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2022-01-30 19:54:08 +01:00
from os.path import expanduser
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.cm import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.colors import Normalize
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from rebound import SimulationArchive
from scipy.constants import mega
from extradata import ExtraData
from utils import filename_from_argv, get_water_cmap
mean_mass = 5.208403167890638e+24 # constant between plots
size_mult = 100
def plot_file(file, time, ax: Axes, mode):
fn = filename_from_argv(file)
sa = SimulationArchive(str(fn.with_suffix(".bin")))
ed = ExtraData.load(fn)
sim = sa.getSimulation(t=time)
water_fractions = [ed.pd(p).water_mass_fraction for p in sim.particles[1:]]
a = [p.a for p in sim.particles[1:]]
e = [p.e for p in sim.particles[1:]]
m = np.array([p.m for p in sim.particles[1:]])
# m[:2] /= 1e2 # reduce size of gas giants
sizes = (np.array(m) / mean_mass) ** (2 / 3) * size_mult
with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): # allow 0 water (becomes -inf)
color_val = (np.log10(water_fractions) + 5) / 5
cmap = get_water_cmap()
colors = cmap(color_val)
ax.set_xlim(0, 5.5)
ax.set_ylim(-0.05, .8)
ax.text(0.05, 0.93, f"{time / mega:.0f} Myr", size=10,
horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.text(0.95, 0.93, mode, size=10,
horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes)
ax.scatter(a, e, s=sizes, zorder=10, c=colors)
def main():
fig: Figure
modes = ["RBF", "NN", "PM", "LZ"]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(5, 4, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 13))
for col_nr, file in enumerate(
["data/final_rbf_1.bin", "data/final_nn_1.bin", "data/final_pm_1.bin", "data/final_lz_1.bin"]):
for row_nr, time in enumerate([1 * mega, 5 * mega, 20 * mega, 50 * mega, 100 * mega]):
plot_file(file, time, axes[row_nr][col_nr], mode=modes[col_nr])
fig_colorbar = plt.figure()
fig_colorbar.colorbar(ScalarMappable(norm=Normalize(vmin=-5, vmax=0), cmap=get_water_cmap()), aspect=20,
label="log(water mass fraction)", orientation="horizontal")
fig.supxlabel("semi-major axis [AU]")
fig.savefig(expanduser(f"~/tmp/timeplot.pdf"), dpi=300)
fig_colorbar.savefig(expanduser(f"~/tmp/timeplot_colorbar.pdf"), bbox_inches='tight')
if __name__ == '__main__':