Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/cosmo-sims/monofonIC.git synced 2024-09-19 17:03:45 +02:00

Move the writing of header and other general properties to rank 0 only in the SWIFT i/o plugin

This commit is contained in:
Matthieu Schaller 2021-03-13 22:58:47 +01:00
parent 5aa59719da
commit a3e6581902

View file

@ -38,14 +38,15 @@ class swift_output_plugin : public output_plugin
int num_files_, num_simultaneous_writers_;
int num_ranks_, this_rank_;
int num_files_;
real_t lunit_, vunit_, munit_;
real_t boxsize_, hubble_param_, astart_, zstart_;
bool blongids_, bdobaryons_;
std::string this_fname_;
std::array<uint32_t,7> npart_, npartTotal_, npartTotalHighWord_;
std::array<uint64_t,7> npart_;
std::array<uint32_t,7> npartTotal_, npartTotalHighWord_;
std::array<double,7> mass_;
double time_;
@ -54,11 +55,12 @@ public:
explicit swift_output_plugin(config_file &cf, std::unique_ptr<cosmology::calculator> &pcc)
: output_plugin(cf, pcc, "SWIFT")
// SWIFT uses a single file as IC */
num_files_ = 1;
#ifdef USE_MPI
// use as many output files as we have MPI tasks
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_files_);
this_rank_ = 0;
num_files_ = 1;
real_t astart = 1.0 / (1.0 + cf_.get_value<double>("setup", "zstart"));
const double rhoc = 27.7519737; // in h^2 1e10 M_sol / Mpc^3
@ -83,32 +85,28 @@ public:
time_ = astart;
this_fname_ = fname_;
#ifdef USE_MPI
int thisrank = 0;
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &thisrank);
if (num_files_ > 1)
this_fname_ += "." + std::to_string(thisrank);
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &this_rank_);
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_ranks_);
// Now that we modified the filename for MPI support, propagate the change to the super-class
// as it does operations on the file behind our back.
fname_ = this_fname_;
// Only ranks 0 writes the header
if (this_rank_ != 0) return;
// delete output file if it exists
// create output HDF5 file
// Write UNITS header using the physical constants assumed internally by SWIFT
HDFCreateGroup(this_fname_, "Units");
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Units", "Unit mass in cgs (U_M)", 1.98841e43); // 10^10 Msun in grams
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Units", "Unit length in cgs (U_L)", 3.08567758149e24); // 1 Mpc in cm
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Units", "Unit time in cgs (U_t)", 3.08567758149e19); // so that unit vel is 1 km/s
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Units", "Unit current in cgs (U_I)", 1.0); // 1 Ampere
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Units", "Unit temperature in cgs (U_T)", 1.0); // 1 Kelvin
HDFCreateGroup(fname_, "Units");
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Units", "Unit mass in cgs (U_M)", 1.98841e43); // 10^10 Msun in grams
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Units", "Unit length in cgs (U_L)", 3.08567758149e24); // 1 Mpc in cm
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Units", "Unit time in cgs (U_t)", 3.08567758149e19); // so that unit vel is 1 km/s
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Units", "Unit current in cgs (U_I)", 1.0); // 1 Ampere
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Units", "Unit temperature in cgs (U_T)", 1.0); // 1 Kelvin
// Write MUSIC configuration header
int order = cf_.get_value<int>("setup", "LPTorder");
@ -122,32 +120,32 @@ public:
int do_baryonsVrel = cf_.get_value<bool>("setup", "DoBaryonVrel");
int L = cf_.get_value<int>("setup", "GridRes");
HDFCreateGroup(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters");
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Code", std::string("MUSIC2 - monofonIC"));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Git Revision", std::string(GIT_REV));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Git Tag", std::string(GIT_TAG));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Git Branch", std::string(GIT_BRANCH));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Precision", std::string(CMAKE_PRECISION_STR));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Convolutions", std::string(CMAKE_CONVOLVER_STR));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "PLT", std::string(CMAKE_PLT_STR));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "LPT Order", order);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Particle Load", load);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Transfer Function", tf);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Cosmology Parameter Set", cosmo_set);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Random Generator", rng);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Mode Fixing", do_fixing);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Mode inversion", do_invert);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Baryons", do_baryons);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Baryons Relative Velocity", do_baryonsVrel);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Grid Resolution", L);
HDFCreateGroup(fname_, "ICs_parameters");
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Code", std::string("MUSIC2 - monofonIC"));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Git Revision", std::string(GIT_REV));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Git Tag", std::string(GIT_TAG));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Git Branch", std::string(GIT_BRANCH));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Precision", std::string(CMAKE_PRECISION_STR));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Convolutions", std::string(CMAKE_CONVOLVER_STR));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "PLT", std::string(CMAKE_PLT_STR));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "LPT Order", order);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Particle Load", load);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Transfer Function", tf);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Cosmology Parameter Set", cosmo_set);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Random Generator", rng);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Mode Fixing", do_fixing);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Mode inversion", do_invert);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Baryons", do_baryons);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Baryons Relative Velocity", do_baryonsVrel);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Grid Resolution", L);
if (tf == "CLASS") {
double ztarget = cf_.get_value<double>("cosmology", "ztarget");
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Target Redshift", ztarget);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Target Redshift", ztarget);
if (rng == "PANPHASIA") {
std::string desc = cf_.get_value<std::string>("random", "descriptor");
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Descriptor", desc);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "ICs_parameters", "Descriptor", desc);
@ -155,56 +153,27 @@ public:
if (!std::uncaught_exception())
HDFCreateGroup(this_fname_, "Header");
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "Dimension", 3);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "BoxSize", boxsize_ / hubble_param_); // in Mpc, not Mpc/h
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Header", "NumPart_Total", from_7array<unsigned>(npartTotal_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Header", "NumPart_Total_HighWord", from_7array<unsigned>(npartTotalHighWord_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Header", "NumPart_ThisFile", from_7array<unsigned>(npart_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Header", "MassTable", from_7array<double>(mass_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Header", "Time", from_value<double>(time_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Header", "Redshift", from_value<double>(zstart_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Header", "Flag_Entropy_ICs", from_value<int>(0));
if (this_rank_ == 0) {
// Write Standard Gadget / SWIFT hdf5 header
HDFCreateGroup(fname_, "Header");
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "Dimension", 3);
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "BoxSize", boxsize_ / hubble_param_); // in Mpc, not Mpc/h
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "NumPart_Total", from_7array<unsigned>(npartTotal_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "NumPart_Total_HighWord", from_7array<unsigned>(npartTotalHighWord_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "NumPart_ThisFile", from_7array<uint64_t>(npart_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "MassTable", from_7array<double>(mass_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "Time", from_value<double>(time_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "Redshift", from_value<double>(zstart_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "Flag_Entropy_ICs", from_value<int>(0));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(fname_, "Header", "NumFilesPerSnapshot", from_value<int>(num_files_));
HDFWriteGroupAttribute(this_fname_, "Header", "NumFilesPerSnapshot", from_value<int>(num_files_));
// write GAS internal energy and smoothing length if baryons are enabled
if( bdobaryons_ )
const double gamma = cf_.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "gamma", 5.0 / 3.0);
const double YHe = pcc_->cosmo_param_["YHe"];
//const double Omega0 = cf_.get_value<double>("cosmology", "Omega_m");
const double omegab = pcc_->cosmo_param_["Omega_b"];
const double Tcmb0 = pcc_->cosmo_param_["Tcmb"];
// compute gas internal energy
const double npol = (fabs(1.0 - gamma) > 1e-7) ? 1.0 / (gamma - 1.) : 1.0;
const double unitv = 1e5;
const double adec = 1.0 / (160. * std::pow(omegab * hubble_param_ * hubble_param_ / 0.022, 2.0 / 5.0));
const double Tini = astart_ < adec ? Tcmb0 / astart_ : Tcmb0 / astart_ / astart_ * adec;
const double mu = (Tini > 1.e4) ? 4.0 / (8. - 5. * YHe) : 4.0 / (1. + 3. * (1. - YHe));
const double ceint = 1.3806e-16 / 1.6726e-24 * Tini * npol / mu / unitv / unitv;
music::ilog.Print("Swift : Calculated initial gas temperature: %.2f K/mu", Tini / mu);
music::ilog.Print("Swift : set initial internal energy to %.2e km^2/s^2", ceint);
std::vector<write_real_t> data( npart_[0], ceint );
HDFWriteDataset(this_fname_, "PartType0/InternalEnergy", data);
const double h = boxsize_ / hubble_param_ / cf_.get_value<double>("setup","GridRes");
music::ilog.Print("Swift : set initial smoothing length to mean inter-part separation: %.2f Mpc", h);
data.assign( npart_[0], h);
HDFWriteDataset(this_fname_, "PartType0/SmoothingLength", data);
music::ilog << "Wrote SWIFT IC file(s) to " << fname_ << std::endl;
music::ilog << "Wrote SWIFT IC file(s) to " << this_fname_ << std::endl;
@ -247,46 +216,77 @@ public:
void write_particle_data(const particle::container &pc, const cosmo_species &s, double Omega_species)
int sid = get_species_idx(s);
assert(sid != -1);
npart_[sid] = (pc.get_local_num_particles());
npart_[sid] = (pc.get_global_num_particles());
npartTotal_[sid] = (uint32_t)(pc.get_global_num_particles());
npartTotalHighWord_[sid] = (uint32_t)((pc.get_global_num_particles()) >> 32);
if( pc.bhas_individual_masses_ )
mass_[sid] = 0.0;
mass_[sid] = Omega_species * munit_ / pc.get_global_num_particles();
HDFCreateGroup(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid));
HDFCreateGroup(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid));
//... write positions and velocities.....
if (this->has_64bit_reals())
HDFWriteDatasetVector(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Coordinates"), pc.positions64_);
HDFWriteDatasetVector(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Velocities"), pc.velocities64_);
HDFWriteDatasetVector(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Coordinates"), pc.positions64_);
HDFWriteDatasetVector(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Velocities"), pc.velocities64_);
HDFWriteDatasetVector(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Coordinates"), pc.positions32_);
HDFWriteDatasetVector(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Velocities"), pc.velocities32_);
HDFWriteDatasetVector(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Coordinates"), pc.positions32_);
HDFWriteDatasetVector(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Velocities"), pc.velocities32_);
//... write ids.....
if (this->has_64bit_ids())
HDFWriteDataset(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/ParticleIDs"), pc.ids64_);
HDFWriteDataset(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/ParticleIDs"), pc.ids64_);
HDFWriteDataset(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/ParticleIDs"), pc.ids32_);
HDFWriteDataset(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/ParticleIDs"), pc.ids32_);
//... write masses.....
if( pc.bhas_individual_masses_ ){
if (this->has_64bit_reals()){
HDFWriteDataset(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Masses"), pc.mass64_);
HDFWriteDataset(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Masses"), pc.mass64_);
HDFWriteDataset(this_fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Masses"), pc.mass32_);
HDFWriteDataset(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/Masses"), pc.mass32_);
// write GAS internal energy and smoothing length if baryons are enabled
if( bdobaryons_ && s == cosmo_species::baryon) {
const double gamma = cf_.get_value_safe<double>("cosmology", "gamma", 5.0 / 3.0);
const double YHe = pcc_->cosmo_param_["YHe"];
//const double Omega0 = cf_.get_value<double>("cosmology", "Omega_m");
const double omegab = pcc_->cosmo_param_["Omega_b"];
const double Tcmb0 = pcc_->cosmo_param_["Tcmb"];
// compute gas internal energy
const double npol = (fabs(1.0 - gamma) > 1e-7) ? 1.0 / (gamma - 1.) : 1.0;
const double unitv = 1e5;
const double adec = 1.0 / (160. * std::pow(omegab * hubble_param_ * hubble_param_ / 0.022, 2.0 / 5.0));
const double Tini = astart_ < adec ? Tcmb0 / astart_ : Tcmb0 / astart_ / astart_ * adec;
const double mu = (Tini > 1.e4) ? 4.0 / (8. - 5. * YHe) : 4.0 / (1. + 3. * (1. - YHe));
const double ceint = 1.3806e-16 / 1.6726e-24 * Tini * npol / mu / unitv / unitv;
music::ilog.Print("Swift : Calculated initial gas temperature: %.2f K/mu", Tini / mu);
music::ilog.Print("Swift : set initial internal energy to %.2e km^2/s^2", ceint);
std::vector<write_real_t> data( npart_[0], ceint );
HDFWriteDataset(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/InternalEnergy"), data);
const double h = boxsize_ / hubble_param_ / cf_.get_value<double>("setup","GridRes");
music::ilog.Print("Swift : set initial smoothing length to mean inter-part separation: %.2f Mpc", h);
data.assign( npart_[0], h);
HDFWriteDataset(fname_, std::string("PartType") + std::to_string(sid) + std::string("/SmoothingLength"), data);