from ctypes import c_uint32 from pathlib import Path from random import randint from sys import argv from numpy import linalg from rebound import Simulation, Orbit, Particle, OrbitPlot def unique_hash() -> c_uint32: """ returns a (hopefully) unique 32 bit integer to be used as a particle hash when a collision occurs and ruins the output data, please complain to the universe """ return c_uint32(randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1)) def innermost_period(sim: Simulation) -> float: """ returns the orbital period in years of the innerpost object for comparison with symplectic time step """ minp = None mina = float("inf") for p in sim.particles[1:]: if p.a < mina: mina = p.a minp = p orb: Orbit = minp.orbit return orb.P def total_impulse(sim: Simulation) -> float: total = 0 p: Particle for p in sim.particles: total += linalg.norm(p.vxyz) * p.m return total def show_orbits(sim: Simulation): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt OrbitPlot(sim, slices=1, color=True) def clamp(n: float, smallest: float, largest: float) -> float: assert smallest < largest return max(smallest, min(n, largest)) def filename_from_argv(argument: str = None) -> Path: if len(argv) < 2: raise ValueError("specify filename") if argument: fn = argument else: fn = argv[1] fn = fn.replace(".bin", "").replace(".meta.json", "") if fn.endswith("."): fn = fn[:-1] return Path(fn.replace(".bin", "").replace(".meta.json", ""))