# monofonIC High order LPT/QPT tool for single resolution simulations ## Build Instructions Clone code including submodules (currently only CLASS is used as a submodule): git clone --recurse-submodules https://@bitbucket.org/ohahn/monofonic.git Create build directory, configure, and build: mkdir monofonic/build; cd monofonic/build ccmake .. make this should create an executable in the build directory. If you run into problems with CMake not being able to find your local FFTW3 or HDF5 installation, it is best to give the path directly as FFTW3_ROOT= HDF5_ROOT= ccmake .. make sure to delete previous files generated by CMake before reconfiguring like this. If you want to build on macOS, then it is strongly recommended to use GNU (or Intel) compilers instead of Apple's Clang. Install them e.g. via homebrew and then configure cmake to use them instead of the macOS default compiler via CC=gcc-9 CXX=g++-9 ccmake .. This is necessary since Apple's compilers haven't supported OpenMP for years. ## Running There is an example parameter file 'example.conf' in the main directory. Possible options are explained in it, it can be run as a simple argument, e.g. from within the build directory: ./monofonic ../example.conf If you want to run with MPI, you need to enable MPI support via ccmake. Then you can launch in hybrid MPI+threads mode by specifying the desired number of threads per task in the config file, and the number of tasks to be launched via mpirun -np 16 ./monofonic It will then run with 16 tasks times the number of threads per task specified in the config file.