import itertools from pathlib import Path from sys import argv from typing import List import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.axis import XTick from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from paths import base_dir from utils import figsize_from_page_fraction, waveforms Lbox = 100 h = 0.690021 k0 = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 / Lbox resolutions = [128, 256, 512, 1024] # Careful: k is actually in Mpc^-1, the column is just named weirdly. columns = [ "k [Mpc]", "Pcross", "P1", "err. P1", "P2", "err. P2", "P2-1", "err. P2-1", "modes in bin", ] # linestyles = ["solid", "dashed", "dotted"] colors = [f"C{i}" for i in range(10)] # colors = ["C1", "C2", "C3", "C4"] def spectra_data( waveform: str, resolution_1: int, resolution_2: int, Lbox: int, time: str ): dir = base_dir / f"spectra/{waveform}_{Lbox}" if time == "ics": spectra_data = pd.read_csv( f"{dir}/{waveform}_{Lbox}_ics_{resolution_1}_{resolution_2}_cross_spectrum.txt", sep=" ", skipinitialspace=True, header=None, names=columns, skiprows=1, ) elif time == "z=1": spectra_data = pd.read_csv( f"{dir}/{waveform}_{Lbox}_a2_{resolution_1}_{resolution_2}_cross_spectrum.txt", sep=" ", skipinitialspace=True, header=None, names=columns, skiprows=1, ) elif time == "end": spectra_data = pd.read_csv( f"{dir}/{waveform}_{Lbox}_a4_{resolution_1}_{resolution_2}_cross_spectrum.txt", sep=" ", skipinitialspace=True, header=None, names=columns, skiprows=1, ) else: raise ValueError(f"invalid time ({time}) should be (ics|z=1|end)") # only consider rows above resolution limit spectra_data = spectra_data[spectra_data["k [Mpc]"] >= k0] return spectra_data def create_plot(mode): fig: Figure combination_list = list(itertools.combinations(resolutions, 2)) fig, axes = plt.subplots( len(waveforms), 3, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=figsize_from_page_fraction(columns=2, height_to_width=.5), ) crossings = np.zeros((len(waveforms), len(combination_list))) for i, waveform in enumerate(waveforms): ax_ics: Axes = axes[i][0] ax_z1: Axes = axes[i][1] ax_end: Axes = axes[i][2] axes_names = { # TODO: better names ax_ics: "ics", ax_z1: "z=1", ax_end: "z=0", } bottom_row = i == len(waveforms) - 1 top_row = i == 0 # for is_end, ax in enumerate([ax_ics, ax_z1]): for is_end, ax in enumerate([ax_ics, ax_z1, ax_end]): if bottom_row: ax.set_xlabel("k [Mpc$^{-1}$]") ax.text( 0.01, 0.85, f"{waveform}", horizontalalignment="left", verticalalignment="top", transform=ax.transAxes, ) ax.text( 0.99, 0.85, axes_names[ax], horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="top", transform=ax.transAxes, ) ax.set_axisbelow(True) ax.grid(color="black", linestyle=":", linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5) for j, res in enumerate( resolutions[:-1] if mode == "cross" else resolutions ): ax.axvline( k0 * res, color=colors[j], linestyle="dashed", label=f"$k_\\mathrm{{ny, {res}}}$" if mode == "power" else None, ) # ax.set_xticklabels([]) # ax.set_yticklabels([]) if mode == "power": ax_ics.set_ylabel( r"$\mathrm{P}_\mathrm{X}$ / $\mathrm{P}_{1024}$" ) for j, resolution in enumerate(resolutions): ics_data = spectra_data(waveform, resolution, resolution, Lbox, "ics") ics_k = ics_data["k [Mpc]"] ics_p1 = ics_data["P1"] comp_data = spectra_data( waveform, resolutions[-1], resolutions[-1], Lbox, "ics" ) comp_p1 = comp_data["P1"] ics_p1 /= comp_p1 end_data = spectra_data(waveform, resolution, resolution, Lbox, "end") end_k = end_data["k [Mpc]"] end_p1 = end_data["P1"] comp_data = spectra_data( waveform, resolutions[-1], resolutions[-1], Lbox, "end" ) comp_p1 = comp_data["P1"] end_p1 /= comp_p1 z1_data = spectra_data(waveform, resolution, resolution, Lbox, "z=1") z1_k = z1_data["k [Mpc]"] z1_p1 = z1_data["P1"] comp_data = spectra_data( waveform, resolutions[-1], resolutions[-1], Lbox, "z=1" ) comp_p1 = comp_data["P1"] z1_p1 /= comp_p1 ax_ics.semilogx(ics_k, ics_p1, color=colors[j]) ax_z1.semilogx(z1_k, z1_p1, color=colors[j]) ax_end.semilogx(end_k, end_p1, color=colors[j]) for ax in [ax_ics, ax_z1, ax_end]: ax.set_ylim(0.9, 1.10) # fig.suptitle(f"Power Spectra {time}") #Not needed for paper # fig.tight_layout() elif mode == "cross": ax_ics.set_ylabel("C") # ax_end.set_ylabel("C") for j, (res1, res2) in enumerate(combination_list): ics_data = spectra_data(waveform, res1, res2, Lbox, "ics") ics_k = ics_data["k [Mpc]"] ics_pcross = ics_data["Pcross"] ax_ics.semilogx( ics_k, ics_pcross, color=colors[j + 3], label=f"{res1} vs {res2}" ) z1_data = spectra_data(waveform, res1, res2, Lbox, "z=1") z1_k = z1_data["k [Mpc]"] z1_pcross = z1_data["Pcross"] ax_z1.semilogx( z1_k, z1_pcross, color=colors[j + 3], label=f"{res1} vs {res2}" ) end_data = spectra_data(waveform, res1, res2, Lbox, "end") end_k = end_data["k [Mpc]"] end_pcross = end_data["Pcross"] ax_end.semilogx( end_k, end_pcross, color=colors[j + 3], label=f"{res1} vs {res2}" ) # #Put this here to enable changing time of crossing measurement more easily smaller_res = min(res1, res2) crossing_index = np.searchsorted( end_k.to_list(), k0 * smaller_res ) # change here crossing_value = end_pcross[crossing_index] # and here crossings[i][j] = crossing_value ax_end.set_xlim(right=k0 * resolutions[-1]) ax_end.set_ylim(0.8, 1.02) if bottom_row: lines: List[Line2D] = ax_ics.get_lines() half_lines1 = [] half_lines2 = [] for line in lines: lab = line.get_label() if ( (mode == "cross" and lab.startswith("128")) or (mode == "power" and ("128" in lab or "256" in lab)) ): half_lines1.append(line) else: half_lines2.append(line) ax_ics.legend(handles=half_lines1, loc="lower left") ax_z1.legend(handles=half_lines2, loc="lower left") if not bottom_row: last_xtick: XTick = ax_ics.yaxis.get_major_ticks()[0] last_xtick.set_visible(False) # fig.suptitle(f"Cross Spectra {time}") #Not needed for paper # fig.tight_layout() if mode == "cross": print(crossings) crossings_df = pd.DataFrame(crossings, columns=combination_list, index=waveforms) # print(crossings_df.to_markdown()) print(crossings_df.to_latex()) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) fig.savefig(Path(f"~/tmp/spectra_{mode}.pdf").expanduser()) def main(): if len(argv) < 2: print("run [power|cross] or all") exit(1) if argv[1] == "all": for mode in ["power", "cross"]: create_plot(mode) return mode = argv[1] create_plot(mode) if __name__ == "__main__": main()