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updated and cleaned up example config file

This commit is contained in:
Oliver Hahn 2020-08-23 22:29:32 +02:00
parent 4b534fe306
commit de2b490241

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@ -1,90 +1,98 @@
# Example conf file for MUSIC2 - monofonIC single resolution simulation ICs
# Example config file for MUSIC2 - monofonIC single resolution simulation ICs
# version 1 from 2020/08/23
# number of grid cells per linear dimension for calculations = particles for sc initial load
GridRes = 128
# length of the box in Mpc/h
BoxLength = 300
GridRes = 128 # number of grid cells per linear dimension for calculations
# = particles for sc initial load
BoxLength = 300 # length of the box in Mpc/h
zstart = 24.0 # starting redshift
# starting redshift
zstart = 24.0
LPTorder = 3 # order of the LPT to be used (1,2 or 3)
# order of the LPT to be used (1,2 or 3)
LPTorder = 3
DoBaryons = no # also do baryon ICs?
# also do baryon ICs?
DoBaryons = no
DoFixing = yes # do mode fixing à la Angulo&Pontzen (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.05253)
DoInversion = no # invert phases (for paired simulations)
# do mode fixing à la Angulo&Pontzen
DoFixing = yes
# invert phases (for paired simulations)
DoInversion = no
# particle load, can be 'sc' (1x), 'bcc' (2x) or 'fcc' (4x) (increases number of particles by factor!) or 'glass'
ParticleLoad = sc
# if `ParticleLoad = glass' then specify here where to load the glass distribution from
#GlassFileName = glass128.hdf5
#GlassTiles = 1
ParticleLoad = sc # particle load, can be 'sc' (1x), 'bcc' (2x) or 'fcc' (4x)
# (increases number of particles by given factor!), or 'glass'
## if `ParticleLoad = glass' then specify here where to load the glass distribution from
# GlassFileName = glass128.hdf5
# GlassTiles = 1
## transfer = ... specifies the Einstein-Boltzmann plugin module
# transfer = eisenstein # Eisenstein&Hu fitting formula
# transfer = file_CAMB # CAMB file to be specified as 'transfer_file = ...'
# transfer_file = wmap5_transfer_out_z0.dat
transfer = CLASS # CLASS module (if enabled in CMake file)
ztarget = 2.5 # target redshift for CLASS module, output at ztarget will be back-scaled to zstart
# main cosmological parameters
Omega_m = 0.302
Omega_b = 0.045
Omega_L = 0.698
H0 = 70.3
nspec = 0.961
sigma_8 = 0.811
# A_s = 2.148752e-09 # can use instead of sigma_8
ZeroRadiation = true # For Back-scaling: set to false if your simulation code can deal with Omega_r!=0
ZeroRadiation = false # For Back-scaling only: set to true if your simulation code
# can deal with Omega_r!=0 in its background FLRW model
# Additional cosmological parameters (set by default to the given values)
## Additional cosmological parameters (set by default to the given values)
# w0 = -1.0
# wa = 0.0
# Tcmb = 2.7255
# Neff = 3.046
# anisotropic large scale tidal field
# see Stuecker+2020
## Use below for anisotropic large scale tidal field ICs up to 2LPT
## see Stuecker+2020 (https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.06427)
# LSS_aniso_lx = +0.1
# LSS_aniso_ly = +0.1
# LSS_aniso_lz = -0.2
### MODULES: ###
##> Eisenstein & Hu (1997) fitting formulae
## this is fast, but not too accurate. Also baryons trace CDM here.
## see https://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9709112
# transfer = eisenstein
##> CAMB transfer function file module
## This should be transfer function output with CAMB (https://camb.info)
## at the *target* redshift
# transfer = file_CAMB # CAMB file to be specified as 'transfer_file = ...'
# transfer_file = wmap5_transfer_out_z0.dat
##> CLASS module, which links to the actual CLASS C-code.
## note that CLASS needs to be cloned as a git submodule and enabled in CMake file
transfer = CLASS
ztarget = 2.5 # target redshift for CLASS module, output at ztarget will be back-scaled to zstart
# A_s = 2.148752e-09 # can use A_s instead of sigma_8 when using CLASS
## generator = ... specifies the random field generator plugin module
## > NGenIC compatible random number generator module compatible with V. Springel's original code
##> NGenIC compatible random number generator module compatible with V. Springel's original code
## (https://www.h-its.org/2014/11/05/ngenic-code/) as well as the 2LPT code by Pueblas&Scoccmiarro
## (https://cosmo.nyu.edu/roman/2LPT/)
generator = NGENIC
seed = 12345
## > The PANPHASIA generator uses a plugin based on original code by A. Jenkins
##> The PANPHASIA generator uses a plugin based on original code by A. Jenkins
## Warning: Before using this module, please make sure you read and agree to the distinct license
## requirements by registering on the website http://icc.dur.ac.uk/Panphasia.php
# generator = PANPHASIA
# descriptor = [Panph1,L10,(800,224,576),S9,CH1564365824,MXXL]
## > The MUSIC1 multi-scale random number generator is provided for convenience
##> The MUSIC1 multi-scale random number generator is provided for convenience
## warning: MUSIC1 generator is not MPI parallel (yet) (memory is needed for full field on each task)
# generator = MUSIC1
# seed[7] = 12345
@ -95,12 +103,6 @@ seed = 12345
# ConstraintFieldFile = initial_conditions.hdf5
# ConstraintFieldName = ic_white_noise
# enables diagnostic output
# can be 'none' (default), 'potentials_and_densities', 'velocity_displacement_symmetries', or 'convergence'
test = none