import os import socket from ctypes import c_uint32 from pathlib import Path from random import randint from sys import argv from typing import Tuple, Dict from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.figure import Figure from numpy import linalg from rebound import Simulation, Orbit, Particle, OrbitPlot from setproctitle import setproctitle from extradata import ExtraData def unique_hash() -> c_uint32: """ returns a (hopefully) unique 32 bit integer to be used as a particle hash when a collision occurs and ruins the output data, please complain to the universe """ return c_uint32(randint(0, 2 ** 32 - 1)) def innermost_period(sim: Simulation) -> float: """ returns the orbital period in years of the innerpost object for comparison with symplectic time step """ minp = None mina = float("inf") for p in sim.particles[1:]: if p.a < mina: mina = p.a minp = p orb: Orbit = minp.orbit return orb.P def total_momentum(sim: Simulation) -> float: total = 0 for p in sim.particles: total += linalg.norm(p.vxyz) * p.m return total def total_mass(sim: Simulation) -> float: total = 0 for p in sim.particles: total += p.m return total def show_orbits(sim: Simulation): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt OrbitPlot(sim, slices=1, color=True) def clamp(n: float, smallest: float, largest: float) -> float: assert smallest < largest return max(smallest, min(n, largest)) def filename_from_argv(argument: str = None) -> Path: if len(argv) < 2: raise ValueError("specify filename") if argument: fn = argument else: fn = argv[1] fn = fn.replace(".bin", "").replace(".meta.json", "") if fn.endswith("."): fn = fn[:-1] return Path(fn.replace(".bin", "").replace(".meta.json", "")) def create_figure() -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]: """ helper function for matplotlib OOP interface with proper typing """ fig: Figure = plt.figure() ax: Axes = fig.gca() return fig, ax def reorder_particles(sim: Simulation, ed: ExtraData) -> None: """ probably not needed anymore """ particles_by_hash: Dict[int, Particle] = {} hashes = [] suns = [] gas_giants = [] embryos = [] planetesimals = [] original_N = sim.N p: Particle for p in sim.particles: hash_value = p.hash.value # save a copy of the particles particles_by_hash[hash_value] = p.copy() type = ed.pd(p).type if type == "sun": suns.append(hash_value) # keep sun in the simulation to avoid empty particles list continue elif type == "gas giant": gas_giants.append(hash_value) elif type == "embryo": embryos.append(hash_value) elif type == "planetesimal": planetesimals.append(hash_value) else: raise ValueError(f"unknown type: {type}") hashes.append(p.hash) for hash in hashes: sim.remove(hash=hash) ordered_particles = gas_giants + embryos + planetesimals assert len(suns) + len(ordered_particles) == original_N particle: Particle for h in ordered_particles: particle = particles_by_hash[h] sim.add(particle) # print(list(sim.particles)) # exit() sim.N_active = len(suns) + len(ordered_particles) - len(planetesimals) # mark objects > N_active as testparticle_type = 1 # this means they become semi-active bodies # TODO: double-check meaning sim.testparticle_type = 1 assert sim.N == original_N def process_friendlyness(fn: Path) -> None: if socket.gethostname() == "standpc": # only handle other computers specially return setproctitle(f"[rebound-watersim] [{fn.stem}] read /home/winklerl23/sim-info.txt for more information") os.nice(5)