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synced 2024-09-09 04:03:45 +02:00
145 lines
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145 lines
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import shutil
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import run
from PIL import Image as PILImage
from thumbhash_python import ThumbhashEncoder
from lw1.cache import cache
from lw1.paths import cache_dir, output_dir
from lw1.utils import short_hash, hash_file
def logged_run(cmd: list[str]):
run(cmd, check=True)
def optimize_png(file: Path) -> None:
logged_run(["oxipng", "-o", "max", str(file)])
def replace_transparency_png(file: Path, bg_color: str) -> None:
"-background", bg_color,
"-alpha", "remove",
"-alpha", "off",
def replace_transparency_svg(file: Path, bg_color: str) -> None:
svg = file.read_text()
if "<!-- no-bg -->" in svg:
lineno = 1
if "<?xml" in svg:
lineno += 1
lines = svg.split("\n")
bg_svg = f"<rect width='100%' height='100%' fill='{bg_color}' />"
lines.insert(lineno, bg_svg)
def svg2png(file: Path, outfile: Path) -> None:
logged_run(["inkscape", "-h", "1000", str(file), "-o", str(outfile)])
def get_by_extension(file: Path) -> Path:
for extension in [".svg", ".png", ".jpg"]:
ext_file = file.with_suffix(extension)
if ext_file.exists():
return ext_file
raise FileNotFoundError(file)
def shorten_filename(path: Path) -> Path:
return path.relative_to(Path(__file__).parent.parent)
def logged_copy(source: Path, target: Path):
print(shorten_filename(source), "->", shorten_filename(target))
shutil.copy(source, target)
def logged_move(source: Path, target: Path):
print(shorten_filename(source), "|->", shorten_filename(target))
shutil.move(source, target)
class File:
def __init__(self, source_file: Path, type: Path | None = None):
self.source_file = source_file
self.type = type
self.public_url: str | None = None
self.target_file: str | None = None
def modtime(self) -> float:
return self.source_file.stat().st_mtime
def hashkey(self) -> str:
hash_data = [str(a) for a in [self.modtime, self.source_file, self.type]]
return f"{self.source_file.parent.name}-{short_hash(''.join(hash_data))}" \
+ self.source_file.suffix
def postprocess(self, file: Path):
def copy_to(self, target: Path) -> None:
cached_file = cache_dir / self.hashkey
if not cached_file.exists():
tmpfile = (cache_dir / "tmpfile").with_suffix(cached_file.suffix)
logged_copy(self.source_file, tmpfile)
logged_move(tmpfile, cached_file)
key = f"hash_{shorten_filename(cached_file)}"
file_hash = cache.get(key)
if not file_hash:
file_hash = hash_file(cached_file)
cache.set(key, file_hash)
real_target = target.with_name(target.stem + "-" + file_hash[:5] + cached_file.suffix)
logged_copy(cached_file, real_target)
self.public_url = Path("/") / real_target.relative_to(output_dir)
self.target_file = real_target
class Image(File):
def from_dir(cls, dir: Path, type: str = "image"):
file = get_by_extension(dir / type)
except FileNotFoundError:
file = get_by_extension(dir / "image")
return cls(file, type)
def thumbhash(self):
k = "thumbhash-" + self.hashkey
cached = cache.get(k)
if cached:
return cached
hash_file = self.target_file
if hash_file.suffix == ".svg":
tmpfile = cache_dir / "tmp.png"
svg2png(hash_file, tmpfile)
hash_file = tmpfile
with hash_file.open("rb") as f:
img = PILImage.open(f)
img.thumbnail((100, 100))
thumbhash = ThumbhashEncoder(img)
b64 = thumbhash.to_base64().decode()
cache.set(k, b64)
return b64
def postprocess(self, file: Path):
bg_color = "#31363b" if self.type == "thumbnail" else "white"
if file.suffix == ".png":
replace_transparency_png(file, bg_color)
if file.suffix == ".svg":
replace_transparency_svg(file, bg_color)