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2022-04-29 14:37:23 +02:00

352 lines
11 KiB

#include <vector>
#include <set>
#include <cmath>
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include <omp.h>
#include "log.hh"
/***** Slow but short convex hull Implementation ******/
* Finds the convex hull of a set of data points.
* Very simple implementation using the O(nh) gift-wrapping algorithm
* Does not properly take care of degeneracies or round-off problems,
* in that sense, only 'approximate' convex hull.
* adapted and expanded from the 'ch3quad' code by Timothy Chan
* (https://cs.uwaterloo.ca/~tmchan)
template< typename real_t >
struct convex_hull{
typedef const real_t *cpr_;
size_t npoints_;
std::vector<int> faceidx_L_, faceidx_U_;
std::vector<real_t> normals_L_, normals_U_;
std::vector<real_t> x0_L_, x0_U_;
real_t centroid_[3], volume_;
real_t left_[3], right_[3];
real_t anchor_pt_[3];
inline double turn( cpr_ p, cpr_ q, cpr_ r ) const
{ return (q[0]-p[0])*(r[1]-p[1]) - (r[0]-p[0])*(q[1]-p[1]); }
template< bool islower >
inline double orient( cpr_ p, cpr_ q, cpr_ r, cpr_ s ) const
if( islower )
return (q[2]-p[2])*turn(p,r,s) - (r[2]-p[2])*turn(p,q,s) + (s[2]-p[2])*turn(p,q,r);
return (p[2]-q[2])*turn(p,r,s) - (p[2]-r[2])*turn(p,q,s) + (p[2]-s[2])*turn(p,q,r);
inline real_t dot( cpr_ x, cpr_ y ) const
return x[0]*y[0]+x[1]*y[1]+x[2]*y[2];
inline real_t det3x3( cpr_ a ) const
return (a[0]*(a[4]*a[8]-a[7]*a[5])
+ a[1]*(a[5]*a[6]-a[8]*a[3])
+ a[2]*(a[3]*a[7]-a[6]*a[4]));
void compute_face_normals( cpr_ points )
normals_L_.assign( faceidx_L_.size(), 0.0 );
normals_U_.assign( faceidx_U_.size(), 0.0 );
x0_L_.assign( faceidx_L_.size(), 0.0 );
x0_U_.assign( faceidx_U_.size(), 0.0 );
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)faceidx_L_.size()/3; ++i )
real_t d1[3], d2[3];
for( int j=0; j<3; ++j )
x0_L_[3*i+j] = points[ 3*faceidx_L_[3*i+0] + j ];
d1[j] = points[ 3*faceidx_L_[3*i+1] + j ] - points[ 3*faceidx_L_[3*i+0] + j ];
d2[j] = points[ 3*faceidx_L_[3*i+2] + j ] - points[ 3*faceidx_L_[3*i+0] + j ];
normals_L_[3*i+0] = d1[1]*d2[2] - d1[2]*d2[1];
normals_L_[3*i+1] = d1[2]*d2[0] - d1[0]*d2[2];
normals_L_[3*i+2] = d1[0]*d2[1] - d1[1]*d2[0];
// negative sign for lower hull
double norm_n = -sqrt(normals_L_[3*i+0]*normals_L_[3*i+0]+
normals_L_[3*i+0] /= norm_n;
normals_L_[3*i+1] /= norm_n;
normals_L_[3*i+2] /= norm_n;
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int i=0; i<(int)faceidx_U_.size()/3; ++i )
real_t d1[3], d2[3];
for( int j=0; j<3; ++j )
x0_U_[3*i+j] = points[ 3*faceidx_U_[3*i+0] + j ];
d1[j] = points[ 3*faceidx_U_[3*i+1] + j ] - points[ 3*faceidx_U_[3*i+0] + j ];
d2[j] = points[ 3*faceidx_U_[3*i+2] + j ] - points[ 3*faceidx_U_[3*i+0] + j ];
normals_U_[3*i+0] = d1[1]*d2[2] - d1[2]*d2[1];
normals_U_[3*i+1] = d1[2]*d2[0] - d1[0]*d2[2];
normals_U_[3*i+2] = d1[0]*d2[1] - d1[1]*d2[0];
double norm_n = sqrt(normals_U_[3*i+0]*normals_U_[3*i+0]+
normals_U_[3*i+0] /= norm_n;
normals_U_[3*i+1] /= norm_n;
normals_U_[3*i+2] /= norm_n;
void compute_center( cpr_ points )
real_t xc[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
real_t xcp[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
real_t totvol = 0.0;
for( size_t i=0; i<3*npoints_; ++i )
xc[i%3] += points[i];
xc[0] /= npoints_;
xc[1] /= npoints_;
xc[2] /= npoints_;
for( size_t i=0; i<faceidx_L_.size()/3; ++i )
real_t a[9];
real_t xct[3] = {xc[0],xc[1],xc[2]};
for( size_t j=0; j<3; ++j )
for( size_t k=0; k<3; ++k )
xct[k] += points[3*faceidx_L_[3*i+j]+k];
a[3*j+k] = points[3*faceidx_L_[3*i+j]+k]-xc[k];
xct[0] *= 0.25;
xct[1] *= 0.25;
xct[2] *= 0.25;
real_t vol = fabs(det3x3(a))/6.0;
totvol += vol;
xcp[0] += vol * xct[0];
xcp[1] += vol * xct[1];
xcp[2] += vol * xct[2];
for( size_t i=0; i<faceidx_U_.size()/3; ++i )
real_t a[9];
real_t xct[3] = {xc[0],xc[1],xc[2]};
for( size_t j=0; j<3; ++j )
for( size_t k=0; k<3; ++k )
xct[k] += points[3*faceidx_U_[3*i+j]+k];
a[3*j+k] = points[3*faceidx_U_[3*i+j]+k]-xc[k];
xct[0] *= 0.25;
xct[1] *= 0.25;
xct[2] *= 0.25;
real_t vol = fabs(det3x3(a))/6.0;
totvol += vol;
xcp[0] += vol * xct[0];
xcp[1] += vol * xct[1];
xcp[2] += vol * xct[2];
volume_ = totvol;
centroid_[0] = xcp[0] / totvol;
centroid_[1] = xcp[1] / totvol;
centroid_[2] = xcp[2] / totvol;
template< bool islower >
void wrap( cpr_ points, int i, int j, std::vector<int>& idx )
int k,l,m;
int h = (int)idx.size()/3;
for( m=0; m<h; ++m )
if( ( idx[3*m+0]==i && idx[3*m+1]==j ) ||
( idx[3*m+1]==i && idx[3*m+2]==j ) ||
( idx[3*m+2]==i && idx[3*m+0]==j ) )
for( k=i, l=0; l < (int)npoints_; ++l )
if( turn(&points[3*i],&points[3*j],&points[3*l]) < 0 &&
orient<islower>(&points[3*i],&points[3*j],&points[3*k],&points[3*l]) >=0 )
k = l;
if( turn(&points[3*i],&points[3*j],&points[3*k]) >= 0 ) return;
idx.push_back( i );
idx.push_back( j );
idx.push_back( k );
wrap<islower>( points, k, j, idx );
wrap<islower>( points, i, k, idx );
template< typename T >
bool check_point( const T* xp, double dist = 0.0 ) const
dist *= -1.0;
// take care of possible periodic boundaries
T x[3];
for( size_t p=0; p<3; ++p )
T d = xp[p] - anchor_pt_[p];
if( d>0.5 ) x[p] = xp[p]-1.0; else if ( d<-0.5 ) x[p] = xp[p]+1.0; else x[p] = xp[p];
// check for inside vs. outside
for( size_t i=0; i<normals_L_.size()/3; ++i )
double xp[3] = {x[0]-x0_L_[3*i+0],x[1]-x0_L_[3*i+1],x[2]-x0_L_[3*i+2]};
if( dot( xp, &normals_L_[3*i]) < dist ) return false;
for( size_t i=0; i<normals_U_.size()/3; ++i )
double xp[3] = {x[0]-x0_U_[3*i+0],x[1]-x0_U_[3*i+1],x[2]-x0_U_[3*i+2]};
if( dot( xp, &normals_U_[3*i]) < dist ) return false;
return true;
void expand_vector_from_centroid( real_t *v, double dr )
double dx[3], d = 0.0;
for( int i=0; i<3; ++i )
dx[i] = v[i]-centroid_[i];
d += dx[i]*dx[i];
d = sqrt(d);
for( int i=0; i<3; ++i )
v[i] += dr * dx[i];
void expand( real_t dr )
for( size_t i=0; i<normals_L_.size(); i+=3 )
expand_vector_from_centroid( &x0_L_[i], dr );
for( size_t i=0; i<normals_U_.size(); i+=3 )
expand_vector_from_centroid( &x0_U_[i], dr );
expand_vector_from_centroid( left_, dr );
expand_vector_from_centroid( right_, dr );
void get_defining_indices( std::set<int>& unique ) const
for( size_t i=0; i<faceidx_L_.size(); ++i )
unique.insert( faceidx_L_[i] );
for( size_t i=0; i<faceidx_U_.size(); ++i )
unique.insert( faceidx_U_[i] );
convex_hull( cpr_ points, size_t npoints, const double* anchor )
: npoints_( npoints )
anchor_pt_[0] = anchor[0];
anchor_pt_[1] = anchor[1];
anchor_pt_[2] = anchor[2];
size_t i,j,l;
for( i=0, l=1; l<npoints_; ++l )
if( points[3*i] > points[3*l] ) i=l;
for( j=i, l=0; l<npoints_; ++l )
if( i!=l && turn(&points[3*i],&points[3*j],&points[3*l]) >= 0 ) j=l;
#ifdef _OPENMP
int nt = omp_get_max_threads();
omp_set_num_threads( std::min(2,omp_get_max_threads()) );
#pragma omp parallel for
for( int thread=0; thread<2; ++thread )
if( thread==0 )
wrap<true>( points, i, j, faceidx_L_ );
if( thread==1 )
wrap<false>( points, i, j, faceidx_U_ );
#ifdef _OPENMP
compute_face_normals( points );
compute_center( points );
// finally compute AABB
left_[0] = left_[1] = left_[2] = 1e30;
right_[0] = right_[1] = right_[2] = -1e30;
for( size_t q=0; q<npoints_; ++q )
for( size_t p=0; p<3; ++p )
if( points[3*q+p] > right_[p] )
right_[p] = points[3*q+p];
if( points[3*q+p] < left_[p] )
left_[p] = points[3*q+p];
// make sure left point is inside box
for( size_t p=0; p<3; ++p )
if( left_[p] >= 1.0 ){
left_[p] -= 1.0; right_[p] -= 1.0;
}else if( left_[p] < 0.0 ){
left_[p] += 1.0; right_[p]+= 1.0;
#endif // CONVEX_HULL_HH