1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,000 [Autogenerated] 2 00:00:02,991 --> 00:00:05,591 okay so first of all thank you 3 00:00:05,591 --> 00:00:08,430 for everyone for attending this Pre-MatomoCamp 4 00:00:08,430 --> 00:00:12,090 events are today so from now 5 00:00:12,120 --> 00:00:14,100 until the let's say the next the 6 00:00:14,130 --> 00:00:17,100 sixty minutes so forty five minutes of 7 00:00:17,100 --> 00:00:20,070 presentation plus fifteen minutes of 8 00:00:20,730 --> 00:00:22,980 questions and an answer i'm going to 9 00:00:22,980 --> 00:00:26,010 talk about the specific topic which is 10 00:00:26,010 --> 00:00:28,260 a Matomo tagged manager and i'm 11 00:00:28,260 --> 00:00:29,910 going to try to cover as many 12 00:00:29,910 --> 00:00:31,680 things i can so that's why i 13 00:00:31,680 --> 00:00:34,050 decided to name it from eight to 14 00:00:34,110 --> 00:00:36,030 setup my name is a whole new 15 00:00:36,060 --> 00:00:40,320 sheldon i'm a professional consultant and trainer 16 00:00:40,410 --> 00:00:43,650 on net more analytics and as well 17 00:00:43,650 --> 00:00:45,090 i got to weave a couple of 18 00:00:45,090 --> 00:00:47,820 friends this crazy idea of creating an 19 00:00:47,820 --> 00:00:49,860 event named metal camp which will be 20 00:00:49,860 --> 00:00:53,100 added next the monsoon sell two days 21 00:00:53,100 --> 00:00:55,320 exactly from now where the id is 22 00:00:55,320 --> 00:00:57,180 twelve people from all over the world 23 00:00:57,180 --> 00:00:58,920 to come on stage and make a 24 00:00:58,920 --> 00:01:00,480 presentation about met to move 25 00:01:01,080 --> 00:01:03,570 analytics so as i am doing to 26 00:01:03,570 --> 00:01:07,050 dish about to the sub presentation so 27 00:01:07,050 --> 00:01:09,690 i choose the specific topic because the 28 00:01:09,720 --> 00:01:12,420 last summer we ran a salvage on 29 00:01:12,420 --> 00:01:14,280 the matter will cancel my promote kemp 30 00:01:14,310 --> 00:01:18,270 dot org silva asking about what kind 31 00:01:18,270 --> 00:01:20,310 of topic would you like us to 32 00:01:20,310 --> 00:01:20,640 cover 33 00:01:20,760 --> 00:01:22,650 during the multiple camp event which would 34 00:01:22,650 --> 00:01:25,530 be on november the fourth and november 35 00:01:25,620 --> 00:01:28,470 the fifth and the one topic which 36 00:01:28,470 --> 00:01:30,600 was highly asked was a madman tag 37 00:01:30,600 --> 00:01:32,190 module so the idea was to dare 38 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:34,770 to talk about met more tag manager 39 00:01:35,130 --> 00:01:36,960 and why are we talking about an 40 00:01:36,960 --> 00:01:39,930 events prayer event to date rest of 41 00:01:39,930 --> 00:01:40,710 you shall evan 42 00:01:40,800 --> 00:01:43,140 we'll be in one nonce the idea 43 00:01:43,140 --> 00:01:45,090 is that as it's the first time 44 00:01:45,090 --> 00:01:46,950 that we organize such an event we 45 00:01:46,950 --> 00:01:48,720 have a team who will it said 46 00:01:48,720 --> 00:01:50,490 don't know each other was no let's 47 00:01:50,490 --> 00:01:54,300 say i t infrastructure define we decided 48 00:01:54,300 --> 00:01:55,890 to launch a prayer event in order 49 00:01:55,980 --> 00:01:57,810 to test our i t infrastructure in 50 00:01:57,810 --> 00:01:59,580 order to ensure that under the day 51 00:01:59,610 --> 00:02:00,360 we are able 52 00:02:00,960 --> 00:02:04,800 to scale the different conferences for the 53 00:02:04,980 --> 00:02:08,520 volume of attendees so this what we 54 00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:09,780 are doing to death or what he 55 00:02:09,780 --> 00:02:12,210 would like to thank two guys while 56 00:02:12,214 --> 00:02:13,890 behind the screen of his behind the 57 00:02:13,890 --> 00:02:16,410 several let's say lucasfilm glad that you 58 00:02:16,410 --> 00:02:19,140 just hear indian tradition wasn't going to 59 00:02:19,140 --> 00:02:20,760 me and as well as vinyl top 60 00:02:21,390 --> 00:02:23,490 weezer from the company name of hunter 61 00:02:23,520 --> 00:02:27,061 digital and huila in fact the scale 62 00:02:27,061 --> 00:02:30,180 to silva and installed a different software 63 00:02:30,480 --> 00:02:31,950 on the several in order for us 64 00:02:31,950 --> 00:02:34,410 to be able to add this printer 65 00:02:34,440 --> 00:02:36,420 to my camp and the met to 66 00:02:36,420 --> 00:02:39,420 move camp event asthma issue have any 67 00:02:39,420 --> 00:02:41,190 questions at any time 68 00:02:41,310 --> 00:02:43,860 please feel free to drop us an 69 00:02:43,860 --> 00:02:46,920 email directly unmet to mowjcamp dot org 70 00:02:46,920 --> 00:02:48,780 so i can shook his website silk 71 00:02:48,870 --> 00:02:50,670 here is the the websites or metal 72 00:02:50,670 --> 00:02:52,110 can that blog just need to go 73 00:02:52,110 --> 00:02:54,150 over here and write and contact us 74 00:02:54,600 --> 00:02:56,790 so as what you can do is 75 00:02:56,790 --> 00:02:59,130 you can go on the live thats 76 00:02:59,400 --> 00:03:01,320 met to move or come the dog 77 00:03:02,130 --> 00:03:03,750 so you can click over here and 78 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:05,010 if you click over here you will 79 00:03:05,010 --> 00:03:07,530 get in fact access to the stream 80 00:03:07,530 --> 00:03:09,120 that you are currently viewing right now 81 00:03:09,390 --> 00:03:10,770 and in addition to that at the 82 00:03:10,770 --> 00:03:12,450 bottom of the page or you're going 83 00:03:12,450 --> 00:03:15,330 to see the metrics chat which is 84 00:03:15,600 --> 00:03:17,010 at the chub that we use in 85 00:03:17,010 --> 00:03:20,640 order to communicate with wifi chosen and 86 00:03:20,640 --> 00:03:21,600 of course the place 87 00:03:21,600 --> 00:03:24,030 where you can ask some mark some 88 00:03:24,030 --> 00:03:26,370 questions or so yes if you have 89 00:03:26,370 --> 00:03:28,380 some question please feel free to use 90 00:03:28,410 --> 00:03:31,830 fazer contact us page and all you 91 00:03:31,830 --> 00:03:34,920 can as well use directly to chat 92 00:03:34,950 --> 00:03:36,900 over here or on which you cannot 93 00:03:36,900 --> 00:03:38,430 send some question i can see already 94 00:03:38,430 --> 00:03:40,500 that someone is typing in something so 95 00:03:40,500 --> 00:03:41,760 if you have some question didn't 96 00:03:41,790 --> 00:03:44,970 weave hazel event all the presentations attending 97 00:03:44,970 --> 00:03:46,500 to their bed metamora take my job 98 00:03:46,800 --> 00:03:49,020 please feel free to do so 99 00:03:50,160 --> 00:03:52,740 i saw the topic of today is 100 00:03:53,310 --> 00:03:55,680 metamodel tag manager so we're going to 101 00:03:55,710 --> 00:03:58,950 first start with a definition metamodel tag 102 00:03:58,950 --> 00:04:01,080 manager is what we call it target 103 00:04:01,080 --> 00:04:04,860 management systems authority already like three big 104 00:04:04,860 --> 00:04:09,270 word here tag management and system management 105 00:04:09,270 --> 00:04:10,320 system you 106 00:04:10,350 --> 00:04:13,470 probably already and you are probably familiar 107 00:04:13,470 --> 00:04:15,780 with it so if you are taking 108 00:04:16,290 --> 00:04:18,360 a content management system for example such 109 00:04:18,360 --> 00:04:20,850 as group power such as wordpress such 110 00:04:20,850 --> 00:04:24,030 as i dunno proprietary solutions such as 111 00:04:24,030 --> 00:04:26,310 weeks of that kind of thing you 112 00:04:26,310 --> 00:04:27,720 know whether you what it refers to 113 00:04:27,780 --> 00:04:29,790 content management system is 114 00:04:30,600 --> 00:04:32,730 software which is here in order to 115 00:04:32,730 --> 00:04:36,390 manage some content such as posts suggest 116 00:04:36,720 --> 00:04:39,360 pages such as media or any kind 117 00:04:39,360 --> 00:04:42,510 of also that said content that you 118 00:04:42,510 --> 00:04:45,360 can imagine in a tag management system 119 00:04:45,540 --> 00:04:48,900 instead of managing contents like must be 120 00:04:48,900 --> 00:04:50,400 media and text content 121 00:04:50,760 --> 00:04:52,500 you have to manage what we call 122 00:04:52,680 --> 00:04:56,100 tags and tags are nothing more than 123 00:04:56,100 --> 00:04:59,100 in fact tracking codes and some of 124 00:04:59,100 --> 00:05:01,650 you may not be familiar with tracking 125 00:05:01,650 --> 00:05:04,020 codes but you may i guess i've 126 00:05:04,020 --> 00:05:07,020 seen at least once when you access 127 00:05:07,020 --> 00:05:10,800 to you matter more installation and then 128 00:05:10,920 --> 00:05:12,782 and the first let's add the first 129 00:05:12,782 --> 00:05:13,800 step that you need to know he 130 00:05:13,800 --> 00:05:15,630 built up to send some data to 131 00:05:15,630 --> 00:05:17,880 your manual is to copy and paste 132 00:05:18,240 --> 00:05:20,100 a snippet of tracking code or we 133 00:05:20,100 --> 00:05:22,380 can call even if the tag which 134 00:05:22,380 --> 00:05:23,970 looks like this and this is exactly 135 00:05:23,970 --> 00:05:26,250 what we are talking about here times 136 00:05:26,280 --> 00:05:28,830 are nothing more than those nipples of 137 00:05:28,830 --> 00:05:30,960 god that you insult on your 138 00:05:30,960 --> 00:05:33,780 a website in order to push data 139 00:05:33,870 --> 00:05:35,910 to matter what would you sweat about 140 00:05:35,910 --> 00:05:39,570 so metamodel tag manager is nothing more 141 00:05:39,600 --> 00:05:42,510 than a piece of software a place 142 00:05:42,750 --> 00:05:45,750 where you're gonna manage instead of content 143 00:05:45,750 --> 00:05:48,600 you manage tags you manage striking codes 144 00:05:48,960 --> 00:05:50,880 in order to push yield that i 145 00:05:50,880 --> 00:05:51,060 could 146 00:05:51,150 --> 00:05:52,710 tion to the next level is what 147 00:05:52,710 --> 00:05:55,140 it is about so of course for 148 00:05:55,770 --> 00:05:58,740 most of the people that don't really 149 00:05:58,740 --> 00:06:01,020 see the advantage of fit because they 150 00:06:01,020 --> 00:06:03,840 are used to play with these single 151 00:06:03,870 --> 00:06:06,300 tracking code which is pushing most of 152 00:06:06,300 --> 00:06:08,700 the time enough information in order to 153 00:06:08,760 --> 00:06:11,040 to start in fact your analysis because 154 00:06:11,040 --> 00:06:11,280 it's b 155 00:06:11,280 --> 00:06:13,200 rushing out of the page that you 156 00:06:13,200 --> 00:06:14,846 are looking out is pushing out for 157 00:06:14,846 --> 00:06:17,580 the enabling trekking two clicks which are 158 00:06:17,580 --> 00:06:22,620 performing downloadable clicks donated by fighters and 159 00:06:22,650 --> 00:06:25,770 out links but it meant then that 160 00:06:25,770 --> 00:06:27,960 in some cases you may want to 161 00:06:27,960 --> 00:06:31,230 collect more interaction than the switch for 162 00:06:31,230 --> 00:06:31,440 exam 163 00:06:31,470 --> 00:06:33,660 for tomorrow he might be interested in 164 00:06:33,960 --> 00:06:35,520 in measuring the fact that people are 165 00:06:35,520 --> 00:06:38,039 scrolling down the page because you would 166 00:06:38,039 --> 00:06:39,780 like to know is they read your 167 00:06:39,780 --> 00:06:41,820 content entirety or at least if they 168 00:06:41,910 --> 00:06:44,010 view it entirely if you have some 169 00:06:44,010 --> 00:06:46,050 videos on your website you may be 170 00:06:46,050 --> 00:06:48,270 interesting and no english people are clicking 171 00:06:48,270 --> 00:06:51,240 on the play button pause button if 172 00:06:51,240 --> 00:06:51,600 shoves 173 00:06:51,600 --> 00:06:54,060 the picture on on your website and 174 00:06:54,060 --> 00:06:55,380 when you although your mouse of a 175 00:06:55,380 --> 00:06:57,210 damsel cause it gets bigger lakes elsa 176 00:06:57,210 --> 00:06:59,460 zoom which is happening that's typically the 177 00:06:59,490 --> 00:07:01,350 kind of thing that you want to 178 00:07:01,350 --> 00:07:05,370 perform with an additional let's add tracking 179 00:07:05,370 --> 00:07:09,150 data collection and let's say scenario system 180 00:07:09,210 --> 00:07:10,740 and it's exactly what you do live 181 00:07:12,000 --> 00:07:13,140 a tight measurement system 182 00:07:14,160 --> 00:07:16,440 right away within this presentation i will 183 00:07:16,440 --> 00:07:18,690 have cause nemo which was a website 184 00:07:18,690 --> 00:07:20,730 and really implemented tech management system in 185 00:07:20,730 --> 00:07:22,770 order for you guys to syria how 186 00:07:22,770 --> 00:07:25,620 you can push your that that prediction 187 00:07:26,250 --> 00:07:27,840 to the to the next level 188 00:07:29,610 --> 00:07:31,770 this is exactly what i what i 189 00:07:31,822 --> 00:07:34,410 just mention i'm not going to go 190 00:07:34,410 --> 00:07:37,140 back on it and why should you 191 00:07:37,140 --> 00:07:39,510 use a tag management system or why 192 00:07:39,510 --> 00:07:41,550 she views net html tag manager while 193 00:07:41,640 --> 00:07:44,820 for better management so it's exactly like 194 00:07:45,180 --> 00:07:47,490 a cms so in the cms you 195 00:07:47,490 --> 00:07:49,200 create a lot of blog posts 196 00:07:49,200 --> 00:07:52,200 post credit different pages you have different 197 00:07:52,230 --> 00:07:55,110 hotels and you know when it's published 198 00:07:55,710 --> 00:07:57,810 who has done what and when is 199 00:07:57,810 --> 00:07:59,280 exactly the same thing with a tag 200 00:07:59,280 --> 00:08:01,350 management system the idea is to have 201 00:08:01,350 --> 00:08:03,421 a backhand on which you know what 202 00:08:03,421 --> 00:08:05,160 the different tracking codes which have been 203 00:08:05,160 --> 00:08:07,560 implemented on your website who has done 204 00:08:07,560 --> 00:08:09,360 what what has been implemented 205 00:08:09,370 --> 00:08:11,400 did and here we are talking about 206 00:08:11,400 --> 00:08:14,550 project management that's more transparency within your 207 00:08:14,880 --> 00:08:19,260 organization about knowing about what your colleagues 208 00:08:19,320 --> 00:08:22,500 have implemented already abouts i'd say so 209 00:08:22,500 --> 00:08:25,380 about better communication between your i t 210 00:08:25,380 --> 00:08:28,800 teams and marketing and communication teams it's 211 00:08:28,800 --> 00:08:29,520 of course easy 212 00:08:29,580 --> 00:08:32,460 to to know the what happened in 213 00:08:32,460 --> 00:08:34,260 the history of your website in terms 214 00:08:34,260 --> 00:08:36,600 of in terms of data collection it 215 00:08:36,600 --> 00:08:38,610 says well better in terms of sexual 216 00:08:38,610 --> 00:08:40,980 eighteen the sense that you know at 217 00:08:40,980 --> 00:08:43,110 least what is deployed and when it 218 00:08:43,110 --> 00:08:45,840 is deployed and it can in some 219 00:08:45,840 --> 00:08:47,850 cases decrease the loading time of your 220 00:08:47,850 --> 00:08:49,110 website because 221 00:08:50,280 --> 00:08:51,930 most of the time what what you 222 00:08:51,930 --> 00:08:53,640 do when you implement for the first 223 00:08:53,640 --> 00:08:56,310 time your basic tracking code on on 224 00:08:56,310 --> 00:08:58,620 your website you'll just cutting and pasting 225 00:08:58,620 --> 00:09:00,660 it everywhere and when you add some 226 00:09:00,690 --> 00:09:02,370 other tracking code you may have the 227 00:09:02,370 --> 00:09:06,150 same lets said the same configuration like 228 00:09:06,150 --> 00:09:07,830 putting it everywhere was with the tiger 229 00:09:07,830 --> 00:09:09,817 management system you can decide 230 00:09:09,840 --> 00:09:11,910 when you would like those tags to 231 00:09:11,910 --> 00:09:13,650 be triggered or not and of course 232 00:09:14,490 --> 00:09:16,410 if you optimize this while you can 233 00:09:16,410 --> 00:09:19,740 only measure what you need and not 234 00:09:19,800 --> 00:09:21,780 the extra data that you'll probably never 235 00:09:21,780 --> 00:09:22,230 look at 236 00:09:23,460 --> 00:09:25,770 and those as well and this is 237 00:09:25,980 --> 00:09:27,840 very important to get them awkward to 238 00:09:27,840 --> 00:09:30,300 me too marketing and communication team that 239 00:09:30,300 --> 00:09:33,360 said to none they keep teams and 240 00:09:33,360 --> 00:09:36,630 it allowed them to more easily deploy 241 00:09:36,690 --> 00:09:40,440 advance a measurement without relying on let's 242 00:09:40,440 --> 00:09:43,440 say on some deployment time from 243 00:09:43,470 --> 00:09:45,000 the eighty two 244 00:09:46,135 --> 00:09:48,660 the whole tag management system or a 245 00:09:48,660 --> 00:09:51,539 walking while you've seen it it's pretty 246 00:09:51,539 --> 00:09:53,700 similar to what you are used to 247 00:09:53,700 --> 00:09:55,440 because most of the time you copy 248 00:09:55,440 --> 00:09:56,850 and paste the striking color you put 249 00:09:56,850 --> 00:09:58,920 it on all the pages with the 250 00:09:58,920 --> 00:10:01,260 deployment of a tag management system or 251 00:10:01,260 --> 00:10:02,190 do you need to do is that 252 00:10:02,250 --> 00:10:04,440 instead of copying and pasting this code 253 00:10:04,440 --> 00:10:06,240 and all the pages what you do 254 00:10:06,810 --> 00:10:08,520 just click over here as it's very 255 00:10:08,520 --> 00:10:10,800 simple isn't a metal type measure and 256 00:10:10,800 --> 00:10:12,960 in fact you take this snippet of 257 00:10:12,960 --> 00:10:15,060 code that you put those wet on 258 00:10:15,060 --> 00:10:16,980 all the pages in fact this code 259 00:10:17,430 --> 00:10:20,190 is going to substitute this one okay 260 00:10:20,190 --> 00:10:22,170 so you take this one you copy 261 00:10:22,170 --> 00:10:23,940 and paste it on all the pages 262 00:10:24,000 --> 00:10:26,635 on your website and what 263 00:10:26,940 --> 00:10:30,300 then on this one is deployed everywhere 264 00:10:30,360 --> 00:10:31,920 on on your website on all the 265 00:10:31,920 --> 00:10:34,380 pages on your website then you can 266 00:10:34,380 --> 00:10:37,080 in fact use the back end of 267 00:10:37,350 --> 00:10:39,060 the tag management system which will be 268 00:10:39,360 --> 00:10:41,520 displayed over here so if you cannot 269 00:10:41,520 --> 00:10:45,030 seats right now in your manual installation 270 00:10:45,030 --> 00:10:46,500 that's probably because 271 00:10:47,100 --> 00:10:49,680 maybe he doesn't have been installed so 272 00:10:49,680 --> 00:10:51,150 it's a plugin that you need to 273 00:10:51,720 --> 00:10:53,790 download and activate it's a flipper again 274 00:10:53,790 --> 00:10:54,900 you don't have to pay for it 275 00:10:55,230 --> 00:10:58,560 all either it means that someone give 276 00:10:58,560 --> 00:11:01,260 you an access to maximo that you 277 00:11:01,260 --> 00:11:03,480 have extra rights in order to have 278 00:11:03,480 --> 00:11:04,830 an access to its we met tomorrow 279 00:11:04,830 --> 00:11:06,210 you have the super user you are 280 00:11:06,360 --> 00:11:06,780 and mean 281 00:11:07,230 --> 00:11:08,760 you have the right access to have 282 00:11:08,760 --> 00:11:10,590 the read access and you'll get done 283 00:11:10,590 --> 00:11:12,300 and use access and you get as 284 00:11:12,300 --> 00:11:14,430 well as special rights for the tag 285 00:11:14,430 --> 00:11:17,018 manager so in order to play with 286 00:11:17,018 --> 00:11:18,690 it you will need to escape to 287 00:11:18,690 --> 00:11:20,820 your admin also beggars i don't remember 288 00:11:20,820 --> 00:11:22,710 which one you know they'll fold them 289 00:11:22,710 --> 00:11:24,630 to give you an access to it 290 00:11:25,080 --> 00:11:26,550 and to get an access to it's 291 00:11:26,700 --> 00:11:27,390 what you just 292 00:11:27,424 --> 00:11:28,800 need to click and then you would 293 00:11:28,800 --> 00:11:31,280 see shield the the backend and healed 294 00:11:31,280 --> 00:11:34,140 the backend in fact over here represent 295 00:11:34,170 --> 00:11:36,360 all the the tags and then different 296 00:11:36,360 --> 00:11:38,340 configuration i'm going to talk about later 297 00:11:38,340 --> 00:11:40,670 on which will in fact of fighting 298 00:11:40,670 --> 00:11:43,170 the failed thanks to the tracking code 299 00:11:43,170 --> 00:11:44,970 that i was that way string you 300 00:11:45,510 --> 00:11:47,550 just right so in fact here this 301 00:11:47,589 --> 00:11:49,020 is what we can call a master 302 00:11:49,080 --> 00:11:52,110 tracking code which gun control okay what's 303 00:11:52,110 --> 00:11:55,500 going to execute everything which is located 304 00:11:55,800 --> 00:11:57,810 over here within this this beckon 305 00:12:00,210 --> 00:12:00,810 i 306 00:12:02,220 --> 00:12:04,560 to make it simpler this is the 307 00:12:04,740 --> 00:12:07,890 classical configuration that that's odd so far 308 00:12:07,890 --> 00:12:09,946 so this is your your website without 309 00:12:10,020 --> 00:12:13,170 tag management system so you have let's 310 00:12:13,170 --> 00:12:16,020 say one tracking code one tag for 311 00:12:16,020 --> 00:12:18,870 every solution that you want to do 312 00:12:19,171 --> 00:12:20,670 that that you use in order to 313 00:12:20,700 --> 00:12:23,280 collect some data so let's imagine that 314 00:12:23,280 --> 00:12:25,680 here instead of analytics the jazz it's 315 00:12:26,340 --> 00:12:30,240 your classic metal tracking code here is 316 00:12:30,240 --> 00:12:32,610 another tracking code that juggling started because 317 00:12:32,610 --> 00:12:34,320 i dunno you are playing with some 318 00:12:34,410 --> 00:12:37,740 advertising networks okay without naming it like 319 00:12:37,800 --> 00:12:38,310 the big 320 00:12:39,200 --> 00:12:42,510 the big american one of let's say 321 00:12:42,510 --> 00:12:44,610 conversion tracking code and then in addition 322 00:12:44,610 --> 00:12:45,838 to that you have as well and 323 00:12:45,838 --> 00:12:47,580 those are tracking code such as let's 324 00:12:47,580 --> 00:12:49,650 say that'd be testing and a b 325 00:12:49,650 --> 00:12:52,410 testing submission with a tag management system 326 00:12:52,410 --> 00:12:53,970 was going to happen is that you'll 327 00:12:53,970 --> 00:12:55,770 just going to have your contain over 328 00:12:55,770 --> 00:12:57,300 hips which is the messed up tag 329 00:12:57,300 --> 00:12:59,190 that was showing you some minutes ago 330 00:12:59,310 --> 00:13:03,450 so the metal motel manager digests container 331 00:13:03,600 --> 00:13:06,120 and then in fact all those scripts 332 00:13:06,240 --> 00:13:08,550 are going to be added within this 333 00:13:08,550 --> 00:13:11,130 one thanks to the eu-wide that we 334 00:13:11,130 --> 00:13:13,620 can see over here so here i'm 335 00:13:13,620 --> 00:13:15,240 going to go into detailing this one 336 00:13:15,540 --> 00:13:17,160 but as you can see i can 337 00:13:17,160 --> 00:13:19,290 add tags so it's not like 338 00:13:19,650 --> 00:13:22,290 i only sent out around that tomorrow 339 00:13:22,380 --> 00:13:25,290 technology's a genuine name in order to 340 00:13:25,590 --> 00:13:28,830 be able let's say to collect together 341 00:13:28,890 --> 00:13:31,980 all the different tracking codes that you 342 00:13:31,980 --> 00:13:34,140 would like to send to was a 343 00:13:34,140 --> 00:13:36,450 playoffs all was the solutions that you 344 00:13:36,450 --> 00:13:38,181 are on your on yourself out so 345 00:13:38,190 --> 00:13:39,577 all you can do 346 00:13:39,672 --> 00:13:40,980 is probably one of the one that 347 00:13:40,980 --> 00:13:42,510 you will play the most with which 348 00:13:42,510 --> 00:13:44,400 is custom html which allows you to 349 00:13:44,400 --> 00:13:46,500 cook and paste any script that you 350 00:13:46,500 --> 00:13:49,650 want over here and i am on 351 00:13:49,650 --> 00:13:51,450 small flat out this is exactly what 352 00:13:51,450 --> 00:13:54,060 what we want to to perform here 353 00:13:54,060 --> 00:13:56,400 is that to us within one single 354 00:13:56,400 --> 00:13:58,590 system and a tag management system all 355 00:13:58,830 --> 00:13:59,790 all different tracking 356 00:13:59,820 --> 00:14:02,640 codes held out to organize better or 357 00:14:02,699 --> 00:14:03,810 that connection modem 358 00:14:05,280 --> 00:14:07,710 and this is what i just explained 359 00:14:07,710 --> 00:14:09,030 so this is the messed up tracking 360 00:14:09,030 --> 00:14:10,500 code that you need to implement on 361 00:14:10,500 --> 00:14:12,810 your website in order to get started 362 00:14:12,810 --> 00:14:15,210 of course according to a different cms 363 00:14:15,240 --> 00:14:17,430 that you are using ours as already 364 00:14:17,430 --> 00:14:19,260 some plugins which are yelled down in 365 00:14:19,260 --> 00:14:21,180 order for you to ever make this 366 00:14:21,210 --> 00:14:23,550 installation event event faster 367 00:14:24,750 --> 00:14:27,780 i hold does the tag management system 368 00:14:27,780 --> 00:14:29,910 walk while he talks we've made me 369 00:14:29,910 --> 00:14:33,150 three components the first one is what 370 00:14:33,150 --> 00:14:34,770 we call a target so the tag 371 00:14:34,770 --> 00:14:38,130 represents the position for which you would 372 00:14:38,130 --> 00:14:40,178 like to send the data to so 373 00:14:40,260 --> 00:14:41,400 is what we have over here this 374 00:14:41,400 --> 00:14:42,930 is the list of the different tracking 375 00:14:42,930 --> 00:14:44,910 code that's that can 376 00:14:44,910 --> 00:14:47,910 can pick up unless you choose a 377 00:14:47,940 --> 00:14:49,500 tag so let's i want to send 378 00:14:49,500 --> 00:14:52,170 the data to metromile then you're going 379 00:14:52,170 --> 00:14:53,610 to configure it i'm going to go 380 00:14:53,610 --> 00:14:56,190 into detail into this one electron and 381 00:14:56,190 --> 00:14:58,831 then you need to explain when you 382 00:14:58,831 --> 00:15:01,050 would like the given tag to be 383 00:15:01,050 --> 00:15:03,930 triggered said to be executive i'm going 384 00:15:03,930 --> 00:15:05,070 to take that exempt 385 00:15:05,070 --> 00:15:07,380 follow the diet some minutes ago which 386 00:15:07,380 --> 00:15:09,270 was about cap you would like to 387 00:15:09,270 --> 00:15:11,820 measure the fact that people ask calling 388 00:15:11,820 --> 00:15:13,770 down your website and you would like 389 00:15:13,770 --> 00:15:16,890 to send this information to mathml so 390 00:15:16,890 --> 00:15:18,480 what you will do is that you 391 00:15:18,480 --> 00:15:20,340 pick up a tag which is met 392 00:15:20,340 --> 00:15:21,690 to one that he takes tag you're 393 00:15:21,690 --> 00:15:23,070 probably going to send what we call 394 00:15:23,112 --> 00:15:25,230 an event which is an interaction 395 00:15:25,230 --> 00:15:27,630 one so you send an interaction to 396 00:15:27,630 --> 00:15:30,180 maximal and you would like this to 397 00:15:30,180 --> 00:15:32,280 happen every time that someone is cutting 398 00:15:32,280 --> 00:15:34,588 down and to do so what you 399 00:15:34,588 --> 00:15:35,970 will do is that you will select 400 00:15:36,660 --> 00:15:39,960 a second let's say nickname the components 401 00:15:40,020 --> 00:15:42,450 that we have willing to take measurements 402 00:15:42,540 --> 00:15:45,270 of vocabulary which is a trigger 403 00:15:45,390 --> 00:15:46,410 and this is what we have over 404 00:15:46,410 --> 00:15:48,240 here so here you get the list 405 00:15:48,240 --> 00:15:50,520 of trigger so to send a condition 406 00:15:50,880 --> 00:15:52,740 in order for the tracking code to 407 00:15:52,740 --> 00:15:54,690 be executed and here you are going 408 00:15:54,690 --> 00:15:56,670 to select toys r borrow e underscore 409 00:15:56,670 --> 00:15:59,310 rich enough to say okay if someone 410 00:15:59,310 --> 00:16:01,590 is cutting down the page i want 411 00:16:02,760 --> 00:16:04,560 the tag to be filed and here 412 00:16:04,770 --> 00:16:06,540 by default is going to be failed 413 00:16:06,540 --> 00:16:08,460 every time that's the people are going 414 00:16:08,460 --> 00:16:10,620 to scroll down more than fifty percent 415 00:16:10,620 --> 00:16:11,820 of the page or you can of 416 00:16:11,820 --> 00:16:13,260 course change that out and say okay 417 00:16:13,560 --> 00:16:15,540 when the score up to ninety percent 418 00:16:15,540 --> 00:16:17,133 of the page and this is what 419 00:16:17,133 --> 00:16:19,620 it's going to walk so as a 420 00:16:19,620 --> 00:16:22,830 recap it's you select the list 421 00:16:22,830 --> 00:16:23,310 i do 422 00:16:24,570 --> 00:16:26,010 the place where you would like to 423 00:16:26,010 --> 00:16:28,680 send data to as a matter more 424 00:16:28,680 --> 00:16:31,710 a zone advertising platform or a seventy 425 00:16:31,950 --> 00:16:33,630 and he was a tradition that you 426 00:16:33,630 --> 00:16:36,450 have on on your sarah denver hill 427 00:16:36,450 --> 00:16:38,550 as a trigger you defined a condition 428 00:16:38,580 --> 00:16:39,990 you know deaf on the stack to 429 00:16:40,020 --> 00:16:40,530 deploy 430 00:16:41,670 --> 00:16:44,790 johan in order to execute your tracking 431 00:16:44,790 --> 00:16:47,760 code and the lesson that not least 432 00:16:47,790 --> 00:16:51,900 exactly like in content management system when 433 00:16:51,960 --> 00:16:54,360 you write the blog post is by 434 00:16:54,360 --> 00:16:57,180 default written as a draft and then 435 00:16:57,210 --> 00:16:59,280 if you want to put the clive 436 00:16:59,310 --> 00:17:00,510 to send it for real on your 437 00:17:00,510 --> 00:17:01,710 website you need to pub 438 00:17:01,713 --> 00:17:03,540 leash and this is exactly what we 439 00:17:03,542 --> 00:17:04,770 have over here you see we put 440 00:17:04,890 --> 00:17:07,859 a small rocket's it's the publish button 441 00:17:08,160 --> 00:17:09,329 and when you click on it it 442 00:17:09,329 --> 00:17:11,730 means that's what you configure over here 443 00:17:12,000 --> 00:17:14,130 there's going to be sent to the 444 00:17:14,130 --> 00:17:15,869 solution that you want is a matter 445 00:17:15,869 --> 00:17:17,970 mole or as though they just hazing 446 00:17:17,970 --> 00:17:19,470 platform or any wives 447 00:17:20,670 --> 00:17:22,980 i am not going to detail much 448 00:17:22,980 --> 00:17:27,660 about oid yourself it's a possibility because 449 00:17:27,720 --> 00:17:29,520 i can talk about the profumo they 450 00:17:29,520 --> 00:17:31,050 get dark as would have been valuable 451 00:17:31,320 --> 00:17:32,820 and so on and so forth that's 452 00:17:33,120 --> 00:17:35,310 not going to make it complex so 453 00:17:35,310 --> 00:17:36,600 far i'm just going to make a 454 00:17:36,630 --> 00:17:38,160 brief demo you know the for you 455 00:17:38,400 --> 00:17:40,830 to clearly identify what's the point then 456 00:17:40,830 --> 00:17:43,470 what we are talking about so just 457 00:17:43,740 --> 00:17:46,470 to conclude with lid so the theoretical 458 00:17:46,470 --> 00:17:48,690 approach is that you select a tag 459 00:17:48,960 --> 00:17:50,730 to link it to a trigger and 460 00:17:50,730 --> 00:17:52,230 then you publish okay you send it 461 00:17:52,230 --> 00:17:55,290 live for the sake of the conference 462 00:17:55,290 --> 00:17:56,460 where i'm going to do is that's 463 00:17:56,550 --> 00:17:58,680 i am going to take a real 464 00:17:58,680 --> 00:18:00,690 use case they did is that's 465 00:18:00,990 --> 00:18:02,910 i use a website in the useless 466 00:18:02,910 --> 00:18:05,010 web dot com which is randomly picking 467 00:18:05,010 --> 00:18:06,420 up a website just for you 468 00:18:07,830 --> 00:18:10,170 to know that not undertaking any website 469 00:18:10,200 --> 00:18:12,210 from a client's ninety six this and 470 00:18:12,210 --> 00:18:14,220 i ended up with a differing website 471 00:18:14,340 --> 00:18:15,510 i saw 472 00:18:16,590 --> 00:18:18,360 i dunno this website at all i'm 473 00:18:18,360 --> 00:18:21,000 just going to try to show you 474 00:18:21,000 --> 00:18:23,490 the whole attack metro will be useful 475 00:18:23,490 --> 00:18:26,130 here so as i don't know the 476 00:18:26,130 --> 00:18:27,990 webmaster of the website where i'm going 477 00:18:27,990 --> 00:18:30,840 to use a great extension which i've 478 00:18:30,840 --> 00:18:34,080 been recommended to me by a guy 479 00:18:34,080 --> 00:18:36,330 named thomas pearson from digital his eighties 480 00:18:36,750 --> 00:18:39,450 that's you will probably cease during the 481 00:18:39,450 --> 00:18:40,740 night and the campus is doing a 482 00:18:40,740 --> 00:18:44,790 lot of conferences about animals this extension 483 00:18:44,790 --> 00:18:46,920 is available for google chrome chromium and 484 00:18:47,250 --> 00:18:49,260 everything which is a google from something 485 00:18:49,800 --> 00:18:52,888 it's name user css and javascript and 486 00:18:52,888 --> 00:18:54,750 it's very useful because it allows you 487 00:18:55,020 --> 00:18:56,790 to insult some tracking code 488 00:18:56,940 --> 00:18:59,310 on the websites that you don't own 489 00:18:59,380 --> 00:19:01,170 it's pretty good for fun demoing so 490 00:19:01,200 --> 00:19:02,400 that's that's what i'm going to do 491 00:19:02,400 --> 00:19:02,610 here 492 00:19:03,780 --> 00:19:06,270 i thought first things first that i'm 493 00:19:06,270 --> 00:19:08,280 going to show you what on the 494 00:19:08,280 --> 00:19:10,980 website will look like in metal if 495 00:19:10,980 --> 00:19:14,160 i will have use the tag management 496 00:19:14,160 --> 00:19:16,950 system so i'm going to take the 497 00:19:17,400 --> 00:19:19,260 classic tracking code i'm going to go 498 00:19:19,260 --> 00:19:20,700 over on the website i'm going to 499 00:19:20,700 --> 00:19:23,790 use this given the given extent 500 00:19:24,000 --> 00:19:27,270 so the extension would just require me 501 00:19:27,270 --> 00:19:30,570 to remove the html comments so as 502 00:19:30,570 --> 00:19:33,570 the script tag like this and now 503 00:19:33,570 --> 00:19:35,190 we are good to go so i'm 504 00:19:35,190 --> 00:19:39,690 going to call it originally maximo maximo 505 00:19:39,690 --> 00:19:43,680 camp okay save and let's go okay 506 00:19:43,710 --> 00:19:43,950 so 507 00:19:43,950 --> 00:19:45,240 so now what's going to happen is 508 00:19:45,240 --> 00:19:47,640 that if i look at the website 509 00:19:47,640 --> 00:19:49,440 right now the tracking cubs going to 510 00:19:49,440 --> 00:19:52,050 be implemented so normally if i go 511 00:19:52,140 --> 00:19:54,988 over here on this page i should 512 00:19:54,990 --> 00:19:57,780 see that they get my visits okay 513 00:19:57,780 --> 00:20:00,870 great talks and so this is this 514 00:20:00,870 --> 00:20:04,110 is myself so nothing in craig 515 00:20:04,140 --> 00:20:06,405 bore here okay it's exactly what we 516 00:20:06,405 --> 00:20:08,880 were used to see we were traditional 517 00:20:08,970 --> 00:20:11,010 matter more tracking can as you can 518 00:20:11,010 --> 00:20:12,750 see a face cord down the page 519 00:20:12,930 --> 00:20:15,390 and i've kept my my maximo 520 00:20:17,000 --> 00:20:19,130 in crazy we've come and the reason 521 00:20:19,130 --> 00:20:21,170 is that this is the classic tracking 522 00:20:21,170 --> 00:20:22,700 code so it's just measuring the page 523 00:20:22,700 --> 00:20:24,800 you and just a click as well 524 00:20:24,800 --> 00:20:28,400 on outings and we mentioned it's as 525 00:20:29,390 --> 00:20:33,680 file extension downloads so here let's imagine 526 00:20:33,680 --> 00:20:34,970 for example i would like to track 527 00:20:34,970 --> 00:20:36,710 the number of people which while clicking 528 00:20:36,740 --> 00:20:37,159 on this 529 00:20:37,190 --> 00:20:38,750 given the nature you see him like 530 00:20:38,750 --> 00:20:40,250 clicking like five times on it 531 00:20:41,960 --> 00:20:43,880 nothing's going to happen why is that 532 00:20:43,940 --> 00:20:46,250 why because the classic tracking code of 533 00:20:46,250 --> 00:20:47,750 metal has not been 534 00:20:48,920 --> 00:20:51,260 he's not hyper here if i click 535 00:20:51,260 --> 00:20:53,600 for example hill and our sis as 536 00:20:53,600 --> 00:20:55,940 you can see on the bottom left 537 00:20:55,940 --> 00:20:57,170 of the page is going to go 538 00:20:57,170 --> 00:20:59,090 on the same 539 00:21:00,380 --> 00:21:01,430 i think it's going to go down 540 00:21:01,460 --> 00:21:04,700 index i gonna double check if this 541 00:21:04,700 --> 00:21:06,380 will be measured by metal 542 00:21:07,965 --> 00:21:09,680 yes this one's going to be measured 543 00:21:09,680 --> 00:21:11,240 that may matter more it's just it's 544 00:21:11,246 --> 00:21:13,160 not telling me that his analysis fit 545 00:21:13,160 --> 00:21:15,950 but i could somehow guess it get 546 00:21:15,950 --> 00:21:17,930 in touch either made too so i'm 547 00:21:17,930 --> 00:21:19,370 going to click on it's gonna see 548 00:21:19,430 --> 00:21:19,820 if 549 00:21:20,840 --> 00:21:22,130 if it's gonna walk 550 00:21:25,310 --> 00:21:28,070 no it's not walking so here this 551 00:21:28,070 --> 00:21:29,540 is just what i wanted to show 552 00:21:29,540 --> 00:21:31,430 you is that the classic metro mode 553 00:21:31,458 --> 00:21:33,860 tracking code won't measure up probably everything 554 00:21:33,860 --> 00:21:36,020 that's in it so if you want 555 00:21:36,020 --> 00:21:37,460 to know for example if people are 556 00:21:37,460 --> 00:21:39,530 interacting with your images if you want 557 00:21:39,530 --> 00:21:41,150 to know if people are clicking we're 558 00:21:41,150 --> 00:21:43,010 here on the image if you want 559 00:21:43,010 --> 00:21:43,370 to know 560 00:21:43,430 --> 00:21:45,860 if they reach a specific part of 561 00:21:45,920 --> 00:21:47,435 the content of your page you cannot 562 00:21:47,480 --> 00:21:49,040 do it by default with the classic 563 00:21:49,040 --> 00:21:51,110 tracking code of medical never been to 564 00:21:51,110 --> 00:21:52,880 see what's going to happen if i 565 00:21:52,880 --> 00:21:55,700 deploy a net html tag match of 566 00:21:55,700 --> 00:21:58,100 tracking code so i'm going to go 567 00:21:58,550 --> 00:22:00,860 over here and type manager i'm going 568 00:22:00,860 --> 00:22:02,420 to pickup the 569 00:22:04,490 --> 00:22:08,360 container as i previously mentioned it's what's 570 00:22:08,360 --> 00:22:10,760 going to happen is that's i'm going 571 00:22:10,760 --> 00:22:13,070 to use on small disk this extension 572 00:22:13,220 --> 00:22:17,182 ships so it's arched which one do 573 00:22:17,182 --> 00:22:20,000 i want to play with it's this 574 00:22:20,000 --> 00:22:22,700 one okay i'm going to remove this 575 00:22:22,700 --> 00:22:22,970 one 576 00:22:23,720 --> 00:22:26,030 and now we're gonna see what's going 577 00:22:26,030 --> 00:22:26,870 to happen so 578 00:22:28,310 --> 00:22:31,850 perhaps an unsafe okay what would i 579 00:22:31,850 --> 00:22:32,120 do 580 00:22:32,420 --> 00:22:34,790 now i go back on the page 581 00:22:35,180 --> 00:22:39,110 nothing's going to happen and nothing nothing's 582 00:22:39,110 --> 00:22:40,880 going to be incredible right now because 583 00:22:40,880 --> 00:22:42,710 as you can see from the backend 584 00:22:42,740 --> 00:22:44,840 of my solution i have not yet 585 00:22:44,870 --> 00:22:47,060 configure the different behavior that i want 586 00:22:47,060 --> 00:22:49,490 to measure like the score tracking like 587 00:22:49,490 --> 00:22:50,900 the peak and made two and so 588 00:22:50,900 --> 00:22:52,280 on and so forth so 589 00:22:52,370 --> 00:22:53,300 this is what we're going to do 590 00:22:53,300 --> 00:22:54,950 right now so i'm going to create 591 00:22:54,950 --> 00:22:57,339 a new tag these tags then it'd 592 00:22:57,339 --> 00:22:58,042 be like 593 00:22:59,352 --> 00:23:03,110 the credit makes cool events matter why 594 00:23:03,110 --> 00:23:04,160 it takes so i just want to 595 00:23:04,160 --> 00:23:06,051 have a name which is different than 596 00:23:06,051 --> 00:23:07,280 those of time which is what would 597 00:23:07,370 --> 00:23:09,980 be implemented which is just measurement of 598 00:23:09,980 --> 00:23:10,400 paid you 599 00:23:11,480 --> 00:23:12,560 she i'm going to say okay i 600 00:23:12,560 --> 00:23:15,530 want to measure nevins not pedro because 601 00:23:15,530 --> 00:23:16,970 it does the sense i mean someone 602 00:23:17,030 --> 00:23:18,830 who is running down the pages still 603 00:23:18,830 --> 00:23:20,270 on the same page sure i don't 604 00:23:20,270 --> 00:23:22,160 need another pitcher to be to be 605 00:23:22,160 --> 00:23:22,760 recorded 606 00:23:24,320 --> 00:23:27,350 then i'm gonna have to insult here 607 00:23:27,830 --> 00:23:31,010 different values to see is specific to 608 00:23:31,070 --> 00:23:33,673 events because an event is defined by 609 00:23:33,740 --> 00:23:36,410 category inaction and and the name i 610 00:23:36,410 --> 00:23:39,170 mean that that's what madame louise expecting 611 00:23:39,170 --> 00:23:41,540 twelve as an event so here i 612 00:23:41,540 --> 00:23:43,910 can i can fill them with whatever 613 00:23:43,970 --> 00:23:44,120 day 614 00:23:44,210 --> 00:23:46,940 today was the last time you organize 615 00:23:46,940 --> 00:23:49,880 your company you organize your identity system 616 00:23:49,880 --> 00:23:51,800 in a certain way and you want 617 00:23:51,830 --> 00:23:53,930 to have a naming convention which has 618 00:23:54,350 --> 00:23:56,330 which makes sense so most of the 619 00:23:56,360 --> 00:23:58,220 time it's category and from there events 620 00:23:58,220 --> 00:24:00,380 will be something like cat we want 621 00:24:00,410 --> 00:24:04,250 to measure interactions the action 622 00:24:04,310 --> 00:24:04,760 is 623 00:24:05,990 --> 00:24:08,090 let's send the discord 624 00:24:09,500 --> 00:24:12,710 when people performed a core and name 625 00:24:12,710 --> 00:24:14,810 i could put the same name as 626 00:24:14,810 --> 00:24:17,060 this one but will be like redundant 627 00:24:17,480 --> 00:24:19,340 and so i'm going to do here 628 00:24:19,340 --> 00:24:20,780 is that i'm going to pick up 629 00:24:20,780 --> 00:24:23,630 over here what we call invaluable instead 630 00:24:23,630 --> 00:24:25,310 so valuable means it's not going to 631 00:24:25,310 --> 00:24:27,350 be out coded value like like i 632 00:24:27,350 --> 00:24:28,790 did here is going to be some 633 00:24:28,790 --> 00:24:29,480 sandwiches day 634 00:24:29,480 --> 00:24:32,030 dynamic based on what we called the 635 00:24:32,030 --> 00:24:34,367 dumb of the page document object modernity 636 00:24:34,367 --> 00:24:36,920 which is the information we are on 637 00:24:36,920 --> 00:24:40,820 the page and so here they are 638 00:24:41,240 --> 00:24:43,070 then the one that i'm interested in 639 00:24:43,070 --> 00:24:45,650 is technically being fucked a page where 640 00:24:45,650 --> 00:24:47,360 i but i would rather prefer to 641 00:24:47,360 --> 00:24:49,400 know who felt people are scrolling down 642 00:24:49,400 --> 00:24:49,640 the page 643 00:24:49,640 --> 00:24:51,380 page so i'm going to pick up 644 00:24:51,380 --> 00:24:55,070 over here and scroll and it's this 645 00:24:55,070 --> 00:24:58,280 quarter vertical doesn't they show and to 646 00:24:58,670 --> 00:25:02,690 which level two people score down and 647 00:25:02,690 --> 00:25:04,130 now i'm going to add a trigger 648 00:25:04,580 --> 00:25:06,710 sort of trigger is as i previously 649 00:25:06,710 --> 00:25:09,740 mentioned is the condition for which the 650 00:25:09,800 --> 00:25:11,960 data will be collected so i'm going 651 00:25:11,960 --> 00:25:13,370 to pick up over here those are 652 00:25:13,370 --> 00:25:16,550 rich and i wanted to be filed 653 00:25:16,640 --> 00:25:19,640 i would consider like yeah fifty belsen 654 00:25:19,640 --> 00:25:22,880 please find a niche and and and 655 00:25:22,880 --> 00:25:24,260 that's it so i click over i 656 00:25:24,290 --> 00:25:26,540 can create new trigger so what i 657 00:25:26,600 --> 00:25:28,250 did or healers that i said to 658 00:25:28,250 --> 00:25:29,960 the system police met 659 00:25:30,020 --> 00:25:33,110 tumblr tag manager send an event with 660 00:25:33,200 --> 00:25:35,780 those values was a category direction as 661 00:25:35,780 --> 00:25:38,030 an action score and as a name 662 00:25:38,090 --> 00:25:40,296 have become the dynamic value to which 663 00:25:40,386 --> 00:25:44,720 people scroll down and i want you 664 00:25:44,720 --> 00:25:47,090 to fire every time that someone is 665 00:25:47,810 --> 00:25:50,060 reaching more than fifty percents of 666 00:25:50,240 --> 00:25:51,920 the score of the page and i 667 00:25:51,920 --> 00:25:54,080 can i can create my tag and 668 00:25:54,080 --> 00:25:56,146 i can decide to publish which means 669 00:25:56,146 --> 00:25:59,690 like everything which is now within the 670 00:25:59,690 --> 00:26:02,180 container i wanted to go live so 671 00:26:02,180 --> 00:26:02,990 i go over here 672 00:26:04,160 --> 00:26:05,780 i give up 673 00:26:06,470 --> 00:26:09,320 the name of depression so like a 674 00:26:09,320 --> 00:26:09,920 scroll 675 00:26:11,330 --> 00:26:15,350 deployments deployment and i click over here 676 00:26:15,800 --> 00:26:18,260 and now what's up what is happening 677 00:26:18,260 --> 00:26:20,690 is that every scene which was within 678 00:26:20,990 --> 00:26:23,420 my container so hailed the measurement of 679 00:26:23,420 --> 00:26:25,040 the page you the measurement of core 680 00:26:25,070 --> 00:26:25,520 event 681 00:26:26,750 --> 00:26:28,910 should have been if my team always 682 00:26:28,910 --> 00:26:30,890 going in the right direction shouldn't have 683 00:26:30,890 --> 00:26:32,900 been deployed properly so if i go 684 00:26:32,900 --> 00:26:35,450 now back on the website while nothing 685 00:26:36,530 --> 00:26:39,020 impressive is happening because i have not 686 00:26:39,020 --> 00:26:41,180 yet scored down my page or if 687 00:26:41,180 --> 00:26:42,740 i go over here i would still 688 00:26:42,770 --> 00:26:44,753 say that's ok i'm over here and 689 00:26:44,870 --> 00:26:46,760 the page is chris 690 00:26:46,760 --> 00:26:48,860 city of your time is correct but 691 00:26:48,950 --> 00:26:50,690 i have not yet scored down so 692 00:26:50,690 --> 00:26:52,490 there was no score event with chalmers 693 00:26:52,490 --> 00:26:54,560 job and now he face quarter down 694 00:26:54,710 --> 00:26:55,820 as you can see i'm not yet 695 00:26:55,820 --> 00:26:57,920 at fifty percent so i'm like fifty 696 00:26:57,920 --> 00:27:00,230 percent here if i go back and 697 00:27:00,230 --> 00:27:02,840 let my refresh nothing should happen and 698 00:27:02,960 --> 00:27:04,460 this is no more because i have 699 00:27:04,460 --> 00:27:06,260 not yet reached the fifty plus sometime 700 00:27:06,920 --> 00:27:08,240 in which the fifty best this is 701 00:27:08,240 --> 00:27:10,610 a long page on it's probably ok 702 00:27:10,610 --> 00:27:10,910 i'm 703 00:27:12,200 --> 00:27:14,720 i'm not yet at fifty percent but 704 00:27:14,720 --> 00:27:15,980 i'm just going to refresh in order 705 00:27:15,989 --> 00:27:18,560 to show you that's still not deployed 706 00:27:18,890 --> 00:27:20,690 and now if i go that i 707 00:27:20,690 --> 00:27:23,240 do ok here i guess i reach 708 00:27:23,244 --> 00:27:25,850 a kiss to sixty or seventy percent 709 00:27:26,090 --> 00:27:28,310 so normally if i'm lucky enough i 710 00:27:28,310 --> 00:27:30,440 should fish well ok i'm lucky enough 711 00:27:30,860 --> 00:27:32,060 to see as you can fish 712 00:27:32,450 --> 00:27:34,430 the evans has to be measured so 713 00:27:34,490 --> 00:27:36,890 like okay i reached the more than 714 00:27:36,890 --> 00:27:39,110 sixty percent of the page it's pushing 715 00:27:39,110 --> 00:27:42,740 to the system interaction scored and fifty 716 00:27:42,800 --> 00:27:45,530 reach represent exactly what i wanted and 717 00:27:46,490 --> 00:27:49,130 on those data sent as i decided 718 00:27:49,280 --> 00:27:51,110 to send them as an event that 719 00:27:51,110 --> 00:27:52,280 would sharp overhead and b 720 00:27:52,280 --> 00:27:55,550 behavior and then event and i wish 721 00:27:56,090 --> 00:27:58,100 them over yourself cause it's going to 722 00:27:58,100 --> 00:28:00,680 give me a lot of valuable information 723 00:28:00,680 --> 00:28:02,810 that they didn't have so fossil so 724 00:28:02,810 --> 00:28:05,270 far we've a let's say classic tracking 725 00:28:05,270 --> 00:28:07,492 measurement or i could say that people 726 00:28:07,539 --> 00:28:10,190 are going into page but i don't 727 00:28:10,190 --> 00:28:11,510 know if they are reading the content 728 00:28:11,510 --> 00:28:12,380 one artist 729 00:28:12,440 --> 00:28:13,910 i dunno is that interacting with the 730 00:28:13,910 --> 00:28:16,280 patent owner and thanks to escort tracking 731 00:28:16,280 --> 00:28:17,780 i can or would you say that's 732 00:28:17,780 --> 00:28:20,060 ok at least understood that they can 733 00:28:20,300 --> 00:28:21,740 also go down the page 734 00:28:22,760 --> 00:28:25,430 and let's take maybe another exam poor 735 00:28:25,522 --> 00:28:27,080 i'm going to take this burden which 736 00:28:27,080 --> 00:28:29,210 is the the get in touch i 737 00:28:29,330 --> 00:28:31,669 saw here it's a this one is 738 00:28:31,670 --> 00:28:34,370 more for eye contact interaction so this 739 00:28:34,370 --> 00:28:36,410 is of course very interesting because probably 740 00:28:37,400 --> 00:28:38,720 i mean this guy i don't know 741 00:28:38,810 --> 00:28:40,460 who is behind the website but probably 742 00:28:41,000 --> 00:28:42,650 he or she wants to get 743 00:28:43,010 --> 00:28:45,020 his move to chase or anything slightest 744 00:28:45,830 --> 00:28:49,010 so getting the measurement of people whedon 745 00:28:49,010 --> 00:28:51,650 intend to contact him i think it's 746 00:28:51,650 --> 00:28:53,540 important so i'm going to do is 747 00:28:53,540 --> 00:28:55,910 that i'm going up over night my 748 00:28:55,910 --> 00:28:58,070 mouse of our found the on the 749 00:28:58,400 --> 00:29:01,040 on the elements because i will need 750 00:29:01,280 --> 00:29:03,080 this adamant info 751 00:29:03,080 --> 00:29:05,150 formation in order to configure and i 752 00:29:05,150 --> 00:29:06,830 met him one time manager here what 753 00:29:06,830 --> 00:29:09,080 they can see is that i have 754 00:29:10,400 --> 00:29:12,140 it's a link which is in a 755 00:29:12,180 --> 00:29:15,530 cif which contains an information which is 756 00:29:15,530 --> 00:29:17,420 made to such so as 757 00:29:18,440 --> 00:29:20,570 i text him and which is get 758 00:29:20,570 --> 00:29:22,940 in touch so he like i can 759 00:29:22,940 --> 00:29:25,040 play differently i can configure it differently 760 00:29:25,040 --> 00:29:26,810 but i guess that in my case 761 00:29:26,810 --> 00:29:28,760 i would probably be so okay everytime 762 00:29:28,820 --> 00:29:31,370 someone's going to click on the link 763 00:29:31,490 --> 00:29:34,970 on the page which contained information get 764 00:29:34,970 --> 00:29:37,400 in touch as a text sediment i 765 00:29:37,400 --> 00:29:38,600 want and information 766 00:29:38,660 --> 00:29:40,820 to be sent to more so that 767 00:29:40,880 --> 00:29:42,200 that's what i would do so i'm 768 00:29:42,200 --> 00:29:43,520 going to go back over here with 769 00:29:43,640 --> 00:29:48,680 maximal i'm gonna select matawan ethics as 770 00:29:48,680 --> 00:29:51,140 a target group definitely decide to send 771 00:29:51,140 --> 00:29:52,460 the data to a sub of the 772 00:29:52,464 --> 00:29:54,680 player i mean that that's the refinement 773 00:29:55,100 --> 00:29:58,760 of course depends of the different permission 774 00:29:58,790 --> 00:30:00,529 system that you are using but in 775 00:30:00,529 --> 00:30:02,273 my case i'm just using that one 776 00:30:02,273 --> 00:30:03,768 a tick so i'm going to cut 777 00:30:03,768 --> 00:30:07,370 it like a intense them to contact 778 00:30:08,601 --> 00:30:10,520 intend to contact 779 00:30:11,750 --> 00:30:13,610 the kid when they met more antics 780 00:30:13,730 --> 00:30:16,730 and so here i could decide to 781 00:30:16,730 --> 00:30:18,200 send it as an event or to 782 00:30:18,200 --> 00:30:19,700 send it as a as a goal 783 00:30:20,090 --> 00:30:22,160 maybe for the sake of this example 784 00:30:22,160 --> 00:30:24,770 i'm going to use a goal the 785 00:30:24,770 --> 00:30:26,060 reason why i would like to use 786 00:30:26,060 --> 00:30:28,040 a good just for this presentation for 787 00:30:28,040 --> 00:30:29,630 you guys to see the difference so 788 00:30:30,350 --> 00:30:31,880 let's imagine that i want to 789 00:30:32,375 --> 00:30:34,865 it has a goal like the purpose 790 00:30:34,865 --> 00:30:37,085 of my website is ready to get 791 00:30:37,085 --> 00:30:39,515 some leads to get some contacts and 792 00:30:39,515 --> 00:30:42,455 probably decent direction as family values and 793 00:30:42,455 --> 00:30:44,225 just cutting down if people are screwing 794 00:30:44,225 --> 00:30:45,845 down nothing is standing in the dugout 795 00:30:45,935 --> 00:30:48,215 contact and they'll chase my books receives 796 00:30:48,215 --> 00:30:49,805 a contact me to get in touch 797 00:30:50,105 --> 00:30:52,535 there's probably a highest probably tsh that 798 00:30:52,535 --> 00:30:55,475 all those people convert so that's probably 799 00:30:55,475 --> 00:30:56,765 why i wanted to find a good 800 00:30:56,765 --> 00:30:58,025 heel result in an event 801 00:30:59,555 --> 00:31:02,195 i'm going to add the trigger now 802 00:31:02,555 --> 00:31:05,195 so the trigger will be an interaction 803 00:31:05,195 --> 00:31:06,742 which is based on the click which 804 00:31:06,845 --> 00:31:09,755 lays on the link elemental could it 805 00:31:09,755 --> 00:31:13,025 like link click 806 00:31:14,645 --> 00:31:15,125 me too 807 00:31:16,595 --> 00:31:19,235 and here i'm going to use a 808 00:31:19,235 --> 00:31:21,515 filter because if i just set it 809 00:31:21,515 --> 00:31:23,435 like this it will be like every 810 00:31:23,795 --> 00:31:26,405 link that they click on the website 811 00:31:26,405 --> 00:31:28,325 which will be measured as a goal 812 00:31:28,325 --> 00:31:30,065 that's typically not what i want to 813 00:31:30,065 --> 00:31:31,745 do because they have many links on 814 00:31:31,745 --> 00:31:32,945 the page as you can see i 815 00:31:32,955 --> 00:31:34,895 got one here i got one here 816 00:31:34,895 --> 00:31:36,095 i got i got many 817 00:31:37,505 --> 00:31:38,675 so that that's not what i want 818 00:31:38,675 --> 00:31:40,145 to do so i want to filter 819 00:31:40,145 --> 00:31:41,885 it and i want to socal is 820 00:31:41,885 --> 00:31:44,075 just every time that someone will click 821 00:31:44,495 --> 00:31:46,925 on the element of the page to 822 00:31:46,925 --> 00:31:49,085 say healed the the link where the 823 00:31:49,085 --> 00:31:52,325 value equal to get in touch ok 824 00:31:52,475 --> 00:31:54,395 so click decks get in touch with 825 00:31:54,425 --> 00:31:56,615 him saying okay if someone click on 826 00:31:56,645 --> 00:32:00,455 the link which contain the text which 827 00:32:00,455 --> 00:32:02,495 is in my case getting in touch 828 00:32:03,605 --> 00:32:05,975 okay and now i can i can 829 00:32:05,975 --> 00:32:08,345 crate made by tag us it's nothing 830 00:32:08,345 --> 00:32:09,605 to walks right to work or i 831 00:32:09,605 --> 00:32:12,185 need to do first is to go 832 00:32:12,185 --> 00:32:14,075 over a hill in maximal and i 833 00:32:14,075 --> 00:32:16,385 need to add to the goal because 834 00:32:16,385 --> 00:32:18,605 i haven't done it yet 835 00:32:19,685 --> 00:32:23,101 and then to contact thought for the 836 00:32:23,101 --> 00:32:24,455 people who don't know what the goal 837 00:32:24,485 --> 00:32:27,155 is is that the most important action 838 00:32:27,155 --> 00:32:28,565 that you would like to measure on 839 00:32:29,075 --> 00:32:30,875 your website ie i'm going to select 840 00:32:30,935 --> 00:32:33,815 men will gore because that's whole the 841 00:32:34,085 --> 00:32:36,935 matter with technogym recognized goals which achieved 842 00:32:36,995 --> 00:32:38,945 you need to send them as a 843 00:32:39,005 --> 00:32:39,335 as an 844 00:32:39,405 --> 00:32:39,635 one 845 00:32:40,775 --> 00:32:43,085 i i'm gonna select the logo to 846 00:32:43,085 --> 00:32:44,855 be converted more than one village just 847 00:32:44,855 --> 00:32:46,955 for the book proposition as well because 848 00:32:47,495 --> 00:32:49,415 probably want us on during the visit 849 00:32:49,445 --> 00:32:49,715 camp 850 00:32:51,125 --> 00:32:53,945 the interesting contact me multiple times it's 851 00:32:53,945 --> 00:32:55,655 not making much sense but wouldn't have 852 00:32:55,655 --> 00:32:55,895 done it 853 00:32:56,855 --> 00:32:58,475 i saw this what i just what 854 00:32:58,475 --> 00:33:01,025 they do so same thing as last 855 00:33:01,025 --> 00:33:04,685 time nothing extraordinary is going to happen 856 00:33:04,685 --> 00:33:06,815 right now because i have not yet 857 00:33:07,895 --> 00:33:08,255 i 858 00:33:09,335 --> 00:33:12,155 i published my walk so now i 859 00:33:12,155 --> 00:33:14,075 can decide to publish it 860 00:33:16,265 --> 00:33:17,645 but in my case i'm going to 861 00:33:17,645 --> 00:33:19,685 use something that i have not yet 862 00:33:19,685 --> 00:33:21,005 shown you which is the preview and 863 00:33:21,005 --> 00:33:23,675 debug because if i publish it means 864 00:33:23,675 --> 00:33:25,505 finding enough to make some dimwit stuff 865 00:33:25,505 --> 00:33:26,945 but if you do it for real 866 00:33:27,365 --> 00:33:29,165 and that you mess up something up 867 00:33:29,585 --> 00:33:32,825 it means that's everybody's all the visitors 868 00:33:32,825 --> 00:33:33,545 who are going to go on your 869 00:33:33,545 --> 00:33:34,685 website when 870 00:33:35,255 --> 00:33:38,723 i probably send you some fake data 871 00:33:38,723 --> 00:33:40,086 on the wrong data on the six 872 00:33:40,089 --> 00:33:41,765 i do so it's a good practice 873 00:33:41,825 --> 00:33:44,105 to never publish straight to web just 874 00:33:44,105 --> 00:33:47,645 to prove you first notice okay and 875 00:33:47,705 --> 00:33:50,225 i want to see if my implementation 876 00:33:50,225 --> 00:33:54,995 is correct rather than directly publishing it 877 00:33:55,055 --> 00:33:55,325 live 878 00:33:55,955 --> 00:33:57,725 in fact using the preview mode it's 879 00:33:57,725 --> 00:34:01,925 like reviewing your content draft before publishing 880 00:34:01,925 --> 00:34:03,935 it so that's what i'm going to 881 00:34:03,935 --> 00:34:05,787 do here so in order to activate 882 00:34:05,855 --> 00:34:07,505 pretty much you need to enable it 883 00:34:07,505 --> 00:34:09,304 within the maximum talking about just so 884 00:34:09,304 --> 00:34:10,775 as i did and then you need 885 00:34:10,804 --> 00:34:13,145 to append the fourteen parameter at the 886 00:34:13,145 --> 00:34:15,574 end of the us if false 887 00:34:15,574 --> 00:34:18,125 the reason it doesn't work like like 888 00:34:18,125 --> 00:34:20,105 right now it's probably that's you need 889 00:34:20,105 --> 00:34:22,355 to clear your cache first so ctrl 890 00:34:22,355 --> 00:34:24,665 f five and then issue are lucky 891 00:34:25,205 --> 00:34:27,425 so as i do you get inside 892 00:34:27,425 --> 00:34:29,315 the preview mode which is activated here 893 00:34:29,705 --> 00:34:31,594 so here had preview monday studying your 894 00:34:31,594 --> 00:34:34,835 camp the first tag has been deployed 895 00:34:34,925 --> 00:34:35,735 which is the 896 00:34:35,735 --> 00:34:38,375 the page you want the fact that 897 00:34:38,375 --> 00:34:40,415 the page has been viewed the score 898 00:34:40,445 --> 00:34:43,355 tracking as not been yet filed and 899 00:34:43,355 --> 00:34:44,676 that's normal because they are not just 900 00:34:44,676 --> 00:34:46,889 scroll down up to fifty percent and 901 00:34:46,909 --> 00:34:48,725 intend to contact the target has not 902 00:34:48,725 --> 00:34:51,574 been deployed yet executed because they haven't 903 00:34:51,574 --> 00:34:52,864 yet to kick them get in touch 904 00:34:54,094 --> 00:34:55,655 just for the sake of the example 905 00:34:55,655 --> 00:34:57,125 you see if i scrolled down the 906 00:34:57,125 --> 00:34:58,775 page if i go up to fifty 907 00:34:58,775 --> 00:35:01,415 percent i get discouraged over here and 908 00:35:01,415 --> 00:35:04,625 discourage his executive okay so this is 909 00:35:04,625 --> 00:35:06,185 what the preview mode is about it's 910 00:35:06,185 --> 00:35:09,665 about showing you debugging and helping you 911 00:35:09,665 --> 00:35:11,585 in knowing if the tag that you 912 00:35:11,585 --> 00:35:13,565 implemented is walking on 913 00:35:14,255 --> 00:35:15,995 i want going to do anything anything 914 00:35:15,995 --> 00:35:17,405 with a creek and get in touch 915 00:35:17,465 --> 00:35:19,325 and if i'm lucky enough no matter 916 00:35:19,475 --> 00:35:20,825 what's going to happen the warheads that 917 00:35:20,885 --> 00:35:22,535 never will be filed in order to 918 00:35:22,535 --> 00:35:26,045 say hey you know what's the trigger 919 00:35:26,105 --> 00:35:28,265 that you implemented with the tag associated 920 00:35:28,265 --> 00:35:30,935 to it walked and it has been 921 00:35:31,235 --> 00:35:33,275 recorded bassist system so i'm going to 922 00:35:33,275 --> 00:35:34,295 pick on getting to 923 00:35:34,295 --> 00:35:36,845 ouch since that time kind of like 924 00:35:36,935 --> 00:35:38,885 as you can see the link click 925 00:35:38,885 --> 00:35:41,495 have been deployed and here i am 926 00:35:41,555 --> 00:35:43,205 getting it so it's great it's nice 927 00:35:43,205 --> 00:35:44,885 that the data has been sent 928 00:35:46,205 --> 00:35:48,365 to to maximal so i can now 929 00:35:48,421 --> 00:35:52,265 peacefully look over here and have in 930 00:35:52,265 --> 00:35:54,095 fact as you can see the gold 931 00:35:54,155 --> 00:35:56,945 which have been deployed so this is 932 00:35:56,945 --> 00:35:58,685 in fact what matt moore talking about 933 00:35:58,685 --> 00:36:00,935 jelly's abouts as they say dislike pushing 934 00:36:00,935 --> 00:36:02,825 your data collection to the next level 935 00:36:03,095 --> 00:36:05,825 by giving you the possibility to implement 936 00:36:06,635 --> 00:36:11,345 very complex tracking let's say method is 937 00:36:11,345 --> 00:36:14,645 edi thanks to a beckham kept soft 938 00:36:14,675 --> 00:36:16,895 cross shown like this you may have 939 00:36:16,895 --> 00:36:19,025 the feeling that's okay it's like super 940 00:36:19,055 --> 00:36:20,465 how to do it is like it's 941 00:36:20,465 --> 00:36:22,205 going to take me i what else 942 00:36:22,205 --> 00:36:23,945 to do i needed training and so 943 00:36:23,945 --> 00:36:26,375 on and so forth while just 944 00:36:26,405 --> 00:36:28,475 veteran just by watching this video watching 945 00:36:28,475 --> 00:36:30,964 this training let's say this conference you 946 00:36:30,964 --> 00:36:32,705 already learn a lot after all it's 947 00:36:32,705 --> 00:36:34,745 a lot about practice so in order 948 00:36:34,745 --> 00:36:36,755 to practise what you can do is 949 00:36:36,755 --> 00:36:38,585 exactly the way did it is like 950 00:36:38,825 --> 00:36:41,255 using this extension and use a javascript 951 00:36:41,285 --> 00:36:44,435 and css implement it on a website 952 00:36:44,435 --> 00:36:46,115 that you don't own and then 953 00:36:46,835 --> 00:36:49,052 send the data to a net to 954 00:36:49,052 --> 00:36:51,185 more website the twelve will be just 955 00:36:51,185 --> 00:36:53,197 for the sake of the demo just 956 00:36:53,197 --> 00:36:54,875 on the sake of practice and this 957 00:36:54,875 --> 00:36:56,075 is how you can learn a lot 958 00:36:56,525 --> 00:36:58,475 then you have as well unmet to 959 00:36:58,475 --> 00:37:00,965 move the quality of the food guide 960 00:37:01,055 --> 00:37:03,845 which is over here that you can 961 00:37:03,845 --> 00:37:04,925 you just need to type the tag 962 00:37:04,925 --> 00:37:06,095 manager and you will see in fact 963 00:37:06,095 --> 00:37:06,545 a fool 964 00:37:07,055 --> 00:37:10,055 guide over here from the from the 965 00:37:10,055 --> 00:37:12,305 net with cima and then at the 966 00:37:12,395 --> 00:37:14,495 end of the of the guide you 967 00:37:14,555 --> 00:37:16,625 even get a tag match of training 968 00:37:16,685 --> 00:37:19,295 also until jackie that's me again that's 969 00:37:19,805 --> 00:37:21,995 with full videos that you can watch 970 00:37:21,995 --> 00:37:24,425 expanding you everything that i just show 971 00:37:24,425 --> 00:37:26,495 you step by step in order for 972 00:37:26,495 --> 00:37:26,855 you guys 973 00:37:26,855 --> 00:37:29,735 i used to feel more confident with 974 00:37:30,965 --> 00:37:33,725 the the tag management system so that 975 00:37:33,725 --> 00:37:35,525 that's really what i wanted to show 976 00:37:35,525 --> 00:37:38,645 you as a said the didn't tell 977 00:37:38,645 --> 00:37:43,805 me yet let's do it sam 978 00:37:44,825 --> 00:37:48,125 the it's the basic and intermediate level 979 00:37:48,155 --> 00:37:50,015 of using a mat to move the 980 00:37:50,195 --> 00:37:51,935 majority to talking about joins in war 981 00:37:52,175 --> 00:37:54,425 this is about understanding what it is 982 00:37:54,425 --> 00:37:56,735 about and being able to play with 983 00:37:56,765 --> 00:37:58,625 the use user interface in order to 984 00:37:58,625 --> 00:38:01,055 get ready to make some data collection 985 00:38:01,865 --> 00:38:03,665 then of course have to accept some 986 00:38:03,665 --> 00:38:04,325 practice 987 00:38:04,715 --> 00:38:06,245 the effect of stuff to be used 988 00:38:06,245 --> 00:38:08,495 with it and the next spot which 989 00:38:08,495 --> 00:38:09,815 is about how to go to the 990 00:38:09,815 --> 00:38:12,605 next level is about knowing what we 991 00:38:12,605 --> 00:38:17,465 call the jews of the so that's 992 00:38:17,615 --> 00:38:18,905 my that's my 993 00:38:20,135 --> 00:38:24,770 i that's night presentation but the next 994 00:38:24,785 --> 00:38:26,045 but not have to move to the 995 00:38:26,045 --> 00:38:28,055 next level is ready to understand what 996 00:38:28,055 --> 00:38:30,095 is it that talia and how you 997 00:38:30,095 --> 00:38:31,655 cannot use it and why is it 998 00:38:31,655 --> 00:38:32,165 useful 999 00:38:33,365 --> 00:38:37,595 so here's the controversy around the tag 1000 00:38:37,625 --> 00:38:40,145 management system a time management system as 1001 00:38:40,145 --> 00:38:42,905 you can see is mostly other ties 1002 00:38:42,905 --> 00:38:47,075 for communication and marketing department guys now 1003 00:38:47,075 --> 00:38:48,335 though to tell them okay now you 1004 00:38:48,335 --> 00:38:50,255 have a super tools which can make 1005 00:38:50,255 --> 00:38:52,295 super complex things and you don't need 1006 00:38:52,775 --> 00:38:53,495 to rely on 1007 00:38:53,615 --> 00:38:55,145 the i t guys any more 1008 00:38:56,105 --> 00:38:58,115 that's the way it is advertise but 1009 00:38:58,115 --> 00:38:59,675 you have to know that's the way 1010 00:38:59,675 --> 00:39:01,775 you play it the way i show 1011 00:39:01,775 --> 00:39:03,065 you how to play with the tag 1012 00:39:03,065 --> 00:39:06,035 management system it is just one part 1013 00:39:06,035 --> 00:39:07,235 of it that's the part which is 1014 00:39:07,235 --> 00:39:10,925 the less techy that's fallen to advanced 1015 00:39:10,925 --> 00:39:13,685 and complex project you will need to 1016 00:39:13,685 --> 00:39:15,155 use what to call it that talia 1017 00:39:15,185 --> 00:39:15,725 which 1018 00:39:16,055 --> 00:39:18,965 dispatch rely on your i t deference 1019 00:39:19,295 --> 00:39:21,935 and will explain myself little bits 1020 00:39:24,155 --> 00:39:27,125 that little is that let's use another 1021 00:39:27,125 --> 00:39:29,915 example here in order for what i'm 1022 00:39:29,915 --> 00:39:31,655 expecting you to to make more sense 1023 00:39:32,165 --> 00:39:34,745 let's imagine for example that you would 1024 00:39:34,745 --> 00:39:37,355 like to collect other data for this 1025 00:39:37,355 --> 00:39:40,175 given page the hotel the page ok 1026 00:39:40,175 --> 00:39:41,945 you would like to push to maximal 1027 00:39:42,215 --> 00:39:43,895 decided that this gives 1028 00:39:43,985 --> 00:39:46,355 page this given piece of content has 1029 00:39:46,355 --> 00:39:48,095 been written by john okay 1030 00:39:49,519 --> 00:39:52,085 the problem here is that's the name 1031 00:39:52,085 --> 00:39:53,825 john is not on the page you 1032 00:39:53,834 --> 00:39:55,274 see i can i can look under 1033 00:39:55,274 --> 00:39:56,845 the page oh by the way of 1034 00:39:56,893 --> 00:40:00,485 john okay bad example i'm going to 1035 00:40:00,485 --> 00:40:02,435 say like it's written by jones okay 1036 00:40:02,735 --> 00:40:06,455 to get to know though joe dublin 1037 00:40:06,965 --> 00:40:08,345 i don't have any johnny on the 1038 00:40:08,345 --> 00:40:09,335 page ok so 1039 00:40:09,425 --> 00:40:13,865 that's that's problematic because i cannot send 1040 00:40:13,865 --> 00:40:15,395 this data to know more than me 1041 00:40:15,455 --> 00:40:17,412 as a webmaster i know that johnny 1042 00:40:17,412 --> 00:40:20,735 who was just given page so how 1043 00:40:20,735 --> 00:40:23,195 can i do this i was just 1044 00:40:23,195 --> 00:40:24,695 with the time my jailed away showed 1045 00:40:24,725 --> 00:40:27,605 to you i cannot between let's add 1046 00:40:27,605 --> 00:40:29,495 to the contribution of the 1047 00:40:29,555 --> 00:40:32,345 eighty guys thanks to that idea i 1048 00:40:32,345 --> 00:40:35,525 could make this data available because you 1049 00:40:35,525 --> 00:40:38,435 know within your internal system your cms 1050 00:40:38,435 --> 00:40:41,045 for example or annual database that this 1051 00:40:41,045 --> 00:40:42,875 is john the world the content because 1052 00:40:42,905 --> 00:40:44,615 on your cms you have the possibility 1053 00:40:44,615 --> 00:40:47,015 to insult the data that the auto 1054 00:40:47,015 --> 00:40:48,695 focus on board is just that you 1055 00:40:48,695 --> 00:40:49,655 decided to know 1056 00:40:50,185 --> 00:40:51,625 up on the page but you need 1057 00:40:51,625 --> 00:40:53,035 this information in order to send it 1058 00:40:53,065 --> 00:40:53,425 to met 1059 00:40:54,475 --> 00:40:57,145 so what you need to play with 1060 00:40:57,145 --> 00:40:58,285 what you need to have here is 1061 00:40:58,285 --> 00:41:00,235 what we call it that area which 1062 00:41:00,235 --> 00:41:03,265 consists of a piece of additional code 1063 00:41:03,565 --> 00:41:05,755 that you add on the page in 1064 00:41:05,755 --> 00:41:08,035 order for met with a module to 1065 00:41:08,035 --> 00:41:10,195 be able to grab this information and 1066 00:41:10,195 --> 00:41:12,415 then push it out to the system 1067 00:41:13,075 --> 00:41:14,605 as it consists of lines of 1068 00:41:14,635 --> 00:41:17,305 cut that ad like this like this 1069 00:41:17,305 --> 00:41:20,605 one therapy on on the page and 1070 00:41:20,605 --> 00:41:23,335 of course here what we call devalue 1071 00:41:23,785 --> 00:41:27,565 are written in programming language most of 1072 00:41:27,565 --> 00:41:29,725 the time it's peach peach all was 1073 00:41:29,725 --> 00:41:32,275 a language that you'll def seems he 1074 00:41:32,275 --> 00:41:34,345 is familiar with in order to fetch 1075 00:41:34,345 --> 00:41:34,765 the data 1076 00:41:34,795 --> 00:41:37,375 bays require the data that you want 1077 00:41:37,405 --> 00:41:39,325 and then make it available for you 1078 00:41:39,415 --> 00:41:40,795 within what we call it that and 1079 00:41:40,795 --> 00:41:42,715 a jar that you can afterwards 1080 00:41:44,245 --> 00:41:46,765 get within the system so for the 1081 00:41:46,765 --> 00:41:48,715 sake of the example where i'm going 1082 00:41:48,715 --> 00:41:50,455 to do that i would go back 1083 00:41:50,725 --> 00:41:53,033 over here and i'm going to add 1084 00:41:53,395 --> 00:41:56,575 physical use this is definitely a thing 1085 00:41:56,965 --> 00:41:58,405 so i just was going to do 1086 00:41:58,405 --> 00:42:01,645 here i'm gonna just name like nato 1087 00:42:03,715 --> 00:42:05,065 then i'm going to give him the 1088 00:42:05,065 --> 00:42:07,585 name which is as i said it's 1089 00:42:07,585 --> 00:42:08,785 going to dejan so 1090 00:42:09,895 --> 00:42:11,035 yips so 1091 00:42:12,535 --> 00:42:15,565 journeys and i should be good to 1092 00:42:16,165 --> 00:42:18,715 okay so this is what i have 1093 00:42:18,715 --> 00:42:20,125 now i have that idea on the 1094 00:42:20,125 --> 00:42:23,605 page with valuable which is a though 1095 00:42:23,618 --> 00:42:25,765 which has a value which is johnny 1096 00:42:26,905 --> 00:42:28,615 and what i can do now within 1097 00:42:28,615 --> 00:42:30,417 the tag management system since was going 1098 00:42:30,417 --> 00:42:33,025 to go back on it gibbs amendment 1099 00:42:33,025 --> 00:42:36,505 system doesn't create this valuable and you're 1100 00:42:36,505 --> 00:42:39,235 gonna see that we can grab this 1101 00:42:39,235 --> 00:42:42,085 value and make it available for the 1102 00:42:42,115 --> 00:42:43,375 time angeles i'm going to go over 1103 00:42:43,375 --> 00:42:45,925 here and i'm gonna select what we 1104 00:42:45,925 --> 00:42:47,005 call the the 1105 00:42:47,035 --> 00:42:48,448 thirty yo i'm going to give it 1106 00:42:48,448 --> 00:42:51,775 the name which is explicit on which 1107 00:42:51,775 --> 00:42:53,425 of course correspond to the thirty one 1108 00:42:53,545 --> 00:42:55,735 that i created which is auto and 1109 00:42:55,735 --> 00:42:58,225 now is going to make a bridge 1110 00:42:58,285 --> 00:43:02,455 between the tag manager and the 1111 00:43:03,595 --> 00:43:06,295 and that talia and now i need 1112 00:43:06,325 --> 00:43:07,645 to ask my several cat how can 1113 00:43:07,645 --> 00:43:09,205 i push it to the system so 1114 00:43:09,205 --> 00:43:10,733 in my case i'm going to 1115 00:43:11,965 --> 00:43:15,595 i hook related to it's just thinking 1116 00:43:15,595 --> 00:43:18,612 about disease that's going to be accustomed 1117 00:43:18,625 --> 00:43:20,755 i mentioned i'm going to go over 1118 00:43:20,755 --> 00:43:23,185 here and we'll create a custom dimension 1119 00:43:23,965 --> 00:43:25,375 the custom dimensions going to be a 1120 00:43:25,375 --> 00:43:27,895 detection level going to be a photo 1121 00:43:28,195 --> 00:43:30,027 is going to be active and that's 1122 00:43:30,115 --> 00:43:31,795 all for the people who don't know 1123 00:43:31,795 --> 00:43:32,125 what is 1124 00:43:32,215 --> 00:43:35,155 custom dimension its and it's and then 1125 00:43:35,155 --> 00:43:37,435 trish that we create in metamora which 1126 00:43:37,435 --> 00:43:40,465 is custom sickness it doesn't exist by 1127 00:43:40,465 --> 00:43:43,825 default it's just it's correspond to what 1128 00:43:43,825 --> 00:43:45,385 your website collect that met them was 1129 00:43:45,385 --> 00:43:47,215 the entry fight so that's why it's 1130 00:43:47,215 --> 00:43:49,795 a custom one then i just created 1131 00:43:49,795 --> 00:43:51,295 it you know to be able to 1132 00:43:51,355 --> 00:43:52,285 have a place where 1133 00:43:52,285 --> 00:43:54,715 where to send the data to within 1134 00:43:55,585 --> 00:43:58,976 within maximum and that's mostly it's what 1135 00:43:58,976 --> 00:44:00,595 they need to do now is just 1136 00:44:00,595 --> 00:44:04,165 to do in fact correct this given 1137 00:44:04,855 --> 00:44:06,835 type because this tag is the one 1138 00:44:06,895 --> 00:44:08,935 dealing with the page you and i 1139 00:44:08,965 --> 00:44:11,455 just want to modify this one and 1140 00:44:11,455 --> 00:44:12,445 say every time 1141 00:44:12,445 --> 00:44:14,575 and the the page is going to 1142 00:44:14,575 --> 00:44:16,735 be loaded i want as well to 1143 00:44:16,735 --> 00:44:19,765 send information dealing with the auto because 1144 00:44:19,795 --> 00:44:22,135 i want to know who what the 1145 00:44:22,135 --> 00:44:23,305 page so i'm going to go over 1146 00:44:23,305 --> 00:44:26,635 how they can select the the thirty 1147 00:44:26,635 --> 00:44:28,795 one valuable that they created and now 1148 00:44:29,185 --> 00:44:31,015 if i'm lucky enough on small one 1149 00:44:31,195 --> 00:44:32,605 but not not going to publish 1150 00:44:32,725 --> 00:44:35,305 and just understand pretty much that's if 1151 00:44:35,335 --> 00:44:37,555 i've done this thing properly patients each 1152 00:44:38,095 --> 00:44:41,724 photo showing up within no met and 1153 00:44:41,935 --> 00:44:43,855 so on small i'm going to go 1154 00:44:44,155 --> 00:44:46,555 over here within the visit club showing 1155 00:44:46,555 --> 00:44:49,105 you that so far the information is 1156 00:44:49,195 --> 00:44:51,325 not collected did it via the page 1157 00:44:51,325 --> 00:44:52,735 or here for example fight 1158 00:44:52,888 --> 00:44:54,445 all my mouse on this page i 1159 00:44:54,460 --> 00:44:55,675 not know who is the author of 1160 00:44:55,675 --> 00:44:57,895 the page that now if i'm lucky 1161 00:44:57,895 --> 00:44:59,335 enough and if i could make some 1162 00:44:59,342 --> 00:45:03,355 screen preview mode like this ceps okay 1163 00:45:03,565 --> 00:45:05,605 so here the page has been loaded 1164 00:45:05,665 --> 00:45:08,515 so nobody the valuable should have been 1165 00:45:08,515 --> 00:45:09,595 sent as well so i'm going to 1166 00:45:09,608 --> 00:45:11,755 look at that and are you here 1167 00:45:11,755 --> 00:45:12,925 we've ended today i know 1168 00:45:12,955 --> 00:45:14,995 details no to name johnny which is 1169 00:45:14,995 --> 00:45:16,915 exactly what they wanted and if i 1170 00:45:16,915 --> 00:45:19,195 look at the met to move configuration 1171 00:45:19,255 --> 00:45:22,105 nobody on small i should have ah 1172 00:45:22,105 --> 00:45:24,025 yes yeah that you see custom dimensions 1173 00:45:24,055 --> 00:45:27,175 index one but eugenie's that's perfect so 1174 00:45:27,175 --> 00:45:29,725 i can now go back we didn't 1175 00:45:29,725 --> 00:45:31,345 they matter more i can refresh my 1176 00:45:31,375 --> 00:45:33,085 page and normally if i 1177 00:45:33,115 --> 00:45:34,885 i although my mouse over the page 1178 00:45:34,885 --> 00:45:36,265 as you can see that was accustomed 1179 00:45:36,265 --> 00:45:39,175 i mention named auto equal journeys which 1180 00:45:39,175 --> 00:45:41,485 is damien this page has been written 1181 00:45:41,575 --> 00:45:43,675 by jonny so if i gave up 1182 00:45:43,765 --> 00:45:46,106 getting behavioral issues see photo and i 1183 00:45:46,106 --> 00:45:48,745 should see the name johnny if i'm 1184 00:45:48,955 --> 00:45:49,675 lucky enough 1185 00:45:50,905 --> 00:45:54,415 it's loading the page it's a chips 1186 00:45:54,415 --> 00:45:56,335 over their health that's the reason white 1187 00:45:56,357 --> 00:45:58,075 sticking some time and shows you can 1188 00:45:58,075 --> 00:45:59,663 see i get to report a photo 1189 00:45:59,663 --> 00:46:02,095 with giannis and then it gets different 1190 00:46:02,095 --> 00:46:03,595 pitches which have been written by john 1191 00:46:04,615 --> 00:46:07,375 and that's everything that i wanted to 1192 00:46:07,375 --> 00:46:10,495 show you for the thought to dish 1193 00:46:11,455 --> 00:46:13,135 and when they look at the different 1194 00:46:13,135 --> 00:46:15,505 questions which are asked within the chat 1195 00:46:15,505 --> 00:46:16,855 for the people to what the chance 1196 00:46:16,855 --> 00:46:19,675 to to watch it i just would 1197 00:46:19,675 --> 00:46:21,625 like to say thank you for all 1198 00:46:21,625 --> 00:46:24,295 the people were attending it today i 1199 00:46:24,295 --> 00:46:26,575 think we and can tell the lead 1200 00:46:26,605 --> 00:46:29,545 say technical issues so that that's great 1201 00:46:29,545 --> 00:46:31,165 that we organize this for him 1202 00:46:31,165 --> 00:46:33,805 back to the camp issue of any 1203 00:46:33,895 --> 00:46:36,175 any questions dealing with madam we're talking 1204 00:46:36,175 --> 00:46:37,555 about jail just feel free to send 1205 00:46:37,555 --> 00:46:39,295 them spoof i met the moon camp 1206 00:46:39,355 --> 00:46:41,965 adult also a contact form offered free 1207 00:46:41,965 --> 00:46:44,395 as well to send directly your questions 1208 00:46:45,685 --> 00:46:48,325 derek is proof spoof metrics that we 1209 00:46:48,325 --> 00:46:50,455 have right now running at the moment