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mirror of https://github.com/Findus23/lw1.at.git synced 2024-09-09 04:03:45 +02:00

173 lines
5.6 KiB

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from pathlib import Path
from babel.support import Translations
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape, StrictUndefined, FileSystemBytecodeCache
from lw1.paths import templates_dir, cache_dir
from lw1.post import Post
from lw1.settings import FALLBACK_LANGUAGES
from lw1.sitemap import Sitemap
from lw1.tag import Tag
from lw1.utils import Language
from lw1.writer import Writer
env = Environment(
class Generator(ABC):
template_name = "base.html"
js_entry_point = "assets/main.ts"
type = ""
def __init__(self, translations: Translations, context: dict, posts: list[Post], tags: dict[str, Tag],
lang: Language, sitemap: Sitemap):
self.posts = posts
self.tags = tags
self.lang = lang
self.sitemap = sitemap
self.context = context.copy()
self.context["js_entry_point"] = self.js_entry_point
self.context["type"] = self.type
self.translations = translations
self.template = env.get_template(self.template_name)
def generate(self, writer: Writer) -> None:
class PostsGenerator(Generator):
template_name = "page.html"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def generate(self, writer: Writer) -> None:
for post in self.posts:
if post.lang != self.lang:
for image in {post.content_img, post.thumbnail_img}:
writer.writeImage((Path("") / "img" / post.slug), image)
self.context["post"] = post
self.context["otherlang_url"] = post.other_lang_post.absolute_url
html = self.template.render(**self.context)
writer.write(post.absolute_url, html)
class HomepageGenerator(Generator):
template_name = "home.html"
type = "home"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def generate(self, writer: Writer) -> None:
other_lang = FALLBACK_LANGUAGES[self.lang]
self.context["tags"] = self.tags
self.context["current"] = "all"
self.context["posts"] = [p for p in self.posts if p.lang == self.lang]
self.context["otherlang_url"] = Path("/") / other_lang
self.context["otherlang"] = other_lang
url = Path("/") / self.lang
self.context["url"] = url
html = self.template.render(**self.context)
writer.write(url, html)
for tag in self.tags.values():
self.context["current"] = tag.id
if tag.hidden:
self.context["posts"] = [p for p in self.posts if p.lang == self.lang and tag.id in p.tags]
url = Path("/") / self.lang / "t" / tag.slug_in_lang(self.lang)
self.context["otherlang_url"] = Path("/") / other_lang / "t" / tag.slug_in_lang(other_lang)
html = self.template.render(**self.context)
writer.write(url, html)
class ImprintGenerator(Generator):
template_name = "imprint.html"
slugs = {
"de": "impressum",
"en": "imprint"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def generate(self, writer: Writer) -> None:
other_lang = FALLBACK_LANGUAGES[self.lang]
url = Path("/") / self.lang / self.slugs[self.lang]
self.context["otherlang_url"] = Path("/") / other_lang / self.slugs[other_lang]
self.context["otherlang"] = other_lang
self.context["url"] = url
html = self.template.render(**self.context)
writer.write(url, html)
class LangRedirectGenerator(Generator):
template_name = "langpick.html"
js_entry_point = "assets/redirector.ts"
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def generate(self, writer: Writer) -> None:
html = self.template.render(**self.context)
root = Path("/")
paths = {root, root / "i"}
for post in self.posts:
paths.add(root / post.slug)
for url in paths:
writer.write(url, html)
class SimpleSiteGenerator(Generator):
template_name = "simple.html"
filename: str
title: str
content: str
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def generate(self, writer: Writer) -> None:
self.context["title"], self.context["content"] = self.title, self.content
url = Path("/") / self.filename
self.context["url"] = url
self.context["lang"] = "en"
self.context["otherlang"] = "de"
self.context["otherlang_url"] = Path("/de")
html = self.template.render(**self.context)
writer.write(url, html)
class NotFoundGenerator(SimpleSiteGenerator):
filename = "404.html"
title = "Page not Found"
content = "The page you are looking for doesn't seem to exist."
class PermissionDeniedGenerator(SimpleSiteGenerator):
filename = "403.html"
title = "Permission Denied"
content = "The page you are looking for doesn't seem to be public."
class ServerErrorGenerator(SimpleSiteGenerator):
filename = "50x.html"
title = "Server Error"
content = "The seems to be an issue with the webserver at the moment. Please try again later."