1 00:00:00,270 --> 00:00:06,300 hello everyone 2 00:00:06,990 --> 00:00:09,330 nice to meet you all again it's 3 00:00:09,360 --> 00:00:12,210 currently a three or tooth and we 4 00:00:12,210 --> 00:00:15,270 will have conducted a conference today so 5 00:00:15,270 --> 00:00:18,000 i continue by with here weaver with 6 00:00:18,000 --> 00:00:20,430 me and may sulfur one i shall 7 00:00:20,430 --> 00:00:22,890 dunno and so the idea of this 8 00:00:22,890 --> 00:00:25,590 conference is to do some sandwiches are 9 00:00:25,890 --> 00:00:26,876 kind of unusual 10 00:00:27,150 --> 00:00:28,929 so tommy's oh so we're gonna do 11 00:00:28,929 --> 00:00:30,360 a use case and most of the 12 00:00:30,390 --> 00:00:32,947 time when a use cases presented by 13 00:00:33,330 --> 00:00:34,890 an analyst it's most of the time 14 00:00:34,890 --> 00:00:36,390 like three quarters of the time the 15 00:00:36,420 --> 00:00:38,919 analyst was picking and then a quarter 16 00:00:39,001 --> 00:00:42,180 the timing is the the client here 17 00:00:42,210 --> 00:00:43,740 is going to be the reverse a 18 00:00:43,740 --> 00:00:45,870 mod so i will leave the floating 19 00:00:45,870 --> 00:00:47,220 up in a couple of minutes 20 00:00:47,310 --> 00:00:50,280 tour two kaddish who is a client 21 00:00:50,280 --> 00:00:52,650 of mine and the idea that kathy 22 00:00:52,650 --> 00:00:56,250 can i introduce you to projects that 23 00:00:57,210 --> 00:00:58,980 she is walking on and i will 24 00:00:58,980 --> 00:01:04,709 explain how i decided to deal with 25 00:01:04,709 --> 00:01:07,440 the project management of including matter 26 00:01:07,440 --> 00:01:11,490 all women deserve this given project and 27 00:01:11,610 --> 00:01:13,740 so i leave now the floor to 28 00:01:13,800 --> 00:01:15,450 to get here and i will interact 29 00:01:15,450 --> 00:01:17,310 on leash or dealing with my part 30 00:01:17,310 --> 00:01:17,910 of the site 31 00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:21,960 okay thanks training artist stem 32 00:01:23,580 --> 00:01:24,450 charmless lights 33 00:01:30,150 --> 00:01:31,320 can i just chat you can see 34 00:01:31,320 --> 00:01:31,890 that ronan 35 00:01:37,950 --> 00:01:38,880 yes it looks great 36 00:01:40,110 --> 00:01:43,740 lovely thank you and write so myself 37 00:01:43,740 --> 00:01:45,900 and raining again to attitude share the 38 00:01:45,900 --> 00:01:49,350 presentation today and the presentation is on 39 00:01:49,350 --> 00:01:52,950 using matter mighty collect data on intervention 40 00:01:52,950 --> 00:01:55,170 engagement within a research trial and the 41 00:01:55,170 --> 00:01:57,750 case study isn't a project called wrapped 42 00:01:59,790 --> 00:02:02,040 so the overview of the presentation is 43 00:02:02,070 --> 00:02:04,890 the i'll firstly talk about why i 44 00:02:04,890 --> 00:02:08,070 think it's important to measure intervention engagement 45 00:02:08,070 --> 00:02:10,800 within a research trial i will tell 46 00:02:10,800 --> 00:02:12,510 you a bit about the wrapped research 47 00:02:12,510 --> 00:02:15,030 project to swell and then ronan's going 48 00:02:15,030 --> 00:02:16,890 to talk about how we use matinee 49 00:02:16,891 --> 00:02:18,960 within the project to collect endeavor 50 00:02:18,960 --> 00:02:21,870 at your level data on engagement than 51 00:02:21,870 --> 00:02:24,360 our present somalia insights from our analytics 52 00:02:24,360 --> 00:02:25,770 data and and not be a chance 53 00:02:25,770 --> 00:02:27,330 for some questions at the end 54 00:02:29,940 --> 00:02:33,330 so festival why it's important to measure 55 00:02:33,480 --> 00:02:35,670 intervention engagement with a new research trial 56 00:02:35,670 --> 00:02:38,220 with arab are two reasons one is 57 00:02:38,220 --> 00:02:41,400 to minimize something called non usage attrition 58 00:02:41,730 --> 00:02:43,620 and are going to explain about our 59 00:02:43,620 --> 00:02:46,020 protests and then also to examine and 60 00:02:46,020 --> 00:02:48,150 control for intervention tos 61 00:02:49,440 --> 00:02:52,170 so firstly onto minimizing non-eu such attrition 62 00:02:52,920 --> 00:02:55,950 so when we are testing whether a 63 00:02:55,950 --> 00:02:58,800 new intervention works then we typically decent 64 00:02:58,830 --> 00:03:01,140 could a randomized control trial and many 65 00:03:01,140 --> 00:03:03,300 of you will be aware of what 66 00:03:03,510 --> 00:03:06,360 randomized controlled trials are already maybe but 67 00:03:06,360 --> 00:03:08,280 they are am i to share my 68 00:03:08,280 --> 00:03:08,880 next slide 69 00:03:08,910 --> 00:03:10,620 so they are used all the time 70 00:03:10,620 --> 00:03:12,840 in a clinical context to test the 71 00:03:12,840 --> 00:03:15,510 effectiveness of something so that something could 72 00:03:15,510 --> 00:03:18,330 be a new drug or a vaccine 73 00:03:18,330 --> 00:03:19,500 as is the case with the kv 74 00:03:19,500 --> 00:03:22,140 vaccine or in my case am an 75 00:03:22,140 --> 00:03:26,070 imam house psychologists i develop interventions that 76 00:03:26,070 --> 00:03:28,140 try to encourage people to change their 77 00:03:28,170 --> 00:03:28,950 health behavior 78 00:03:29,070 --> 00:03:30,540 that could be for example to to 79 00:03:30,540 --> 00:03:31,673 persuade people to use the kite that 80 00:03:31,678 --> 00:03:34,920 vaccine so the intervention itself and is 81 00:03:34,920 --> 00:03:36,360 not a drug or a vaccine or 82 00:03:36,360 --> 00:03:37,890 something like that it tends to be 83 00:03:37,890 --> 00:03:41,010 an a behavior change intervention but the 84 00:03:41,010 --> 00:03:42,870 principle of attesting it is exactly the 85 00:03:42,870 --> 00:03:44,190 same so we would also run a 86 00:03:44,190 --> 00:03:45,630 randomized controlled trial 87 00:03:46,950 --> 00:03:49,652 and in randomized controlled trials we take 88 00:03:49,652 --> 00:03:51,660 hair sample population so this is a 89 00:03:51,660 --> 00:03:54,120 smaller group of the the white population 90 00:03:54,120 --> 00:03:57,030 were interested in testing the intervention on 91 00:03:57,630 --> 00:03:59,430 and will randomly assign them to two 92 00:03:59,460 --> 00:04:01,800 groups so am i the flip of 93 00:04:01,800 --> 00:04:03,660 a coin old bolla di saw more 94 00:04:03,660 --> 00:04:06,450 commonly using sort of an internet based 95 00:04:06,450 --> 00:04:06,960 randomizer 96 00:04:06,960 --> 00:04:08,400 ocean tools but the idea is the 97 00:04:08,400 --> 00:04:10,020 same it's just randomly assigning to one 98 00:04:10,020 --> 00:04:12,870 group or the other on n and 99 00:04:12,870 --> 00:04:14,580 the one groups with which have habits 100 00:04:14,580 --> 00:04:16,800 great one at the old people are 101 00:04:16,800 --> 00:04:18,510 not great that reminded me assigned to 102 00:04:18,510 --> 00:04:20,550 it will get thief then the new 103 00:04:20,579 --> 00:04:22,950 drug code or treatments and then we'll 104 00:04:22,950 --> 00:04:25,920 measure afterwards and how they fare to 105 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:27,120 what the outcomes were for them 106 00:04:27,420 --> 00:04:28,860 and then the other great thou get 107 00:04:28,860 --> 00:04:30,300 to control so if it is a 108 00:04:30,300 --> 00:04:31,320 drag it might be something like a 109 00:04:31,320 --> 00:04:34,020 sugar pill that has no active ingredients 110 00:04:34,320 --> 00:04:35,610 and game will mash at the outcome 111 00:04:35,610 --> 00:04:38,490 for them an important point with randomisation 112 00:04:38,490 --> 00:04:40,080 is that by the end we should 113 00:04:40,080 --> 00:04:41,820 have balanced the groups or just by 114 00:04:41,820 --> 00:04:44,520 chance we should have approximately even numbers 115 00:04:44,520 --> 00:04:47,130 of people of different genders and ethnicities 116 00:04:47,130 --> 00:04:47,280 or 117 00:04:47,280 --> 00:04:50,670 all with similar levels of of healthy 118 00:04:50,670 --> 00:04:53,370 your health condition and that's important to 119 00:04:53,370 --> 00:04:56,070 make sure that we control finest of 120 00:04:56,070 --> 00:04:58,320 confounding factors that made my also have 121 00:04:58,320 --> 00:04:59,610 an effect on the outcome they should 122 00:04:59,610 --> 00:05:01,320 then be evenly spread between the two 123 00:05:01,320 --> 00:05:01,950 groups 124 00:05:04,740 --> 00:05:06,360 so in a clinical context when a 125 00:05:06,360 --> 00:05:08,700 new drug is being tested adherence to 126 00:05:08,700 --> 00:05:10,170 the drug is not usually a big 127 00:05:10,170 --> 00:05:12,630 problem although something do to me to 128 00:05:12,630 --> 00:05:15,150 be mindful of 'em and this spirit 129 00:05:15,150 --> 00:05:17,820 the turkey is prescribed by a clinician 130 00:05:17,970 --> 00:05:21,270 and participants saw usually very closely supervised 131 00:05:21,270 --> 00:05:23,280 so you'd be asked to go 132 00:05:23,280 --> 00:05:25,556 go into a clinical context for example 133 00:05:25,560 --> 00:05:27,840 a newbie pass that the pale on 134 00:05:27,840 --> 00:05:29,220 a tray with a cup of water 135 00:05:29,220 --> 00:05:31,200 i am watched by a research nurse 136 00:05:31,200 --> 00:05:32,490 taking it who then recalled that you 137 00:05:32,490 --> 00:05:34,230 taken it and that would likely be 138 00:05:34,230 --> 00:05:36,990 for every dose and also as a 139 00:05:36,990 --> 00:05:39,570 research participant he may well especially if 140 00:05:39,570 --> 00:05:41,700 you are in the intervention condition experience 141 00:05:41,730 --> 00:05:43,440 observable and immediate health 142 00:05:43,470 --> 00:05:45,419 benefits of taking that drug ashamed that 143 00:05:45,419 --> 00:05:47,700 it's effective and also potentially in the 144 00:05:47,700 --> 00:05:50,010 control condition due to placebo effect so 145 00:05:50,017 --> 00:05:51,690 there's lots of things that could be 146 00:05:52,080 --> 00:05:55,470 and meaning that haven't that that drug 147 00:05:55,470 --> 00:05:58,170 with an intervention and and trial context 148 00:05:58,560 --> 00:06:00,390 am is not too much your problem 149 00:06:00,390 --> 00:06:02,940 it's usually irritates usually reasonably high 150 00:06:06,030 --> 00:06:08,370 however in contrast adherents is a major 151 00:06:08,370 --> 00:06:11,460 problem why may testing ie health interventions 152 00:06:11,670 --> 00:06:13,200 as i mentioned briefly about the kind 153 00:06:13,200 --> 00:06:15,240 of what the itu sought to test 154 00:06:15,240 --> 00:06:18,930 health behavior change interventions and also almost 155 00:06:18,930 --> 00:06:20,430 all of the interventions that i developed 156 00:06:20,430 --> 00:06:22,680 contest of the health type said their 157 00:06:22,680 --> 00:06:23,760 intervention delivered by 158 00:06:23,760 --> 00:06:26,280 via the internet so here the intervention 159 00:06:26,280 --> 00:06:29,250 is neither prescribed nor critical to wellbeing 160 00:06:32,070 --> 00:06:34,590 and this graph i think demonstrates quite 161 00:06:34,590 --> 00:06:38,820 nicely and typical attrition from a health 162 00:06:39,420 --> 00:06:43,110 interventions so on the y axis going 163 00:06:43,110 --> 00:06:44,730 up the left you can see the 164 00:06:44,730 --> 00:06:46,320 very top that a one and that 165 00:06:46,320 --> 00:06:48,300 reflects one hundred per cent of users 166 00:06:48,360 --> 00:06:50,640 of the intervention going down to nine 167 00:06:50,640 --> 00:06:53,400 eighty eighty seventy etc or right down 168 00:06:53,400 --> 00:06:55,020 to the air at the bottom and 169 00:06:55,020 --> 00:06:56,880 then across the bottom on the x 170 00:06:56,880 --> 00:06:59,910 axes we've got time and modules so 171 00:06:59,910 --> 00:07:01,108 if we take the blue line is 172 00:07:01,110 --> 00:07:02,700 at to start with the city by 173 00:07:02,700 --> 00:07:06,329 favell done and this was a i 174 00:07:06,329 --> 00:07:09,720 am a twelve week program of an 175 00:07:09,870 --> 00:07:10,530 internet 176 00:07:10,860 --> 00:07:13,410 and delivery of an intervention so exposed 177 00:07:13,440 --> 00:07:15,450 to engage for twelve weeks in total 178 00:07:15,461 --> 00:07:16,620 to have had the full dose of 179 00:07:16,620 --> 00:07:18,720 the intervention but you can see after 180 00:07:18,720 --> 00:07:20,130 a couple of weeks before he got 181 00:07:20,130 --> 00:07:22,500 less than fifty percents of people i'm 182 00:07:22,517 --> 00:07:25,650 still using that that am website going 183 00:07:25,650 --> 00:07:28,500 down and to less than twenty percents 184 00:07:28,500 --> 00:07:29,700 at week three and you can see 185 00:07:29,700 --> 00:07:30,960 by the end by the law 186 00:07:30,960 --> 00:07:32,970 less than one percent people still using 187 00:07:32,970 --> 00:07:35,760 or still completing the intervention and right 188 00:07:35,760 --> 00:07:38,430 at the very end and then four 189 00:07:38,447 --> 00:07:40,920 and the dashed black line this was 190 00:07:40,920 --> 00:07:42,270 an arm and a bench good mood 191 00:07:42,300 --> 00:07:44,460 gym and it's in a trial context 192 00:07:44,460 --> 00:07:47,220 again and there were five modules half 193 00:07:47,220 --> 00:07:49,920 this intervention you can see that and 194 00:07:49,980 --> 00:07:51,120 lessons have to present day 195 00:07:51,150 --> 00:07:53,580 module two and module three less than 196 00:07:53,580 --> 00:07:55,200 sixty percent and so on down to 197 00:07:55,200 --> 00:07:57,180 just over twenty percent doing all five 198 00:07:57,180 --> 00:08:00,000 modules and then the solid black line 199 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:02,640 is also moot gym but in this 200 00:08:02,640 --> 00:08:04,800 context it wasn't in a trial and 201 00:08:04,860 --> 00:08:06,060 it was just people allow to have 202 00:08:06,060 --> 00:08:07,950 access to it then see who in 203 00:08:08,070 --> 00:08:09,810 engage with that and carried on engaging 204 00:08:09,810 --> 00:08:10,320 with it 205 00:08:11,280 --> 00:08:12,810 and so outside the context of a 206 00:08:12,810 --> 00:08:14,640 trial in which people might be incentivized 207 00:08:14,670 --> 00:08:17,400 to to use the intervention and also 208 00:08:17,400 --> 00:08:20,730 encouraged and reminded by researchers to do 209 00:08:20,730 --> 00:08:22,500 so you can see the engagement is 210 00:08:22,500 --> 00:08:23,280 even less 211 00:08:26,040 --> 00:08:29,130 so non-use patricians a participant ceasing to 212 00:08:29,130 --> 00:08:31,380 use the intervention in a trial context 213 00:08:31,440 --> 00:08:31,980 and 214 00:08:33,179 --> 00:08:34,740 it's obviously a big is a big 215 00:08:34,740 --> 00:08:37,799 problem from a for us and m 216 00:08:37,890 --> 00:08:39,840 if pockets are not using intervention in 217 00:08:39,841 --> 00:08:41,970 trial contacts it makes it really difficult 218 00:08:42,000 --> 00:08:44,250 task where the intervention actually works or 219 00:08:44,250 --> 00:08:44,670 not 220 00:08:45,930 --> 00:08:50,550 so in in trials and regardless of 221 00:08:50,640 --> 00:08:53,100 i'm sorry to interest outcome data for 222 00:08:53,130 --> 00:08:56,490 every participant is randomized included in the 223 00:08:56,490 --> 00:08:59,130 analysis so if we have people in 224 00:08:59,130 --> 00:09:00,720 not to be remembered at first 225 00:09:02,580 --> 00:09:04,200 siakam i showed you have a randomized 226 00:09:04,200 --> 00:09:05,850 controlled trials we've got people are under 227 00:09:05,850 --> 00:09:07,560 my two creeps in and not top 228 00:09:07,590 --> 00:09:09,990 arm we've got people who received the 229 00:09:09,990 --> 00:09:12,360 intervention itself if i only got a 230 00:09:12,360 --> 00:09:13,830 small portion of those who are actually 231 00:09:13,830 --> 00:09:15,390 using intervention of fall you might be 232 00:09:15,390 --> 00:09:18,200 thinking to yourself well just analyze data 233 00:09:18,200 --> 00:09:20,340 from those people who use the intervention 234 00:09:20,340 --> 00:09:22,440 itself and ignore it when asked who 235 00:09:22,440 --> 00:09:22,560 do 236 00:09:22,560 --> 00:09:24,870 patent but that in threatens the whole 237 00:09:24,870 --> 00:09:26,940 integrity of the trial design which is 238 00:09:26,940 --> 00:09:28,860 the randomisation of people to one group 239 00:09:28,860 --> 00:09:31,170 or the other i explained earlier about 240 00:09:31,170 --> 00:09:33,330 how we randomize so we have pilots 241 00:09:33,330 --> 00:09:34,830 between the two arms but if you're 242 00:09:34,830 --> 00:09:37,230 only including a a a sub group 243 00:09:37,230 --> 00:09:39,057 of those people who have used the 244 00:09:39,057 --> 00:09:42,090 intervention to a minimum extent and ignoring 245 00:09:42,090 --> 00:09:42,720 everybody gauss 246 00:09:42,810 --> 00:09:44,670 then you remove that balance which is 247 00:09:44,670 --> 00:09:48,000 so important to that trial validity 248 00:09:51,630 --> 00:09:54,810 so get the point of and of 249 00:09:55,050 --> 00:09:57,720 ensuring that everybody regardless is what they 250 00:09:57,810 --> 00:10:00,030 use the intervention or not in a 251 00:10:00,030 --> 00:10:02,340 trial it's called intention to treat analysis 252 00:10:02,340 --> 00:10:04,380 so if you randomize someone you will 253 00:10:04,381 --> 00:10:07,620 always analyze that data regardless to ensure 254 00:10:07,620 --> 00:10:09,360 we have got this balance in design 255 00:10:09,935 --> 00:10:11,105 the problem of course is if you've 256 00:10:11,105 --> 00:10:12,755 got a group of people in your 257 00:10:12,755 --> 00:10:14,915 intervention condition that haven't used the intervention 258 00:10:14,915 --> 00:10:16,865 at all or not very much then 259 00:10:16,865 --> 00:10:19,025 if your intervention is indeed effective then 260 00:10:19,235 --> 00:10:21,005 when you do the analysis a hussy 261 00:10:21,005 --> 00:10:23,735 fact underestimated the effect the intervention cajoled 262 00:10:23,735 --> 00:10:26,015 including in the analysis in the intervention 263 00:10:26,015 --> 00:10:28,535 condition people who didn't even use it 264 00:10:28,535 --> 00:10:29,885 at all or didn't use it very 265 00:10:29,885 --> 00:10:30,035 much 266 00:10:30,035 --> 00:10:32,405 such tool and remember that that diagram 267 00:10:32,405 --> 00:10:34,025 of the dropping off steeply that is 268 00:10:34,025 --> 00:10:36,875 often the case for us so it's 269 00:10:36,875 --> 00:10:38,915 really really important the in in a 270 00:10:38,915 --> 00:10:41,045 trial context that we do absolutely everything 271 00:10:41,045 --> 00:10:43,985 that we can to minimize people not 272 00:10:43,985 --> 00:10:46,145 using the intervention or dropping off 273 00:10:49,025 --> 00:10:50,525 now ahead of doing a main trial 274 00:10:50,525 --> 00:10:52,835 in which we test the effectiveness of 275 00:10:53,195 --> 00:10:55,205 the kind of intervention that i've been 276 00:10:55,205 --> 00:10:56,675 talking about we tend to do something 277 00:10:56,675 --> 00:10:59,825 called earth a feasibility randomised controlled trial 278 00:10:59,855 --> 00:11:01,564 which is exactly the same as a 279 00:11:01,564 --> 00:11:03,935 randomized controlled trial with this randomisation to 280 00:11:03,935 --> 00:11:05,705 the two groups the only thing that's 281 00:11:05,705 --> 00:11:07,475 different is it's with much fewer parties 282 00:11:07,475 --> 00:11:09,605 pence and the purpose of that kind 283 00:11:09,605 --> 00:11:10,775 of study is to help us to 284 00:11:10,775 --> 00:11:13,325 prepare for a full randomized controlled trial 285 00:11:14,495 --> 00:11:15,965 and what we trying to do is 286 00:11:16,025 --> 00:11:18,545 our resolve will remove all the unknowns 287 00:11:18,575 --> 00:11:20,855 so for example helps to learn what 288 00:11:20,855 --> 00:11:23,285 the best method for recruiting participants is 289 00:11:23,675 --> 00:11:25,655 and what level of incentive we need 290 00:11:25,655 --> 00:11:27,365 to recruit people in the first place 291 00:11:27,365 --> 00:11:28,385 but water to keep them in the 292 00:11:28,385 --> 00:11:29,795 trial until the end so those kind 293 00:11:29,795 --> 00:11:31,385 of things are important for us to 294 00:11:31,385 --> 00:11:33,605 establish this early phase before we do 295 00:11:33,605 --> 00:11:34,385 the main thing 296 00:11:36,005 --> 00:11:37,745 but what we could also use the 297 00:11:37,745 --> 00:11:41,105 sp feasibility randomised controlled trials these preparation 298 00:11:41,405 --> 00:11:45,845 preparation type trials is to examine non 299 00:11:45,845 --> 00:11:47,285 use at attrition which we been talking 300 00:11:47,285 --> 00:11:50,195 about so if we look at tricia 301 00:11:50,195 --> 00:11:52,145 and in this early stage trial it 302 00:11:52,145 --> 00:11:54,005 can tell us some important things such 303 00:11:54,005 --> 00:11:54,755 as whether atr 304 00:11:54,755 --> 00:11:58,325 ration is associated with particular demographic factors 305 00:11:58,625 --> 00:11:59,885 and of course when we measuring those 306 00:11:59,885 --> 00:12:00,965 in the surveys that we give to 307 00:12:00,965 --> 00:12:02,705 people before they have the intervention and 308 00:12:02,705 --> 00:12:04,385 then also afterwards and so if we 309 00:12:04,385 --> 00:12:06,395 can link that demographic data right with 310 00:12:06,395 --> 00:12:09,275 the day trip out attrition we can 311 00:12:09,275 --> 00:12:11,225 learn some important things so if we 312 00:12:11,225 --> 00:12:13,145 found out that for example females in 313 00:12:13,145 --> 00:12:14,885 particular were using our intervention or 314 00:12:14,915 --> 00:12:17,405 dropping off then it be important too 315 00:12:17,435 --> 00:12:18,875 and maybe interview them as pot some 316 00:12:18,875 --> 00:12:21,305 later studies and to find out why 317 00:12:21,305 --> 00:12:22,498 that may might be the case and 318 00:12:22,535 --> 00:12:25,025 try and rectify that and when we 319 00:12:25,025 --> 00:12:26,375 look at the shape of the attrition 320 00:12:26,375 --> 00:12:27,665 curve which we were we were just 321 00:12:27,665 --> 00:12:29,105 looking at before that can tell us 322 00:12:29,105 --> 00:12:31,085 something also important 323 00:12:32,435 --> 00:12:35,225 so if we hearts i should have 324 00:12:35,225 --> 00:12:35,705 kept my 325 00:12:37,115 --> 00:12:39,035 mouse to do that yeah so if 326 00:12:39,035 --> 00:12:41,495 we had a shape a bit set 327 00:12:41,495 --> 00:12:43,925 alight rarely steep down like that that 328 00:12:43,925 --> 00:12:45,245 would be a really bad sign for 329 00:12:45,245 --> 00:12:47,825 our intervention tell us that people were 330 00:12:47,825 --> 00:12:50,315 disengaging very quickly because i just didn't 331 00:12:50,315 --> 00:12:52,925 like it and then this more can 332 00:12:52,925 --> 00:12:55,835 have sigmoid style curve would tell us 333 00:12:56,225 --> 00:12:56,915 that we have 334 00:12:56,915 --> 00:13:00,185 add some sort of initial interest in 335 00:13:00,185 --> 00:13:01,625 it which then dropped off as you 336 00:13:01,625 --> 00:13:02,945 might imagine then a bit of a 337 00:13:02,945 --> 00:13:05,345 steep drop up in the metal parts 338 00:13:05,345 --> 00:13:07,325 when there's less motivated people were leaving 339 00:13:07,325 --> 00:13:10,385 or possibly representing some of usability style 340 00:13:10,385 --> 00:13:12,605 problems and then we've got hard core 341 00:13:12,605 --> 00:13:14,585 subset of users at the bottom so 342 00:13:14,585 --> 00:13:16,834 that the style of and and shape 343 00:13:16,895 --> 00:13:17,075 space 344 00:13:17,075 --> 00:13:18,365 bows of this curve can tell us 345 00:13:18,365 --> 00:13:19,865 some important things as well if we're 346 00:13:19,872 --> 00:13:22,925 measuring attrition from our intervention jury not 347 00:13:23,185 --> 00:13:25,565 a feasibility randomised controlled trial 348 00:13:28,685 --> 00:13:31,325 so it is not uncommon for a 349 00:13:31,895 --> 00:13:34,625 feasibility randomised controlled trials of a health 350 00:13:34,625 --> 00:13:37,775 interventions to measure non use of nutrition 351 00:13:38,315 --> 00:13:41,315 but measures of engagement are usually quite 352 00:13:41,315 --> 00:13:44,075 limited and not so fine grained so 353 00:13:44,075 --> 00:13:45,695 often it it's abouts 354 00:13:47,405 --> 00:13:50,345 when people registering within the website itself 355 00:13:50,345 --> 00:13:52,235 so we know who's visiting and we 356 00:13:52,235 --> 00:13:54,095 know when they stopped visiting we might 357 00:13:54,095 --> 00:13:55,625 talk about collect data on whether they've 358 00:13:55,625 --> 00:13:58,235 completed modules within that website itself without 359 00:13:58,235 --> 00:14:00,455 tends to be the limitation or the 360 00:14:00,455 --> 00:14:03,605 limits of it and on the use 361 00:14:03,605 --> 00:14:05,735 of analytics data rarely happens at all 362 00:14:06,665 --> 00:14:06,995 but i've 363 00:14:06,995 --> 00:14:09,095 she had become increasingly aware recently the 364 00:14:09,095 --> 00:14:11,945 analytics data can offer much greater insight 365 00:14:11,945 --> 00:14:14,585 into usability issues for example are the 366 00:14:14,585 --> 00:14:18,845 particular point steering the and the different 367 00:14:18,845 --> 00:14:20,225 stages in which people are going through 368 00:14:20,225 --> 00:14:22,685 the intervention why they're experiencing some technical 369 00:14:22,685 --> 00:14:25,355 issues that just is not very nice 370 00:14:25,355 --> 00:14:26,585 the look and feel over time people 371 00:14:26,585 --> 00:14:27,125 are dropping off 372 00:14:27,286 --> 00:14:28,985 having problems with it and these are 373 00:14:28,985 --> 00:14:29,765 the kind of things that can be 374 00:14:29,765 --> 00:14:31,505 rectified which we don't cut this kind 375 00:14:31,505 --> 00:14:33,155 of data we won't know nothing about 376 00:14:34,025 --> 00:14:37,115 and and typically within feet split them 377 00:14:37,115 --> 00:14:38,825 into mice control trials we tend to 378 00:14:38,825 --> 00:14:40,835 have a stage of qualitative research we 379 00:14:40,835 --> 00:14:42,725 do interviews with our participants to find 380 00:14:42,725 --> 00:14:44,645 out more about their experience begin to 381 00:14:44,645 --> 00:14:46,025 be such participants and what we can 382 00:14:46,025 --> 00:14:47,315 learn to improve the trial 383 00:14:47,765 --> 00:14:48,905 and this would be a great stage 384 00:14:48,905 --> 00:14:51,455 at which to ask people to which 385 00:14:51,455 --> 00:14:53,375 we can draw hypotheses from these usability 386 00:14:53,375 --> 00:14:55,625 issues and then envelop the further through 387 00:14:55,625 --> 00:14:57,185 those interviews to find out more about 388 00:14:57,185 --> 00:14:59,915 people's experiences those two things with dr 389 00:14:59,915 --> 00:15:01,055 really nicely together 390 00:15:02,255 --> 00:15:06,575 and so yeah we we can do 391 00:15:06,575 --> 00:15:09,425 these feasibility randomized controlled trials and examine 392 00:15:09,425 --> 00:15:11,825 usability issues with a with a view 393 00:15:11,825 --> 00:15:15,035 to properly preparing a much better armor 394 00:15:15,038 --> 00:15:16,475 and resolving any of these issues in 395 00:15:16,475 --> 00:15:19,445 preparation for the main trial and i 396 00:15:19,445 --> 00:15:20,915 just want to make the point that 397 00:15:20,975 --> 00:15:22,355 i'm very aware that within 398 00:15:22,415 --> 00:15:25,205 that and the tax at web industry 399 00:15:25,205 --> 00:15:30,155 sector that usability and examining the acts 400 00:15:30,172 --> 00:15:32,195 of client or customer's use of of 401 00:15:32,195 --> 00:15:33,725 website and all these friction points and 402 00:15:33,725 --> 00:15:35,165 things are going wrong in order to 403 00:15:35,195 --> 00:15:38,015 maximize engagement and getting people through to 404 00:15:38,015 --> 00:15:39,875 the end point where that might be 405 00:15:39,875 --> 00:15:42,305 like purchasing something is done really 406 00:15:42,545 --> 00:15:45,785 commonly and very well but really in 407 00:15:45,785 --> 00:15:47,615 my field it's not it's rarely done 408 00:15:47,615 --> 00:15:49,235 at all not by much toll and 409 00:15:49,235 --> 00:15:50,735 i just know this a huge amount 410 00:15:50,735 --> 00:15:52,475 to be learned and gained from i'm 411 00:15:52,475 --> 00:15:54,845 collaborating with people who know much about 412 00:15:54,845 --> 00:15:56,375 this not be really interested in hearing 413 00:15:56,375 --> 00:15:58,505 from somebody who would be interested in 414 00:15:58,505 --> 00:15:59,885 working with me and that kind of 415 00:15:59,885 --> 00:16:00,215 way 416 00:16:02,435 --> 00:16:06,425 and so yeah i've hopefully sort of 417 00:16:06,515 --> 00:16:08,045 up it made the case for why 418 00:16:08,045 --> 00:16:10,745 it's important to look at and non 419 00:16:10,775 --> 00:16:12,815 use at attrition and for minimizing not 420 00:16:12,815 --> 00:16:14,765 in a trial we know it's important 421 00:16:14,765 --> 00:16:16,955 to do that and running these types 422 00:16:16,955 --> 00:16:19,054 of feasibility randomised controlled trials which are 423 00:16:19,054 --> 00:16:21,095 really common as a great opportunity to 424 00:16:21,095 --> 00:16:21,395 look 425 00:16:21,485 --> 00:16:23,465 attrition and try and remedy at inducing 426 00:16:23,465 --> 00:16:26,435 about it and i'm rarely and if 427 00:16:26,435 --> 00:16:27,515 one else in my field just at 428 00:16:27,515 --> 00:16:29,225 the beginning of trying to understand how 429 00:16:29,225 --> 00:16:31,265 best to measure this type of nutrition 430 00:16:31,745 --> 00:16:34,115 twins damn what's all the mashers and 431 00:16:34,115 --> 00:16:35,975 things that we can collect telling us 432 00:16:36,305 --> 00:16:37,895 and also to make the right sort 433 00:16:37,895 --> 00:16:39,305 of changes so that in the main 434 00:16:39,305 --> 00:16:40,985 trial we can actually have as high 435 00:16:40,985 --> 00:16:41,555 of attrition 436 00:16:41,555 --> 00:16:43,685 the attrition as possible when people don't 437 00:16:43,685 --> 00:16:45,365 like the intervention that's another thing we 438 00:16:45,365 --> 00:16:47,105 can't that's a different question to be 439 00:16:47,105 --> 00:16:48,365 answered by bit to do with how 440 00:16:48,365 --> 00:16:50,465 the website itself is operating i think 441 00:16:50,465 --> 00:16:51,935 there's lots we can do about that 442 00:16:53,585 --> 00:16:55,187 and on the the other issue an 443 00:16:55,295 --> 00:16:56,315 and you've got to slice on this 444 00:16:56,315 --> 00:16:57,575 one this much so small a point 445 00:16:57,575 --> 00:17:00,485 rarely but equally important is around examining 446 00:17:00,485 --> 00:17:03,125 and controlling for dos and 447 00:17:04,925 --> 00:17:07,625 so the amount or dose of an 448 00:17:07,625 --> 00:17:09,875 intervention that a participant receives in a 449 00:17:09,875 --> 00:17:11,944 trial can affect the strength that the 450 00:17:11,944 --> 00:17:14,855 outcome so again back to that randomisation 451 00:17:14,855 --> 00:17:16,535 that we talked about those in the 452 00:17:16,595 --> 00:17:19,625 the top arm he received an intervention 453 00:17:19,835 --> 00:17:20,885 so we look to see what the 454 00:17:20,885 --> 00:17:23,105 outcomes are so if it's an stop 455 00:17:23,105 --> 00:17:24,515 smoking intervention for example 456 00:17:24,548 --> 00:17:27,095 will will measure number of cigarettes per 457 00:17:27,095 --> 00:17:29,615 day the heart before the intervention then 458 00:17:29,615 --> 00:17:31,685 afterwards nam will compare the two arms 459 00:17:31,715 --> 00:17:32,735 to look to look at the number 460 00:17:32,735 --> 00:17:36,575 of cigarettes smoked so we we need 461 00:17:36,575 --> 00:17:38,822 to know the the dose of that 462 00:17:38,822 --> 00:17:40,612 intervention soap it's a web invent should 463 00:17:40,612 --> 00:17:41,765 be stop smoking we need to know 464 00:17:41,765 --> 00:17:44,195 the amount of consumption of that website 465 00:17:44,195 --> 00:17:44,675 have they gone 466 00:17:44,675 --> 00:17:46,685 backlot every day if they reviewed after 467 00:17:46,685 --> 00:17:48,485 then ordered everything i can that sort 468 00:17:48,485 --> 00:17:50,585 of thing to know the dos and 469 00:17:50,585 --> 00:17:51,875 that way we can control for the 470 00:17:51,875 --> 00:17:53,495 in the analyses so we can have 471 00:17:53,825 --> 00:17:56,009 and can just isolate the effect of 472 00:17:56,009 --> 00:17:57,425 the intervention and not the amount that 473 00:17:57,425 --> 00:17:59,285 happening but then also we can measure 474 00:17:59,585 --> 00:18:00,995 the correlation of the strength of the 475 00:18:00,995 --> 00:18:03,065 relationship between dose and outcome as well 476 00:18:03,065 --> 00:18:04,475 knows kind of things are really important 477 00:18:04,475 --> 00:18:04,835 for us to 478 00:18:04,846 --> 00:18:08,195 understand but you can examine what you 479 00:18:08,195 --> 00:18:09,665 don't measure so we really need to 480 00:18:09,665 --> 00:18:11,555 understand what is the dose the amount 481 00:18:11,555 --> 00:18:13,115 that people are having of our hr 482 00:18:13,115 --> 00:18:14,705 interventions and and this has to do 483 00:18:14,705 --> 00:18:16,115 with the main trial itself 484 00:18:18,815 --> 00:18:21,695 so if we can measure dose and 485 00:18:22,115 --> 00:18:24,575 and for this it's really important that 486 00:18:24,575 --> 00:18:27,635 the outcomes are linked to each individual 487 00:18:27,635 --> 00:18:30,695 participants in the study so if we 488 00:18:30,695 --> 00:18:32,375 can measure dose then we can understand 489 00:18:32,375 --> 00:18:33,875 things such as is there a linear 490 00:18:33,875 --> 00:18:36,605 relationship between dose and outcome so in 491 00:18:36,605 --> 00:18:37,475 other words the moth 492 00:18:37,475 --> 00:18:39,545 the intervention the somebody has the greater 493 00:18:39,575 --> 00:18:41,559 the benefit or is it there are 494 00:18:41,559 --> 00:18:43,535 anonymous linear relationships at the point of 495 00:18:43,535 --> 00:18:45,365 saturation at which that really make the 496 00:18:45,365 --> 00:18:46,505 difference whether you have any more or 497 00:18:46,535 --> 00:18:48,815 not or is the minimum dose everyone 498 00:18:48,815 --> 00:18:49,955 needs to have in order for an 499 00:18:49,955 --> 00:18:53,765 effect to be achieved and an analytics 500 00:18:53,765 --> 00:18:56,795 data can also be used for this 501 00:18:56,825 --> 00:18:57,635 and epiphytes with 502 00:18:57,665 --> 00:18:59,735 the precise and detailed mashes of the 503 00:18:59,735 --> 00:19:02,645 dose rates individual such as which pages 504 00:19:02,645 --> 00:19:04,895 are accessed how long people spend on 505 00:19:04,895 --> 00:19:07,445 each page which videos have been watched 506 00:19:07,475 --> 00:19:09,005 and for how long 507 00:19:10,535 --> 00:19:14,045 so am i now like to go 508 00:19:14,045 --> 00:19:16,655 on selling a little bit about a 509 00:19:16,925 --> 00:19:19,745 intervention the i developed called wrapped when 510 00:19:19,746 --> 00:19:21,635 i say i not may alone me 511 00:19:21,635 --> 00:19:23,885 with a fantastic team of other researchers 512 00:19:25,205 --> 00:19:28,355 so am face a little bit about 513 00:19:28,355 --> 00:19:30,335 the study we're doing so we're at 514 00:19:30,335 --> 00:19:32,015 the stage of doing the feasibility randomized 515 00:19:32,015 --> 00:19:34,535 controlled trials of the preparatory study before 516 00:19:34,535 --> 00:19:37,055 the main trial on this aims to 517 00:19:37,055 --> 00:19:39,365 establish if the main randomized controlled trial 518 00:19:39,365 --> 00:19:42,995 is feasible and to inform our preparations 519 00:19:43,355 --> 00:19:45,155 and we are using analytics data 520 00:19:45,185 --> 00:19:48,845 her to better understand any possible usability 521 00:19:48,845 --> 00:19:50,462 issues so that they can be addressed 522 00:19:50,462 --> 00:19:52,085 ahead of the trial so to minimize 523 00:19:52,085 --> 00:19:54,245 the non usage attrition that i talked 524 00:19:54,245 --> 00:19:56,405 about also to learn how best to 525 00:19:56,405 --> 00:19:58,565 measure dose in preparation for our main 526 00:19:58,655 --> 00:19:59,945 randomized controlled trial 527 00:20:02,165 --> 00:20:05,345 and so the rapt intervention itself i'm 528 00:20:05,345 --> 00:20:07,355 going to show you in a minute 529 00:20:07,355 --> 00:20:09,275 what the website looks like but just 530 00:20:09,305 --> 00:20:10,955 a little bit of information about it 531 00:20:10,955 --> 00:20:13,055 so it aims to increase condom use 532 00:20:13,085 --> 00:20:16,565 by addressing factors such as people's attitudes 533 00:20:16,595 --> 00:20:18,725 towards condoms what they feel positively or 534 00:20:18,725 --> 00:20:20,610 negatively about them and the beliefs that 535 00:20:20,610 --> 00:20:21,155 underlie the 536 00:20:21,985 --> 00:20:25,765 peoples south africa seafo communicating about condoms 537 00:20:25,765 --> 00:20:28,225 and niue so this is about and 538 00:20:28,585 --> 00:20:30,295 body speaking how confident you feel to 539 00:20:30,295 --> 00:20:31,765 raise condom use with a partner for 540 00:20:31,765 --> 00:20:34,675 the first time and also how confident 541 00:20:34,675 --> 00:20:36,565 you feel in and using them correctly 542 00:20:37,315 --> 00:20:39,595 and it's also about increasing access to 543 00:20:39,595 --> 00:20:41,725 condoms so about 544 00:20:41,785 --> 00:20:44,125 making them more available to people through 545 00:20:44,215 --> 00:20:48,085 and a condom distribution scheme and there 546 00:20:48,085 --> 00:20:50,335 are six components in total which are 547 00:20:50,335 --> 00:20:53,755 tailored to individual need so at the 548 00:20:53,755 --> 00:20:55,615 very start of access the website we 549 00:20:55,615 --> 00:20:58,585 ask our users to answer very quick 550 00:20:58,585 --> 00:21:00,865 yesterday questions about their main barriers to 551 00:21:00,865 --> 00:21:01,945 condom use and then 552 00:21:02,005 --> 00:21:03,685 get allocated between one and six of 553 00:21:03,685 --> 00:21:07,375 the components so the infection itself hopefully 554 00:21:07,375 --> 00:21:09,175 is quite closely aligned to that their 555 00:21:09,191 --> 00:21:10,345 needs and interests 556 00:21:11,635 --> 00:21:13,375 and there are three products which can 557 00:21:13,375 --> 00:21:16,075 be ordered a trial pack of condoms 558 00:21:16,135 --> 00:21:19,315 a condom carrier and access to a 559 00:21:19,315 --> 00:21:21,085 service which supplies condoms on a monthly 560 00:21:21,085 --> 00:21:23,605 basis and there are also three lots 561 00:21:23,635 --> 00:21:27,565 of videos so i'm just going to 562 00:21:28,345 --> 00:21:29,425 change my screen 563 00:21:31,195 --> 00:21:32,125 to show you the 564 00:21:34,698 --> 00:21:37,225 the website itself 565 00:21:39,355 --> 00:21:41,365 and ceremony to shower if you can't 566 00:21:41,365 --> 00:21:42,385 see this otherwise i'll let you to 567 00:21:42,385 --> 00:21:44,545 she and everybody can so this is 568 00:21:44,545 --> 00:21:48,265 the route websites and after vance those 569 00:21:48,325 --> 00:21:50,005 few quick questions to start this is 570 00:21:50,005 --> 00:21:52,705 what you will see and this person 571 00:21:52,705 --> 00:21:55,135 here has been assigned all six intervention 572 00:21:55,135 --> 00:21:57,685 components and these represented by these blocks 573 00:21:57,685 --> 00:21:58,585 on the screen here 574 00:21:59,755 --> 00:22:02,275 so am i wait and show you 575 00:22:02,305 --> 00:22:03,205 all a bit but i should give 576 00:22:03,205 --> 00:22:04,945 you a better flavor for it so 577 00:22:04,945 --> 00:22:06,925 with the sample pack here we can 578 00:22:06,985 --> 00:22:07,795 combat 579 00:22:08,965 --> 00:22:10,975 so here people got the chance to 580 00:22:10,975 --> 00:22:13,645 customize the pack it's m a box 581 00:22:13,645 --> 00:22:15,175 with a tray and then they can 582 00:22:15,175 --> 00:22:17,005 choose the color on an insult that 583 00:22:17,005 --> 00:22:19,855 goes inside it and then they get 584 00:22:19,855 --> 00:22:23,125 to buy just yet she thought 585 00:22:26,575 --> 00:22:28,525 and then they get to order it 586 00:22:28,555 --> 00:22:31,165 and it has am twelve different types 587 00:22:31,165 --> 00:22:33,145 of condoms and three sachets of lube 588 00:22:33,145 --> 00:22:33,955 inside though 589 00:22:36,115 --> 00:22:39,115 and then we've got videos as well 590 00:22:39,115 --> 00:22:41,575 so this one is about video video 591 00:22:42,025 --> 00:22:45,415 analysis and of young people demoing how 592 00:22:45,415 --> 00:22:48,685 to put on a condom correctly without 593 00:22:48,685 --> 00:22:51,655 any errors and that there is both 594 00:22:51,655 --> 00:22:52,705 of the videos is one of the 595 00:22:52,705 --> 00:22:54,325 things to order but that just gives 596 00:22:54,325 --> 00:22:55,225 you a bit of a flavor 597 00:22:55,225 --> 00:22:56,905 oh from the website and what what 598 00:22:56,905 --> 00:22:57,625 it looks like 599 00:22:58,855 --> 00:23:01,675 so just go back to the presentation 600 00:23:01,675 --> 00:23:02,065 again 601 00:23:08,185 --> 00:23:11,005 and sometimes data collection the study requires 602 00:23:11,005 --> 00:23:14,275 participants in of a feasibility randomized controlled 603 00:23:14,275 --> 00:23:16,675 trial to complete activities over a twelve 604 00:23:16,675 --> 00:23:19,465 month period so they consent to study 605 00:23:19,465 --> 00:23:21,955 and compete a survey and then they 606 00:23:21,955 --> 00:23:25,135 get directed to either with a randomized 607 00:23:25,135 --> 00:23:27,029 that go into and one on which 608 00:23:27,029 --> 00:23:28,345 is to receive the wrapped intent 609 00:23:28,345 --> 00:23:30,295 action website i've just shown you where 610 00:23:30,295 --> 00:23:32,005 they get randomized to a control website 611 00:23:32,005 --> 00:23:33,685 which has the same branding as of 612 00:23:33,805 --> 00:23:36,085 color and logos but has very basic 613 00:23:36,415 --> 00:23:38,425 static information on condom use and as 614 00:23:38,575 --> 00:23:42,175 and sexual transmitted infections and then they 615 00:23:42,745 --> 00:23:44,695 get sent another survey three three months 616 00:23:44,695 --> 00:23:48,505 later and also a test for and 617 00:23:48,505 --> 00:23:51,295 st eichel chlamydia which get sent my 618 00:23:51,295 --> 00:23:52,795 contest gets get sent in the post 619 00:23:52,795 --> 00:23:55,795 to them to complete and then at 620 00:23:55,795 --> 00:23:57,625 six months another survey and then at 621 00:23:57,625 --> 00:23:59,605 twelve months another survey and also the 622 00:23:59,605 --> 00:24:03,715 same test for an std i said 623 00:24:03,715 --> 00:24:04,855 that they've been asked quite to do 624 00:24:04,855 --> 00:24:06,625 quite a lot from us and they're 625 00:24:06,625 --> 00:24:08,665 incentivized to complete those different activists 626 00:24:08,665 --> 00:24:11,155 it is and we using some database 627 00:24:11,155 --> 00:24:13,645 management software called rep right cap to 628 00:24:13,645 --> 00:24:15,985 consent participants and to prompt them to 629 00:24:15,985 --> 00:24:18,055 complete all those different activities i've just 630 00:24:18,055 --> 00:24:20,866 told you bout and record their data 631 00:24:20,866 --> 00:24:22,435 so it sends out the surveys to 632 00:24:22,435 --> 00:24:24,565 them and we record their test results 633 00:24:24,565 --> 00:24:25,945 for the st eyes in there as 634 00:24:25,945 --> 00:24:26,245 well 635 00:24:27,595 --> 00:24:29,395 now but copies used to direct participants 636 00:24:29,395 --> 00:24:31,795 to the two different websites so its 637 00:24:31,855 --> 00:24:34,525 its and that an automated email that 638 00:24:34,525 --> 00:24:36,895 goes out to people after been randomized 639 00:24:37,165 --> 00:24:38,515 which has a link into one of 640 00:24:38,515 --> 00:24:40,195 the two different websites and they have 641 00:24:40,195 --> 00:24:41,215 to click on that and then they'll 642 00:24:41,215 --> 00:24:43,285 go to each the two different websites 643 00:24:43,975 --> 00:24:47,545 and and every activity the any part 644 00:24:47,545 --> 00:24:49,225 has been in that he does is 645 00:24:49,255 --> 00:24:52,495 linked to a unique id ams evident 646 00:24:52,498 --> 00:24:53,935 they do is is locked against that 647 00:24:53,937 --> 00:24:54,835 unique id 648 00:24:57,535 --> 00:25:00,055 so we knew we were going to 649 00:25:00,055 --> 00:25:02,303 be running this feasibility randomized controlled trial 650 00:25:02,305 --> 00:25:03,625 and we knew that we wanted to 651 00:25:03,625 --> 00:25:06,775 be able to measure attrition and both 652 00:25:07,015 --> 00:25:08,875 so broadly on an aggregate level so 653 00:25:08,875 --> 00:25:11,095 individually typical look at things like demographic 654 00:25:11,125 --> 00:25:13,255 data and how the links to attrition 655 00:25:13,615 --> 00:25:15,085 then also to work out how best 656 00:25:15,085 --> 00:25:16,105 to measure dose for 657 00:25:16,105 --> 00:25:17,485 the main trial so that we can 658 00:25:17,785 --> 00:25:20,245 understand that important things about how dose 659 00:25:20,246 --> 00:25:22,585 relates to outcomes but we really didn't 660 00:25:22,585 --> 00:25:24,115 know how to go about doing this 661 00:25:24,115 --> 00:25:25,555 we wanted to make more fine grained 662 00:25:25,555 --> 00:25:27,955 than just and the website itself could 663 00:25:27,985 --> 00:25:30,805 tell us and i was already beginning 664 00:25:30,805 --> 00:25:34,195 to become interested in analytics data and 665 00:25:34,255 --> 00:25:36,235 am through a bit of serendipity 666 00:25:36,295 --> 00:25:38,545 came across a ronan and we began 667 00:25:38,545 --> 00:25:41,545 working together on this project and so 668 00:25:41,575 --> 00:25:43,675 over to ronan to explain a bit 669 00:25:43,675 --> 00:25:46,495 about sam how he went about this 670 00:25:46,495 --> 00:25:47,990 and i'm going to advance the slides 671 00:25:48,025 --> 00:25:49,885 be ronan such as tommy i'll go 672 00:25:49,885 --> 00:25:50,896 to the first one then tommy went 673 00:25:50,905 --> 00:25:51,745 and move along 674 00:25:53,185 --> 00:25:56,305 that looks perfect the central room mature 675 00:25:56,365 --> 00:25:59,395 guilty for preparing all lisa all this 676 00:25:59,395 --> 00:26:03,265 walk i saw ye are many many 677 00:26:03,265 --> 00:26:04,525 things to to sir 678 00:26:05,815 --> 00:26:07,945 i think the first thing to mention 679 00:26:08,005 --> 00:26:08,564 is that 680 00:26:09,655 --> 00:26:11,425 this is thus been to me where 681 00:26:11,425 --> 00:26:14,335 do your projects that's really motivated me 682 00:26:14,335 --> 00:26:16,075 a lot because it started by your 683 00:26:16,105 --> 00:26:18,625 training saw the team of coach he 684 00:26:18,625 --> 00:26:20,605 has me to come in the uk 685 00:26:20,635 --> 00:26:23,905 and come and train from the gym 686 00:26:23,905 --> 00:26:26,395 so i took my backpack off a 687 00:26:26,425 --> 00:26:29,035 flight from france throughout the uk and 688 00:26:29,035 --> 00:26:29,785 i try not to 689 00:26:29,875 --> 00:26:32,365 for about three days it was sweet 690 00:26:32,365 --> 00:26:34,135 i don't come over to israel or 691 00:26:34,135 --> 00:26:37,135 five days but it's swayed the kind 692 00:26:37,135 --> 00:26:38,695 of project which is where they are 693 00:26:38,695 --> 00:26:41,155 transforming you are as a nationalism because 694 00:26:41,965 --> 00:26:44,125 it's a project which really doesn't look 695 00:26:44,125 --> 00:26:46,075 like any others it's not like a 696 00:26:46,075 --> 00:26:48,175 public website on which you can download 697 00:26:48,192 --> 00:26:49,945 and you can easily guess 698 00:26:49,975 --> 00:26:51,955 and fine with all the different that 699 00:26:51,955 --> 00:26:53,305 i collect from the point that you 700 00:26:53,305 --> 00:26:55,615 need to implement healing the case of 701 00:26:55,885 --> 00:26:58,555 the rub project the first thing i 702 00:26:58,555 --> 00:27:00,175 learn about is that it was using 703 00:27:00,175 --> 00:27:02,035 your appear to be from on but 704 00:27:02,035 --> 00:27:04,045 they didn't know which was a coded 705 00:27:04,045 --> 00:27:09,235 meter the developer of the website or 706 00:27:09,235 --> 00:27:10,105 so british 707 00:27:10,253 --> 00:27:13,105 urgency based in india also it wasn't 708 00:27:13,195 --> 00:27:14,935 er like i was talking to to 709 00:27:14,935 --> 00:27:16,675 courteous tried to work and get equal 710 00:27:16,675 --> 00:27:18,927 input among the different a and cut 711 00:27:18,927 --> 00:27:20,245 that out that they wanted it was 712 00:27:20,245 --> 00:27:25,495 weird ica the three portage project so 713 00:27:25,495 --> 00:27:28,645 the technology is named coordinator and i 714 00:27:28,645 --> 00:27:30,265 wasn't very scared about that 715 00:27:30,265 --> 00:27:33,053 technology coordinator they did annoy just weren't 716 00:27:33,055 --> 00:27:34,255 on the phone with such a design 717 00:27:34,255 --> 00:27:35,665 and find out it was appear to 718 00:27:35,695 --> 00:27:38,125 be framework from this a new era 719 00:27:38,125 --> 00:27:40,135 did it means a project that i 720 00:27:40,165 --> 00:27:42,663 cannot put my certified and on but 721 00:27:42,663 --> 00:27:45,085 though would love to give a recommendation 722 00:27:45,385 --> 00:27:48,085 to a third party companies to setup 723 00:27:48,685 --> 00:27:50,335 a project the litter 724 00:27:50,568 --> 00:27:53,035 the dev company which means for me 725 00:27:53,035 --> 00:27:56,245 project management in terms of analytics projects 726 00:27:56,245 --> 00:27:57,558 it means that they really need it 727 00:27:57,602 --> 00:27:59,605 where the structure my project in order 728 00:27:59,605 --> 00:28:01,375 for them to know what the need 729 00:28:01,375 --> 00:28:04,615 to implement and i needed to ensure 730 00:28:04,615 --> 00:28:06,295 as well that gets she and her 731 00:28:06,295 --> 00:28:10,165 team could clearly see understand what we're 732 00:28:10,165 --> 00:28:10,465 going to 733 00:28:10,735 --> 00:28:12,835 employment and that it will line with 734 00:28:12,835 --> 00:28:15,685 everything that getty as mentioned before which 735 00:28:15,685 --> 00:28:17,635 on the the need that the delve 736 00:28:17,635 --> 00:28:20,845 into of data collection for this research 737 00:28:20,845 --> 00:28:23,665 project so the key aspect of the 738 00:28:23,665 --> 00:28:26,305 project as getty assure to you a 739 00:28:26,365 --> 00:28:29,575 few pages it's i think maximum between 740 00:28:29,575 --> 00:28:30,745 fifteen to twenty 741 00:28:30,775 --> 00:28:33,145 pages so it seemed like oh that's 742 00:28:33,145 --> 00:28:36,295 an easy project but with a lot 743 00:28:37,045 --> 00:28:39,805 in terms of that collection so you 744 00:28:39,805 --> 00:28:42,625 have a lot of edwin striking coverage 745 00:28:42,625 --> 00:28:46,525 for illnesses series including the measurement of 746 00:28:46,915 --> 00:28:50,245 evans including the use of custom dimensions 747 00:28:50,305 --> 00:28:50,905 to save lives 748 00:28:50,909 --> 00:28:52,405 will visit level 749 00:28:53,755 --> 00:28:57,595 information lit up and do as well 750 00:28:58,375 --> 00:29:00,505 we quickly saw it or use irish 751 00:29:00,565 --> 00:29:02,755 so the possibility to know who is 752 00:29:03,026 --> 00:29:06,775 the individual letter was making those different 753 00:29:07,525 --> 00:29:08,095 choices 754 00:29:09,145 --> 00:29:11,575 we make the choices to go forget 755 00:29:11,965 --> 00:29:13,585 that tally also two jews met and 756 00:29:13,585 --> 00:29:16,675 we're talking mature because the irish was 757 00:29:16,675 --> 00:29:18,805 to have something which was really consistent 758 00:29:19,615 --> 00:29:21,025 cause the thing is that we have 759 00:29:21,595 --> 00:29:23,845 luqman not many pages but all those 760 00:29:23,845 --> 00:29:27,085 pages are critical and if we were 761 00:29:27,085 --> 00:29:29,035 going without death earlier 762 00:29:29,365 --> 00:29:31,225 so to say if i was thinking 763 00:29:31,225 --> 00:29:33,055 and then the project by just asking 764 00:29:33,055 --> 00:29:33,385 too 765 00:29:34,735 --> 00:29:37,135 the container on all the page and 766 00:29:37,135 --> 00:29:39,715 then decide to use by itself scrapping 767 00:29:39,715 --> 00:29:43,105 or either use automatically and the lets 768 00:29:43,105 --> 00:29:45,685 her do the tag manager to collect 769 00:29:45,685 --> 00:29:48,357 the different a point i chances that 770 00:29:48,357 --> 00:29:50,882 in the meantime the death company will 771 00:29:51,025 --> 00:29:52,495 make changes to the dome of the 772 00:29:52,495 --> 00:29:54,577 page and everything would have exploded and 773 00:29:54,577 --> 00:29:54,745 they 774 00:29:54,745 --> 00:29:56,635 would love to redo the full data 775 00:29:56,665 --> 00:29:58,825 collection so that was the reason why 776 00:29:58,885 --> 00:30:01,345 we design only consistent that a year 777 00:30:01,345 --> 00:30:03,927 which have been implemented directly by the 778 00:30:03,927 --> 00:30:06,385 deaf company in order to ensure that 779 00:30:06,415 --> 00:30:08,665 if something breaks and download data collection 780 00:30:08,995 --> 00:30:11,485 i was and the person responsible of 781 00:30:11,545 --> 00:30:13,465 a screengrab the data collection and of 782 00:30:13,465 --> 00:30:14,697 course it gave 783 00:30:14,965 --> 00:30:18,417 more responsibility and involve more of the 784 00:30:18,417 --> 00:30:18,865 the 785 00:30:20,395 --> 00:30:22,285 the the deft him a which was 786 00:30:22,285 --> 00:30:24,415 really the the right solution in this 787 00:30:24,415 --> 00:30:26,782 specific project because i kind of have 788 00:30:26,785 --> 00:30:28,765 the m on the source code so 789 00:30:29,425 --> 00:30:31,855 those points are really critical and this 790 00:30:31,855 --> 00:30:34,165 is really where we unit this is 791 00:30:34,165 --> 00:30:37,195 more like project management and analytics system 792 00:30:37,195 --> 00:30:40,105 brazil then led to another 793 00:30:40,625 --> 00:30:43,895 at doing read all the walking in 794 00:30:43,925 --> 00:30:46,535 on the platform and we really need 795 00:30:46,535 --> 00:30:49,685 as well to have a clear quality 796 00:30:49,685 --> 00:30:55,475 assessment process because as katyushas it's the 797 00:30:55,475 --> 00:30:57,905 rap project is a place where people 798 00:30:57,905 --> 00:30:58,235 are 799 00:30:59,375 --> 00:31:00,809 all the rings was entered making some 800 00:31:00,815 --> 00:31:03,335 poor choice because the the product out 801 00:31:03,335 --> 00:31:05,512 for free but they are making us 802 00:31:05,512 --> 00:31:09,155 some orders and it's ones you make 803 00:31:09,155 --> 00:31:11,915 up and although you cannot order back 804 00:31:12,245 --> 00:31:14,735 the different elements so it means that 805 00:31:14,915 --> 00:31:17,435 we didn't want all the time to 806 00:31:17,915 --> 00:31:19,505 go to catchy and silky 807 00:31:19,595 --> 00:31:21,125 we make some order in order to 808 00:31:21,125 --> 00:31:23,015 test or data collection please could you 809 00:31:23,015 --> 00:31:25,355 remove us from the system and we 810 00:31:25,355 --> 00:31:27,725 have to to make another order again 811 00:31:27,935 --> 00:31:29,435 in order to test the platform so 812 00:31:29,435 --> 00:31:31,385 that's why we we need it when 813 00:31:31,390 --> 00:31:33,785 you have a clear project management system 814 00:31:33,785 --> 00:31:36,035 in which we can ensure okay here 815 00:31:36,365 --> 00:31:38,675 the tracking code has been implemented over 816 00:31:38,675 --> 00:31:39,665 here we tested it 817 00:31:39,695 --> 00:31:41,675 walks forecasts with ticking the box ways 818 00:31:41,675 --> 00:31:43,295 he doesn't walk and then we go 819 00:31:43,295 --> 00:31:44,525 back to the deaf team in order 820 00:31:44,525 --> 00:31:46,235 to ask for a new implementation 821 00:31:47,536 --> 00:31:49,895 and the other point which was of 822 00:31:49,895 --> 00:31:52,595 critical importance was the use of custom 823 00:31:52,595 --> 00:31:55,595 dimension so to set two other and 824 00:31:55,745 --> 00:31:57,965 additional data which were not collected by 825 00:31:57,965 --> 00:32:01,565 default within maximo to each individual so 826 00:32:01,565 --> 00:32:04,625 as the use of the premium feature 827 00:32:04,745 --> 00:32:06,723 in custom report which was one of 828 00:32:06,725 --> 00:32:07,505 critical input 829 00:32:07,505 --> 00:32:10,655 buttons because as we just saw it's 830 00:32:10,685 --> 00:32:13,805 the need of data is is big 831 00:32:14,015 --> 00:32:16,685 a task to be crossed with different 832 00:32:17,075 --> 00:32:19,085 dimensions so this is where the use 833 00:32:19,085 --> 00:32:22,265 of custom dimensions was of critical importance 834 00:32:22,745 --> 00:32:25,475 and i'm okay for them then for 835 00:32:25,475 --> 00:32:27,665 the slide okay so 836 00:32:27,665 --> 00:32:29,795 the next one is the way that 837 00:32:29,795 --> 00:32:32,075 we decided to to walk so this 838 00:32:32,075 --> 00:32:34,682 is the project management but this walk 839 00:32:34,682 --> 00:32:37,505 has been reviewed by a colleague of 840 00:32:37,505 --> 00:32:39,665 mine that that you know who made 841 00:32:39,665 --> 00:32:40,985 the conference as well named for the 842 00:32:40,985 --> 00:32:44,075 lifestyle and this is the way we 843 00:32:44,075 --> 00:32:46,985 walk with with the urgency sweet consisted 844 00:32:46,985 --> 00:32:47,825 of me 845 00:32:47,825 --> 00:32:52,205 myself drafting this document reviewed by you 846 00:32:52,476 --> 00:32:55,048 may critique frederick in order to have 847 00:32:55,055 --> 00:32:58,445 a document which is listing what the 848 00:32:58,445 --> 00:33:00,875 data leader is about and then showing 849 00:33:00,875 --> 00:33:03,965 this document to the team of catchy 850 00:33:03,995 --> 00:33:05,555 and to explain to the gym of 851 00:33:05,885 --> 00:33:07,925 katy what what this is all about 852 00:33:07,985 --> 00:33:09,395 because that's clearly not the kind of 853 00:33:09,425 --> 00:33:11,105 thing that you see within the matter 854 00:33:11,115 --> 00:33:12,815 was the recommendation here we are more 855 00:33:12,815 --> 00:33:15,575 looking at the project management document made 856 00:33:15,575 --> 00:33:17,735 by an analyst and which as well 857 00:33:17,735 --> 00:33:21,455 itself in terms of transparency with the 858 00:33:21,515 --> 00:33:23,855 techy tema for them in order to 859 00:33:23,855 --> 00:33:27,665 see if okay this is the engagement 860 00:33:28,309 --> 00:33:30,095 that we took together you add the 861 00:33:30,095 --> 00:33:33,905 responsibilities of deploying the code which is 862 00:33:33,905 --> 00:33:36,485 on the column number of let's say 863 00:33:36,485 --> 00:33:38,555 fifty five for you which his name 864 00:33:38,615 --> 00:33:41,165 cut to bushman direction is made here 865 00:33:41,165 --> 00:33:42,575 as you can see you can clearly 866 00:33:42,575 --> 00:33:45,065 see the the data layer which was 867 00:33:45,065 --> 00:33:46,895 implemented so in our case it was 868 00:33:47,135 --> 00:33:48,305 for every step 869 00:33:48,305 --> 00:33:51,005 btw of the older made by the 870 00:33:51,515 --> 00:33:53,945 user a wicked person ever to matter 871 00:33:53,945 --> 00:33:55,955 more and as i previously said we 872 00:33:56,015 --> 00:33:59,405 add for this tracking cut to be 873 00:33:59,405 --> 00:34:01,595 consistent so that's why we decided to 874 00:34:01,595 --> 00:34:04,066 use up that idea and in the 875 00:34:04,085 --> 00:34:05,915 last coloring of this document you can 876 00:34:05,915 --> 00:34:08,465 clearly see that says our recommendation 877 00:34:08,495 --> 00:34:10,205 which is in our case that did 878 00:34:10,264 --> 00:34:13,895 that other yale wasn't implemented properly so 879 00:34:13,895 --> 00:34:17,225 please review on this given page that 880 00:34:17,225 --> 00:34:19,205 you have when including this given piece 881 00:34:19,205 --> 00:34:21,373 of code on the button when someone 882 00:34:21,518 --> 00:34:23,945 is pressing it so we're here to 883 00:34:23,945 --> 00:34:25,895 understand how to deal with such a 884 00:34:25,895 --> 00:34:28,355 big project it's where they like project 885 00:34:28,385 --> 00:34:28,625 manage 886 00:34:28,625 --> 00:34:30,844 she meant before all that that's the 887 00:34:30,844 --> 00:34:33,005 master that's the most important they have 888 00:34:33,005 --> 00:34:34,715 to precise as well one thing that 889 00:34:34,715 --> 00:34:37,373 we make some choices we've we've got 890 00:34:37,385 --> 00:34:39,485 she and asked him not to go 891 00:34:39,485 --> 00:34:41,764 for the e-commerce tracking could suggest to 892 00:34:41,764 --> 00:34:43,355 let you know as well that when 893 00:34:43,355 --> 00:34:44,855 you deal with such a project you 894 00:34:44,855 --> 00:34:47,675 have some choices to make because as 895 00:34:47,675 --> 00:34:48,784 we saw you 896 00:34:48,784 --> 00:34:50,768 user can make some orders but does 897 00:34:50,768 --> 00:34:53,735 calder and are not paid orders so 898 00:34:53,735 --> 00:34:54,965 we had the choice to go is 899 00:34:54,965 --> 00:34:57,125 up for e-commerce tracking code either to 900 00:34:57,125 --> 00:34:59,045 go for the event tracking code and 901 00:34:59,045 --> 00:35:00,665 we decided to go for the event 902 00:35:00,665 --> 00:35:03,335 one because it was like more justified 903 00:35:03,335 --> 00:35:06,215 too afraid rozelle done a thing to 904 00:35:06,275 --> 00:35:08,945 create some additional data will not exist 905 00:35:08,945 --> 00:35:11,705 anger within the system such as that 906 00:35:11,705 --> 00:35:14,765 said that the tax amount such as 907 00:35:14,765 --> 00:35:17,735 the or the price such as the 908 00:35:18,365 --> 00:35:20,165 transactional although that canvassing 909 00:35:21,635 --> 00:35:23,585 and i'm good for the spot 910 00:35:24,785 --> 00:35:28,175 the next one is i kind of 911 00:35:28,265 --> 00:35:31,115 do similar seeing the big difference is 912 00:35:31,115 --> 00:35:32,585 that under the previous 913 00:35:33,665 --> 00:35:36,518 i slice a tie was that we 914 00:35:36,518 --> 00:35:39,095 were showing it was about sam 915 00:35:40,505 --> 00:35:42,425 valuables that we are inserting within the 916 00:35:42,425 --> 00:35:44,645 day on this one this is another 917 00:35:44,645 --> 00:35:46,833 method that we use we the tag 918 00:35:46,835 --> 00:35:49,295 manager which is the push event method 919 00:35:49,295 --> 00:35:51,995 which consist of sending custom event to 920 00:35:51,995 --> 00:35:53,765 the dollar yearly know they'll fight to 921 00:35:54,395 --> 00:35:57,125 react on the interaction of the of 922 00:35:57,125 --> 00:35:59,045 the visitor and as well as his 923 00:35:59,045 --> 00:35:59,525 hobby 924 00:36:00,308 --> 00:36:01,595 sixty to two hundred 925 00:36:03,035 --> 00:36:04,925 ok i'm good for this one 926 00:36:06,095 --> 00:36:08,855 okay and last but not least up 927 00:36:09,275 --> 00:36:11,735 this a slide show in fact ordered 928 00:36:11,735 --> 00:36:14,315 a different valuable so those are all 929 00:36:14,345 --> 00:36:19,145 the different needs that we at least 930 00:36:19,235 --> 00:36:21,665 with with catfish and ask for a 931 00:36:21,935 --> 00:36:24,635 validation to see if there was any 932 00:36:24,635 --> 00:36:26,105 data which we are missing 933 00:36:26,225 --> 00:36:29,945 out of this list and on some 934 00:36:29,975 --> 00:36:31,925 very dated of course this is this 935 00:36:31,925 --> 00:36:33,335 is what we implemented but he on 936 00:36:33,351 --> 00:36:35,525 small what we are showing is is 937 00:36:35,525 --> 00:36:38,225 read project management parties that says a 938 00:36:38,285 --> 00:36:39,905 lot of needs from the client but 939 00:36:39,905 --> 00:36:41,315 we need at some point to to 940 00:36:41,315 --> 00:36:42,665 put a limit and say okay we 941 00:36:42,665 --> 00:36:46,085 don't need extra more data do we 942 00:36:46,145 --> 00:36:46,385 agree 943 00:36:46,385 --> 00:36:49,085 read that this list is the limit 944 00:36:49,145 --> 00:36:51,995 and you only need dos and if 945 00:36:51,995 --> 00:36:54,275 yes of course this is kind of 946 00:36:54,515 --> 00:36:56,795 what is finally defining the the final 947 00:36:56,825 --> 00:36:59,075 price that's the analysis will put an 948 00:36:59,135 --> 00:37:02,555 undercooked meats and and as well yes 949 00:37:02,585 --> 00:37:04,805 i'm good with disliked i think that 950 00:37:04,805 --> 00:37:06,305 was the last oh yeah oh 951 00:37:06,935 --> 00:37:08,825 and that's as well a critical path 952 00:37:08,825 --> 00:37:11,765 to offer the of the the project 953 00:37:11,765 --> 00:37:14,405 and that i really loved in it 954 00:37:14,435 --> 00:37:16,685 is that said during the training i 955 00:37:16,685 --> 00:37:19,235 showed to kaddish and asked him how 956 00:37:19,235 --> 00:37:22,595 to deal with the custom reports feature 957 00:37:22,625 --> 00:37:25,625 of mathml and i have been surprised 958 00:37:25,625 --> 00:37:26,435 to see it it's 959 00:37:26,705 --> 00:37:29,345 when i came some days after or 960 00:37:29,345 --> 00:37:31,775 weeks after implementation with the rap project 961 00:37:31,775 --> 00:37:34,325 that a lot of custom reports were 962 00:37:34,325 --> 00:37:36,215 created and that's a good sign of 963 00:37:36,425 --> 00:37:38,825 the training walks and now people have 964 00:37:38,825 --> 00:37:40,505 the solution wedding then then they are 965 00:37:40,505 --> 00:37:43,295 creating as many custom reporters as they 966 00:37:43,295 --> 00:37:45,275 can and here you can clearly see 967 00:37:45,605 --> 00:37:46,415 hold the 968 00:37:46,925 --> 00:37:50,855 custom reports really immense the the data 969 00:37:50,855 --> 00:37:53,135 which were in the system of mathml 970 00:37:53,135 --> 00:37:54,383 because here we got to use the 971 00:37:54,475 --> 00:37:57,605 id with the different components that 972 00:37:58,655 --> 00:38:01,025 he chews and the date at which 973 00:38:01,265 --> 00:38:04,865 the individual decided to pick up the 974 00:38:04,865 --> 00:38:06,935 product i think i have one state 975 00:38:06,951 --> 00:38:07,385 left 976 00:38:08,735 --> 00:38:11,525 yes and here is another one in 977 00:38:11,525 --> 00:38:13,235 those a report which is really showing 978 00:38:13,235 --> 00:38:15,635 for each individual what are the different 979 00:38:15,965 --> 00:38:17,771 components and you can clearly see that 980 00:38:17,771 --> 00:38:21,545 underlying number one and from london but 981 00:38:21,545 --> 00:38:24,575 want to line number for the individual 982 00:38:24,575 --> 00:38:26,555 decided to pick up all the components 983 00:38:26,555 --> 00:38:28,625 but line number five false 984 00:38:28,625 --> 00:38:30,935 some reason this individual decided to not 985 00:38:30,965 --> 00:38:32,855 pick up all the different components which 986 00:38:32,855 --> 00:38:35,225 was one of the needs which was 987 00:38:35,225 --> 00:38:37,745 requested from this research which is about 988 00:38:37,775 --> 00:38:40,085 okay what are the different choices that 989 00:38:40,085 --> 00:38:41,375 people are making 990 00:38:42,545 --> 00:38:44,675 and a sink can good for my 991 00:38:44,675 --> 00:38:48,905 slides yep executive okay thanks rain so 992 00:38:48,965 --> 00:38:50,910 and in the last section for that 993 00:38:50,910 --> 00:38:53,195 q and a i just present some 994 00:38:53,195 --> 00:38:56,525 early insights from data collection site from 995 00:38:56,525 --> 00:38:58,175 the customer reports that biden was just 996 00:38:58,175 --> 00:39:01,025 talking about with financial analyst already we 997 00:39:01,025 --> 00:39:02,705 haven't finished cutting out eighty 998 00:39:02,705 --> 00:39:04,592 cats and just a few months into 999 00:39:04,592 --> 00:39:07,295 the project say we haven't let evidently 1000 00:39:07,295 --> 00:39:08,405 we will be able to land by 1001 00:39:08,405 --> 00:39:09,815 the end pop i'll show you what 1002 00:39:09,815 --> 00:39:10,685 we've got so far 1003 00:39:12,215 --> 00:39:14,915 say this just how i use the 1004 00:39:14,915 --> 00:39:18,365 dayton and what swanky past amazed to 1005 00:39:18,365 --> 00:39:20,555 think bouts and the flow of people 1006 00:39:20,555 --> 00:39:22,205 through the website in order to sort 1007 00:39:22,205 --> 00:39:24,531 of see why the thanksgiving wrong and 1008 00:39:24,545 --> 00:39:26,675 then the website and sending these kind 1009 00:39:26,675 --> 00:39:29,825 of attending tape before of awful trials 1010 00:39:29,825 --> 00:39:30,815 i think that might be at least 1011 00:39:30,875 --> 00:39:31,985 eighty people to drop out ice 1012 00:39:32,045 --> 00:39:33,995 pretty sad that the non used usage 1013 00:39:33,995 --> 00:39:37,385 attrition i talked about before so i'm 1014 00:39:38,675 --> 00:39:40,745 ninety one people at the point at 1015 00:39:40,745 --> 00:39:43,625 which i downloaded the data from the 1016 00:39:43,625 --> 00:39:46,205 customer reports at that point be randomized 1017 00:39:46,235 --> 00:39:48,425 to wrap second to top the two 1018 00:39:48,425 --> 00:39:52,295 different arms and the randomisation and i'm 1019 00:39:52,445 --> 00:39:55,505 of those fifty six people clicked on 1020 00:39:55,505 --> 00:39:57,155 the links i told you about how 1021 00:39:57,155 --> 00:39:58,625 our software read captain 1022 00:39:58,625 --> 00:40:02,795 send an invite to everybody and inviting 1023 00:40:02,810 --> 00:40:03,785 him to go to one or two 1024 00:40:03,785 --> 00:40:06,005 different websites say this is ninety one 1025 00:40:06,005 --> 00:40:08,795 people sent the invite to wrapped and 1026 00:40:08,795 --> 00:40:10,385 fifty six them clicked on the link 1027 00:40:10,415 --> 00:40:11,915 i went through to the website and 1028 00:40:11,975 --> 00:40:14,825 everybody still not despite us incentivizing them 1029 00:40:15,095 --> 00:40:16,595 with a voucher 1030 00:40:17,945 --> 00:40:19,625 and so it lost thirty five at 1031 00:40:19,625 --> 00:40:21,695 that point and then we when they 1032 00:40:21,695 --> 00:40:23,495 first land on the website they have 1033 00:40:23,495 --> 00:40:27,785 to create a profile and i'm register 1034 00:40:28,235 --> 00:40:29,525 so i'm 1035 00:40:30,545 --> 00:40:33,485 and then they also complete some tailoring 1036 00:40:33,485 --> 00:40:36,395 question se the ones that determine how 1037 00:40:36,395 --> 00:40:37,985 many of the components of the six 1038 00:40:37,985 --> 00:40:41,008 components that they get saved between and 1039 00:40:41,008 --> 00:40:42,785 then landing on the website and creating 1040 00:40:42,785 --> 00:40:44,765 a profile we've lost just two people 1041 00:40:44,765 --> 00:40:46,385 in that stage of competing the tailoring 1042 00:40:46,385 --> 00:40:48,635 question so i was a little bit 1043 00:40:48,635 --> 00:40:50,705 concerned that this ten questions in title 1044 00:40:51,125 --> 00:40:52,655 it might get a little irritated by 1045 00:40:52,655 --> 00:40:55,325 that sort of section but and if 1046 00:40:55,325 --> 00:40:56,855 i lost to their side that's quite 1047 00:40:56,855 --> 00:40:57,785 good sign for me 1048 00:40:58,843 --> 00:41:01,655 then we've got registration and being complete 1049 00:41:01,715 --> 00:41:04,925 and in between that stage and oops 1050 00:41:04,955 --> 00:41:08,495 sorry and visiting the home page we've 1051 00:41:08,495 --> 00:41:10,115 last night but a site that's another 1052 00:41:10,115 --> 00:41:11,735 good sign that that how the host 1053 00:41:11,735 --> 00:41:13,895 ages working while sabic is concerned rarely 1054 00:41:13,895 --> 00:41:16,145 is peep the email that is encouraging 1055 00:41:16,145 --> 00:41:17,285 people to go visit in the first 1056 00:41:17,285 --> 00:41:18,965 place pups is 1057 00:41:18,965 --> 00:41:20,795 a bit boring and and doesn't sell 1058 00:41:20,797 --> 00:41:23,345 the website very well and although natal 1059 00:41:23,345 --> 00:41:24,815 contents kind of difficult to do that 1060 00:41:24,815 --> 00:41:26,075 because we can't spell out the things 1061 00:41:26,075 --> 00:41:28,985 awkward about the intervention website and very 1062 00:41:28,985 --> 00:41:30,485 easily in that context but we could 1063 00:41:30,485 --> 00:41:31,325 perhaps try harder 1064 00:41:33,515 --> 00:41:37,355 and the next slide so i'm ronan 1065 00:41:37,355 --> 00:41:39,935 was talking about people been assigned different 1066 00:41:39,935 --> 00:41:42,935 components and and i mentioned how this 1067 00:41:42,935 --> 00:41:45,245 up to six different ones so we 1068 00:41:45,245 --> 00:41:47,585 were interested in knowing about the portion 1069 00:41:47,585 --> 00:41:48,999 of people that were going to get 1070 00:41:48,999 --> 00:41:51,119 assigned def different numbers of them because 1071 00:41:51,239 --> 00:41:52,384 when we started out the study we 1072 00:41:52,384 --> 00:41:52,565 really 1073 00:41:52,595 --> 00:41:54,575 didn't didn't know that so they asked 1074 00:41:54,575 --> 00:41:56,495 these questions ten questions at the start 1075 00:41:56,495 --> 00:41:58,835 the website and depending on their answers 1076 00:41:58,835 --> 00:42:01,235 doug assigned either all the six of 1077 00:42:01,235 --> 00:42:02,615 them or just the one of them 1078 00:42:02,675 --> 00:42:05,015 is with a minimum of one and 1079 00:42:05,315 --> 00:42:06,485 and this is how it's worked out 1080 00:42:06,485 --> 00:42:08,075 so no one's had just one even 1081 00:42:08,075 --> 00:42:09,695 though that's a possibility and then very 1082 00:42:09,695 --> 00:42:11,525 few people have had two three or 1083 00:42:11,525 --> 00:42:12,725 four components 1084 00:42:13,385 --> 00:42:15,545 most people have either been assigned five 1085 00:42:15,545 --> 00:42:19,295 or six components and so that's useful 1086 00:42:19,295 --> 00:42:20,525 in terms of helping us plan for 1087 00:42:20,525 --> 00:42:21,695 the main trial that helps us to 1088 00:42:21,695 --> 00:42:23,495 work out resource need cause some of 1089 00:42:23,495 --> 00:42:25,265 the components lately while you're there ordering 1090 00:42:25,265 --> 00:42:26,825 something has a cost associated with that 1091 00:42:26,825 --> 00:42:27,755 sounds really useful 1092 00:42:31,775 --> 00:42:34,475 and and then i explain that there 1093 00:42:34,475 --> 00:42:35,765 were three different things that people could 1094 00:42:35,765 --> 00:42:36,995 ordered and i showed you the sample 1095 00:42:36,995 --> 00:42:39,125 box that the website page relating to 1096 00:42:39,125 --> 00:42:41,105 that so this is the box with 1097 00:42:41,105 --> 00:42:42,815 twelve different types of condoms to try 1098 00:42:42,815 --> 00:42:45,365 out in it so fifty four people 1099 00:42:45,365 --> 00:42:47,915 were assigned the sample box in total 1100 00:42:48,245 --> 00:42:48,965 that's every 1101 00:42:48,965 --> 00:42:50,105 one he went to the website cause 1102 00:42:50,119 --> 00:42:52,625 everyone gets sample box by default so 1103 00:42:52,625 --> 00:42:54,815 fifty four were given that and then 1104 00:42:54,875 --> 00:42:57,065 so on that main page where you've 1105 00:42:57,065 --> 00:42:58,925 got the six different boxes that you 1106 00:42:58,925 --> 00:43:00,305 can click on or take you through 1107 00:43:00,305 --> 00:43:02,555 to the relevant page fifty four people 1108 00:43:02,555 --> 00:43:03,605 have seen the one for the sampler 1109 00:43:03,605 --> 00:43:05,735 box and forty eight of them have 1110 00:43:05,735 --> 00:43:07,115 actually clicked on that and gone to 1111 00:43:07,115 --> 00:43:08,912 visit that page we've just lost six 1112 00:43:08,915 --> 00:43:09,125 that 1113 00:43:09,155 --> 00:43:13,385 point which is not bad and then 1114 00:43:13,475 --> 00:43:15,185 earn between visting not paid and then 1115 00:43:15,185 --> 00:43:17,345 placing an order with last eleven people 1116 00:43:17,435 --> 00:43:19,235 that's eleven people may he just didn't 1117 00:43:19,235 --> 00:43:20,435 like the look of it and just 1118 00:43:20,435 --> 00:43:22,115 thought that wasn't really for them but 1119 00:43:22,115 --> 00:43:24,215 that's an assumption but something pops to 1120 00:43:24,215 --> 00:43:26,225 speak to people later in the study 1121 00:43:26,225 --> 00:43:28,535 and we've come to our interviews and 1122 00:43:28,535 --> 00:43:29,285 then and 1123 00:43:29,285 --> 00:43:30,635 those who then click to go through 1124 00:43:30,635 --> 00:43:32,735 to the next page thus progressing making 1125 00:43:32,735 --> 00:43:34,325 an order chosen what box they want 1126 00:43:34,325 --> 00:43:35,735 more insight they want which has lost 1127 00:43:35,735 --> 00:43:38,075 one person and then we lost two 1128 00:43:38,075 --> 00:43:39,515 on the next page between the point 1129 00:43:39,515 --> 00:43:42,005 to and say not second page naturally 1130 00:43:42,005 --> 00:43:45,185 placing the order so and yeah was 1131 00:43:45,185 --> 00:43:46,835 quite pleased that i chose sway that 1132 00:43:46,835 --> 00:43:48,484 process of ordering is quite smooth and 1133 00:43:48,484 --> 00:43:49,205 straightforward 1134 00:43:49,565 --> 00:43:52,025 perhaps not no one's experiencing technical problems 1135 00:43:52,025 --> 00:43:54,215 or issues with usability around the ordering 1136 00:43:54,215 --> 00:43:54,935 process 1137 00:43:56,855 --> 00:43:58,445 unreal it's the same pitcher with condom 1138 00:43:58,445 --> 00:44:01,299 ordering say forty nine people or that 1139 00:44:01,325 --> 00:44:02,525 are not going to ensure that the 1140 00:44:02,645 --> 00:44:04,085 numbers on this one base the same 1141 00:44:04,085 --> 00:44:06,395 pattern that we've lost just as a 1142 00:44:06,425 --> 00:44:08,465 handful of star who never festering that 1143 00:44:08,465 --> 00:44:11,795 page and then and dutch ordering seems 1144 00:44:11,795 --> 00:44:13,565 to be fairly straightforward for everybody 1145 00:44:14,705 --> 00:44:15,965 and the same with ordering the condom 1146 00:44:15,965 --> 00:44:16,925 carrier as well 1147 00:44:19,595 --> 00:44:21,635 and then the three different types of 1148 00:44:21,635 --> 00:44:22,985 video that people can go and say 1149 00:44:22,985 --> 00:44:24,185 i'm just going to do one slide 1150 00:44:24,185 --> 00:44:25,085 on one of the videos which is 1151 00:44:25,085 --> 00:44:27,065 the demo demo video that showed you 1152 00:44:27,065 --> 00:44:29,675 it's a completely different picture here so 1153 00:44:29,705 --> 00:44:32,675 for seven people allocated this video and 1154 00:44:32,825 --> 00:44:35,165 but only sixteen actually clicked on that 1155 00:44:35,165 --> 00:44:36,755 box to go visit the demo page 1156 00:44:36,755 --> 00:44:38,165 that's telling us that that ho 1157 00:44:38,285 --> 00:44:41,135 page is not selling this demo video 1158 00:44:41,135 --> 00:44:42,905 at all if i'm going to click 1159 00:44:42,905 --> 00:44:44,375 on it while only sixteen above or 1160 00:44:44,465 --> 00:44:48,425 seventy it and and then only of 1161 00:44:48,425 --> 00:44:50,375 those sixteen opens only safa notch then 1162 00:44:50,375 --> 00:44:52,355 when i had to click on the 1163 00:44:52,535 --> 00:44:55,805 video imply it and then nobody watched 1164 00:44:55,805 --> 00:44:57,545 it in full on the meantime it's 1165 00:44:57,545 --> 00:44:58,325 by watching the video 1166 00:44:58,325 --> 00:45:01,775 i was seventeen seconds so not attractive 1167 00:45:01,788 --> 00:45:03,095 able to go and visit it when 1168 00:45:03,095 --> 00:45:04,295 i do go visit the page not 1169 00:45:04,295 --> 00:45:06,575 playing it very much and not many 1170 00:45:06,575 --> 00:45:07,865 people playing it and then when they 1171 00:45:07,865 --> 00:45:11,190 do disengaging quite quickly so they got 1172 00:45:11,195 --> 00:45:12,125 quite a bit of work to do 1173 00:45:12,125 --> 00:45:13,865 on the video and the demo video 1174 00:45:13,865 --> 00:45:15,275 but the same picture is true of 1175 00:45:15,275 --> 00:45:16,865 the other types of videos as well 1176 00:45:18,035 --> 00:45:19,025 they only looking at 1177 00:45:20,495 --> 00:45:22,955 and so what we've learned while we've 1178 00:45:22,955 --> 00:45:24,455 learned that we can use analytics data 1179 00:45:24,485 --> 00:45:27,845 to gain some important insights into non 1180 00:45:27,845 --> 00:45:29,945 usage attrition and we've just started to 1181 00:45:29,945 --> 00:45:30,904 kind of touch the surface with the 1182 00:45:30,904 --> 00:45:33,125 data we've got already and we're going 1183 00:45:33,125 --> 00:45:34,565 to use us to make some improvements 1184 00:45:34,565 --> 00:45:37,295 so and my conclusions have a kind 1185 00:45:37,295 --> 00:45:39,725 of touch support arm touched upon already 1186 00:45:39,725 --> 00:45:40,325 are the 1187 00:45:40,415 --> 00:45:42,545 the home page as attracting users to 1188 00:45:42,545 --> 00:45:44,645 fit it up the first three components 1189 00:45:44,645 --> 00:45:46,475 the things that you can order a 1190 00:45:46,475 --> 00:45:48,515 month on those component pages that good 1191 00:45:48,515 --> 00:45:50,825 conversion to ordering that seems to be 1192 00:45:50,825 --> 00:45:53,765 no issues with the ordering process and 1193 00:45:53,765 --> 00:45:55,505 but the homepages not attracting people to 1194 00:45:55,505 --> 00:45:59,503 visit the video content and and those 1195 00:45:59,503 --> 00:46:00,005 speedo 1196 00:46:00,575 --> 00:46:02,405 component pages are also not working very 1197 00:46:02,405 --> 00:46:03,755 well to encourage users to watch the 1198 00:46:03,755 --> 00:46:05,225 videos when they're already there and the 1199 00:46:05,225 --> 00:46:06,905 videos aren't be watched very long so 1200 00:46:06,995 --> 00:46:08,705 the first few seconds i encourage people 1201 00:46:08,705 --> 00:46:09,275 to carry on 1202 00:46:10,422 --> 00:46:12,125 am and we still have lots and 1203 00:46:12,125 --> 00:46:13,955 lots to learn about this failed and 1204 00:46:13,968 --> 00:46:16,805 what is really possible intense analytics so 1205 00:46:16,895 --> 00:46:19,445 i am very much a newbie in 1206 00:46:19,445 --> 00:46:19,835 this 1207 00:46:20,885 --> 00:46:22,625 and situation 1208 00:46:23,765 --> 00:46:27,035 i am ona solution for linking an 1209 00:46:27,275 --> 00:46:31,655 individual level and up that the user 1210 00:46:31,683 --> 00:46:33,725 id that we collecting invite cap for 1211 00:46:33,725 --> 00:46:35,765 all our surveys and test and sai 1212 00:46:35,772 --> 00:46:38,825 testing and linking that to our individuals 1213 00:46:38,825 --> 00:46:40,235 as they go through to the two 1214 00:46:40,235 --> 00:46:43,145 different websites who collects analytics data that 1215 00:46:43,145 --> 00:46:43,895 process that ronan 1216 00:46:43,925 --> 00:46:46,205 worked out for us am by liaising 1217 00:46:46,205 --> 00:46:48,125 with with us and also at our 1218 00:46:48,125 --> 00:46:50,135 development companies as was what really one 1219 00:46:50,135 --> 00:46:51,935 has been successful had no problems with 1220 00:46:51,935 --> 00:46:53,945 gathering the the unique user id of 1221 00:46:53,945 --> 00:46:55,715 everyone in a matter moab and seeing 1222 00:46:55,715 --> 00:46:58,865 what the wrongdoing and crises customer reports 1223 00:46:58,865 --> 00:47:00,695 and gathering all that data from that 1224 00:47:00,695 --> 00:47:03,155 swill worked really well and that means 1225 00:47:03,180 --> 00:47:04,085 can be possible for us to 1226 00:47:04,115 --> 00:47:06,365 measure dose in our main trial amd 1227 00:47:06,425 --> 00:47:08,705 in quite a fine grained way she's 1228 00:47:08,705 --> 00:47:10,895 really useful and and we're just beginning 1229 00:47:10,895 --> 00:47:13,085 to think about how we'll calculate a 1230 00:47:13,235 --> 00:47:15,455 set of standardized score for everybody in 1231 00:47:15,455 --> 00:47:17,495 our trial at an individual level based 1232 00:47:17,495 --> 00:47:20,045 on the products that are allocated and 1233 00:47:20,075 --> 00:47:22,775 ordered and also which videos to watch 1234 00:47:22,775 --> 00:47:23,795 and how long for 1235 00:47:25,745 --> 00:47:29,255 so that's the end of the presentation 1236 00:47:29,345 --> 00:47:31,235 them so just like to acknowledge off 1237 00:47:31,235 --> 00:47:33,665 under the national institute for health research 1238 00:47:33,665 --> 00:47:34,895 and all of the team working on 1239 00:47:34,895 --> 00:47:35,854 this with me as while at the 1240 00:47:35,854 --> 00:47:39,425 university of hertfordshire and others and am 1241 00:47:39,485 --> 00:47:40,625 yet onto any questions 1242 00:47:42,335 --> 00:47:44,945 thank you very much a catfish six 1243 00:47:44,945 --> 00:47:48,485 euros for the sir griffith presentation i'm 1244 00:47:48,485 --> 00:47:50,975 looking at the chart right now we 1245 00:47:50,975 --> 00:47:55,235 have approximately let's say maximum five minutes 1246 00:47:55,265 --> 00:47:57,305 because of those i was a talker 1247 00:47:57,635 --> 00:48:00,095 at four pm just pick the first 1248 00:48:00,095 --> 00:48:01,115 one which isn't 1249 00:48:02,105 --> 00:48:04,655 which was the most useful met him 1250 00:48:04,655 --> 00:48:07,145 with tunes use during this project 1251 00:48:10,625 --> 00:48:13,205 ah roney my view on this but 1252 00:48:13,205 --> 00:48:14,884 for me as both a masterpiece in 1253 00:48:14,884 --> 00:48:16,505 the right times but was the em 1254 00:48:16,595 --> 00:48:19,895 the custom id and then also the 1255 00:48:19,925 --> 00:48:22,505 reports as well when the report says 1256 00:48:22,505 --> 00:48:24,095 and then i go into all the 1257 00:48:24,095 --> 00:48:26,285 time now to to look at to 1258 00:48:26,285 --> 00:48:28,175 gather the data to help me understand 1259 00:48:28,175 --> 00:48:28,325 the 1260 00:48:28,325 --> 00:48:31,085 usability of the website and unauthorised i've 1261 00:48:31,085 --> 00:48:33,755 just presented with those flowcharts all comes 1262 00:48:33,755 --> 00:48:35,135 from those custom reports 1263 00:48:37,415 --> 00:48:40,055 and i'm looking at the chart those 1264 00:48:40,055 --> 00:48:42,095 not a question but small dickey with 1265 00:48:42,107 --> 00:48:44,135 logistic which is about though would it 1266 00:48:44,135 --> 00:48:47,015 be possible to download the presentation i 1267 00:48:47,015 --> 00:48:49,025 mean will it be possible for you 1268 00:48:49,025 --> 00:48:51,065 to send it to i mean do 1269 00:48:51,065 --> 00:48:52,925 you allow me to share it with 1270 00:48:52,925 --> 00:48:55,055 the audience or would you like to 1271 00:48:55,175 --> 00:48:56,375 keep the presentation 1272 00:48:56,405 --> 00:48:58,235 for yourself or can it be 1273 00:49:00,155 --> 00:49:01,835 ronan yea i'm happy for anyone to 1274 00:49:01,835 --> 00:49:05,525 have it stolen identity oh yeah well 1275 00:49:05,615 --> 00:49:08,945 one sinker of it my mailbox just 1276 00:49:08,945 --> 00:49:10,475 to make it as a pdf and 1277 00:49:10,475 --> 00:49:13,115 then and then surely to shooting back 1278 00:49:14,165 --> 00:49:18,935 hmm i lit the audience write downs 1279 00:49:18,995 --> 00:49:21,215 the last question with the level itself 1280 00:49:21,275 --> 00:49:22,445 four minutes left 1281 00:49:23,255 --> 00:49:24,665 do you have for example any any 1282 00:49:24,665 --> 00:49:26,645 questions or get you that you like 1283 00:49:26,645 --> 00:49:28,715 me to ask you for an audience 1284 00:49:28,715 --> 00:49:29,045 or 1285 00:49:30,275 --> 00:49:30,755 penny 1286 00:49:32,165 --> 00:49:33,635 do i what sorry i'll do you 1287 00:49:33,635 --> 00:49:35,555 have any any questions for you i 1288 00:49:35,555 --> 00:49:37,505 mean do you ever any question that 1289 00:49:37,505 --> 00:49:39,215 you would have expect the audience to 1290 00:49:39,215 --> 00:49:40,805 ask you for and that led me 1291 00:49:40,805 --> 00:49:41,225 to us 1292 00:49:42,455 --> 00:49:45,785 or do i have any questions and 1293 00:49:49,235 --> 00:49:51,725 i suppose the thing that i'm still 1294 00:49:51,815 --> 00:49:54,875 struggling with the most is 1295 00:49:55,985 --> 00:49:58,595 is linking all the data in the 1296 00:49:58,595 --> 00:50:01,835 customer report so each each custom report 1297 00:50:02,285 --> 00:50:04,175 i can download the data as an 1298 00:50:04,175 --> 00:50:06,875 excel file so for example if we're 1299 00:50:06,875 --> 00:50:08,525 talking about the components allocates i can 1300 00:50:08,525 --> 00:50:10,265 download it so i've got one column 1301 00:50:10,265 --> 00:50:12,695 which is the user id and then 1302 00:50:12,785 --> 00:50:14,585 noted to have component one yes no 1303 00:50:14,585 --> 00:50:15,965 component to yes now i can 1304 00:50:16,325 --> 00:50:18,215 it like that then i can download 1305 00:50:18,215 --> 00:50:21,845 another sapper report that says did they 1306 00:50:22,115 --> 00:50:22,535 do 1307 00:50:23,135 --> 00:50:25,355 did they visit the sample pack page 1308 00:50:25,475 --> 00:50:27,485 for example now be a completely separate 1309 00:50:27,485 --> 00:50:30,035 one and so at the moment they're 1310 00:50:30,035 --> 00:50:32,585 all very separate like that and then 1311 00:50:32,585 --> 00:50:35,195 i have to combine them all together 1312 00:50:36,485 --> 00:50:40,115 so i suppose oh and also every 1313 00:50:40,115 --> 00:50:42,305 time i want to update the data 1314 00:50:43,355 --> 00:50:44,855 i i it's not easy as pie 1315 00:50:44,855 --> 00:50:46,805 can use date i suppose but i 1316 00:50:46,805 --> 00:50:49,685 can't just just spell to buy everything 1317 00:50:49,685 --> 00:50:51,365 since i last looked in and download 1318 00:50:51,365 --> 00:50:53,135 an artisanal happened to just kept kind 1319 00:50:53,135 --> 00:50:55,715 of keep manually looking and then updating 1320 00:50:55,715 --> 00:50:56,405 my excel day 1321 00:50:56,875 --> 00:50:59,215 islam that so i don't know whether 1322 00:50:59,215 --> 00:51:01,465 it's possible is more question for you 1323 00:51:01,525 --> 00:51:03,505 than the audience rated but this is 1324 00:51:03,505 --> 00:51:05,845 something that i'm i'm struggling most with 1325 00:51:06,145 --> 00:51:09,835 at the moment and and yeah i 1326 00:51:09,835 --> 00:51:11,215 became to know about youth as a 1327 00:51:11,215 --> 00:51:13,015 waiter kind of made that process a 1328 00:51:13,015 --> 00:51:16,615 bit more straightforward i suppose but my 1329 00:51:16,615 --> 00:51:17,035 biggest the 1330 00:51:17,035 --> 00:51:20,575 limits of what matinee can provide nuclear 1331 00:51:21,265 --> 00:51:23,665 grades yeah it'll have the job the 1332 00:51:23,665 --> 00:51:25,555 answer i think that er we are 1333 00:51:25,555 --> 00:51:28,375 looking for custom reports with far more 1334 00:51:28,375 --> 00:51:29,155 dimensions 1335 00:51:30,265 --> 00:51:32,395 i guess that's the that's the key 1336 00:51:32,395 --> 00:51:35,365 thing here the maximum usually sweet custom 1337 00:51:35,365 --> 00:51:37,435 dimension and from what i remember old 1338 00:51:38,755 --> 00:51:42,205 yeah everytime you have something i did 1339 00:51:42,205 --> 00:51:43,615 my best thing then will flip to 1340 00:51:43,615 --> 00:51:46,105 musicians who can yeah you can just 1341 00:51:46,105 --> 00:51:48,055 put up to three custom dimensions then 1342 00:51:48,055 --> 00:51:51,140 filter by some as accustomed i mentioned 1343 00:51:51,140 --> 00:51:53,065 but at the moment i'm not sure 1344 00:51:53,065 --> 00:51:55,135 that desk plans to extend the number 1345 00:51:55,135 --> 00:51:57,325 of custom dimension which correspond more to 1346 00:51:57,505 --> 00:51:58,633 what you would like to 1347 00:51:58,795 --> 00:52:01,495 editor of the expedition xl fight and 1348 00:52:01,495 --> 00:52:02,935 you would get as many custom they 1349 00:52:02,935 --> 00:52:04,728 mentioned those units were ok they don't 1350 00:52:04,735 --> 00:52:06,505 from both free of up to five 1351 00:52:06,505 --> 00:52:09,565 or ten but then you can refer 1352 00:52:09,565 --> 00:52:13,375 to them back in excel and alfonso 1353 00:52:13,375 --> 00:52:15,925 says thank you because you insult to 1354 00:52:15,925 --> 00:52:17,845 his question about which was the most 1355 00:52:17,935 --> 00:52:18,955 useful met matua 1356 00:52:19,555 --> 00:52:22,075 and we don't have any questions left 1357 00:52:22,645 --> 00:52:26,605 so i guess that's the time to 1358 00:52:26,605 --> 00:52:29,725 close the the conference talk on small 1359 00:52:29,725 --> 00:52:32,455 sanctuary much cats you for your time 1360 00:52:32,485 --> 00:52:34,945 thank you very much for the presentation 1361 00:52:34,945 --> 00:52:36,025 and those while i would like to 1362 00:52:36,025 --> 00:52:38,425 thank all the attendees of this conference 1363 00:52:38,725 --> 00:52:39,115 and i 1364 00:52:39,115 --> 00:52:41,425 wish you all a great end of 1365 00:52:41,575 --> 00:52:45,115 matthew mckenzie was just one conference to 1366 00:52:45,115 --> 00:52:47,665 conference is left starting in five minutes 1367 00:52:47,665 --> 00:52:49,645 and then we have the closing ceremonies 1368 00:52:50,065 --> 00:52:50,545 at 1369 00:52:51,895 --> 00:52:53,605 and when i will sweat five pm 1370 00:52:53,995 --> 00:52:56,785 sanctuary much gets pleasure good luck with 1371 00:52:56,785 --> 00:52:59,335 the rest of the conference thanks goodbye 1372 00:52:59,695 --> 00:53:00,055 go back