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2022-08-01 14:03:46 +02:00

146 lines
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originally created by Oliver Hahn
in HilbertCurvesIndexing.ipynb
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import siphash
# dictionary containing the first order hilbert curves
from utils import figsize_from_page_fraction
# from matplotlib import rc
# # rc('font',**{'family':'sans-serif','sans-serif':['Helvetica']})
# ## for Palatino and other serif fonts use:
# rc('font',**{'family':'serif','serif':['Times New Roman']})
# rc('text', usetex=True)
# rc('axes', titlesize=24)
# rc('axes', labelsize=20)
# rc('axes', axisbelow=False)
# rc('lines',linewidth=2)
# # lines.markersize : 10
# rc('xtick', labelsize=16)
# rc('xtick.major',size=10)
# rc('xtick.minor',size=5)
# rc('xtick',direction='in')
# rc('ytick', labelsize=16)
# rc('ytick.major',size=10)
# rc('ytick.minor',size=5)
# rc('ytick',direction='in')
# rc('legend',fontsize='x-large')
base_shape = {'u': [np.array([0, 1]), np.array([1, 0]), np.array([0, -1])],
'd': [np.array([0, -1]), np.array([-1, 0]), np.array([0, 1])],
'r': [np.array([1, 0]), np.array([0, 1]), np.array([-1, 0])],
'l': [np.array([-1, 0]), np.array([0, -1]), np.array([1, 0])]}
def hilbert_curve(order, orientation):
Recursively creates the structure for a hilbert curve of given order
if order > 1:
if orientation == 'u':
return hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'r') + [np.array([0, 1])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'u') + [np.array([1, 0])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'u') + [np.array([0, -1])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'l')
elif orientation == 'd':
return hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'l') + [np.array([0, -1])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'd') + [np.array([-1, 0])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'd') + [np.array([0, 1])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'r')
elif orientation == 'r':
return hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'u') + [np.array([1, 0])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'r') + [np.array([0, 1])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'r') + [np.array([-1, 0])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'd')
return hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'd') + [np.array([-1, 0])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'l') + [np.array([0, -1])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'l') + [np.array([1, 0])] + \
hilbert_curve(order - 1, 'u')
return base_shape[orientation]
# test the functions
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# order = 8
# curve = hilbert_curve(order, 'u')
# curve = np.array(curve) * 4
# cumulative_curve = np.array([np.sum(curve[:i], 0) for i in range(len(curve)+1)])
# # plot curve using plt
# plt.plot(cumulative_curve[:, 0], cumulative_curve[:, 1])
# draw curve using turtle graphics
# tt.setup(1920, 1000)
# tt.pu()
# tt.goto(-950, -490)
# tt.pd()
# tt.speed(0)
# for item in curve:
# tt.goto(tt.pos()[0] + item[0], tt.pos()[1] + item[1])
# tt.done()
order = 6
curve = hilbert_curve(order, 'u')
curve = np.array(curve) * 4
cumulative_curve_int = np.array([np.sum(curve[:i], 0) for i in range(len(curve) + 1)])
cumulative_curve = (np.array([np.sum(curve[:i], 0) for i in range(len(curve) + 1)]) + 2) / 2 ** (order + 2)
# plot curve using plt
N = 2 ** (2 * order)
sublevel = order - 4
cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet')
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_from_page_fraction(height_to_width=1))
t = {}
sublevel = 7
for i in range(2 ** (2 * sublevel)):
il = i * N // (2 ** (2 * sublevel))
ir = (i + 1) * N // 2 ** (2 * sublevel)
plt.plot(cumulative_curve[il:ir + 1, 0], cumulative_curve[il:ir + 1, 1], lw=0.5, c=cmap(i / 2 ** (2 * sublevel)))
key = b'0123456789ABCDEF'
num = 123
print(siphash.SipHash_2_4(key, bytes(num)).hash())
order = 6
curve = hilbert_curve(order, 'u')
curve = np.array(curve) * 4
cumulative_curve_int = np.array([np.sum(curve[:i], 0) for i in range(len(curve) + 1)])
cumulative_curve = (np.array([np.sum(curve[:i], 0) for i in range(len(curve) + 1)]) + 2) / 2 ** (order + 2)
# plot curve using plt
N = 2 ** (2 * order)
sublevel = order - 4
cmap = cm.get_cmap('jet')
key = b'0123456789ABCDEF'
fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_from_page_fraction(height_to_width=1))
t = {}
sublevel = 7
for i in range(2 ** (2 * sublevel)):
il = i * N // (2 ** (2 * sublevel))
ir = (i + 1) * N // 2 ** (2 * sublevel)
sipkey = siphash.SipHash_2_4(key, bytes(il)).hash()
plt.plot(cumulative_curve[il:ir + 1, 0], cumulative_curve[il:ir + 1, 1], lw=0.5, c=cmap(sipkey / 2 ** 64))