from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict import h5py import pandas as pd from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.figure import Figure from paths import base_dir from readfiles import read_file from utils import print_progress def all_children(df, id): subhalos: pd.DataFrame = df.loc[df.parent_halo_id == id] if len(subhalos) == 0: yield id for sh, value in subhalos.iterrows(): yield from all_children(df, sh) def particles_in_halo(df, particle_ids, recursivly: bool, unbound: bool): halo_particle_ids: Dict[int, set[int]] = {} pointer = 0 for halo_id in range(1, len(df) + 1): halo = df.loc[halo_id] print_progress(halo_id, len(df), halo.group_size) if halo_id != len(df): next_halo = df.loc[halo_id + 1] end = int(next_halo["offset_unbound" if unbound else "offset"]) else: # special handling for last halo end = -1 particles_in_halo = particle_ids[pointer:end] ids = set(particles_in_halo) halo_particle_ids[halo_id] = ids pointer = end if recursivly: for halo_id in range(1, len(df) + 1): sub_n_children = list(all_children(df, halo_id)) # IDs of children, subchildren, ... if not sub_n_children: continue for child_id in sub_n_children: child_particles = halo_particle_ids[child_id] halo_particle_ids[halo_id].update(child_particles) return halo_particle_ids def read_velo_halos(directory: Path, recursivly=True, skip_unbound=False): group_catalog = h5py.File(directory / "vroutput.catalog_groups") group_properties = h5py.File(directory / "") df = pd.DataFrame( { "group_size": group_catalog["Group_Size"], "offset": group_catalog["Offset"], "offset_unbound": group_catalog["Offset_unbound"], "parent_halo_id": group_catalog["Parent_halo_ID"], "X": group_properties["Xc"], "Y": group_properties["Yc"], "Z": group_properties["Zc"], "Rvir": group_properties["Rvir"], "Mass_tot": group_properties["Mass_tot"] } ) df.index += 1 # set Halo IDs start at 1 particle_catalog = h5py.File(directory / "vroutput.catalog_particles") particle_ids = particle_catalog["Particle_IDs"][:] particle_catalog_unbound = h5py.File( directory / "vroutput.catalog_particles.unbound" ) particle_ids_unbound = particle_catalog_unbound["Particle_IDs"][:] print("look up bound particle IDs") halo_particle_ids = particles_in_halo(df, particle_ids, recursivly, unbound=False) if skip_unbound: halo_particle_unbound_ids = {} else: print("look up unbound particle IDs") halo_particle_unbound_ids = particles_in_halo(df, particle_ids_unbound, recursivly, unbound=True) return df, halo_particle_ids, halo_particle_unbound_ids def main(): waveform = "shannon" Nres = 512 directory = base_dir / f"{waveform}_{Nres}_100" df_halo, halo_particle_ids, halo_particle_unbound_ids = read_velo_halos(directory, recursivly=True) particles, meta = read_file(directory) HALO = 1000 while True: fig: Figure = plt.figure() ax: Axes = fig.gca() bound_particles = particles.loc[list(halo_particle_ids[HALO])] unbound_particles = particles.loc[list(halo_particle_unbound_ids[HALO])] ax.scatter(bound_particles.X, bound_particles.Y, label="bound", s=1) ax.scatter(unbound_particles.X, unbound_particles.Y, label="unbound", s=1) HALO += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': main() # #This could be used to make a 2-D plot, but that doesn't teach us much about the halos: # particles, _ = read_file(directory) # print(particles) # print(particle_ids_in_halo) # bound_particles = particles.loc[list(particle_ids_in_halo)] # unbound_particles = particles.loc[list(particle_ids_unbound_in_halo)] # plt.scatter(bound_particles['X'], bound_particles['Z'], label='bound', s=1) # plt.scatter(unbound_particles['X'], unbound_particles['Z'], label='unbound', s=1) # plt.legend() # # #This was an initial test to see if reading in works as expected # lower_offset = df['offset'][test_group] # higher_offset = df['offset'][test_group + 1] # particle_ids_in_halo = set(particle_ids[lower_offset:higher_offset]) # lower_offset_unbound = df['offset_unbound'][test_group] # higher_offset_unbound = df['offset_unbound'][test_group + 1] # particle_ids_unbound_in_halo = set(particle_ids_unbound[lower_offset_unbound:higher_offset_unbound]) # size = df['group_size'][test_group] # assert size == len(particle_ids_in_halo) + len(particle_ids_unbound_in_halo)