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mirror of https://github.com/Findus23/halo_comparison.git synced 2024-09-19 16:03:50 +02:00
2022-07-14 15:25:27 +02:00

121 lines
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from sys import argv
from typing import Tuple
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from cic import cic_from_radius
from paths import base_dir, vis_datafile, has_1024_simulations
from read_vr_files import read_velo_halo_particles
from readfiles import read_file
all_in_area = True
Coords = Tuple[float, float, float, float] # radius, X, Y, Z
def load_halo_data(waveform: str, resolution: int, halo_id: int, coords: Coords):
dir = base_dir / f"{waveform}_{resolution}_100"
df, meta = read_file(dir / "output_0004.hdf5")
df_halo, halo_lookup, unbound = read_velo_halo_particles(dir, skip_halo_particle_ids=all_in_area)
halo = df_halo.loc[halo_id]
if coords:
radius, X, Y, Z = coords
radius = halo["R_size"]
X = halo["Xc"]
Y = halo["Yc"]
Z = halo["Zc"]
coords: Coords = radius, X, Y, Z
if all_in_area:
df = df[df["X"].between(X - radius, X + radius)]
df = df[df["Y"].between(Y - radius, Y + radius)]
halo_particles = df[df["Z"].between(Z - radius, Z + radius)]
halo_particle_ids = halo_lookup[halo_id]
del halo_lookup
del unbound
halo_particles = df.loc[list(halo_particle_ids)]
return halo, halo_particles, meta, coords
def get_comp_id(ref_waveform: str, reference_resolution: int, comp_waveform: str, comp_resolution: int):
return f"{ref_waveform}_{reference_resolution}_100_{comp_waveform}_{comp_resolution}_100_velo.csv"
def map_halo_id(halo_id: int, ref_waveform: str, reference_resolution: int, comp_waveform: str, comp_resolution: int):
file = base_dir / "comparisons" / get_comp_id(ref_waveform, reference_resolution, comp_waveform, comp_resolution)
print("opening", file)
df = pd.read_csv(file)
mapping = {}
for index, line in df.iterrows():
mapping[int(line["ref_ID"])] = int(line["comp_ID"])
return mapping[halo_id]
def imsave(rho, file_name: str):
# ax.scatter(Xs, Ys)
# plt.show()
cmap = plt.cm.viridis
data = np.log(1.001 + rho)
norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max())
image = cmap(norm(data))
plt.imsave(file_name, image)
def main():
waveforms = ["shannon", "DB2", "DB4", "DB8"]
resolutions = [128, 256, 512]
if has_1024_simulations:
initial_halo_id = int(argv[1])
first_halo = True
rhos = {}
ref_waveform = "shannon"
ref_resolution = 128
coords = {}
for wf in waveforms:
coords[wf] = None
vmin = np.Inf
vmax = -np.Inf
with h5py.File(vis_datafile, "a") as vis_out:
halo_group = vis_out.create_group(str(initial_halo_id))
for waveform in waveforms:
for resolution in resolutions:
if first_halo:
assert ref_resolution == resolution
assert ref_waveform == waveform
halo_id = initial_halo_id
first_halo = False
halo_id = map_halo_id(initial_halo_id, ref_waveform, ref_resolution, waveform, resolution)
halo, halo_particles, meta, image_coords = load_halo_data(waveform, resolution, halo_id,
if not coords[waveform]:
coords[waveform] = image_coords
print("mass", halo["Mvir"])
# print("sleep")
# sleep(100)
radius, X, Y, Z = coords[waveform]
rho, _ = cic_from_radius(
halo_particles.X.to_numpy(), halo_particles.Y.to_numpy(),
1000, X, Y, radius, periodic=False)
rhos[(waveform, resolution)] = rho
vmin = min(rho.min(), vmin)
vmax = max(rho.max(), vmax)
dataset_group = halo_group.create_group(f"{waveform}_{resolution}")
dataset_group.create_dataset("rho", data=rho, compression='gzip', compression_opts=5)
dataset_group.create_dataset("coords", data=coords[waveform])
dataset_group.create_dataset("mass", data=meta.particle_mass)
dataset_group.create_dataset("halo_id", data=halo_id)
imsave(rho, f"out_halo{initial_halo_id}_{waveform}_{resolution}_{halo_id}.png")
halo_group.create_dataset("vmin_vmax", data=[vmin, vmax])
if __name__ == '__main__':