from pathlib import Path from sys import argv from typing import List import h5py import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.patches import Circle from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.anchored_artists import AnchoredSizeBar from halo_vis import Coords from paths import base_dir, vis_datafile, has_1024_simulations from read_vr_files import read_velo_halos from utils import figsize_from_page_fraction, rowcolumn_labels, waveforms def coord_to_2d_extent(coords: Coords): radius, X, Y, Z = coords return X - radius, X + radius, Y - radius, Y + radius def in_area(coords: Coords, xobj, yobj, zobj, factor=1.3) -> bool: radius, xcenter, ycenter, zcenter = coords radius *= factor return ( (xcenter - radius < xobj < xcenter + radius) and (ycenter - radius < yobj < ycenter + radius) and (zcenter - radius < zobj < zcenter + radius) ) def main(): offset = 2 resolutions = [128, 256, 512] if argv[1] == "box": initial_halo_id = 0 else: initial_halo_id = int(argv[1]) is_box = not initial_halo_id if has_1024_simulations: resolutions.append(1024) fig: Figure = plt.figure( figsize=figsize_from_page_fraction(columns=2, height_to_width=1 if is_box else 1.2) ) axes: List[List[Axes]] = fig.subplots( len(waveforms) if is_box else len(waveforms) * 2, 4, sharex="row", sharey="row" ) with h5py.File(vis_datafile) as vis_out: halo_group = vis_out[str(initial_halo_id)] vmin, vmax = halo_group["vmin_vmax"] print(vmin, vmax) for i, waveform in enumerate(waveforms): for j, resolution in enumerate(resolutions): dir = base_dir / f"{waveform}_{resolution}_100" halos = read_velo_halos(dir) if is_box: ax_both = axes[i][j] else: ax_both = axes[i * 2][j] ax_without = axes[i * 2 + 1][j] dataset_group = halo_group[f"{waveform}_{resolution}"] rho = np.asarray(dataset_group["rho"]) # radius, X, Y, Z coords: Coords = tuple(dataset_group["coords"]) radius, X, Y, Z = coords mass = dataset_group["mass"][()] # get scalar value from Dataset main_halo_id = dataset_group["halo_id"][()] if initial_halo_id else None vmin_scaled = (vmin + offset) * mass vmax_scaled = (vmax + offset) * mass rho = (rho + offset) * mass extent = coord_to_2d_extent(coords) for ax in [ax_both, ax_without] if not is_box else [ax_both]: img = ax.imshow( rho.T.T, norm=LogNorm(vmin=vmin_scaled, vmax=vmax_scaled), extent=extent, origin="lower", cmap="Greys", interpolation="none" ) # ax.set_axis_off() ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) if not is_box: ax.set_ylim(Y - radius * .5, Y + radius * .5) if j == 0: scalebar = AnchoredSizeBar( ax.transData, 1, "1 Mpc", "lower left", # pad=0.1, color="black", frameon=False, # size_vertical=1 ) ax.add_artist(scalebar) if not is_box: found_main_halo = False for halo_id, halo in halos.iterrows(): if halo["Vmax"] > 75: if in_area(coords, halo.X, halo.Y, halo.Z): if halo_id == main_halo_id: color = "C2" elif halo["Structuretype"] > 10: color = "C0" else: color = "C1" if halo_id == main_halo_id: found_main_halo = True print("plotting main halo") circle = Circle( (halo.Y - Y + X, halo.X - X + Y), halo["Rvir"], zorder=10, linewidth=1, edgecolor=color, fill=None, alpha=0.2, ) ax_both.add_artist(circle) assert found_main_halo print(img) # break # break if is_box: ylabels = waveforms else: ylabels = [item for item in waveforms for _ in range(2)] rowcolumn_labels(axes, ylabels, isrow=True) rowcolumn_labels(axes, resolutions, isrow=False) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) fig.savefig(Path(f"~/tmp/halo_plot_{initial_halo_id}.pdf").expanduser()) fig.savefig(Path(f"~/tmp/halo_plot_{initial_halo_id}.png").expanduser(), dpi=300) if __name__ == "__main__": main()