Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/glatterf42/music-panphasia.git synced 2024-09-19 16:13:46 +02:00
2022-04-29 14:37:23 +02:00

1102 lines
31 KiB

#include <complex>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include "random.hh"
#include "random_music_wnoise_generator.hh"
template< typename T >
music_wnoise_generator<T>::music_wnoise_generator( unsigned res, unsigned cubesize, long baseseed, int *x0, int *lx )
: res_( res ), cubesize_( cubesize ), ncubes_( 1 ), baseseed_( baseseed )
LOGINFO("Generating random numbers (1) with seed %ld", baseseed);
fill_subvolume( x0, lx );
template< typename T >
music_wnoise_generator<T>::music_wnoise_generator( unsigned res, unsigned cubesize, long baseseed, bool zeromean )
: res_( res ), cubesize_( cubesize ), ncubes_( 1 ), baseseed_( baseseed )
LOGINFO("Generating random numbers (2) with seed %ld", baseseed);
double mean = 0.0;
size_t res_l = res;
bool musicnoise = true;
if( !musicnoise )
cubesize_ = res_;
if( !musicnoise )
LOGERR("This currently breaks compatibility. Need to disable by hand! Make sure to not check into repo");
if( musicnoise )
mean = fill_all();
rnums_.push_back( new Meshvar<T>( res, 0, 0, 0 ) );
cubemap_[0] = 0; // create dummy map index
//rapid_proto_ngenic_rng( res_, baseseed_, *this );
if( musicnoise )
mean = fill_all();
rnums_.push_back( new Meshvar<T>( res, 0, 0, 0 ) );
cubemap_[0] = 0; // create dummy map index
rapid_proto_ngenic_rng( res_, baseseed_, *this );
if( zeromean )
mean = 0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:mean)
for(int i=0; i<(int)res_; ++i )
for( unsigned j=0; j<res_; ++j )
for( unsigned k=0; k<res_; ++k )
mean += (*this)(i,j,k);
mean *= 1.0/(double)(res_l*res_l*res_l);
#pragma omp parallel for
for(int i=0; i<(int)res_; ++i )
for( unsigned j=0; j<res_; ++j )
for( unsigned k=0; k<res_; ++k )
(*this)(i,j,k) = (*this)(i,j,k) - mean;
template< typename T >
music_wnoise_generator<T>::music_wnoise_generator( unsigned res, std::string randfname, bool randsign )
: res_( res ), cubesize_( res ), ncubes_(1)
rnums_.push_back( new Meshvar<T>( res, 0, 0, 0 ) );
cubemap_[0] = 0; // create dummy map index
std::ifstream ifs(randfname.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
if( !ifs )
LOGERR("Could not open random number file \'%s\'!",randfname.c_str());
throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Could not open random number file \'")+randfname+std::string("\'!"));
unsigned vartype;
unsigned nx,ny,nz,blksz32;
size_t blksz64;
int iseed;
//long seed;
float sign4 = -1.0f;
double sign8 = -1.0;
int addrtype = 32;
if( randsign ) // use grafic2 sign convention
sign4 = 1.0f;
sign8 = 1.0;
//... read header and check if 32bit or 64bit block size .../
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz32), sizeof(int) );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&nx), sizeof(unsigned) );
if( blksz32 != 4*sizeof(int) || nx != res_ )
addrtype = 64;
ifs.seekg( 0 );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz64), sizeof(size_t) );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&nx), sizeof(unsigned) );
if( blksz64 != 4*sizeof(int) || nx != res_ )
addrtype = -1;
ifs.seekg( 0 );
if( addrtype < 0 )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
if( addrtype == 32 )
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz32), sizeof(int) );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz64), sizeof(size_t) );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&nx), sizeof(unsigned) );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&ny), sizeof(unsigned) );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&nz), sizeof(unsigned) );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&iseed), sizeof(int) );
//seed = (long)iseed;
if( nx!=res_ || ny!=res_ || nz!=res_ )
char errmsg[128];
sprintf(errmsg,"White noise file dimensions do not match level dimensions: %ux%ux%u vs. %u**3",nx,ny,nz,res_);
throw std::runtime_error(errmsg);
if( addrtype == 32 )
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz32), sizeof(int) );
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz64), sizeof(size_t) );
//... read data ...//
//check whether random numbers are single or double precision numbers
if( addrtype == 32 )
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz32), sizeof(int) );
if( blksz32 == nx*ny*sizeof(float) )
vartype = 4;
else if( blksz32 == nx*ny*sizeof(double) )
vartype = 8;
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz64), sizeof(size_t) );
if( blksz64 == nx*ny*sizeof(float) )
vartype = 4;
else if( blksz64 == nx*ny*sizeof(double) )
vartype = 8;
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
//rewind to beginning of block
if( addrtype == 32 )
std::vector<float> in_float;
std::vector<double> in_double;
LOGINFO("Random number file \'%s\'\n contains %ld numbers. Reading...",randfname.c_str(),nx*ny*nz);
long double sum = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0;
size_t count = 0;
//perform actual reading
if( vartype == 4 )
for( int ii=0; ii<(int)nz; ++ii )
if( addrtype == 32 )
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz32), sizeof(int) );
if( blksz32 != nx*ny*sizeof(float) )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz64), sizeof(size_t) );
if( blksz64 != nx*ny*sizeof(float) )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
ifs.read( (char*)&in_float[0], nx*ny*sizeof(float) );
for( int jj=0,q=0; jj<(int)ny; ++jj )
for( int kk=0; kk<(int)nx; ++kk ){
sum += in_float[q];
sum2 += in_float[q]*in_float[q];
(*rnums_[0])(kk,jj,ii) = sign4 * in_float[q++];
if( addrtype == 32 )
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz32), sizeof(int) );
if( blksz32 != nx*ny*sizeof(float) )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz64), sizeof(size_t) );
if( blksz64 != nx*ny*sizeof(float) )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
else if( vartype == 8 )
for( int ii=0; ii<(int)nz; ++ii )
if( addrtype == 32 )
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz32), sizeof(int) );
if( blksz32 != nx*ny*sizeof(double) )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz64), sizeof(size_t) );
if( blksz64 != nx*ny*sizeof(double) )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
ifs.read( (char*)&in_double[0], nx*ny*sizeof(double) );
for( int jj=0,q=0; jj<(int)ny; ++jj )
for( int kk=0; kk<(int)nx; ++kk )
sum += in_double[q];
sum2 += in_double[q]*in_double[q];
(*rnums_[0])(kk,jj,ii) = sign8 * in_double[q++];
if( addrtype == 32 )
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz32), sizeof(int) );
if( blksz32 != nx*ny*sizeof(double) )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
ifs.read( reinterpret_cast<char*> (&blksz64), sizeof(size_t) );
if( blksz64 != nx*ny*sizeof(double) )
throw std::runtime_error("corrupt random number file");
double mean, var;
mean = sum/count;
var = sum2/count-mean*mean;
LOGINFO("Random numbers in file have \n mean = %f and var = %f", mean, var);
//... copy construct by averaging down
template< typename T >
music_wnoise_generator<T>::music_wnoise_generator( /*const*/ music_wnoise_generator <T>& rc, bool kdegrade )
//if( res > rc.m_res || (res/rc.m_res)%2 != 0 )
// throw std::runtime_error("Invalid restriction in random number container copy constructor.");
long double sum = 0.0, sum2 = 0.0;
size_t count = 0;
if( kdegrade )
LOGINFO("Generating a coarse white noise field by k-space degrading");
//... initialize properties of container
res_ = rc.res_/2;
cubesize_ = res_;
ncubes_ = 1;
baseseed_ = -2;
if( sizeof(fftw_real)!=sizeof(T) )
LOGERR("type mismatch with fftw_real in k-space averaging");
throw std::runtime_error("type mismatch with fftw_real in k-space averaging");
*rfine = new fftw_real[(size_t)rc.res_*(size_t)rc.res_*2*((size_t)rc.res_/2+1)],
*rcoarse = new fftw_real[(size_t)res_*(size_t)res_*2*((size_t)res_/2+1)];
*ccoarse = reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex*> (rcoarse),
*cfine = reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex*> (rfine);
int nx(rc.res_), ny(rc.res_), nz(rc.res_), nxc(res_), nyc(res_), nzc(res_);
#ifdef FFTW3
pf = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_3d(nx, ny, nz, rfine, cfine, FFTW_ESTIMATE),
ipc= fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_3d(nxc, nyc, nzc, ccoarse, rcoarse, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
pf = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_3d(nx, ny, nz, rfine, cfine, FFTW_ESTIMATE),
ipc= fftw_plan_dft_c2r_3d(nxc, nyc, nzc, ccoarse, rcoarse, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
pf = rfftw3d_create_plan( nx, ny, nz, FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX, FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_IN_PLACE),
ipc = rfftw3d_create_plan( nxc, nyc, nzc, FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL, FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_IN_PLACE);
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<nx; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<ny; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<nz; k++ )
size_t q = ((size_t)i*ny+(size_t)j)*(nz+2)+(size_t)k;
rfine[q] = rc(i,j,k);
#ifdef FFTW3
fftwf_execute( pf );
fftw_execute( pf );
rfftwnd_threads_one_real_to_complex( omp_get_max_threads(), pf, rfine, NULL );
rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex( pf, rfine, NULL );
double fftnorm = 1.0/((double)nxc*(double)nyc*(double)nzc);
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<nxc; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<nyc; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<nzc/2+1; k++ )
int ii(i),jj(j),kk(k);
if( i > nxc/2 ) ii += nx/2;
if( j > nyc/2 ) jj += ny/2;
size_t qc,qf;
double kx = (i <= (int)nxc/2)? (double)i : (double)(i-(int)nxc);
double ky = (j <= (int)nyc/2)? (double)j : (double)(j-(int)nyc);
double kz = (k <= (int)nzc/2)? (double)k : (double)(k-(int)nzc);
qc = ((size_t)i*nyc+(size_t)j)*(nzc/2+1)+(size_t)k;
qf = ((size_t)ii*ny+(size_t)jj)*(nz/2+1)+(size_t)kk;
std::complex<double> val_fine(RE(cfine[qf]),IM(cfine[qf]));
double phase = (kx/nxc + ky/nyc + kz/nzc) * 0.5 * M_PI;
std::complex<double> val_phas( cos(phase), sin(phase) );
val_fine *= val_phas * fftnorm/sqrt(8.0);
RE(ccoarse[qc]) = val_fine.real();
IM(ccoarse[qc]) = val_fine.imag();
delete[] rfine;
#ifdef FFTW3
fftwf_execute( ipc );
fftw_execute( ipc );
rfftwnd_threads_one_complex_to_real( omp_get_max_threads(), ipc, ccoarse, NULL );
rfftwnd_one_complex_to_real( ipc, ccoarse, NULL );
rnums_.push_back( new Meshvar<T>( res_, 0, 0, 0 ) );
cubemap_[0] = 0; // map all to single array
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum,sum2,count)
for( int i=0; i<nxc; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<nyc; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<nzc; k++ )
size_t q = ((size_t)i*nyc+(size_t)j)*(nzc+2)+(size_t)k;
(*rnums_[0])(i,j,k) = rcoarse[q];
sum += (*rnums_[0])(i,j,k);
sum2+= (*rnums_[0])(i,j,k) * (*rnums_[0])(i,j,k);
delete[] rcoarse;
#ifdef FFTW3
LOGINFO("Generating a coarse white noise field by averaging");
if( rc.rnums_.size() == 1 )
//... initialize properties of container
res_ = rc.res_/2;
cubesize_ = res_;
ncubes_ = 1;
baseseed_ = -2;
//... use restriction to get consistent random numbers on coarser grid
mg_straight gop;
rnums_.push_back( new Meshvar<T>( res_, 0, 0, 0 ) );
cubemap_[0] = 0; // map all to single array
gop.restrict( *rc.rnums_[0], *rnums_[0] );
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum,sum2,count)
for( int i=0; i< (int)rnums_[0]->size(0); ++i )
for( unsigned j=0; j< rnums_[0]->size(1); ++j )
for( unsigned k=0; k< rnums_[0]->size(2); ++k )
(*rnums_[0])(i,j,k) *= sqrt(8); //.. maintain that var(delta)=1
sum += (*rnums_[0])(i,j,k);
sum2+= (*rnums_[0])(i,j,k) * (*rnums_[0])(i,j,k);
//... initialize properties of container
res_ = rc.res_/2;
cubesize_ = res_;
ncubes_ = 1;
baseseed_ = -2;
rnums_.push_back( new Meshvar<T>( res_, 0, 0, 0 ) );
cubemap_[0] = 0;
double fac = 1.0/sqrt(8);
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum,sum2,count)
for( int ii=0; ii<(int)rc.res_/2; ++ii )
unsigned i=2*ii;
for( unsigned j=0,jj=0; j<rc.res_; j+=2,++jj )
for( unsigned k=0,kk=0; k<rc.res_; k+=2,++kk )
(*rnums_[0])(ii,jj,kk) = fac *
( rc(i,j,k)+rc(i+1,j,k)+rc(i,j+1,k)+rc(i,j,k+1)+
sum += (*rnums_[0])(ii,jj,kk);
sum2+= (*rnums_[0])(ii,jj,kk) * (*rnums_[0])(ii,jj,kk);
double rmean, rvar;
rmean = sum/count;
rvar = sum2/count-rmean*rmean;
LOGINFO("Restricted random numbers have\n mean = %f, var = %f", rmean, rvar);
template< typename T >
music_wnoise_generator<T>::music_wnoise_generator( music_wnoise_generator<T>& rc, unsigned cubesize, long baseseed,
bool kspace,bool isolated, int *x0_, int *lx_, bool zeromean )
: res_( 2*rc.res_ ), cubesize_( cubesize ), ncubes_( 1 ), baseseed_( baseseed )
int x0[3],lx[3];
if( x0_==NULL || lx_==NULL )
for(int i=0;i<3;++i ){
for(int i=0;i<3;++i ){
fill_subvolume( x0, lx );
if( kspace )
LOGINFO("Generating a constrained random number set with seed %ld\n using coarse mode replacement...",baseseed);
assert(lx[0]%2==0 && lx[1]%2==0 && lx[2]%2==0);
size_t nx=lx[0], ny=lx[1], nz=lx[2],
nxc=lx[0]/2, nyc=lx[1]/2, nzc=lx[2]/2;
fftw_real *rfine = new fftw_real[nx*ny*(nz+2l)];
fftw_complex *cfine = reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex*> (rfine);
#ifdef FFTW3
pf = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_3d( nx, ny, nz, rfine, cfine, FFTW_ESTIMATE),
ipf = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_3d( nx, ny, nz, cfine, rfine, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
pf = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_3d( nx, ny, nz, rfine, cfine, FFTW_ESTIMATE),
ipf = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_3d( nx, ny, nz, cfine, rfine, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
pf = rfftw3d_create_plan( nx, ny, nz, FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX, FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_IN_PLACE),
ipf = rfftw3d_create_plan( nx, ny, nz, FFTW_COMPLEX_TO_REAL, FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_IN_PLACE);
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)nx; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<(int)ny; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nz; k++ )
size_t q = ((size_t)i*(size_t)ny+(size_t)j)*(size_t)(nz+2)+(size_t)k;
rfine[q] = (*this)(x0[0]+i,x0[1]+j,x0[2]+k);
//this->free_all_mem(); // temporarily free memory, allocate again later
fftw_real *rcoarse = new fftw_real[nxc*nyc*(nzc+2)];
fftw_complex *ccoarse = reinterpret_cast<fftw_complex*> (rcoarse);
#ifdef FFTW3
fftwf_plan pc = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_3d( nxc, nyc, nzc, rcoarse, ccoarse, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
fftw_plan pc = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_3d( nxc, nyc, nzc, rcoarse, ccoarse, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
rfftwnd_plan pc = rfftw3d_create_plan( nxc, nyc, nzc, FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX, FFTW_ESTIMATE|FFTW_IN_PLACE);
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)nxc; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<(int)nyc; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nzc; k++ )
size_t q = ((size_t)i*(size_t)nyc+(size_t)j)*(size_t)(nzc+2)+(size_t)k;
rcoarse[q] = rc(x0[0]/2+i,x0[1]/2+j,x0[2]/2+k);
#ifdef FFTW3
fftwf_execute( pc );
fftwf_execute( pf );
fftw_execute( pc );
fftw_execute( pf );
rfftwnd_threads_one_real_to_complex( omp_get_max_threads(), pc, rcoarse, NULL );
rfftwnd_threads_one_real_to_complex( omp_get_max_threads(), pf, rfine, NULL );
rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex( pc, rcoarse, NULL );
rfftwnd_one_real_to_complex( pf, rfine, NULL );
double fftnorm = 1.0/((double)nx*(double)ny*(double)nz);
double sqrt8 = sqrt(8.0);
double phasefac = -0.5;//-1.0;//-0.125;
//if( isolated ) phasefac *= 1.5;
// embedding of coarse white noise by fourier interpolation
#if 1
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)nxc; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<(int)nyc; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nzc/2+1; k++ )
int ii(i),jj(j),kk(k);
//if( i==(int)nxc/2 ) continue;
//if( j==(int)nyc/2 ) continue;
if( i > (int)nxc/2 ) ii += (int)nx/2;
if( j > (int)nyc/2 ) jj += (int)ny/2;
size_t qc,qf;
double kx = (i <= (int)nxc/2)? (double)i : (double)(i-(int)nxc);
double ky = (j <= (int)nyc/2)? (double)j : (double)(j-(int)nyc);
double kz = (k <= (int)nzc/2)? (double)k : (double)(k-(int)nzc);
qc = ((size_t)i*nyc+(size_t)j)*(nzc/2+1)+(size_t)k;
qf = ((size_t)ii*ny+(size_t)jj)*(nz/2+1)+(size_t)kk;
std::complex<double> val(RE(ccoarse[qc]),IM(ccoarse[qc]));
double phase = (kx/nxc + ky/nyc + kz/nzc) * phasefac * M_PI;
std::complex<double> val_phas( cos(phase), sin(phase) );
val *= val_phas * sqrt8;
if( i!=(int)nxc/2 && j!=(int)nyc/2 && k!=(int)nzc/2 )
RE(cfine[qf]) = val.real();
IM(cfine[qf]) = val.imag();
//RE(cfine[qf]) = val.real();
//IM(cfine[qf]) = 0.0;
// 0 0
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)nxc/2+1; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<(int)nyc/2+1; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nzc/2+1; k++ )
int ii(i),jj(j),kk(k);
size_t qc,qf;
qc = ((size_t)i*(size_t)nyc+(size_t)j)*(nzc/2+1)+(size_t)k;
qf = ((size_t)ii*(size_t)ny+(size_t)jj)*(nz/2+1)+(size_t)kk;
double kx = (i <= (int)nxc/2)? (double)i : (double)(i-(int)nxc);
double ky = (j <= (int)nyc/2)? (double)j : (double)(j-(int)nyc);
double kz = (k <= (int)nzc/2)? (double)k : (double)(k-(int)nzc);
double phase = phasefac * (kx/nxc + ky/nyc + kz/nzc) * M_PI;
std::complex<double> val_phas( cos(phase), sin(phase) );
std::complex<double> val(RE(ccoarse[qc]),IM(ccoarse[qc]));
val *= sqrt8 * val_phas;
RE(cfine[qf]) = val.real();
IM(cfine[qf]) = val.imag();
//if( k==0 & (i==(int)nxc/2 || j==(int)nyc/2) )
// IM(cfine[qf]) *= -1.0;
// 1 0
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=nxc/2; i<(int)nxc; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<(int)nyc/2+1; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nzc/2+1; k++ )
int ii(i+nx/2),jj(j),kk(k);
size_t qc,qf;
qc = ((size_t)i*(size_t)nyc+(size_t)j)*(nzc/2+1)+(size_t)k;
qf = ((size_t)ii*(size_t)ny+(size_t)jj)*(nz/2+1)+(size_t)kk;
double kx = (i <= (int)nxc/2)? (double)i : (double)(i-(int)nxc);
double ky = (j <= (int)nyc/2)? (double)j : (double)(j-(int)nyc);
double kz = (k <= (int)nzc/2)? (double)k : (double)(k-(int)nzc);
double phase = phasefac * (kx/nxc + ky/nyc + kz/nzc) * M_PI;
std::complex<double> val_phas( cos(phase), sin(phase) );
std::complex<double> val(RE(ccoarse[qc]),IM(ccoarse[qc]));
val *= sqrt8 * val_phas;
RE(cfine[qf]) = val.real();
IM(cfine[qf]) = val.imag();
//if( k==0 & (i==(int)nxc/2 || j==(int)nyc/2) )
//IM(cfine[qf]) *= -1.0;
// 0 1
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)nxc/2+1; i++ )
for( int j=nyc/2; j<(int)nyc; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nzc/2+1; k++ )
int ii(i),jj(j+ny/2),kk(k);
size_t qc,qf;
qc = ((size_t)i*(size_t)nyc+(size_t)j)*(nzc/2+1)+(size_t)k;
qf = ((size_t)ii*(size_t)ny+(size_t)jj)*(nz/2+1)+(size_t)kk;
double kx = (i <= (int)nxc/2)? (double)i : (double)(i-(int)nxc);
double ky = (j <= (int)nyc/2)? (double)j : (double)(j-(int)nyc);
double kz = (k <= (int)nzc/2)? (double)k : (double)(k-(int)nzc);
double phase = phasefac * (kx/nxc + ky/nyc + kz/nzc) * M_PI;
std::complex<double> val_phas( cos(phase), sin(phase) );
std::complex<double> val(RE(ccoarse[qc]),IM(ccoarse[qc]));
val *= sqrt8 * val_phas;
RE(cfine[qf]) = val.real();
IM(cfine[qf]) = val.imag();
//if( k==0 && (i==(int)nxc/2 || j==(int)nyc/2) )
// IM(cfine[qf]) *= -1.0;
// 1 1
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=nxc/2; i<(int)nxc; i++ )
for( int j=nyc/2; j<(int)nyc; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nzc/2+1; k++ )
int ii(i+nx/2),jj(j+ny/2),kk(k);
size_t qc,qf;
qc = ((size_t)i*(size_t)nyc+(size_t)j)*(nzc/2+1)+(size_t)k;
qf = ((size_t)ii*(size_t)ny+(size_t)jj)*(nz/2+1)+(size_t)kk;
double kx = (i <= (int)nxc/2)? (double)i : (double)(i-(int)nxc);
double ky = (j <= (int)nyc/2)? (double)j : (double)(j-(int)nyc);
double kz = (k <= (int)nzc/2)? (double)k : (double)(k-(int)nzc);
double phase = phasefac * (kx/nxc + ky/nyc + kz/nzc) * M_PI;
std::complex<double> val_phas( cos(phase), sin(phase) );
std::complex<double> val(RE(ccoarse[qc]),IM(ccoarse[qc]));
val *= sqrt8 * val_phas;
RE(cfine[qf]) = val.real();
IM(cfine[qf]) = val.imag();
delete[] rcoarse;
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)nx; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<(int)ny; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nz/2+1; k++ )
size_t q = ((size_t)i*ny+(size_t)j)*(nz/2+1)+(size_t)k;
RE(cfine[q]) *= fftnorm;
IM(cfine[q]) *= fftnorm;
#ifdef FFTW3
fftwf_execute( ipf );
fftw_execute( ipf );
rfftwnd_threads_one_complex_to_real( omp_get_max_threads(), ipf, cfine, NULL );
rfftwnd_one_complex_to_real( ipf, cfine, NULL );
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)nx; i++ )
for( int j=0; j<(int)ny; j++ )
for( int k=0; k<(int)nz; k++ )
size_t q = ((size_t)i*ny+(size_t)j)*(nz+2)+(size_t)k;
(*this)(x0[0]+i,x0[1]+j,x0[2]+k,false) = rfine[q];
delete[] rfine;
#ifdef FFTW3
LOGINFO("Generating a constrained random number set with seed %ld\n using Hoffman-Ribak constraints...", baseseed);
double fac = 1.0/sqrt(8.0);//1./sqrt(8.0);
for( int i=x0[0],ii=x0[0]/2; i<x0[0]+lx[0]; i+=2,++ii )
for( int j=x0[1],jj=x0[1]/2; j<x0[1]+lx[1]; j+=2,++jj )
for( int k=x0[2],kk=x0[2]/2; k<x0[2]+lx[2]; k+=2,++kk )
double topval = rc(ii,jj,kk);
double locmean = 0.125*((*this)(i,j,k)+(*this)(i+1,j,k)+(*this)(i,j+1,k)+(*this)(i,j,k+1)+
double dif = fac*topval-locmean;
(*this)(i,j,k) += dif;
(*this)(i+1,j,k) += dif;
(*this)(i,j+1,k) += dif;
(*this)(i,j,k+1) += dif;
(*this)(i+1,j+1,k) += dif;
(*this)(i+1,j,k+1) += dif;
(*this)(i,j+1,k+1) += dif;
(*this)(i+1,j+1,k+1) += dif;
template< typename T >
void music_wnoise_generator<T>::register_cube( int i, int j, int k)
i = (i+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
j = (j+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
k = (k+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
size_t icube = ((size_t)i*ncubes_+(size_t)j)*ncubes_+(size_t)k;
cubemap_iterator it = cubemap_.find( icube );
if( it == cubemap_.end() )
rnums_.push_back( NULL );
cubemap_[icube] = rnums_.size()-1;
#ifdef DEBUG
LOGDEBUG("registering new cube %d,%d,%d . ID = %ld, memloc = %ld",i,j,k,icube,cubemap_[icube]);
template< typename T >
double music_wnoise_generator<T>::fill_cube( int i, int j, int k)
gsl_rng *RNG = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_mt19937 );
i = (i+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
j = (j+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
k = (k+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
size_t icube = ((size_t)i*ncubes_+(size_t)j)*ncubes_+(size_t)k;
long cubeseed = baseseed_+icube; //... each cube gets its unique seed
gsl_rng_set( RNG, cubeseed );
cubemap_iterator it = cubemap_.find( icube );
if( it == cubemap_.end() )
LOGERR("Attempt to access non-registered random number cube!");
throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to access non-registered random number cube!");
size_t cubeidx = it->second;
if( rnums_[cubeidx] == NULL )
rnums_[cubeidx] = new Meshvar<T>( cubesize_, 0, 0, 0 );
double mean = 0.0;
for( int ii=0; ii<(int)cubesize_; ++ii )
for( int jj=0; jj<(int)cubesize_; ++jj )
for( int kk=0; kk<(int)cubesize_; ++kk )
(*rnums_[cubeidx])(ii,jj,kk) = gsl_ran_ugaussian_ratio_method( RNG );
mean += (*rnums_[cubeidx])(ii,jj,kk);
gsl_rng_free( RNG );
return mean/(cubesize_*cubesize_*cubesize_);
template< typename T >
void music_wnoise_generator<T>::subtract_from_cube( int i, int j, int k, double val )
i = (i+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
j = (j+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
k = (k+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
size_t icube = ((size_t)i*ncubes_+(size_t)j)*ncubes_+(size_t)k;
cubemap_iterator it = cubemap_.find( icube );
if( it == cubemap_.end() )
LOGERR("Attempt to access unallocated RND cube %d,%d,%d in music_wnoise_generator::subtract_from_cube",i,j,k);
throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to access unallocated RND cube in music_wnoise_generator::subtract_from_cube");
size_t cubeidx = it->second;
for( int ii=0; ii<(int)cubesize_; ++ii )
for( int jj=0; jj<(int)cubesize_; ++jj )
for( int kk=0; kk<(int)cubesize_; ++kk )
(*rnums_[cubeidx])(ii,jj,kk) -= val;
template< typename T >
void music_wnoise_generator<T>::free_cube( int i, int j, int k )
i = (i+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
j = (j+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
k = (k+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
size_t icube = ((size_t)i*(size_t)ncubes_+(size_t)j)*(size_t)ncubes_+(size_t)k;
cubemap_iterator it = cubemap_.find( icube );
if( it == cubemap_.end() )
LOGERR("Attempt to access unallocated RND cube %d,%d,%d in music_wnoise_generator::free_cube",i,j,k);
throw std::runtime_error("Attempt to access unallocated RND cube in music_wnoise_generator::free_cube");
size_t cubeidx = it->second;
if( rnums_[cubeidx] != NULL )
delete rnums_[cubeidx];
rnums_[cubeidx] = NULL;
template< typename T >
void music_wnoise_generator<T>::initialize( void )
ncubes_ = std::max((int)((double)res_/cubesize_),1);
if( res_ < cubesize_ )
ncubes_ = 1;
cubesize_ = res_;
LOGINFO("Generating random numbers w/ sample cube size of %d", cubesize_ );
template< typename T >
double music_wnoise_generator<T>::fill_subvolume( int *i0, int *n )
int i0cube[3], ncube[3];
i0cube[0] = (int)((double)(res_+i0[0])/cubesize_);
i0cube[1] = (int)((double)(res_+i0[1])/cubesize_);
i0cube[2] = (int)((double)(res_+i0[2])/cubesize_);
ncube[0] = (int)(n[0]/cubesize_) + 2;
ncube[1] = (int)(n[1]/cubesize_) + 2;
ncube[2] = (int)(n[2]/cubesize_) + 2;
#ifdef DEBUG
LOGDEBUG("random numbers needed for region %d,%d,%d ..+ %d,%d,%d",i0[0],i0[1],i0[2],n[0],n[1],n[2]);
LOGDEBUG("filling cubes %d,%d,%d ..+ %d,%d,%d",i0cube[0],i0cube[1],i0cube[2],ncube[0],ncube[1],ncube[2]);
double mean = 0.0;
for( int i=i0cube[0]; i<i0cube[0]+ncube[0]; ++i )
for( int j=i0cube[1]; j<i0cube[1]+ncube[1]; ++j )
for( int k=i0cube[2]; k<i0cube[2]+ncube[2]; ++k )
int ii(i),jj(j),kk(k);
ii = (ii+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
jj = (jj+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
kk = (kk+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
register_cube( ii,jj,kk );
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:mean)
for( int i=i0cube[0]; i<i0cube[0]+ncube[0]; ++i )
for( int j=i0cube[1]; j<i0cube[1]+ncube[1]; ++j )
for( int k=i0cube[2]; k<i0cube[2]+ncube[2]; ++k )
int ii(i),jj(j),kk(k);
ii = (ii+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
jj = (jj+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
kk = (kk+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
mean += fill_cube(ii, jj, kk);
return mean/(ncube[0]*ncube[1]*ncube[2]);
template< typename T >
double music_wnoise_generator<T>::fill_all( void )
double sum = 0.0;
for( int i=0; i<(int)ncubes_; ++i )
for( int j=0; j<(int)ncubes_; ++j )
for( int k=0; k<(int)ncubes_; ++k )
int ii(i),jj(j),kk(k);
ii = (ii+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
jj = (jj+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
kk = (kk+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for( int i=0; i<(int)ncubes_; ++i )
for( int j=0; j<(int)ncubes_; ++j )
for( int k=0; k<(int)ncubes_; ++k )
int ii(i),jj(j),kk(k);
ii = (ii+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
jj = (jj+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
kk = (kk+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
sum+=fill_cube(ii, jj, kk);
//... subtract mean
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
for( int i=0; i<(int)ncubes_; ++i )
for( int j=0; j<(int)ncubes_; ++j )
for( int k=0; k<(int)ncubes_; ++k )
int ii(i),jj(j),kk(k);
ii = (ii+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
jj = (jj+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
kk = (kk+ncubes_)%ncubes_;
return sum/(ncubes_*ncubes_*ncubes_);
template< typename T >
void music_wnoise_generator<T>:: print_allocated( void )
unsigned ncount = 0, ntot = rnums_.size();
for( size_t i=0; i<rnums_.size(); ++i )
if( rnums_[i]!=NULL ) ncount++;
LOGINFO(" -> %d of %d random number cubes currently allocated",ncount,ntot);
template class music_wnoise_generator<float>;
template class music_wnoise_generator<double>;