import random from sys import argv from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.figure import Figure from rebound import SimulationArchive, Simulation from scipy.constants import mega from extradata import ExtraData, CollisionMeta from utils import filename_from_argv, earth_mass, earth_water_mass, plot_settings, is_ci, is_potentially_habitable files = argv[1:] multifile = len(files) > 1 plot_settings() fig: Figure = plt.figure() ax_masses: Axes = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1) ax_wmfs: Axes = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2) ax_wmfs.set_ylabel("water mass fraction") ax_masses.set_ylabel("masses [kg]") for ax in [ax_wmfs, ax_masses]: ax.set_xlim(1e4, 200 * mega) ax.set_xlabel("time [yr]") ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") earth_mass_ax = ax_masses.secondary_yaxis("right", functions=(lambda x: x / earth_mass, lambda x: x * earth_mass)) earth_mass_ax.set_ylabel('masses [$M_\\oplus$]') ax_wmfs.axhline(earth_water_mass / earth_mass, linestyle="dotted") num_formed_planets = 0 num_large_planets = 0 num_habitable_planets = 0 num_water_rich_planets = 0 random.seed(1) random.shuffle(files) for file in files: fn = filename_from_argv(file) ed = ExtraData.load(fn) sa = SimulationArchive(str(fn.with_suffix(".bin"))) last_sim: Simulation = sa[-1] print([p.hash.value for p in last_sim.particles]) print(last_sim.t) for particle in last_sim.particles: if ed.pd(particle).type in ["sun", "gas giant"]: continue # if not is_potentially_habitable(particle): # continue masses = [] objects = [] times = [] hash = particle.hash.value objects.append(ed.pdata[hash]) times.append(ed.meta.current_time) num_formed_planets += 1 if particle.m > .6 * earth_mass: num_large_planets += 1 if is_potentially_habitable(particle): num_habitable_planets += 1 if ed.pd(particle).water_mass_fraction > 1e-4: num_water_rich_planets += 1 while True: print(f"looking at {hash}") try: collision = ed.tree.get_tree()[hash] except KeyError: print("found end of the tree") break meta: CollisionMeta = collision["meta"] parents = collision["parents"] print("mass:", ed.pdata[hash].total_mass / earth_mass) masses.append(ed.pdata[hash].total_mass) objects.append(ed.pdata[hash]) times.append(meta.time) # print(collision) if ed.pdata[parents[0]].total_mass > ed.pdata[parents[1]].total_mass: hash = parents[0] else: hash = parents[1] objects.append(ed.pdata[hash]) times.append(0) if len(times) < 3: continue masses = [p.total_mass for p in objects] wmfs = [p.water_mass_fraction for p in objects] figs = [] if multifile: args = { "linewidth": 1, "color": "black", "alpha": .3 } else: args = {} ax_masses.step(times, masses, label=particle.hash.value, **args) ax_wmfs.step(times, wmfs, label=particle.hash.value, **args) if not multifile: for ax in [ax_wmfs, ax_masses]: ax.legend() print(num_large_planets / num_formed_planets) habitable_large_planet_fraction = num_habitable_planets / num_large_planets water_rich_planet_fraction = num_water_rich_planets / num_habitable_planets print(habitable_large_planet_fraction) print(water_rich_planet_fraction) fig.tight_layout() if not is_ci(): fig.savefig(f"/home/lukas/tmp/collisionhistory_{}.pdf", transparent=True)