from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.figure import Figure from rebound import SimulationArchive, Simulation from extradata import ExtraData, CollisionMeta from utils import filename_from_argv, earth_mass, earth_water_mass, plot_settings, is_ci plot_settings() fn = filename_from_argv() ed = ExtraData.load(fn) sa = SimulationArchive(str(fn.with_suffix(".bin"))) last_sim: Simulation = sa[-1] print([p.hash.value for p in last_sim.particles]) print(last_sim.t) fig: Figure = plt.figure() ax_masses: Axes = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax_wmfs: Axes = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) for particle in last_sim.particles: if ed.pd(particle).type in ["sun", "gas giant"]: continue masses = [] objects = [] times = [] hash = particle.hash.value objects.append(ed.pdata[hash]) times.append(ed.meta.current_time) while True: print(f"looking at {hash}") try: collision = ed.tree.get_tree()[hash] except KeyError: print("found end of the tree") break meta: CollisionMeta = collision["meta"] parents = collision["parents"] print("mass:", ed.pdata[hash].total_mass / earth_mass) masses.append(ed.pdata[hash].total_mass) objects.append(ed.pdata[hash]) times.append(meta.time) # print(collision) if ed.pdata[parents[0]].total_mass > ed.pdata[parents[1]].total_mass: hash = parents[0] else: hash = parents[1] objects.append(ed.pdata[hash]) times.append(0) # TODO: check log-x if len(times) < 3: continue masses = [p.total_mass for p in objects] wmfs = [p.water_mass_fraction for p in objects] figs = [] ax_masses.step(times, masses, label=particle.hash.value) ax_wmfs.step(times, wmfs, label=particle.hash.value) ax_wmfs.set_ylabel("water mass fraction") ax_masses.set_ylabel("masses [kg]") for ax in [ax_wmfs, ax_masses]: ax.set_xlim(1e4, ed.meta.current_time) ax.set_xlabel("time [yr]") ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") ax.legend() twin_ax = ax_masses.twinx() mn, mx = ax_masses.get_ylim() twin_ax.set_ylim(mn / earth_mass, mx / earth_mass) twin_ax.set_ylabel('[$M_\\oplus$]') twin_ax.set_yscale("log") ax_wmfs.axhline(earth_water_mass/earth_mass,linestyle="dotted") fig.tight_layout() if not is_ci(): fig.savefig("/home/lukas/tmp/collisionhistory.pdf", transparent=True)