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import sys
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Tuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from numba import njit
from readfiles import read_file
Extent = Tuple[float, float, float, float]
def cic_deposit(X, Y, ngrid, periodic=True) -> np.ndarray:
rho = np.zeros((ngrid, ngrid))
for x, y in zip(X, Y):
if periodic:
x = np.fmod(1.0 + x, 1.0)
y = np.fmod(1.0 + y, 1.0)
if not (0 < x < 1) or not (0 < y < 1):
il = int(np.floor(x * ngrid))
ir = (il + 1) % ngrid
jl = int(np.floor(y * ngrid))
jr = (jl + 1) % ngrid
dx = x * ngrid - float(il)
dy = y * ngrid - float(jl)
rho[il, jl] += (1 - dx) * (1 - dy)
rho[il, jr] += (1 - dx) * dy
rho[ir, jl] += dx * (1 - dy)
rho[ir, jr] += dx * dy
rhomean = len(X) / ngrid ** 2
return rho / rhomean - 1
def cic_range(
X: np.ndarray,
Y: np.ndarray,
ngrid: int,
xmin: float,
xmax: float,
ymin: float,
ymax: float,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Extent]:
xrange = xmax - xmin
yrange = ymax - ymin
Xs = (X - xmin) / xrange
Ys = (Y - ymin) / yrange
print(Xs.min(), Xs.max())
print(Ys.min(), Ys.max())
print((60 - ymin) / yrange)
extent = (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
rho = cic_deposit(Xs, Ys, ngrid, *args, **kwargs)
return rho, extent
def cic_from_radius(
X: np.ndarray,
Y: np.ndarray,
ngrid: int,
x_center: float,
y_center: float,
radius: float,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, Extent]:
return cic_range(
x_center - radius,
x_center + radius,
y_center - radius,
y_center + radius,
def plot_cic(rho: np.ndarray, extent: Extent, title: str):
fig: Figure = plt.figure()
ax: Axes = fig.gca()
data = 1.1 + rho
i = ax.imshow(data.T, norm=LogNorm(), extent=extent, origin="lower")
plt.savefig((Path("~/tmp").expanduser() / title).with_suffix(".fig.png"))
cmap = plt.cm.viridis
data = np.log(data)
norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max())
image = cmap(norm(data.T))
(Path("~/tmp").expanduser() / title).with_suffix(".png"), image, origin="lower"
# ax.hist2d(df.X, df.Y, bins=500, norm=LogNorm())
# ax.hist2d(df2.X, df2.Y, bins=1000, norm=LogNorm())
if __name__ == "__main__":
input_file = Path(sys.argv[1])
df_ref, _ = read_file(input_file)
rho, extent = cic_from_radius(
df_ref.X.to_numpy(), df_ref.Y.to_numpy(), 1500, 48.8, 57, 1, periodic=False
# rho, extent = cic_range(df_ref.X.to_numpy(), df_ref.Y.to_numpy(), 800, 0, 85.47, 0, 85.47, periodic=False)
rho, extent, title=str(input_file.relative_to(input_file.parent.parent).name)