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mirror of https://github.com/Findus23/nonsense.git synced 2024-09-19 16:03:50 +02:00

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Raw Normal View History

2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
name = "certifi"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "2022.6.15"
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
description = "Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle."
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
category = "dev"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.6"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
name = "charset-normalizer"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "2.1.0"
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
description = "The Real First Universal Charset Detector. Open, modern and actively maintained alternative to Chardet."
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
category = "dev"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.6.0"
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
unicode_backport = ["unicodedata2"]
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
name = "click"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "8.1.3"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "Composable command line interface toolkit"
category = "main"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
colorama = {version = "*", markers = "platform_system == \"Windows\""}
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
importlib-metadata = {version = "*", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
name = "colorama"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "0.4.5"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "Cross-platform colored terminal text."
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
category = "main"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
optional = false
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
name = "flask"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "2.2.2"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "A simple framework for building complex web applications."
category = "main"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
click = ">=8.0"
importlib-metadata = {version = ">=3.6.0", markers = "python_version < \"3.10\""}
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
itsdangerous = ">=2.0"
Jinja2 = ">=3.0"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
Werkzeug = ">=2.2.2"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
async = ["asgiref (>=3.2)"]
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
dotenv = ["python-dotenv"]
2020-07-13 13:03:08 +02:00
name = "gunicorn"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
version = "20.1.0"
description = "WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX"
category = "main"
2020-07-13 13:03:08 +02:00
optional = false
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.5"
2020-07-13 13:03:08 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
setuptools = ">=3.0"
2020-07-13 13:03:08 +02:00
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
eventlet = ["eventlet (>=0.24.1)"]
gevent = ["gevent (>=1.4.0)"]
2020-07-13 13:03:08 +02:00
setproctitle = ["setproctitle"]
tornado = ["tornado (>=0.2)"]
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
name = "idna"
2022-01-19 18:11:49 +01:00
version = "3.3"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)"
category = "dev"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.5"
name = "importlib-metadata"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "4.12.0"
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
description = "Read metadata from Python packages"
category = "main"
optional = false
2022-01-19 18:11:49 +01:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
typing-extensions = {version = ">=3.6.4", markers = "python_version < \"3.8\""}
zipp = ">=0.5"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=9)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)"]
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
perf = ["ipython"]
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.3)", "packaging", "pyfakefs", "flufl-flake8", "pytest-perf (>=0.9.2)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)", "importlib-resources (>=1.3)"]
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
name = "itsdangerous"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "2.1.2"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "Safely pass data to untrusted environments and back."
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
category = "main"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
name = "jinja2"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "3.1.2"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "A very fast and expressive template engine."
category = "main"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
MarkupSafe = ">=2.0"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
i18n = ["Babel (>=2.7)"]
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
name = "markupsafe"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "2.1.1"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "Safely add untrusted strings to HTML/XML markup."
category = "main"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
name = "pyyaml"
2022-01-19 18:11:49 +01:00
version = "6.0"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "YAML parser and emitter for Python"
category = "main"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-01-19 18:11:49 +01:00
python-versions = ">=3.6"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
name = "requests"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "2.28.1"
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
description = "Python HTTP for Humans."
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
category = "dev"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.7, <4"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
certifi = ">=2017.4.17"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
charset-normalizer = ">=2,<3"
idna = ">=2.5,<4"
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
urllib3 = ">=1.21.1,<1.27"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7)"]
use_chardet_on_py3 = ["chardet (>=3.0.2,<6)"]
name = "setuptools"
version = "65.0.2"
description = "Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages"
category = "main"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.7"
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=9)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)", "sphinx-notfound-page (==0.8.3)", "sphinx-hoverxref (<2)", "pygments-github-lexers (==0.0.5)", "sphinx-favicon", "sphinx-inline-tabs", "sphinx-reredirects", "sphinxcontrib-towncrier", "furo"]
testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "flake8 (<5)", "pytest-enabler (>=1.3)", "pytest-perf", "mock", "flake8-2020", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "wheel", "pip (>=19.1)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "pytest-xdist", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "build", "filelock (>=3.4.0)", "pip-run (>=8.8)", "ini2toml[lite] (>=0.9)", "tomli-w (>=1.0.0)", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-cov", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)"]
testing-integration = ["pytest", "pytest-xdist", "pytest-enabler", "virtualenv (>=13.0.0)", "tomli", "wheel", "jaraco.path (>=3.2.0)", "jaraco.envs (>=2.2)", "build", "filelock (>=3.4.0)"]
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
name = "typing-extensions"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "4.3.0"
description = "Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python 3.7+"
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
category = "main"
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
name = "urllib3"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "1.26.11"
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
description = "HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more."
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
category = "dev"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=2.7, !=3.0.*, !=3.1.*, !=3.2.*, !=3.3.*, !=3.4.*, !=3.5.*, <4"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
brotli = ["brotlicffi (>=0.8.0)", "brotli (>=1.0.9)", "brotlipy (>=0.6.0)"]
2021-05-12 18:41:01 +02:00
secure = ["pyOpenSSL (>=0.14)", "cryptography (>=1.3.4)", "idna (>=2.0.0)", "certifi", "ipaddress"]
socks = ["PySocks (>=1.5.6,!=1.5.7,<2.0)"]
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
name = "werkzeug"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "2.2.2"
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
description = "The comprehensive WSGI web application library."
category = "main"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
optional = false
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
MarkupSafe = ">=2.1.1"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
watchdog = ["watchdog"]
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
name = "zipp"
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
version = "3.8.1"
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
description = "Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files"
category = "main"
optional = false
2022-01-19 18:11:49 +01:00
python-versions = ">=3.7"
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
docs = ["sphinx", "jaraco.packaging (>=9)", "rst.linker (>=1.9)", "jaraco.tidelift (>=1.4)"]
testing = ["pytest (>=6)", "pytest-checkdocs (>=2.4)", "pytest-flake8", "pytest-cov", "pytest-enabler (>=1.3)", "jaraco-itertools", "func-timeout", "pytest-black (>=0.3.7)", "pytest-mypy (>=0.9.1)"]
2021-10-05 22:36:26 +02:00
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
lock-version = "1.1"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
python-versions = "^3.7"
2022-01-19 18:11:49 +01:00
content-hash = "d80f24170f70540ef62d42bbddeee6407a3fd9ab38cea6053102f9368a47fac9"
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
certifi = []
charset-normalizer = []
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
click = [
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
{file = "click-8.1.3-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:bb4d8133cb15a609f44e8213d9b391b0809795062913b383c62be0ee95b1db48"},
{file = "click-8.1.3.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7682dc8afb30297001674575ea00d1814d808d6a36af415a82bd481d37ba7b8e"},
2021-05-12 16:43:30 +02:00
colorama = [
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
{file = "colorama-0.4.5-py2.py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:854bf444933e37f5824ae7bfc1e98d5bce2ebe4160d46b5edf346a89358e99da"},
{file = "colorama-0.4.5.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:e6c6b4334fc50988a639d9b98aa429a0b57da6e17b9a44f0451f930b6967b7a4"},
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
flask = [
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
{file = "Flask-2.2.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:b9c46cc36662a7949f34b52d8ec7bb59c0d74ba08ba6cb9ce9adc1d8676d9526"},
{file = "Flask-2.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:642c450d19c4ad482f96729bd2a8f6d32554aa1e231f4f6b4e7e5264b16cca2b"},
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
gunicorn = []
idna = []
importlib-metadata = []
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
itsdangerous = [
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
{file = "itsdangerous-2.1.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:2c2349112351b88699d8d4b6b075022c0808887cb7ad10069318a8b0bc88db44"},
{file = "itsdangerous-2.1.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:5dbbc68b317e5e42f327f9021763545dc3fc3bfe22e6deb96aaf1fc38874156a"},
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
jinja2 = []
markupsafe = []
pyyaml = []
requests = []
setuptools = [
{file = "setuptools-65.0.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:39275e7aafa4a4f0f4308f2302c6ee384dcdacdbaacc1e30dcbb6fd824c625bb"},
{file = "setuptools-65.0.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:101bf15ca723beef42c8db91a761f3748d4d697e17fae904db60c0b619d8d094"},
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
typing-extensions = []
urllib3 = []
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
werkzeug = [
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
{file = "Werkzeug-2.2.2-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:f979ab81f58d7318e064e99c4506445d60135ac5cd2e177a2de0089bfd4c9bd5"},
{file = "Werkzeug-2.2.2.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7ea2d48322cc7c0f8b3a215ed73eabd7b5d75d0b50e31ab006286ccff9e00b8f"},
2020-07-13 12:51:22 +02:00
2022-08-17 19:33:51 +02:00
zipp = []