1 00:00:02,736 --> 00:00:08,796 Okay, and with this it is 2 00:00:08,796 --> 00:00:11,196 four o'clock and i would like to 3 00:00:11,196 --> 00:00:15,876 introduce three people for next presentation namely 4 00:00:16,356 --> 00:00:19,506 to be the poorer with your pierluigi 5 00:00:19,746 --> 00:00:22,206 darcy and cardio 6 00:00:22,806 --> 00:00:23,466 surely him 7 00:00:24,636 --> 00:00:27,066 and in their talk they will give 8 00:00:27,066 --> 00:00:28,836 an overview of how web analytics with 9 00:00:28,836 --> 00:00:31,806 Matomo are used in the public section 10 00:00:31,806 --> 00:00:34,386 in italy include a case study of 11 00:00:34,386 --> 00:00:37,296 the long-term usage of multiple so whenever 12 00:00:37,296 --> 00:00:38,676 you're ready please stand up 13 00:00:40,746 --> 00:00:44,313 hello everybody my name is claridge regina 14 00:00:44,316 --> 00:00:47,466 hansen and santa and i'm responsible for 15 00:00:47,466 --> 00:00:48,606 the 16 00:00:49,776 --> 00:00:53,286 the web development services in the agency 17 00:00:53,286 --> 00:00:57,846 for digital italy and today i want 18 00:00:57,846 --> 00:01:02,947 to present you our solution for monitoring 19 00:01:02,947 --> 00:01:07,626 your website the statistics of public administration 20 00:01:07,656 --> 00:01:09,876 in italy and er 21 00:01:10,626 --> 00:01:12,546 of course we used her and matomo 22 00:01:13,326 --> 00:01:15,729 and the and i explain in this 23 00:01:15,729 --> 00:01:19,326 a very short presentation why we are 24 00:01:19,926 --> 00:01:21,906 we decided to to 25 00:01:23,376 --> 00:01:27,906 to to to him to implementer a 26 00:01:27,906 --> 00:01:30,606 statistical national statistical platform 27 00:01:32,196 --> 00:01:35,885 from a legal point of view are 28 00:01:35,885 --> 00:01:37,875 we are in italy we have a 29 00:01:37,896 --> 00:01:38,376 co 30 00:01:39,426 --> 00:01:42,036 a little context to quiet articulated by 31 00:01:42,036 --> 00:01:42,936 the complex sir 32 00:01:44,496 --> 00:01:46,146 the h's call it is called code 33 00:01:46,146 --> 00:01:49,536 of digital administration in article seven it 34 00:01:49,543 --> 00:01:51,426 says that public administration or 35 00:01:52,716 --> 00:01:55,716 shall publisher on their website data on 36 00:01:55,776 --> 00:01:59,706 user to user just statistics in the 37 00:01:59,706 --> 00:02:02,916 code of digital administration gives you rules 38 00:02:02,916 --> 00:02:05,556 about digital issue for the public and 39 00:02:05,556 --> 00:02:10,266 private entities and that and it's a 40 00:02:10,746 --> 00:02:12,486 rule itself illegal 41 00:02:12,966 --> 00:02:16,956 framework or that must be followed 42 00:02:18,186 --> 00:02:19,776 induction 43 00:02:20,946 --> 00:02:22,926 and it says the public administration should 44 00:02:22,926 --> 00:02:26,826 allow users to express their satisfaction on 45 00:02:26,826 --> 00:02:29,946 the service quality in term of usability 46 00:02:29,976 --> 00:02:35,676 accessibility and timeliness so public administration should 47 00:02:35,676 --> 00:02:37,716 also publish or as i said a 48 00:02:37,716 --> 00:02:41,016 day on the website the resulting data 49 00:02:41,106 --> 00:02:43,206 including a heretic sir 50 00:02:45,126 --> 00:02:50,257 in in in articles fifty three i 51 00:02:50,316 --> 00:02:52,476 don't want to bother you with the 52 00:02:52,506 --> 00:02:54,756 many legislative aspect but the dust to 53 00:02:54,756 --> 00:02:56,586 say you that this is something that 54 00:02:56,586 --> 00:02:59,256 is required by the law 55 00:03:00,306 --> 00:03:05,466 and we added this this a coder 56 00:03:06,576 --> 00:03:09,246 and says that the internet site of 57 00:03:09,246 --> 00:03:12,366 public administration should respect the principle of 58 00:03:12,366 --> 00:03:16,596 accessibility usability as stated in a specific 59 00:03:16,626 --> 00:03:23,196 governmental guidelines and so the public administrations 60 00:03:23,286 --> 00:03:26,256 should create a website that respect this 61 00:03:26,256 --> 00:03:26,706 the spray 62 00:03:26,706 --> 00:03:31,956 principal and about usability find ability completeness 63 00:03:31,956 --> 00:03:35,766 of information clarity of language reliability easy 64 00:03:35,766 --> 00:03:39,216 of consultation on maternity and interpretability well 65 00:03:39,636 --> 00:03:41,586 all the staff work but as we 66 00:03:41,586 --> 00:03:43,086 know must be 67 00:03:44,226 --> 00:03:47,166 add one this this level of quality 68 00:03:47,166 --> 00:03:49,566 can be reached at only by 69 00:03:51,156 --> 00:03:54,426 even about by monitoring the the the 70 00:03:54,426 --> 00:03:55,986 use of a website to 71 00:03:57,246 --> 00:04:00,126 of digital services or by the user 72 00:04:01,146 --> 00:04:01,686 so 73 00:04:03,156 --> 00:04:04,776 of course there are many many other 74 00:04:05,526 --> 00:04:09,126 way of projecting a good web services 75 00:04:09,126 --> 00:04:10,984 but now just to focus on the 76 00:04:10,984 --> 00:04:15,096 suspect in a webpage or agency for 77 00:04:15,096 --> 00:04:17,462 digital he did he brought these guidelines 78 00:04:17,462 --> 00:04:20,556 sir while we define the modalities for 79 00:04:20,556 --> 00:04:22,866 the creation and modification of internet 80 00:04:22,896 --> 00:04:26,886 websites of public administrations these guidelines as 81 00:04:26,886 --> 00:04:30,126 well are something that must be followed 82 00:04:30,216 --> 00:04:34,416 is not something like her and i 83 00:04:34,506 --> 00:04:37,086 can say nice to have a feature 84 00:04:37,086 --> 00:04:40,056 but it's something that the public administration 85 00:04:40,086 --> 00:04:41,046 should respect her 86 00:04:42,066 --> 00:04:45,576 and in this guideline sir we say 87 00:04:45,576 --> 00:04:50,076 that again him and his statistics should 88 00:04:50,076 --> 00:04:54,369 appear on each website the data eg 89 00:04:54,369 --> 00:04:56,286 a day this is very important to 90 00:04:57,696 --> 00:04:59,286 in this case data 91 00:05:00,516 --> 00:05:04,686 you just statistics data remains inside the 92 00:05:04,686 --> 00:05:08,166 public administration with this solution we redefined 93 00:05:08,646 --> 00:05:11,226 and what is this solution the technical 94 00:05:11,316 --> 00:05:11,946 solution 95 00:05:13,776 --> 00:05:18,366 we developed a national platform which is 96 00:05:18,366 --> 00:05:21,876 called web analytics or italia and the 97 00:05:22,056 --> 00:05:25,746 room is an open source solution for 98 00:05:25,746 --> 00:05:29,316 collecting and analyzing analyzing and sharing traffic 99 00:05:29,316 --> 00:05:32,796 and user behavior data dedicated to italian 100 00:05:32,826 --> 00:05:33,186 public 101 00:05:33,366 --> 00:05:37,776 administration websites so in order so to 102 00:05:37,776 --> 00:05:40,446 allies and improve the user experience sir 103 00:05:41,076 --> 00:05:42,846 we developed we did we decided to 104 00:05:42,906 --> 00:05:44,166 to develop the sir 105 00:05:44,766 --> 00:05:46,296 a national platform 106 00:05:47,376 --> 00:05:49,506 and this is the very first time 107 00:05:49,506 --> 00:05:52,648 eatery for for italy for the government 108 00:05:52,782 --> 00:05:55,836 and that we we have as such 109 00:05:55,836 --> 00:05:58,596 a such as such a tool such 110 00:05:58,596 --> 00:06:03,126 as a platform and then already many 111 00:06:03,156 --> 00:06:05,346 many administration have 112 00:06:06,786 --> 00:06:10,566 are are adjoined to the the solutions 113 00:06:11,226 --> 00:06:14,256 and many more are going to to 114 00:06:14,256 --> 00:06:15,396 join they sir 115 00:06:16,326 --> 00:06:20,326 the spot formed by next year and 116 00:06:20,326 --> 00:06:20,616 the 117 00:06:23,226 --> 00:06:23,976 ok 118 00:06:26,286 --> 00:06:30,246 a going out of out of italy 119 00:06:30,576 --> 00:06:35,466 a wii and connected to the sir 120 00:06:35,475 --> 00:06:38,556 platform this solution do with the regulation 121 00:06:38,556 --> 00:06:41,916 of the single digital gateway the regulation 122 00:06:41,916 --> 00:06:45,906 twenty eighteen mina and seventy twenty four 123 00:06:46,386 --> 00:06:50,796 as establishes a single digital gateway at 124 00:06:50,856 --> 00:06:53,406 europe level there to provide access to 125 00:06:53,406 --> 00:06:56,796 information to procedures sir and to assistance 126 00:06:56,796 --> 00:07:01,356 and problem solving services the website addresses 127 00:07:01,356 --> 00:07:04,176 say your europe or africa you can 128 00:07:04,176 --> 00:07:06,546 see it on on my side and 129 00:07:06,546 --> 00:07:07,146 and 130 00:07:08,916 --> 00:07:11,466 so what we have to do with 131 00:07:11,466 --> 00:07:14,466 the web analytics italia based on the 132 00:07:14,466 --> 00:07:17,646 matomo and the sir your bureau platform 133 00:07:17,676 --> 00:07:25,176 well this single digital gateway has thousands 134 00:07:25,386 --> 00:07:27,756 and thousands of links to national web 135 00:07:27,786 --> 00:07:28,386 pages 136 00:07:28,626 --> 00:07:32,436 which contains lots of information specific information 137 00:07:32,796 --> 00:07:33,396 this sir 138 00:07:35,736 --> 00:07:39,276 the statistics about these web pages at 139 00:07:39,276 --> 00:07:42,606 national level must be sent to european 140 00:07:42,606 --> 00:07:47,286 commission and and this is written clearly 141 00:07:47,286 --> 00:07:50,136 stated that in the in the regulation 142 00:07:50,766 --> 00:07:55,206 so national authorities shall ensure that statistics 143 00:07:55,206 --> 00:07:55,506 are 144 00:07:55,506 --> 00:07:57,789 are collected there in relation to users 145 00:07:57,789 --> 00:08:00,786 vz tsa on the gateway and are 146 00:08:00,786 --> 00:08:02,196 on the web page to which the 147 00:08:02,196 --> 00:08:05,016 gateway links in a way that guarantees 148 00:08:05,016 --> 00:08:08,076 anonymity of the users in order to 149 00:08:08,076 --> 00:08:10,326 improve the functionality of the gatwick well 150 00:08:10,536 --> 00:08:10,956 we 151 00:08:12,066 --> 00:08:16,086 yeah we we implemented that we connected 152 00:08:16,086 --> 00:08:19,056 this a national solution with the european 153 00:08:19,092 --> 00:08:19,896 europe europa 154 00:08:21,456 --> 00:08:24,456 single digital gateway and in this way 155 00:08:24,456 --> 00:08:28,296 we avoided as many other member states 156 00:08:28,296 --> 00:08:30,396 are doing now i'll be avoid to 157 00:08:30,396 --> 00:08:32,586 ask it to the single administration to 158 00:08:32,586 --> 00:08:36,726 send the file like an exile of 159 00:08:36,726 --> 00:08:38,976 something stuff like that or to the 160 00:08:38,976 --> 00:08:40,746 european commission about statistics 161 00:08:44,136 --> 00:08:46,806 what kind of information we gather will 162 00:08:46,821 --> 00:08:48,936 number of fees it very very basic 163 00:08:49,026 --> 00:08:52,266 information but the useful number of visits 164 00:08:52,266 --> 00:08:55,956 a number of unique visitors per webpage 165 00:08:56,016 --> 00:08:58,326 countries from which the user are visiting 166 00:08:58,326 --> 00:09:01,266 the webpage type of devices use 167 00:09:01,266 --> 00:09:04,716 austin and the time spent on page 168 00:09:05,826 --> 00:09:08,376 the very basic one spot to 169 00:09:09,726 --> 00:09:12,996 we have set up an automated way 170 00:09:13,056 --> 00:09:16,626 to send this information regularly to the 171 00:09:16,626 --> 00:09:20,106 european commission and more or less this 172 00:09:20,106 --> 00:09:20,946 is the way 173 00:09:22,176 --> 00:09:25,805 the web analytics a connect with the 174 00:09:25,805 --> 00:09:26,256 other 175 00:09:27,876 --> 00:09:33,793 notes of the europa a framework and 176 00:09:33,816 --> 00:09:35,436 then from 177 00:09:36,666 --> 00:09:39,066 it throws for four and till now 178 00:09:39,066 --> 00:09:41,856 the the statistics are related at all 179 00:09:43,056 --> 00:09:44,556 web pages only 180 00:09:45,666 --> 00:09:49,806 and from it and and and and 181 00:09:49,806 --> 00:09:53,634 from twenty three twenty three these statistics 182 00:09:53,646 --> 00:09:53,856 are 183 00:09:55,086 --> 00:09:58,146 will be related to services online which 184 00:09:58,146 --> 00:10:00,606 will be able to or written make 185 00:10:00,606 --> 00:10:03,126 available by the end of twenty twenty 186 00:10:03,126 --> 00:10:03,486 three 187 00:10:05,421 --> 00:10:08,421 my presentation finished here i thank you 188 00:10:08,661 --> 00:10:10,821 very much for your kind attention 189 00:10:15,471 --> 00:10:17,211 i give the floor to debate the 190 00:10:17,211 --> 00:10:17,901 public jan 191 00:10:22,191 --> 00:10:26,451 thank you claudio i switched my presentation 192 00:10:27,771 --> 00:10:30,021 while good afternoon my name is davide 193 00:10:30,021 --> 00:10:32,031 borrow that cure him the lead developer 194 00:10:32,031 --> 00:10:35,271 of web analytics italia the italian national 195 00:10:35,271 --> 00:10:37,761 platform for webinar lee dixon the public 196 00:10:37,761 --> 00:10:38,271 sector 197 00:10:39,261 --> 00:10:42,561 w a i for answered why is 198 00:10:42,561 --> 00:10:44,631 the short name we use for web 199 00:10:44,631 --> 00:10:45,741 analytics he thought 200 00:10:47,721 --> 00:10:50,331 while why am i talking about web 201 00:10:50,331 --> 00:10:53,086 analytics italia it is the project and 202 00:10:53,086 --> 00:10:56,181 now the platform that brought us in 203 00:10:56,181 --> 00:11:00,111 that knowledge of madama why is evolving 204 00:11:00,111 --> 00:11:02,661 of courson and follow the evolution of 205 00:11:02,661 --> 00:11:05,841 madama as well for example one of 206 00:11:05,841 --> 00:11:06,801 the next steps 207 00:11:07,131 --> 00:11:09,411 nowhere roadmap will be to upgrade to 208 00:11:09,411 --> 00:11:11,241 version four of metal 209 00:11:13,041 --> 00:11:16,431 three main points about why the first 210 00:11:16,791 --> 00:11:19,401 as established by the italian lo the 211 00:11:19,401 --> 00:11:22,371 collection of statistical data is mandatory for 212 00:11:22,371 --> 00:11:26,331 public bodies the use of why however 213 00:11:26,331 --> 00:11:29,571 is not mandatory but recommended because a 214 00:11:29,571 --> 00:11:32,451 central collection point as many 215 00:11:32,451 --> 00:11:34,461 the advantages as we'll discuss in a 216 00:11:34,461 --> 00:11:35,031 moment 217 00:11:36,261 --> 00:11:40,011 why turbine is connected to two other 218 00:11:40,011 --> 00:11:43,701 national platforms one is in egypt pr 219 00:11:43,851 --> 00:11:46,131 which is the directory of all the 220 00:11:46,131 --> 00:11:49,341 public administration and the other one is 221 00:11:49,491 --> 00:11:52,641 speed them the italian a digital identity 222 00:11:52,641 --> 00:11:53,241 system 223 00:11:56,031 --> 00:11:59,271 when we started designing webinar dixit alia 224 00:11:59,361 --> 00:12:02,361 madama was the natural choice because as 225 00:12:02,361 --> 00:12:04,731 you all already know it is completely 226 00:12:04,761 --> 00:12:07,881 open source can be extended with custom 227 00:12:07,881 --> 00:12:11,991 plugin and configured according to specific needs 228 00:12:12,711 --> 00:12:14,451 in addition to these cons 229 00:12:14,451 --> 00:12:19,161 immigration attorney law requires public administration to 230 00:12:19,161 --> 00:12:22,941 use open source solution when available so 231 00:12:23,361 --> 00:12:25,851 we had no other choice than metal 232 00:12:29,511 --> 00:12:32,691 the possibility to collect data in one 233 00:12:32,691 --> 00:12:36,711 central point was a strategic decision to 234 00:12:36,711 --> 00:12:39,531 allow a national analysis and to address 235 00:12:39,591 --> 00:12:43,161 certain processes such as the updating of 236 00:12:43,161 --> 00:12:46,311 guidelines for the design of public websites 237 00:12:46,611 --> 00:12:47,091 as cloud 238 00:12:47,182 --> 00:12:50,841 you told before me now that the 239 00:12:50,871 --> 00:12:54,111 platform is a quite stable even if 240 00:12:54,111 --> 00:12:56,601 still in beta we are planning an 241 00:12:56,601 --> 00:13:00,531 extensive analysis of the data collected took 242 00:13:00,531 --> 00:13:04,521 struck valuable information about the interaction of 243 00:13:04,521 --> 00:13:07,251 italian citizen with public administer 244 00:13:07,251 --> 00:13:10,311 sure websites and of course the quality 245 00:13:10,791 --> 00:13:12,171 of the websites 246 00:13:16,311 --> 00:13:19,188 most of the administrations are using the 247 00:13:19,188 --> 00:13:21,411 web analytics entirely and to monitor the 248 00:13:21,412 --> 00:13:25,101 traffic for their websites are more municipalities 249 00:13:25,101 --> 00:13:27,801 or schools the ease of use and 250 00:13:27,801 --> 00:13:31,551 availability of an institutional solution allowed us 251 00:13:31,731 --> 00:13:33,411 to bring these organizations 252 00:13:33,411 --> 00:13:35,211 on board with minimal effort 253 00:13:36,471 --> 00:13:38,451 there is a first step toward our 254 00:13:38,481 --> 00:13:40,911 goal in the short term as if 255 00:13:40,938 --> 00:13:43,461 we wanted to spread as much as 256 00:13:43,461 --> 00:13:46,941 possible the diffusion of web analytics among 257 00:13:46,943 --> 00:13:49,011 italian public administration 258 00:13:52,521 --> 00:13:55,221 bouquet g dpr it can be a 259 00:13:55,221 --> 00:13:58,011 concern we know especially for a small 260 00:13:58,011 --> 00:14:01,907 organization the recent the c n a 261 00:14:01,971 --> 00:14:05,601 a la recommendation has confirmed that our 262 00:14:05,601 --> 00:14:07,791 choice to use matomo was the right 263 00:14:07,791 --> 00:14:10,371 one the guidelines of the time 264 00:14:10,371 --> 00:14:13,581 iam data protection authority also point out 265 00:14:13,611 --> 00:14:16,071 that if we use matomo with the 266 00:14:16,071 --> 00:14:19,791 proper configuration better minimize or personal data 267 00:14:20,031 --> 00:14:23,964 we can collect the statistic without requiring 268 00:14:23,964 --> 00:14:26,151 an explicit user consent 269 00:14:29,691 --> 00:14:31,911 as you can see in the simple 270 00:14:31,911 --> 00:14:36,951 diagram salt we are switching to explain 271 00:14:37,221 --> 00:14:40,311 i'm going to discuss now how we 272 00:14:40,311 --> 00:14:43,941 use matomo while the discussion that until 273 00:14:43,941 --> 00:14:46,851 now was about why we use madam 274 00:14:47,421 --> 00:14:49,101 well as you can see in the 275 00:14:49,101 --> 00:14:52,071 in the symbol diagram our users interact 276 00:14:52,191 --> 00:14:55,521 with why front-end them for logging in 277 00:14:55,551 --> 00:14:58,791 and the websites and user management but 278 00:14:58,791 --> 00:15:01,401 they eventually switched to matar more directly 279 00:15:01,491 --> 00:15:03,531 when they need to view dashboards 280 00:15:04,641 --> 00:15:08,061 wind trucks with madama by a poi 281 00:15:08,241 --> 00:15:10,311 to perform the task requested by the 282 00:15:10,311 --> 00:15:13,101 user in this interaction fence in the 283 00:15:13,101 --> 00:15:17,301 backend the truck inside is completely managed 284 00:15:17,301 --> 00:15:19,611 by matomo with a configuration that i 285 00:15:19,671 --> 00:15:21,051 will discuss in a moment 286 00:15:24,981 --> 00:15:27,411 this is them boarding process a forum 287 00:15:27,621 --> 00:15:31,041 for italian public administration while after logging 288 00:15:31,041 --> 00:15:34,941 in the user selects an administration and 289 00:15:34,941 --> 00:15:39,171 the corresponding ural is retrieved from ethiopia 290 00:15:39,291 --> 00:15:41,661 the directory of italian italiana been stretched 291 00:15:42,531 --> 00:15:44,601 at this point why korea as it 292 00:15:44,601 --> 00:15:47,211 creates a new website he met all 293 00:15:47,211 --> 00:15:49,911 month and provides the tracking code to 294 00:15:49,911 --> 00:15:52,341 the user so it can be included 295 00:15:52,341 --> 00:15:55,191 in the source-code of the specific website 296 00:15:56,031 --> 00:15:59,001 only after the vz starts to be 297 00:15:59,001 --> 00:16:01,161 tracked then y will create a new 298 00:16:01,161 --> 00:16:02,451 account the matomo 299 00:16:02,871 --> 00:16:05,571 thus allowing access to the dashboard for 300 00:16:05,571 --> 00:16:08,721 the user with this pattern we can 301 00:16:08,721 --> 00:16:11,091 be fairly sure that the user has 302 00:16:11,091 --> 00:16:14,392 permission to modify the code of destitution 303 00:16:14,511 --> 00:16:16,731 the website at least the dineen disappear 304 00:16:16,761 --> 00:16:19,011 for the selected administration 305 00:16:22,881 --> 00:16:27,351 single digital gateway was described by cloudian 306 00:16:27,831 --> 00:16:31,401 some minutes ago and is a regulation 307 00:16:31,401 --> 00:16:34,461 of the european commission that states among 308 00:16:34,461 --> 00:16:36,951 other things that each member state shall 309 00:16:37,011 --> 00:16:40,251 collect statistics on vz to the pages 310 00:16:40,371 --> 00:16:42,681 that are part of the euro europe 311 00:16:42,681 --> 00:16:46,131 network your europe is a portal for 312 00:16:46,131 --> 00:16:49,401 a european citizen looking for information rights 313 00:16:49,401 --> 00:16:51,741 for your thoughts and procedures for their 314 00:16:51,801 --> 00:16:55,041 personal and professional activities within the european 315 00:16:55,041 --> 00:16:59,781 union the regulation requires the statistics for 316 00:16:59,781 --> 00:17:00,501 each page 317 00:17:00,801 --> 00:17:04,851 are transmitted using your account treat device 318 00:17:04,941 --> 00:17:07,821 matrix thanks to moto alma we are 319 00:17:07,821 --> 00:17:10,791 able to easily build a system based 320 00:17:10,791 --> 00:17:13,851 on creating a segment for each you 321 00:17:13,851 --> 00:17:17,091 are allowed device pair and then querying 322 00:17:17,091 --> 00:17:19,491 the poi with a user calmed riddle 323 00:17:19,581 --> 00:17:20,691 get countering meta 324 00:17:20,691 --> 00:17:22,401 old for each segment 325 00:17:23,571 --> 00:17:26,091 the resulting data is then structured in 326 00:17:26,091 --> 00:17:28,791 the form of the required and automatically 327 00:17:28,791 --> 00:17:31,341 sent to the servers of the european 328 00:17:31,341 --> 00:17:31,941 commission 329 00:17:36,111 --> 00:17:40,461 while our architecture of whether a dictator 330 00:17:40,461 --> 00:17:40,881 alia 331 00:17:42,171 --> 00:17:45,531 is stood within a cloud service provider 332 00:17:46,175 --> 00:17:48,531 that is made available to the italian 333 00:17:48,531 --> 00:17:53,116 public administration the white platformer is buzzard 334 00:17:53,116 --> 00:17:56,241 that is based on that a room 335 00:17:57,141 --> 00:17:59,481 on i asked subtypes are resistant sorry 336 00:17:59,721 --> 00:18:02,211 within our structure we have installed that 337 00:18:02,211 --> 00:18:05,241 kubernetes cluster that we use dorcas stray 338 00:18:05,241 --> 00:18:07,611 to the different containers that make up 339 00:18:07,611 --> 00:18:10,941 the whole system the only element outside 340 00:18:10,941 --> 00:18:12,450 of the cupboard and a dishcloth series 341 00:18:12,450 --> 00:18:14,631 is that the bms which is installed 342 00:18:14,631 --> 00:18:16,431 on a dedicated to just one machine 343 00:18:16,431 --> 00:18:17,901 for performance reasons 344 00:18:19,101 --> 00:18:21,771 for the portal component which a lot 345 00:18:21,825 --> 00:18:24,261 faster than the other components we have 346 00:18:24,261 --> 00:18:28,641 activated a continuous integration continuous deployment system 347 00:18:28,731 --> 00:18:30,741 that allow us to stay up to 348 00:18:30,741 --> 00:18:32,811 date with the code in our github 349 00:18:32,811 --> 00:18:33,411 repository 350 00:18:34,611 --> 00:18:36,441 in the next slide i am going 351 00:18:36,441 --> 00:18:38,481 to discuss in more detail the different 352 00:18:38,511 --> 00:18:40,971 matomo containers you can see now in 353 00:18:40,971 --> 00:18:41,781 this diagram 354 00:18:45,771 --> 00:18:48,891 we have four different types of matomo 355 00:18:48,891 --> 00:18:53,691 containers obviously we use keyword tracking plugin 356 00:18:54,261 --> 00:18:56,751 saw her the first one is the 357 00:18:56,751 --> 00:19:02,181 ingestion container which only expose the moto 358 00:19:02,181 --> 00:19:03,171 mod note 359 00:19:03,411 --> 00:19:05,721 her p h b and pointer to 360 00:19:05,721 --> 00:19:09,291 the outside world and collect data and 361 00:19:09,291 --> 00:19:12,891 then queue them inside the readies component 362 00:19:13,881 --> 00:19:17,541 the workers containers not exposed to the 363 00:19:17,541 --> 00:19:20,661 outside world which the queue the data 364 00:19:20,661 --> 00:19:23,331 from radisson and load them into 365 00:19:23,331 --> 00:19:26,661 will the database then on the third 366 00:19:26,661 --> 00:19:29,301 that kind of containers the web container 367 00:19:29,691 --> 00:19:31,911 and the easy easy to expose the 368 00:19:32,121 --> 00:19:34,881 to the outside that but only accessible 369 00:19:34,941 --> 00:19:38,991 by authenticated users basically those coming from 370 00:19:38,991 --> 00:19:41,991 the web portal and these for dashboards 371 00:19:41,991 --> 00:19:43,491 and reporting in the in 372 00:19:43,526 --> 00:19:44,121 general 373 00:19:45,261 --> 00:19:47,481 the last one is the apia container 374 00:19:48,021 --> 00:19:50,211 which at the moment the only allow 375 00:19:50,221 --> 00:19:53,031 that visually just shown the visualization sorry 376 00:19:53,031 --> 00:19:56,271 of regents butter with some limitation that 377 00:19:56,331 --> 00:19:57,591 i will discuss in a moment 378 00:20:01,251 --> 00:20:05,421 okay about providing reagents to authorize that 379 00:20:05,431 --> 00:20:09,351 organization in order to provide our users 380 00:20:09,381 --> 00:20:12,291 with a possibility of displaying widgets on 381 00:20:12,291 --> 00:20:15,201 their website without at the same time 382 00:20:15,291 --> 00:20:17,541 allowing the widgets to be included the 383 00:20:17,571 --> 00:20:18,771 inane yet the web 384 00:20:19,666 --> 00:20:21,796 we have adopted the two tire solution 385 00:20:22,696 --> 00:20:25,366 on the web server using a specific 386 00:20:25,366 --> 00:20:28,126 script we add in the response to 387 00:20:28,126 --> 00:20:30,436 a request for a widget to a 388 00:20:30,436 --> 00:20:33,646 content security policy header with the value 389 00:20:33,706 --> 00:20:36,616 frame ancestors and the u r l 390 00:20:36,646 --> 00:20:39,346 corresponding the madama to decide the d 391 00:20:39,526 --> 00:20:42,196 in the request so the browser which 392 00:20:42,196 --> 00:20:45,226 shall be frame only if embedded in 393 00:20:45,226 --> 00:20:46,786 the specified euro 394 00:20:48,046 --> 00:20:50,116 in moto mondays is the second tire 395 00:20:50,896 --> 00:20:53,536 we then use a custom plugin that 396 00:20:53,626 --> 00:20:57,496 rejects all request that do not contain 397 00:20:57,586 --> 00:21:01,186 the module equal widgetized parameter in the 398 00:21:01,186 --> 00:21:05,026 query string to avoid the rejecting valid 399 00:21:05,026 --> 00:21:07,906 requests coming from inside the widget i 400 00:21:07,906 --> 00:21:08,176 fray 401 00:21:08,176 --> 00:21:11,176 graeme the plugin let them pass if 402 00:21:11,236 --> 00:21:15,346 they contain the stringer module equal widgetized 403 00:21:15,346 --> 00:21:19,276 inside the referrer h ttp either 404 00:21:24,076 --> 00:21:25,606 some performance metrics 405 00:21:26,836 --> 00:21:29,146 while at webmoney dixie tally we know 406 00:21:29,146 --> 00:21:33,076 wherever a six hundred and seventy seven 407 00:21:33,136 --> 00:21:37,276 tracking websites these websites belongs or two 408 00:21:37,336 --> 00:21:41,086 oh five hundred and nine the public 409 00:21:41,086 --> 00:21:45,046 administrations and considering that in italy we 410 00:21:45,046 --> 00:21:46,816 have about twenty though 411 00:21:46,816 --> 00:21:49,756 walls and the front administration were still 412 00:21:49,786 --> 00:21:52,786 far from good coverage but the project 413 00:21:52,816 --> 00:21:55,246 has already been quite successful and is 414 00:21:55,246 --> 00:21:58,456 growing fast at the moment we are 415 00:21:58,456 --> 00:22:02,866 getting about fifty million visits per month 416 00:22:03,346 --> 00:22:06,286 for a total of about one hundred 417 00:22:06,286 --> 00:22:06,976 and forty 418 00:22:07,006 --> 00:22:11,116 million page views incoming traffic to the 419 00:22:11,116 --> 00:22:15,826 ingestion component average is something like two 420 00:22:15,826 --> 00:22:18,886 one rather transactions per second the with 421 00:22:18,887 --> 00:22:21,676 peaks of up to three hundred and 422 00:22:21,736 --> 00:22:24,496 fifty transactions per second 423 00:22:25,546 --> 00:22:27,766 they are keeping job is currently our 424 00:22:27,766 --> 00:22:31,576 least performing component because it takes almost 425 00:22:31,696 --> 00:22:35,386 twelve hours to complete bear in mind 426 00:22:35,386 --> 00:22:37,396 however that the ah 427 00:22:37,576 --> 00:22:40,786 five hundred and ninety roll-ups one for 428 00:22:40,786 --> 00:22:43,216 each administration must be added the two 429 00:22:43,216 --> 00:22:46,696 there are six under the and the 430 00:22:46,726 --> 00:22:49,546 seventy seven website so we have more 431 00:22:49,606 --> 00:22:53,236 than one thousand than three hundred websites 432 00:22:53,326 --> 00:22:54,766 to process in there 433 00:22:55,966 --> 00:22:57,046 in their giving job 434 00:22:58,576 --> 00:23:01,456 well the finish is my presentation i 435 00:23:01,456 --> 00:23:03,646 want to thank everyone for listening at 436 00:23:04,366 --> 00:23:07,036 all of what i describe is public 437 00:23:07,036 --> 00:23:09,766 and open source and has two main 438 00:23:09,766 --> 00:23:13,936 repository on github dot com the leche 439 00:23:14,086 --> 00:23:17,356 a g i the leche w a 440 00:23:17,386 --> 00:23:17,866 i 441 00:23:18,709 --> 00:23:21,916 dashboard taller and the other one is 442 00:23:21,916 --> 00:23:24,946 the same but as the the final 443 00:23:25,036 --> 00:23:29,146 part w a i the best infrastructure 444 00:23:30,166 --> 00:23:31,486 okay now i leave the floor to 445 00:23:31,486 --> 00:23:34,366 be rigid assay from emilia romagna region 446 00:23:34,366 --> 00:23:36,886 who will discuss about another experience with 447 00:23:36,886 --> 00:23:38,416 matomo in mind italy 448 00:23:38,497 --> 00:23:40,396 the public sector thank you 449 00:23:44,746 --> 00:23:47,626 sorry hello everybody thank you thank you 450 00:23:47,986 --> 00:23:51,736 for explaining urim your project and thank 451 00:23:51,736 --> 00:23:53,116 you for joining because 452 00:23:54,526 --> 00:23:57,316 two explaining them on the the answer 453 00:23:57,556 --> 00:23:59,896 and the bigger the big project you 454 00:23:59,896 --> 00:24:02,566 are doing in and for entire day 455 00:24:02,566 --> 00:24:06,106 italy on italia non public administration i'm 456 00:24:06,106 --> 00:24:09,796 speaking from bologna and where are you 457 00:24:09,796 --> 00:24:12,796 situated in the region emilia romagna that 458 00:24:12,916 --> 00:24:14,412 isn't as 459 00:24:14,416 --> 00:24:19,576 smaller and smaller administration is monterey area 460 00:24:19,876 --> 00:24:24,826 of administration and the region is situated 461 00:24:24,826 --> 00:24:26,776 in the northern area all over italy 462 00:24:27,316 --> 00:24:31,216 and that is counting the 463 00:24:33,646 --> 00:24:35,206 it's counting up sorry 464 00:24:36,946 --> 00:24:40,306 it's contender for four million and an 465 00:24:40,306 --> 00:24:44,896 asthma residence in an area not in 466 00:24:45,586 --> 00:24:49,096 on an important area is about twenty 467 00:24:49,096 --> 00:24:54,886 two kilometers of big and the and 468 00:24:55,156 --> 00:24:56,416 is at one of them 469 00:24:56,416 --> 00:24:57,496 most devil aboard 470 00:24:58,756 --> 00:25:02,446 or agency in italy and and the 471 00:25:02,716 --> 00:25:04,216 and is a m 472 00:25:05,836 --> 00:25:09,376 i can say am is a m 473 00:25:11,356 --> 00:25:15,016 these are insane choices for other authors 474 00:25:15,529 --> 00:25:20,656 and and as a kind of lighter 475 00:25:21,256 --> 00:25:24,856 on an administration of other regions 476 00:25:27,295 --> 00:25:30,604 aura is a very important to the 477 00:25:30,766 --> 00:25:31,486 forum 478 00:25:32,566 --> 00:25:37,876 economic growth and the industrial growth and 479 00:25:38,116 --> 00:25:41,409 tourism so we have a lot of 480 00:25:41,536 --> 00:25:44,206 products of it for a two tweeter 481 00:25:44,206 --> 00:25:46,756 and you know a audiences are very 482 00:25:47,176 --> 00:25:49,666 very careful about food the assault this 483 00:25:49,666 --> 00:25:52,576 is a a big a big amount 484 00:25:52,726 --> 00:25:55,516 of food but also he's a very 485 00:25:55,516 --> 00:26:01,216 good area of industrial growing about the 486 00:26:01,786 --> 00:26:05,656 motorsports since ages different scene to the 487 00:26:05,686 --> 00:26:10,366 tense of age or year so we 488 00:26:10,376 --> 00:26:12,736 never played a lot of very 489 00:26:12,736 --> 00:26:14,926 i have informed and very famous 490 00:26:16,726 --> 00:26:22,756 examples of the very good the industry 491 00:26:22,756 --> 00:26:22,996 all 492 00:26:24,016 --> 00:26:27,886 and products the because of this that 493 00:26:27,897 --> 00:26:32,956 the region must be and must be 494 00:26:32,956 --> 00:26:35,206 the administration of the region must be 495 00:26:36,256 --> 00:26:45,616 i'm aware like the the private sector 496 00:26:45,676 --> 00:26:46,366 and so 497 00:26:47,566 --> 00:26:49,216 the administration master 498 00:26:50,416 --> 00:26:54,232 accomplish they are their business it's a 499 00:26:54,352 --> 00:26:58,426 very hard the deity because the companies 500 00:26:58,486 --> 00:27:04,786 are always asking for good results for 501 00:27:04,786 --> 00:27:07,186 this sir because of this we have 502 00:27:07,366 --> 00:27:10,576 we have starting started doing analysts 503 00:27:10,606 --> 00:27:13,336 takes a lot of time ago it's 504 00:27:13,666 --> 00:27:16,396 more than time ago then died ten 505 00:27:16,396 --> 00:27:21,530 years ago and am merely in the 506 00:27:21,530 --> 00:27:25,606 us anti sensor sensor twenty thirteen we 507 00:27:25,606 --> 00:27:27,736 started using piwik 508 00:27:28,996 --> 00:27:33,796 now called the matomo and the question 509 00:27:33,796 --> 00:27:36,916 was providing the dead 510 00:27:38,026 --> 00:27:41,536 the privacy for the users just the 511 00:27:42,586 --> 00:27:46,426 just that the only the only them 512 00:27:46,426 --> 00:27:49,036 different to a product that we can 513 00:27:49,036 --> 00:27:50,236 use there was a 514 00:27:51,676 --> 00:27:54,176 the google analytics but we were not 515 00:27:54,176 --> 00:27:57,736 to happy with it because if you're 516 00:27:57,766 --> 00:28:00,826 following the previous of talk it was 517 00:28:00,826 --> 00:28:05,882 explaining that the free free services from 518 00:28:05,882 --> 00:28:10,786 our private companies are always an expansive 519 00:28:10,786 --> 00:28:11,536 entire match 520 00:28:12,376 --> 00:28:14,656 in term of the of privacy and 521 00:28:14,926 --> 00:28:19,126 privacy cost so in a two and 522 00:28:19,126 --> 00:28:21,976 twenty thirteen we immigrate to or system 523 00:28:22,336 --> 00:28:26,506 from a barely logs analytica misery mentor 524 00:28:27,046 --> 00:28:30,316 and to ariel a webinar politics software 525 00:28:30,676 --> 00:28:31,696 and because 526 00:28:31,696 --> 00:28:31,786 yeah 527 00:28:33,406 --> 00:28:36,616 be weaker at that time was already 528 00:28:36,646 --> 00:28:37,276 giving a 529 00:28:38,416 --> 00:28:40,306 a better a better car and better 530 00:28:40,306 --> 00:28:44,056 and i bet the amount of data 531 00:28:44,266 --> 00:28:47,356 to misery misery and overall data because 532 00:28:47,656 --> 00:28:50,826 it's because of its creeps because it 533 00:28:50,826 --> 00:28:54,646 was open source every customer label that 534 00:28:54,646 --> 00:28:58,306 happened before the jd barrel rules 535 00:28:58,786 --> 00:29:02,956 that coma comedy ninety nine twenty eighteen 536 00:29:04,006 --> 00:29:07,936 and the song we were already already 537 00:29:07,936 --> 00:29:11,146 sensitive about to this kinda of problem 538 00:29:11,146 --> 00:29:12,076 of the privacy 539 00:29:13,666 --> 00:29:17,656 and and aura database sides is now 540 00:29:18,346 --> 00:29:23,754 about one hundred gigabytes gigabytes and the 541 00:29:23,776 --> 00:29:26,716 most of the data is the report 542 00:29:26,744 --> 00:29:29,956 table so we are collecting sensor since 543 00:29:30,016 --> 00:29:32,536 the start ok we have a lot 544 00:29:32,536 --> 00:29:33,286 of data 545 00:29:33,586 --> 00:29:37,576 we collected sensor them to twenty and 546 00:29:37,666 --> 00:29:38,266 thirteen 547 00:29:40,066 --> 00:29:40,816 and 548 00:29:42,946 --> 00:29:45,106 during the the last to two year 549 00:29:45,150 --> 00:29:47,739 so we had them and all the 550 00:29:47,806 --> 00:29:50,430 older the werther had the and a 551 00:29:50,430 --> 00:29:54,016 amanda emergency problem with the with the 552 00:29:54,016 --> 00:29:56,058 glow below with the globalise 553 00:29:57,136 --> 00:29:57,886 i 554 00:29:59,086 --> 00:30:01,006 the problem over there and i had 555 00:30:01,786 --> 00:30:02,236 then 556 00:30:05,176 --> 00:30:08,008 the solve the social problem with the 557 00:30:08,986 --> 00:30:10,276 as individuals 558 00:30:11,776 --> 00:30:17,686 and we started from am a situation 559 00:30:17,806 --> 00:30:19,996 we can see here in the starting 560 00:30:20,026 --> 00:30:23,476 point where all of the visits to 561 00:30:23,476 --> 00:30:26,926 our website where about us leaping about 562 00:30:26,926 --> 00:30:30,316 like sleeping but doesn't where they were 563 00:30:30,316 --> 00:30:31,456 weren't really 564 00:30:32,716 --> 00:30:36,346 this is what the aura bigger or 565 00:30:36,346 --> 00:30:39,496 bigger amount of visiting least it's about 566 00:30:39,496 --> 00:30:42,477 and then this event was called the 567 00:30:42,496 --> 00:30:45,886 original election day as happened in that's 568 00:30:45,976 --> 00:30:47,686 up in the in the in the 569 00:30:48,076 --> 00:30:51,316 middle of january over then twenty twenty 570 00:30:52,186 --> 00:30:54,706 and then we had the problem with 571 00:30:54,706 --> 00:30:58,366 the emerging problem with the way the 572 00:30:58,426 --> 00:31:02,866 security national security and the the health 573 00:31:02,896 --> 00:31:06,406 of the people at this time a 574 00:31:06,409 --> 00:31:09,526 italy was the first to reverse the 575 00:31:09,796 --> 00:31:11,566 country now are you in europe or 576 00:31:12,286 --> 00:31:16,606 hit by the health problem and emilia 577 00:31:16,606 --> 00:31:18,706 romagna was the one of the the 578 00:31:18,736 --> 00:31:22,456 regents for one fiesta first hit and 579 00:31:22,456 --> 00:31:25,066 the saw this was the amount of 580 00:31:25,096 --> 00:31:27,826 data we collected by people that were 581 00:31:27,886 --> 00:31:31,666 visiting our website looking for a soul 582 00:31:31,666 --> 00:31:32,446 singer for 583 00:31:32,626 --> 00:31:35,086 the source of the air or feature 584 00:31:35,112 --> 00:31:40,275 information for for their life and this 585 00:31:40,275 --> 00:31:43,036 a decent amount of data he was 586 00:31:43,036 --> 00:31:47,626 also growing into in the months later 587 00:31:48,946 --> 00:31:52,426 and then we expected the and i 588 00:31:52,756 --> 00:31:55,428 and tablet the tablet the traffic on 589 00:31:55,428 --> 00:31:58,906 those websites during the two two twenty 590 00:31:58,906 --> 00:32:01,756 twenty and during this year and it 591 00:32:01,876 --> 00:32:04,156 is not yet the end it and 592 00:32:04,156 --> 00:32:05,686 so i think we are going to 593 00:32:05,686 --> 00:32:08,596 get at the samer the same and 594 00:32:08,626 --> 00:32:08,926 similar 595 00:32:08,926 --> 00:32:10,666 level of visitors you see you can 596 00:32:10,666 --> 00:32:13,846 see that the level it's really a 597 00:32:13,846 --> 00:32:16,516 tablet in the in in this two 598 00:32:16,516 --> 00:32:20,146 years and that's because people was looking 599 00:32:20,146 --> 00:32:23,776 for information about their their health and 600 00:32:23,776 --> 00:32:26,926 also they discover that the aura website 601 00:32:27,016 --> 00:32:29,086 is all the web 602 00:32:29,146 --> 00:32:33,256 sites we have a ara ara field 603 00:32:33,256 --> 00:32:36,166 the body a lotta a user for 604 00:32:36,166 --> 00:32:39,826 information they weren't aware i forgot to 605 00:32:39,826 --> 00:32:45,346 say sorry sorry for missing up with 606 00:32:45,346 --> 00:32:47,116 the slides i'm very sorry 607 00:32:49,246 --> 00:32:52,726 during that time i was watching the 608 00:32:52,816 --> 00:32:56,089 analytics though and i was careful about 609 00:32:56,089 --> 00:32:59,026 that this is more alive or alive 610 00:32:59,026 --> 00:33:02,086 a record the visit the record and 611 00:33:02,086 --> 00:33:05,026 it was like the memory i was 612 00:33:05,026 --> 00:33:07,876 watching these numbers going on 613 00:33:09,466 --> 00:33:14,266 and this is a now or installation 614 00:33:14,626 --> 00:33:17,086 an installation that is based on the 615 00:33:17,116 --> 00:33:19,906 two year twelve machine and who are 616 00:33:19,966 --> 00:33:21,706 balancing the buy 617 00:33:22,996 --> 00:33:25,456 around behind the eye they are on 618 00:33:25,546 --> 00:33:30,196 under a load balancer and we run 619 00:33:30,256 --> 00:33:33,376 and the cron jobs for making reports 620 00:33:33,436 --> 00:33:35,896 every two years every two are worse 621 00:33:36,196 --> 00:33:38,266 every two hours we have a cron 622 00:33:38,266 --> 00:33:40,966 job and this the worker load the 623 00:33:41,266 --> 00:33:43,006 of the two of 624 00:33:43,036 --> 00:33:44,956 the two in stasis 625 00:33:46,636 --> 00:33:50,675 the blue liner is the memory amount 626 00:33:50,686 --> 00:33:53,716 the user to buy him the moto 627 00:33:53,716 --> 00:33:53,956 mo 628 00:33:55,066 --> 00:33:57,646 and the the red line is the 629 00:33:57,646 --> 00:34:02,026 cpu load this is a smaller than 630 00:34:02,026 --> 00:34:06,161 the pasta because of the bhp seven 631 00:34:06,406 --> 00:34:11,389 apple upgrade the disown a waiver is 632 00:34:11,389 --> 00:34:14,656 a and never ages the average requests 633 00:34:14,716 --> 00:34:15,166 per se 634 00:34:15,166 --> 00:34:18,196 second and is this the situation is 635 00:34:18,196 --> 00:34:21,406 not really optimized as your scene you 636 00:34:21,406 --> 00:34:26,026 can run mme on on on containers 637 00:34:26,116 --> 00:34:28,546 and i think is the best solution 638 00:34:28,606 --> 00:34:31,426 to do it because you can be 639 00:34:31,456 --> 00:34:34,906 and you can go with cheaper a 640 00:34:34,906 --> 00:34:35,326 cheaper 641 00:34:35,356 --> 00:34:40,038 configuration and spend the less than than 642 00:34:40,276 --> 00:34:44,386 needed this is needed because we we 643 00:34:44,386 --> 00:34:46,606 are in a situation where we are 644 00:34:46,606 --> 00:34:50,296 not aware how much how much spikes 645 00:34:50,326 --> 00:34:53,446 we can we can afford but this 646 00:34:53,446 --> 00:34:55,486 configuration was enough to 647 00:34:55,486 --> 00:35:00,706 all to enjoy this this a rollercoaster 648 00:35:00,976 --> 00:35:01,726 mountains 649 00:35:03,706 --> 00:35:07,306 so i let's go on on the 650 00:35:07,306 --> 00:35:11,536 plugin development we we are one we 651 00:35:11,536 --> 00:35:15,376 are contributing to maternal and for the 652 00:35:15,556 --> 00:35:19,696 audience or us for more than five 653 00:35:19,756 --> 00:35:22,576 years it's about an it's nearly ten 654 00:35:22,576 --> 00:35:23,086 years long 655 00:35:23,091 --> 00:35:25,636 longer we are doing good with the 656 00:35:25,636 --> 00:35:28,906 metal alamo and the community so am 657 00:35:29,026 --> 00:35:31,186 i you can see me 658 00:35:32,236 --> 00:35:34,636 sometimes in the forum sir helping and 659 00:35:34,636 --> 00:35:38,296 chatting with people and indeed during this 660 00:35:38,296 --> 00:35:41,656 time women aged two public to to 661 00:35:41,656 --> 00:35:45,076 plugins one of them is a plugin 662 00:35:45,556 --> 00:35:49,576 who lets a missouri and let me 663 00:35:49,696 --> 00:35:52,366 make the mutilation of people came 664 00:35:52,366 --> 00:35:55,936 being from the internet the law in 665 00:35:55,966 --> 00:36:00,166 local local law locate an internal location 666 00:36:01,666 --> 00:36:03,856 you're in town the location is pretty 667 00:36:03,856 --> 00:36:07,846 configurable by the console the administration console 668 00:36:08,476 --> 00:36:11,626 and you can you can choose a 669 00:36:13,036 --> 00:36:15,946 urine and you can choose a your 670 00:36:16,066 --> 00:36:19,516 yours your sectors euro how can you 671 00:36:19,516 --> 00:36:22,726 say your address user and the by 672 00:36:22,876 --> 00:36:26,236 simple digits in regular expression 673 00:36:27,706 --> 00:36:30,196 you can get at the sir david 674 00:36:30,657 --> 00:36:33,886 this rapport this is important because 675 00:36:35,806 --> 00:36:40,642 or internal colleagues wanted to do missouri 676 00:36:40,966 --> 00:36:44,626 make amelioration of an internal internal audience 677 00:36:44,716 --> 00:36:47,146 and the external audience on on the 678 00:36:47,146 --> 00:36:50,956 websites i forgot to say we have 679 00:36:50,956 --> 00:36:54,406 collect we are missouri linger more more 680 00:36:54,406 --> 00:36:55,209 than one one 681 00:36:55,246 --> 00:37:00,076 under the and fifteen website and we 682 00:37:00,076 --> 00:37:04,306 have about the two hundred the user 683 00:37:04,366 --> 00:37:09,586 managing and the reading and reading their 684 00:37:09,963 --> 00:37:10,726 analytics 685 00:37:12,346 --> 00:37:15,496 and so la you can find this 686 00:37:15,496 --> 00:37:17,772 plugin this plugin that you can find 687 00:37:17,776 --> 00:37:21,376 it on the on and on and 688 00:37:21,406 --> 00:37:24,942 motto more on the moto mo marketplace 689 00:37:25,486 --> 00:37:27,586 but also you can find that this 690 00:37:28,186 --> 00:37:31,216 your honor or use the oreos on 691 00:37:31,216 --> 00:37:31,606 there 692 00:37:31,966 --> 00:37:35,926 i catalog on the public administration catalog 693 00:37:36,196 --> 00:37:39,556 he knitted this is important because you 694 00:37:39,556 --> 00:37:42,406 say i am in them pasta in 695 00:37:42,406 --> 00:37:44,416 the pasta and 696 00:37:45,856 --> 00:37:47,386 as you see was really you'll have 697 00:37:47,386 --> 00:37:50,082 seen in the past the talks of 698 00:37:50,146 --> 00:37:53,266 by maya by claudio 699 00:37:54,406 --> 00:37:58,426 and there's a lot of effort to 700 00:37:58,816 --> 00:38:03,406 do making the local administration and publishing 701 00:38:04,306 --> 00:38:08,506 their software when they they are asked 702 00:38:08,755 --> 00:38:11,656 to publisher open source software online and 703 00:38:11,656 --> 00:38:14,412 make it shit shareable with 704 00:38:14,656 --> 00:38:16,546 with the way the public and so 705 00:38:16,546 --> 00:38:19,808 this is part of our contribution and 706 00:38:19,966 --> 00:38:22,786 this this part of contribution is also 707 00:38:22,846 --> 00:38:27,916 now available to other public administrations also 708 00:38:27,916 --> 00:38:30,016 and also and even then the shopper 709 00:38:30,316 --> 00:38:33,633 them in the matomo marketplace the second 710 00:38:33,646 --> 00:38:34,606 plugin the set 711 00:38:34,636 --> 00:38:37,936 can plugin is not a dating plugin 712 00:38:37,936 --> 00:38:41,386 because i had the very small amount 713 00:38:41,386 --> 00:38:44,146 of of creativity in that day but 714 00:38:44,146 --> 00:38:45,886 the the naam the name of this 715 00:38:45,886 --> 00:38:48,526 plugin is that your reddit user user 716 00:38:48,537 --> 00:38:50,806 data is not a dating plugin but 717 00:38:51,256 --> 00:38:54,247 it the meaning to it mean and 718 00:38:54,247 --> 00:38:54,733 that you 719 00:38:54,796 --> 00:38:59,206 can the controller and the user 720 00:39:01,156 --> 00:39:05,926 behavior inside that the madama and you 721 00:39:05,926 --> 00:39:10,396 can omit them or you can avoid 722 00:39:10,396 --> 00:39:15,196 them making a customer ranger rapporteur because 723 00:39:15,286 --> 00:39:19,672 this kind of rapids outer bloating overloading 724 00:39:19,672 --> 00:39:20,446 good then 725 00:39:20,626 --> 00:39:23,116 the application so we chose the two 726 00:39:23,476 --> 00:39:27,781 that let them visit only a prerecorded 727 00:39:27,856 --> 00:39:30,526 reports and the stay stick to their 728 00:39:31,186 --> 00:39:33,556 to make this you must accomplish a 729 00:39:33,646 --> 00:39:37,906 small modification of the user interface and 730 00:39:37,906 --> 00:39:40,606 that and so and so this plugin 731 00:39:40,756 --> 00:39:44,056 make your do it we have also 732 00:39:44,056 --> 00:39:47,905 am am personal and team that you 733 00:39:47,905 --> 00:39:50,296 you we use inside the but i 734 00:39:50,326 --> 00:39:52,249 don't field i don't fell to what 735 00:39:52,361 --> 00:39:55,846 was interesting because it's a very easy 736 00:39:55,846 --> 00:39:59,716 to develop your plugin and during this 737 00:39:59,866 --> 00:40:00,720 they did 738 00:40:00,766 --> 00:40:02,746 these days and during this year so 739 00:40:03,166 --> 00:40:04,156 i'd say the 740 00:40:05,566 --> 00:40:08,566 we we also contributed to the to 741 00:40:08,566 --> 00:40:13,935 the development of madam and them's in 742 00:40:13,935 --> 00:40:17,026 the darker boxer you can find the 743 00:40:17,446 --> 00:40:20,716 as small amount of pop pull request 744 00:40:20,776 --> 00:40:25,246 or pull request i've either ask it 745 00:40:25,246 --> 00:40:25,486 in 746 00:40:25,516 --> 00:40:29,086 the pasta and the also there are 747 00:40:29,716 --> 00:40:32,536 many many issues i raise in the 748 00:40:32,596 --> 00:40:34,186 in the past i think 749 00:40:35,901 --> 00:40:38,811 this kind of contribution is very important 750 00:40:38,901 --> 00:40:41,567 to the community and it's very important 751 00:40:41,684 --> 00:40:45,291 to the health of the matomo because 752 00:40:45,531 --> 00:40:49,941 because it make you make them and 753 00:40:50,001 --> 00:40:53,181 makes them the audience and makes the 754 00:40:53,181 --> 00:40:55,671 core developers aware of the audience 755 00:40:56,901 --> 00:41:00,321 sorry for my bad english and the 756 00:41:02,181 --> 00:41:03,261 if y'all 757 00:41:04,551 --> 00:41:07,371 want to learn italian the ha just 758 00:41:07,371 --> 00:41:09,741 joking you can visit the the italian 759 00:41:10,011 --> 00:41:11,481 section of the forum 760 00:41:12,831 --> 00:41:15,801 but the a is not very crowded 761 00:41:15,981 --> 00:41:19,461 it's only it's just an italian part 762 00:41:20,031 --> 00:41:23,841 so if your aura engage in intimate 763 00:41:23,841 --> 00:41:27,231 almost somehow i mean i would like 764 00:41:27,261 --> 00:41:30,981 to suggest to you to participate a 765 00:41:31,041 --> 00:41:32,721 lot more on the far 766 00:41:32,721 --> 00:41:36,741 rooms and also a participating exposing gun 767 00:41:37,978 --> 00:41:41,031 your wishes and your problems on the 768 00:41:41,031 --> 00:41:42,981 issue on the on the tub 769 00:41:44,031 --> 00:41:44,927 and 770 00:41:46,791 --> 00:41:49,851 for now my my presentation is a 771 00:41:49,941 --> 00:41:52,731 is ended and now i think it 772 00:41:52,761 --> 00:41:54,351 is a good time to make a 773 00:41:54,441 --> 00:41:55,491 am 774 00:41:55,551 --> 00:41:58,041 question and answers so i would like 775 00:41:58,131 --> 00:42:04,161 to pass the the the the chat 776 00:42:04,161 --> 00:42:06,981 there the liver the liver to to 777 00:42:07,041 --> 00:42:09,711 the marcos and the let's go with 778 00:42:09,711 --> 00:42:13,101 the question and answers thank you for 779 00:42:13,221 --> 00:42:14,751 thank you and thank all of the 780 00:42:14,751 --> 00:42:15,681 free for the 781 00:42:15,831 --> 00:42:17,031 very nice presentation 782 00:42:18,231 --> 00:42:20,541 so if anyone has any questions please 783 00:42:20,601 --> 00:42:22,851 write them in the tests there have 784 00:42:22,851 --> 00:42:25,851 already been some questions but if if 785 00:42:25,911 --> 00:42:27,621 i didn't miss any any of them 786 00:42:28,161 --> 00:42:29,511 i think most of them have already 787 00:42:29,511 --> 00:42:30,111 been answered 788 00:42:31,281 --> 00:42:31,768 i 789 00:42:33,051 --> 00:42:35,931 so but if there's any any questions 790 00:42:37,071 --> 00:42:39,261 i'm just going to wait once again 791 00:42:39,261 --> 00:42:39,621 amid 792 00:42:40,701 --> 00:42:42,439 to see if anything pops up because 793 00:42:42,441 --> 00:42:42,951 of the delay 794 00:42:56,601 --> 00:43:01,161 well during a w the speech i 795 00:43:01,221 --> 00:43:05,421 was stirring some questions from the audience 796 00:43:05,811 --> 00:43:08,931 and one of them was a question 797 00:43:08,931 --> 00:43:09,136 for 798 00:43:09,201 --> 00:43:11,721 i'll be there and they asked the 799 00:43:11,742 --> 00:43:12,111 if 800 00:43:13,371 --> 00:43:18,921 euro euro servicer and web analytics natalia 801 00:43:19,221 --> 00:43:22,131 is a fork of matomo and the 802 00:43:22,131 --> 00:43:24,531 day also asked the if you made 803 00:43:24,531 --> 00:43:27,621 the also am patterson la la team 804 00:43:28,281 --> 00:43:32,661 and another question was was i dunno 805 00:43:32,781 --> 00:43:33,441 my name 806 00:43:33,441 --> 00:43:35,331 and i think that our nominee quest 807 00:43:35,631 --> 00:43:38,241 if you have a devil but any 808 00:43:38,301 --> 00:43:42,621 any plugin also saying thank you pierluigi 809 00:43:42,621 --> 00:43:44,811 a just as were all the questions 810 00:43:44,811 --> 00:43:47,421 in the in the chapter during your 811 00:43:47,421 --> 00:43:50,991 presentation so i think 812 00:43:52,371 --> 00:43:55,011 there is no need to repeat my 813 00:43:55,341 --> 00:43:57,381 my unsworth and two 814 00:43:59,061 --> 00:44:00,621 to leave the room if there are 815 00:44:01,131 --> 00:44:04,476 more questions than there's one crespo just 816 00:44:04,491 --> 00:44:06,321 that the images have you seen any 817 00:44:06,321 --> 00:44:09,021 other countries contributing to metal as well 818 00:44:10,881 --> 00:44:13,491 while i know other countries are using 819 00:44:13,491 --> 00:44:17,451 moto mo and i know the european 820 00:44:17,451 --> 00:44:21,291 commission made using either using madama butter 821 00:44:21,291 --> 00:44:23,751 i don't know if they are contributing 822 00:44:24,081 --> 00:44:27,127 in the sense of making plugins or 823 00:44:28,491 --> 00:44:30,231 participating in the community 824 00:44:33,621 --> 00:44:34,341 they thank you 825 00:44:39,711 --> 00:44:40,161 then 826 00:44:41,361 --> 00:44:45,381 i think i'm gonna call it once 827 00:44:45,381 --> 00:44:46,911 again if there any other questions the 828 00:44:46,911 --> 00:44:48,801 tread is going to stay open and 829 00:44:48,861 --> 00:44:51,081 you can still ask her to step 830 00:44:52,611 --> 00:44:53,358 i 831 00:44:54,951 --> 00:44:55,311 yeah 832 00:44:56,631 --> 00:44:58,161 and with that thank you once again 833 00:44:58,161 --> 00:45:01,641 for positions and have a great afternoon 834 00:45:03,111 --> 00:45:04,281 thank you very much 835 00:45:06,801 --> 00:45:07,191 goodbye