import pickle from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from pathlib import Path from typing import List import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.figure import Figure from cic import cic_from_radius from halo_mass_profile import halo_mass_profile from paths import auriga_dir, richings_dir from readfiles import read_file, read_halo_file from utils import read_swift_config class Mode(Enum): richings = 1 auriga6 = 2 mode = Mode.richings def dir_name_to_parameter(dir_name: str): return map(int, dir_name.lstrip("auriga6_halo").lstrip("richings21_").split("_")) def levelmax_to_softening_length(levelmax: int) -> float: box_size = 100 return box_size / 30 / 2 ** levelmax fig1: Figure = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6)) ax1: Axes = fig1.gca() fig2: Figure = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6)) ax2: Axes = fig2.gca() for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.set_xlabel(r'R [Mpc]$') ax1.set_ylabel(r'M [$10^{10} \mathrm{M}_\odot$]') ax2.set_ylabel("density [$\\frac{10^{10} \\mathrm{M}_\\odot}{Mpc^3}$]") part_numbers = [] reference_file = Path("auriga_reference.pickle") @dataclass class Result: title: str rho: np.ndarray images = [] vmin = np.Inf vmax = -np.Inf root_dir = auriga_dir if mode == Mode.auriga6 else richings_dir dirs = [d for d in root_dir.glob("*") if d.is_dir() and "bak" not in] for i, dir in enumerate(sorted(dirs)): is_by_adrian = "arj" in print( if not is_by_adrian: levelmin, levelmin_TF, levelmax = dir_name_to_parameter( print(levelmin, levelmin_TF, levelmax) # if levelmax != 12: # continue Xc_adrian = 56.50153741810241 Yc_adrian = 49.40761085700951 Zc_adrian = 49.634393647291695 Xc = 58.25576087992683 Yc = 51.34632916228137 Zc = 51.68749302578122 input_file = dir / "output_0007.hdf5" if mode == Mode.richings: input_file = dir / "output_0004.hdf5" if is_by_adrian: input_file = dir / "output_0000.hdf5" softening_length = None else: swift_conf = read_swift_config(dir) softening_length = swift_conf["Gravity"]["comoving_DM_softening"] assert softening_length == swift_conf["Gravity"]["max_physical_DM_softening"] ideal_softening_length = levelmax_to_softening_length(levelmax) # if not np.isclose(softening_length, levelmax_to_softening_length(levelmax)): # raise ValueError(f"softening length for levelmax {levelmax} should be {ideal_softening_length} " # f"but is {softening_length}") print(input_file) df, particles_meta = read_file(input_file) df_halos = read_halo_file(input_file.with_name("fof_" + # halos = read_velo_halos(dir, veloname="velo_out") # particles_in_halo = df.loc[df["FOFGroupIDs"] == 3] halo_id = 1 while True: particles_in_halo = df.loc[df["FOFGroupIDs"] == halo_id] if len(particles_in_halo) > 1: break halo_id += 1 halo = df_halos.loc[halo_id] part_numbers.append(len(df) * particles_meta.particle_mass) # halo = halos.loc[1] log_radial_bins, bin_masses, bin_densities, center = halo_mass_profile( df, halo, particles_meta, plot=False, num_bins=100, vmin=0.002, vmax=6.5 ) if is_by_adrian: with"wb") as f: pickle.dump([log_radial_bins, bin_masses, bin_densities], f) ax1.loglog(log_radial_bins[:-1], bin_masses, label=str(, c=f"C{i}") ax2.loglog(log_radial_bins[:-1], bin_densities, label=str(, c=f"C{i}") if reference_file.exists() and not is_by_adrian and mode == Mode.auriga6: with"rb") as f: data: List[np.ndarray] = pickle.load(f) ref_log_radial_bins, ref_bin_masses, ref_bin_densities = data mass_deviation: np.ndarray = np.abs(bin_masses - ref_bin_masses) density_deviation: np.ndarray = np.abs(bin_densities - ref_bin_densities) ax1.loglog(log_radial_bins[:-1], mass_deviation, c=f"C{i}", linestyle="dotted") ax2.loglog(log_radial_bins[:-1], density_deviation, c=f"C{i}", linestyle="dotted") accuracy = mass_deviation / ref_bin_masses print(accuracy) print("mean accuracy", accuracy.mean()) if softening_length: for ax in [ax1, ax2]: ax.axvline(4 * softening_length, color=f"C{i}", linestyle="dotted") X, Y, Z = df.X.to_numpy(), df.Y.to_numpy(), df.Z.to_numpy() print() print(Yc - Yc_adrian) # shift: (-6, 0, -12) # if not is_by_adrian: # xshift = Xc - Xc_adrian # yshift = Yc - Yc_adrian # zshift = Zc - Zc_adrian # print("shift", xshift, yshift, zshift) X -= center[0] Y -= center[1] Z -= center[2] rho, extent = cic_from_radius(X, Z, 500, 0, 0, 5, periodic=False) vmin = min(vmin, rho.min()) vmax = max(vmax, rho.max()) images.append(Result( rho=rho, title=str( )) # plot_cic( # rho, extent, # title=str( # ) ax1.legend() ax2.legend() # fig3: Figure = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9)) # axes: List[Axes] = fig3.subplots(3, 3, sharex=True, sharey=True).flatten() fig3: Figure = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 3)) axes: List[Axes] = fig3.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True).flatten() for result, ax in zip(images, axes): data = 1.1 + result.rho vmin_scaled = 1.1 + vmin vmax_scaled = 1.1 + vmax img = ax.imshow(data.T, norm=LogNorm(vmin=vmin_scaled, vmax=vmax_scaled), extent=extent, origin="lower") ax.set_title(result.title) fig3.tight_layout() fig3.subplots_adjust(right=0.825) cbar_ax = fig3.add_axes([0.85, 0.15, 0.05, 0.7]) fig3.colorbar(img, cax=cbar_ax) fig1.savefig(Path(f"~/tmp/auriga1_{8}.pdf").expanduser()) fig2.savefig(Path(f"~/tmp/auriga2_{8}.pdf").expanduser()) fig3.savefig(Path("~/tmp/auriga3.pdf").expanduser()) print(part_numbers)