import re import time from ctypes import Structure, c_uint32, c_double, c_uint, cdll, c_int, create_string_buffer, c_char_p from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from shutil import copy from sys import argv import rebound import yaml from rebound import Simulation, Particle, NoParticles, SimulationArchive from rebound.simulation import POINTER_REB_SIM, reb_collision from scipy.constants import astronomical_unit, mega, year from extradata import ExtraData, ParticleData from merge import merge_particles from utils import unique_hash, filename_from_argv, innermost_period, total_momentum, process_friendlyness, total_mass, \ third_kepler_law, solar_radius, git_hash, check_heartbeat_needs_recompile, PlanetaryRadius, set_process_title MIN_TIMESTEP_PER_ORBIT = 20 abort = False class hb_event(Structure): _fields_ = [("hash", c_uint32), ("time", c_double), ("new", c_uint)] hash: int time: float new: int hb_event_list = hb_event * 500 @dataclass class Parameters: initcon_file: str massloss_method: str no_merging: bool = False def main(fn: Path, testrun=False): global abort start = time.perf_counter() if not fn.with_suffix(".bin").exists(): if not testrun: with open(fn.with_suffix(".yaml")) as f: parameters = Parameters(**yaml.safe_load(f)) else: parameters = Parameters(massloss_method="rbf", initcon_file="initcon/conditions_many.input") # set up a fresh simulation sim = Simulation() sim.units = ('yr', 'AU', 'kg') # sim.boundary = "open" # boxsize = 100 # sim.configure_box(boxsize) sim.integrator = "mercurius" sim.dt = 1e-2 sim.ri_ias15.min_dt = 0.0001 / 365 if not parameters.no_merging: sim.collision = "direct" sim.ri_mercurius.hillfac = 3. sim.testparticle_type = 1 tmax = 200 * mega num_savesteps = 20000 if testrun: tmax /= 200000 num_savesteps /= 1000 per_savestep = tmax / num_savesteps extradata = ExtraData() # times = np.linspace(0., tmax, savesteps) extradata.meta.tmax = tmax extradata.meta.per_savestep = per_savestep extradata.meta.num_savesteps = num_savesteps extradata.meta.git_hash = git_hash() extradata.meta.rebound_hash = rebound.__githash__ extradata.meta.massloss_method = parameters.massloss_method extradata.meta.initcon_file = parameters.initcon_file extradata.meta.no_merging = parameters.no_merging initcon = Path(parameters.initcon_file).read_text() num_embryos = int("Generated (\d+) minor bodies", initcon, re.MULTILINE).group(1)) num_planetesimals = int("Generated (\d+) small bodies", initcon, re.MULTILINE).group(1)) sim.N_active = num_embryos + 3 i = 1 for line in initcon.split("\n"): if line.startswith("#") or line.startswith("ERROR") or line == "\n" or not line: continue columns = list(map(float, line.split())) hash = unique_hash(extradata) if len(columns) > 7: cmf, mmf, wmf = columns[7:] total_fractions = cmf + mmf + wmf if total_fractions != 1: diff = 1 - total_fractions print(f"fractions don't add up by {diff}") print("adding rest to mmf") mmf += diff assert cmf + mmf + wmf - 1 <= 1e-10 if i > num_embryos + 3: object_type = "planetesimal" else: object_type = "embryo" else: wmf = mmf = 0 cmf = 1 if columns[1] == 0: object_type = "sun" else: object_type = "gas giant" extradata.pdata[hash.value] = ParticleData( water_mass_fraction=wmf, core_mass_fraction=cmf, type=object_type, total_mass=columns[0] ) if columns[1] == 0: # that should not be needed, but nevertheless is part = Particle(m=columns[0], hash=hash, r=solar_radius / astronomical_unit) else: inc = columns[3] if testrun: # force particles to collide early when running tests inc /= 1000 part = Particle( m=columns[0], a=columns[1], e=columns[2], inc=inc, omega=columns[4], Omega=columns[5], M=columns[6], simulation=sim, hash=hash, r=PlanetaryRadius(columns[0], wmf, cmf).total_radius / astronomical_unit ) sim.add(part) i += 1 assert sim.N == num_planetesimals + num_embryos + 3 sim.move_to_com() extradata.meta.initial_N = sim.N extradata.meta.initial_N_planetesimal = num_planetesimals extradata.meta.initial_N_embryo = num_embryos extradata.history.append( energy=sim.calculate_energy(), momentum=total_momentum(sim), total_mass=total_mass(sim), time=sim.t, N=sim.N, N_active=sim.N_active ) cputimeoffset = walltimeoffset = 0 t = 0 else: if fn.with_suffix(".lock").exists(): raise FileExistsError("Lock file found, is the simulation currently running?") copy(fn.with_suffix(".bin"), fn.with_suffix(".bak.bin")) copy(fn.with_suffix(".extra.json"), fn.with_suffix(".extra.bak.json")) sa = SimulationArchive(str(fn.with_suffix(".bin"))) extradata = ExtraData.load(fn) tmax = extradata.meta.tmax per_savestep = extradata.meta.per_savestep sim = sa[-1] t = round(sim.t + per_savestep) print(f"continuing from {t}") sim.move_to_com() sim.ri_mercurius.recalculate_coordinates_this_timestep = 1 sim.integrator_synchronize() if extradata.meta.git_hash != git_hash(): print("warning: The saved output was originally run with another version of the code") print(f"original: {extradata.meta.git_hash}") print(f"current: {git_hash()}") num_savesteps = extradata.meta.num_savesteps cputimeoffset = extradata.meta.cputime walltimeoffset = extradata.meta.walltime check_heartbeat_needs_recompile() clibheartbeat = cdll.LoadLibrary("heartbeat/") clibheartbeat.init_logfile.argtypes = [c_char_p] logfile = create_string_buffer(128) logfile.value = str(fn.with_suffix(".energylog.csv")).encode() clibheartbeat.init_logfile(logfile) sim.heartbeat = clibheartbeat.heartbeat innermost_semimajor_axis = third_kepler_law( orbital_period=sim.dt * year * MIN_TIMESTEP_PER_ORBIT ) / astronomical_unit print(f"innermost semimajor axis is {innermost_semimajor_axis}") c_double.in_dll(clibheartbeat, "min_distance_from_sun_squared").value = innermost_semimajor_axis ** 2 c_double.in_dll(clibheartbeat, "max_distance_from_sun_squared").value = 30 ** 2 assert sim.dt < innermost_period(sim) / MIN_TIMESTEP_PER_ORBIT def collision_resolve_handler(sim_p: POINTER_REB_SIM, collision: reb_collision) -> int: global abort # needed as exceptions don't halt integration try: return merge_particles(sim_p, collision, ed=extradata) except BaseException as exception: print("exception during collision_resolve") print(exception) abort = True sim_p.contents._status = 1 raise exception sim.collision_resolve = collision_resolve_handler # show_orbits(sim) fn.with_suffix(".lock").touch() print("start") while t <= tmax: print() print(f"{t / tmax * 100:.2f}%") set_process_title(fn, t / tmax, sim.N) try: print(f"integrating until {t}") sim.integrate(t, exact_finish_time=0) print("dt", sim.dt) print("t", t) t += per_savestep except NoParticles: print("No Particles left") abort = True print("N", sim.N) print("N_active", sim.N_active) print("fraction", innermost_period(sim) / MIN_TIMESTEP_PER_ORBIT) assert sim.dt < innermost_period(sim) / MIN_TIMESTEP_PER_ORBIT escape: hb_event sun_collision: hb_event for escape in hb_event_list.in_dll(clibheartbeat, "hb_escapes"): if not continue print("escape:", escape.time, escape.hash) extradata.pdata[escape.hash].escaped = escape.time = 0 # make sure to not handle it again c_int.in_dll(clibheartbeat, "hb_escape_index").value = 0 for sun_collision in hb_event_list.in_dll(clibheartbeat, "hb_sun_collisions"): if not continue print("sun collision:", sun_collision.time, sun_collision.hash) extradata.pdata[sun_collision.hash].collided_with_sun = sun_collision.time = 0 print(c_int.in_dll(clibheartbeat, "hb_sun_collision_index").value, "found") c_int.in_dll(clibheartbeat, "hb_sun_collision_index").value = 0 sim.simulationarchive_snapshot(str(fn.with_suffix(".bin"))) extradata.meta.walltime = time.perf_counter() - start + walltimeoffset extradata.meta.cputime = time.process_time() + cputimeoffset extradata.meta.current_time = t extradata.history.append( energy=sim.calculate_energy(), momentum=total_momentum(sim), total_mass=total_mass(sim), time=sim.t, N=sim.N, N_active=sim.N_active ) if abort: print("aborted") exit(1) print("finished") fn.with_suffix(".lock").unlink() if __name__ == '__main__': fn = filename_from_argv() process_friendlyness(fn) testrun = False if len(argv) > 2 and argv[2] == "test": testrun = True try: main(fn, testrun) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("aborting") lockfile = fn.with_suffix(".lock") print(f"deleting {lockfile}") lockfile.unlink()