import os.path from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np def f(x): return 2 ** (1 - x) def mandelbrot(zoomlevel): print(zoomlevel) zoom = f(zoomlevel) maxit = 30 + 10 * zoomlevel xmin = center[0] - zoom xmax = center[0] + zoom ymin = center[1] - zoom ymax = center[1] + zoom loadfile = str(zoomlevel) + ".npy" if os.path.isfile(loadfile): divtime = np.load(loadfile) return [zoomlevel, divtime, [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]] """Returns an image of the Mandelbrot fractal of size (h,w).""" y, x = np.ogrid[ymin:ymax:h * 1j, xmin:xmax:w * 1j] c = x + y * 1j z = c divtime = maxit + np.zeros(z.shape, dtype=int) for i in range(maxit): z = z ** 2 + c diverge = z * np.conj(z) > 2 ** 2 # who is diverging div_now = diverge & (divtime == maxit) # who is diverging now divtime[div_now] = i # note when z[diverge] = 2 # avoid diverging too much plt.close(), divtime) return [zoomlevel, divtime, [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]] h = w = 1024 # center = [-0.73, -0.205] center = [-0.7768816266387022, -0.13675506794031342] pool = ThreadPool(3) results =, range(17)) pool.close() pool.join() for zl, dt, coordinates in results: print("Bild:{nr}".format(nr=zl)) plt.imshow(dt, extent=coordinates) plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci', scilimits=(0, 0)) # plt.axis("off") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig("{img}.png".format(img=zl), dpi=350) # for zoomlevel in range(20): # mandelbrot(zoomlevel)