from pathlib import Path from subprocess import run from typing import List import numpy as np import pynbody from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from pynbody.array import SimArray from pynbody.snapshot import FamilySubSnap from pynbody.snapshot.ramses import RamsesSnap from scipy import constants ramses_imager = Path("~/cosmoca/RamsesImager/build/RamsesImager").expanduser() dir = Path("/media/ssd/cosmos_data/coxeter/richings21_ics/richings21_bary_ramses_7_10_11/") def get_slice_argument( extent: List[float], zcenter: float, ramses_dir: Path, interpolation_method: str, depth: float): xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = extent # interpolate = interpolation_method == "linear" interpolate = False arguments = { "x": (xmin + xmax) / 2, "y": (ymin + ymax) / 2, "z": zcenter, "w": xmax - xmin, "h": ymax - ymin, "d": depth, "l": 14 } args = [str(ramses_imager)] for k, v in arguments.items(): args.append(f"-{k} {v}") if interpolate: args.append("-i") args.append(str(ramses_dir / "info_00009.txt")) return args, ramses_imager.parent def load_slice_data(file: Path): with"rb") as infile: np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.int32, count=1) [nx, ny] = np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.int32, count=2) np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.int32, count=1) np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.int32, count=1) data: np.ndarray = np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.float32, count=nx * ny) np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.int32, count=1) print("NEGATIVE", (data < 0).sum()) # np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.int32, count=1) # cm_per_px = np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.float64, count=1)[0] # np.fromfile(file=infile, dtype=np.int32, count=1) return data.reshape((nx, ny)) def main(): file = dir / "output_00009" s: RamsesSnap = pynbody.load(str(file)) gas_data: FamilySubSnap = s.gas h =["h"] a =["a"] print("RAMSES a", a) # dm mass_array: SimArray =["mass"] coord_array: SimArray =["pos"] masses = np.asarray(mass_array.in_units("1e10 Msol")) high_res_mass = np.amin(np.unique(masses)) # get lowest mass of particles is_high_res_particle = masses == high_res_mass coordinates = np.asarray(coord_array.in_units("Mpc")) hr_coordinates = coordinates[is_high_res_particle] / a"/home/lukas/tmp/ramses_grid_hr_coordinates", hr_coordinates) print(high_res_mass) # temperature_array: SimArray = gas_data["temp"] # p_array: SimArray = gas_data["p"].in_units("1e10 Msol Mpc^-3 km^2 s^-2") # rho_array: SimArray = gas_data["rho"].in_units("1e10 Msol Mpc^-3") # coord_array: SimArray = gas_data["pos"].in_units("Mpc") # mass_array = np.asarray(gas_data["mass"].in_units("1e10 Msol")) # bary_coords = np.asarray(coord_array) # bary_properties = { # "Temperatures": np.asarray(temperature_array.in_units("K")), # "Pressures": np.asarray(p_array), # "Densities": np.asarray(rho_array), # "Entropies": np.asarray(np.log10(p_array / rho_array ** (5 / 3))), # } michael_extent = np.asarray([[32.07045664, 34.13128024], [37.562513, 39.6233366], [34.54953566, 36.61035927]]) frac_extent = michael_extent[:2].flatten() / 100 / h frac_center = michael_extent[2].mean() / 100 / h # old extents: # frac_extent=[0.46938643, 0.50738643, 0.55012166, 0.58812166] # frac_center=0.52467408 print("frac") print(frac_extent) print(frac_center) args, imager_dir = get_slice_argument( frac_extent, frac_center, file, interpolation_method="nearest", depth=0.00000000001 # depth=depth ) print(" ".join(args)) run(args, cwd=imager_dir) property_map = { "Densities": "rhomap", "Entropies": "Smap", "Temperatures": "Tmap" } for property in ["cic", "Densities", "Entropies", "Temperatures"]: if property == "cic": ... else: fname = imager_dir / f"snapshot_{property_map[property]}_zproj_zobs-0p00.bin" grid = load_slice_data(fname).T if grid.sum() == 0: raise ValueError("all 0") if property == "Densities": # convert g/cm^3 to 1e10 Msol Mpc^-3 solar_mass_in_gram = 1.988e33 mpc_in_cm = constants.parsec * constants.mega * 100 grid = np.asarray(grid) grid *= (mpc_in_cm ** 3 / solar_mass_in_gram / 1e10) print(grid.shape, "shape") print(grid) plt.figure() plt.imshow( grid, norm=LogNorm(), interpolation="none", origin="lower", extent=frac_extent * 100, ) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(f"/home/lukas/tmp/ramses_grid_{property}.pdf")"/home/lukas/tmp/ramses_grid_{property}", grid) if __name__ == '__main__': main()