29,600 --> 00:36:34,320
let's say this conference, you already learned a lot. After, it's a lot about practice. So,
00:36:34,320 --> 00:36:39,920
in order to practice, what you can do is exactly the way I did it, is like using this extension
00:36:39,920 --> 00:36:47,680
and use a JavaScript and CSS, implement it on a website that you don't own, and then send the data
00:36:47,680 --> 00:36:53,520
to a Matomo website that you have, who will be just for the sake of the demo, just for the sake
00:36:53,520 --> 00:36:59,760
of practice, and this is how you can learn a lot. Then you have as well on matomo.org, you have a
00:36:59,760 --> 00:37:05,680
full guide, which is over here, that you can, you just need to type Tag Manager, and you will see,
00:37:05,680 --> 00:37:14,720
in fact, the full guide over here from the Matomo team. And then at the end of the guide, you even
00:37:14,720 --> 00:37:21,920
get Tag Manager training. So, unfortunately, that's me again, but with full videos that you can watch
00:37:21,920 --> 00:37:28,560
explaining you everything that I just show you step by step in order for you guys to feel more
00:37:28,560 --> 00:37:36,480
confident with the Tag Management system. So, that's really what I wanted to show you as,
00:37:36,480 --> 00:37:49,840
let's say, the intermediate, let's say, the basic and intermediate level of using a Matomo
00:37:49,840 --> 00:37:55,040
Tag Manager, or let's say a Tag Manager in general. This is about understanding what it is about and
00:37:55,040 --> 00:38:00,960
being able to play with the user interface in order to be able already to make some data collection.
00:38:01,760 --> 00:38:08,160
Then, of course, after some practice, the fact to start to be used with it. And the next part,
00:38:08,160 --> 00:38:15,040
which is about how to go to the next level, is about knowing what we call the use of the,
00:38:15,040 --> 00:38:25,760
so, that's my presentation. But the next part in order to move to the next level is really to
00:38:25,760 --> 00:38:34,000
understand what is the data layer and how you can use it and why is it useful. So, here's the
00:38:34,000 --> 00:38:39,760
controversy around the Tag Management system. The Tag Management system, as you can see, is
00:38:39,760 --> 00:38:46,720
mostly advertised for communication and marketing department guys in order to tell them, okay, now
00:38:46,720 --> 00:38:52,480
you have the super tools which can make super complex things and you don't need to rely on the
00:38:52,480 --> 00:38:58,800
IT guys anymore. That's the way it is advertised, but you have to know that the way you play or the
00:38:58,800 --> 00:39:05,200
way I show you how to play with the Tag Management system is just one part of it. That's the part
00:39:05,200 --> 00:39:11,920
which is the less techy, but for, let's say, advanced and complex project, you will need to
00:39:11,920 --> 00:39:18,480
use what we call a data layer, which this part relies on your IT dev teams. I'm going to explain
00:39:18,480 --> 00:39:29,360
myself a little bit. Let's use another example here in order for what I'm explaining you to make
00:39:29,360 --> 00:39:35,840
more sense. Let's imagine, for example, that you would like to collect as a data for this given
00:39:35,840 --> 00:39:44,320
page the author of the page. You would like to push to the fact that this given piece of content
00:39:44,320 --> 00:39:52,480
has been returned by John. The problem here is that the name John is not on the page. You see,
00:39:52,480 --> 00:39:59,680
I can look on the page. Oh, by the way, I have a John. Bad example. I'm going to say it's written
00:39:59,680 --> 00:40:10,240
by Johnny. Johnny, double N. I don't have any Johnny on the page. That's problematic, because
00:40:10,240 --> 00:40:17,200
I cannot send this data to Matomo, but me, as a webmaster, I know that it's Johnny who wrote this
00:40:17,200 --> 00:40:23,760
given page. So, how can I do this? Well, just with the time measure, the way I show it to you, I
00:40:23,760 --> 00:40:31,360
cannot. But with, let's say, the contribution of the IT guys, thanks to the data layer, I could make
00:40:31,360 --> 00:40:37,840
this data available, because you know within your internal system, your CMS, for example, or any
00:40:37,840 --> 00:40:42,560
user database, that this is John who wrote the content, because on your CMS, you have the
00:40:42,560 --> 00:40:48,480
possibility to insert the data that the author, for example, it's just that you decided to not show
00:40:48,480 --> 00:40:54,640
it up on the page, but you need this information in order to send it to Matomo. So, what you need
00:40:54,640 --> 00:41:00,800
to play with, what you need to have here is what we call a data layer, which consists of a piece of
00:41:00,800 --> 00:41:07,440
additional code that you add on the page in order for Matomo Tag Manager to be able to grab this
00:41:07,440 --> 00:41:14,000
information and then push it out to the system. So, it consists of lines of code that you add like
00:41:14,000 --> 00:41:23,360
this, like this one, directly on the page. And, of course, here, what we call the value are written
00:41:23,360 --> 00:41:30,960
in programming language. Most of the time, it's PHP or other language that your dev team is familiar
00:41:30,960 --> 00:41:37,600
with in order to fetch the database, require the data that you want, and then make it available for
00:41:37,600 --> 00:41:45,680
you within what we call a data layer that you can afterwards get within the system. So, for the sake
00:41:45,680 --> 00:41:51,600
of the example, what I'm going to do is that I'm going to go back over here, and I'm going to add
00:41:51,600 --> 00:41:59,600
physically this data layer thing. So, this is what I'm going to do here. I'm going to just name like
00:41:59,600 --> 00:42:08,560
an author. And I'm going to give it a name, which is, as I said, it's going to be Jonny. So,
00:42:09,760 --> 00:42:19,760
yes. So, Jonny. And I should be good to go. Okay. So, this is what I have now. I have a data layer
00:42:19,760 --> 00:42:27,600
on the page with a variable, which is author, which has a value, which is Jonny. And what I can
00:42:27,600 --> 00:42:32,880
do now within the tag management system, so I'm just going to go back on it. Yes, tag management
00:42:32,880 --> 00:42:39,680
system. I'm just going to create this variable, and you're going to see that we can grab this value
00:42:39,680 --> 00:42:45,440
and make it available for the tag manager. So, I'm going to go over here, and I'm going to select
00:42:45,440 --> 00:42:52,000
what we call the data layer. I'm going to give it a name, which is explicit and which, of course,
00:42:52,000 --> 00:42:58,160
corresponds to the data layer that I created, which is author. And now it's going to make a bridge
00:42:58,160 --> 00:43:08,080
between the tag manager and the data layer. And now I need to ask myself, okay, how can I push it
00:43:08,080 --> 00:43:16,480
to the system? So, in my case, I'm going to, how could I do it? I'm just thinking about this is,
00:43:16,480 --> 00:43:22,080
there's going to be a custom dimension. So, I'm going to go over here, and I'm going to create a
00:43:22,080 --> 00:43:27,280
custom dimension. The custom dimension is going to be at the action level. It's going to be named
00:43:27,280 --> 00:43:32,480
author. It's going to be active. And that's it. So, for the people who don't know what is a custom
00:43:32,480 --> 00:43:40,400
dimension, it's an entry that we create in Matomo, which is custom. So, it means it doesn't exist by
00:43:40,400 --> 00:43:46,080
default. It's just, it corresponds to what your website collects, but Matomo has no entry for it.
00:43:46,080 --> 00:43:52,080
So, that's why it's a custom one. And I just created it in order to be able to have a place
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where to send the data to within Matomo. And that's mostly it. What I need to do now is just to,
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in fact, correct this given tag, because this tag is the one dealing with the page view.
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And I just want to modify this one and say every time that the page is going to be loaded,
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I want as well to send information dealing with the author, because I want to know who wrote
00:44:21,840 --> 00:44:28,160
the page. So, I'm going to go over here, and I'm going to select the data variable that I created.
00:44:28,160 --> 00:44:33,360
And now, if I'm lucky enough on small, I'm not going to publish it. I'm just going to stay in
00:44:33,360 --> 00:44:39,440
preview mode. But if I have done this thing properly, I should see the author showing up
00:44:39,440 --> 00:44:46,160
within my Matomo Analytics. So, on small, I'm going to go over here within the visit log,
00:44:46,160 --> 00:44:51,520
showing you that so far the information is not collected dealing with the page. So, here,
00:44:51,520 --> 00:44:56,400
for example, if I hover my mouse over this page, I don't know who is the author of the page.
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But now, if I'm lucky enough and if I put myself in preview mode like this,
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okay. So, here the page has been loaded. So, normally the variable should have been sent
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as well. So, I'm going to look at the data layer. Here within the data layer, I know that I have an
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author named Johnny, which is exactly what I wanted. And if I look at the Matomo configuration,
00:45:19,280 --> 00:45:25,280
normally on small, I should have, yes, I have it. You see custom dimension index one value Johnny.
00:45:25,840 --> 00:45:32,560
That's perfect. So, I can now go back within my Matomo. I can refresh my page. And normally,
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if I hover my mouse over the page, as you can see, there's a custom dimension
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named author equal Johnny, which is telling me that this page has been written by Johnny.
00:45:42,640 --> 00:45:48,320
So, if I go over here in behavior, I should see author and I should see the name Johnny,
00:45:48,320 --> 00:45:55,200
if I'm lucky enough. So, it's loading the page. It's a chip server that I have here. So,
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that's the reason why it's taking some time. And here, as you can see, I get to report name
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author with Johnny. And then I get the different pages which have been written by Johnny.
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So, that's everything that I wanted to show you for today. I'm going to look at the different
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questions which are asked within the chat for the people who had the chance to watch it. I just would
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like to say thank you for all the people who are attending it today. I think we encountered,
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let's say, technical issues. So, that's great that we organized this program at MatomoCamp.
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If you have any questions dealing with Matomo Tag Manager, just feel free to send them through
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matomocamp.org through our contact form. Or feel free as well to send directly your questions
00:46:43,600 --> 00:47:01,520
directly through the metrics that we have right now running at the moment.