import copy from typing import Dict import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm from matplotlib.figure import Figure from matplotlib.patches import Circle from numpy import linalg from cic import cic_deposit from paths import base_dir from read_vr_files import read_velo_halo_particles from readfiles import read_file, read_halo_file from remap_particle_IDs import IDScaler from threed import plotdf3d from utils import print_progress, memory_usage def apply_offset_to_list(value_list, offset): return apply_offset(np.asarray(value_list), offset) def apply_offset(value, offset): box_size = 100 half_box = box_size / 2 value -= offset return ((value + half_box) % box_size) - half_box def compare_halo_resolutions( ref_waveform: str, comp_waveform: str, reference_resolution: int, comparison_resolution: int, plot=False, plot3d=False, plot_cic=False, single=False, velo_halos=False, force=False ): reference_dir = base_dir / f"{ref_waveform}_{reference_resolution}_100" comparison_dir = base_dir / f"{comp_waveform}_{comparison_resolution}_100/" # the comparison_id is used as a file name for the results comparison_id = + "_" + if velo_halos: comparison_id += "_velo" outfile = (base_dir / "comparisons" / comparison_id).with_suffix(".csv") print(f"output: {outfile}") if outfile.exists() and not force: print(outfile, "exists already") print("skipping") return compared_halos = [] skip_counter = 0 print("reading reference file") df_ref, ref_meta = read_file(reference_dir / "output_0004.hdf5") if velo_halos: df_ref_halo, ref_halo_lookup, ref_unbound = read_velo_halo_particles(reference_dir, recursivly=False) else: df_ref_halo = read_halo_file(reference_dir / "fof_output_0004.hdf5") print("reading comparison file") df_comp, comp_meta = read_file(comparison_dir / "output_0004.hdf5") if velo_halos: df_comp_halo, comp_halo_lookup, comp_unbound = read_velo_halo_particles(comparison_dir, recursivly=False) else: df_comp_halo = read_halo_file(comparison_dir / "fof_output_0004.hdf5") print("precalculating halo memberships") if not velo_halos: ref_halo_lookup = precalculate_halo_membership(df_ref, df_ref_halo) comp_halo_lookup = precalculate_halo_membership(df_comp, df_comp_halo) print(f"Memory ref: {memory_usage(df_ref):.2f} MB") print(f"Memory comp: {memory_usage(df_comp):.2f} MB") comp_halo_masses = dict(df_comp_halo["Mvir"]) for index, original_halo in df_ref_halo.iterrows(): print(f"{index} of {len(df_ref_halo)} original halos") halo_particle_ids = ref_halo_lookup[int(index)] ref_halo: pd.Series = df_ref_halo.loc[index] ref_halo_mass = ref_halo["Mvir"] if ref_halo["cNFW"] < 0: print("NEGATIVE") print(ref_halo["cNFW"]) raise ValueError() if len(halo_particle_ids) < 50: # TODO: decide on a lower size limit (and also apply it to comparison halo?) print(f"halo is too small ({len(halo_particle_ids)}") print("skipping") continue print("LEN", len(halo_particle_ids), ref_halo.Mass_tot) offset_x, offset_y = ref_halo.X, ref_halo.Y # cumulative_mass_profile(particles_in_ref_halo, ref_halo, ref_meta, plot=plot) prev_len = len(halo_particle_ids) unscaled_halo_particle_ids = copy.copy(halo_particle_ids) if reference_resolution < comparison_resolution: print("upscaling IDs") upscaled_ids = set() scaler = IDScaler(reference_resolution, comparison_resolution) for id in halo_particle_ids: upscaled_ids.update(set(scaler.upscale(id))) halo_particle_ids = upscaled_ids after_len = len(upscaled_ids) print(f"{prev_len} => {after_len} (factor {after_len / prev_len})") if comparison_resolution < reference_resolution: # NOTE: downscaling is a lot less efficient than upscaling print("downscaling IDs") downscaled_ids = set() scaler = IDScaler(comparison_resolution, reference_resolution) for id in halo_particle_ids: downscaled_ids.add(scaler.downscale(id)) halo_particle_ids = downscaled_ids after_len = len(halo_particle_ids) print(f"{prev_len} => {after_len} (factor {prev_len / after_len:.2f})") halo_distances = np.linalg.norm( ref_halo[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values - df_comp_halo[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values, axis=1) # print(list(halo_distances)) print(f"find nearby halos (5x{ref_halo.Rvir:.1f})") print(ref_halo[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values) # Find IDs of halos that are less than 5 Rvir away nearby_halos = set(df_comp_halo.loc[halo_distances < ref_halo.Rvir * 5].index.to_list()) if len(nearby_halos) < 10: print(f"only {len(nearby_halos)} halos, expanding to 50xRvir") nearby_halos = set(df_comp_halo.loc[halo_distances < ref_halo.Rvir * 50].index.to_list()) if len(nearby_halos) < 10: print(f"only {len(nearby_halos)} halos, expanding to 150xRvir") nearby_halos = set(df_comp_halo.loc[halo_distances < ref_halo.Rvir * 150].index.to_list()) if not nearby_halos: raise Exception("no halos are nearby") # TODO # continue print(f"found {len(nearby_halos)} halos") if plot or plot3d or plot_cic or (not velo_halos): print("look up halo particles in comparison dataset") halo_particles = df_ref.loc[list(unscaled_halo_particle_ids)] # halos_in_particles = set(comp_halo_lookup.keys()) # if velo_halos: # ... # # for halo_id, halo_set in comp_halo_lookup.items(): # # if halo_particle_ids.isdisjoint(halo_set): # # continue # # halos_in_particles.add(halo_id) # else: # halos_in_particles = set(halo_particles["FOFGroupIDs"]) # halos_in_particles.discard(2147483647) # print(f"{len(halos_in_particles)} halos found in new particles") # print(halos_in_particles) # print(halos_in_particles_alt) # print(halos_in_particles == halos_in_particles_alt) # exit() # assert halos_in_particles == halos_in_particles_alt # continue if plot: fig: Figure = plt.figure() ax: Axes = fig.gca() ax.scatter(apply_offset_to_list(halo_particles["X"], offset_x), apply_offset_to_list(halo_particles["Y"], offset_y), s=1, alpha=.3, label="Halo") if plot_cic: diameter = ref_halo["R_size"] X = ref_halo["Xc"] Y = ref_halo["Yc"] Xs = (halo_particles.X.to_numpy() - X) / diameter / 2 + 0.5 Ys = (halo_particles.Y.to_numpy() - Y) / diameter / 2 + 0.5 print(min(Xs), max(Xs)) # ax.scatter(Xs, Ys) # rho = cic_deposit(Xs, Ys, 1000) cmap = data = np.log(1.001 + rho) norm = plt.Normalize(vmin=data.min(), vmax=data.max()) image = cmap(norm(data)) plt.imsave(f"out_{index}.png", image) fig: Figure = plt.figure() ax: Axes = fig.gca() i = ax.imshow(1.001 + rho, norm=LogNorm()) fig.colorbar(i) if plot3d: from pyvista import Plotter pl = Plotter() plotdf3d(pl, halo_particles, color="#b3cde3") # light blue pl.set_focus((ref_halo.X, ref_halo.Y, ref_halo.Z)) # ax.scatter(particles_in_ref_halo["X"], particles_in_ref_halo["Y"], s=1, alpha=.3, label="RefHalo") # plt.legend() # best_halo = None best_halo_match = 0 num_skipped_for_mass = 0 for i, halo_id in enumerate(nearby_halos): # print("----------", halo, "----------") # halo_data = df_comp_halo.loc[halo] # particles_in_comp_halo: DataFrame = df_comp.loc[df_comp["FOFGroupIDs"] == halo] particle_ids_in_comp_halo = comp_halo_lookup[halo_id] mass_factor_limit = 5 if not (1 / mass_factor_limit < (comp_halo_masses[halo_id] / ref_halo_mass) < mass_factor_limit): # print("mass not similar, skipping") num_skipped_for_mass += 1 continue halo_size = len(particle_ids_in_comp_halo) # df = particles_in_comp_halo.join(halo_particles, how="inner", rsuffix="ref") shared_particles = particle_ids_in_comp_halo.intersection(halo_particle_ids) union_particles=particle_ids_in_comp_halo.union(halo_particle_ids) shared_size = len(shared_particles)/len(union_particles) # print(shared_size) if not shared_size: continue if plot or plot3d: df = df_comp.loc[list(shared_particles)] if plot: color = f"C{i + 1}" comp_halo: pd.Series = df_comp_halo.loc[halo_id] ax.scatter(apply_offset_to_list(df["X"], offset_x), apply_offset_to_list(df["Y"], offset_y), s=1, alpha=.3, c=color) circle = Circle((apply_offset(comp_halo.X, offset_x), apply_offset(comp_halo.Y, offset_y)), comp_halo["Rvir"], zorder=10, linewidth=1, edgecolor=color, fill=None ) ax.add_artist(circle) if plot3d: plotdf3d(pl, df, color="#fed9a6") # light orange if shared_size > best_halo_match: best_halo_match = shared_size best_halo = halo_id print(f"skipped {num_skipped_for_mass} halos due to mass ratio") if not best_halo: skip_counter += 1 continue comp_halo: pd.Series = df_comp_halo.loc[best_halo] # merge the data of the two halos with fitting prefixes halo_data = pd.concat([ ref_halo.add_prefix("ref_"), comp_halo.add_prefix("comp_") ]) distance = linalg.norm( np.array([ref_halo.X, ref_halo.Y, ref_halo.Z]) - np.array([comp_halo.X, comp_halo.Y, comp_halo.Z]) ) / ref_halo.Rvir halo_data["distance"] = distance halo_data["match"] = best_halo_match compared_halos.append(halo_data) # exit() if plot: print(f"plotting with offsets ({offset_x},{offset_y})") # ax.legend() ax.set_title(f"{} vs. {} (Halo {index})") fig.savefig("out.png", dpi=300) if plot3d: if single: break df = pd.concat(compared_halos, axis=1).T print(df) print(f"saving to {outfile}") df.to_csv(outfile, index=False) df.to_hdf(outfile.with_suffix(".hdf5"), key="comparison", complevel=5) print(skip_counter) return df, + "_" + def precalculate_halo_membership(df_comp, df_comp_halo): pointer = 0 comp_halo_lookup: Dict[int, set[int]] = {} for i, halo in df_comp_halo.iterrows(): print_progress(i, len(df_comp_halo), halo["Sizes"]) size = int(halo["Sizes"]) halo_id = int(i) halo_particles = df_comp.iloc[pointer:pointer + size] # check_id = halo_particles["FOFGroupIDs"].to_numpy() # assert (check_id == i).all() # assert (check_id==check_id[0] pointer += size ids = set(halo_particles.index.to_list()) comp_halo_lookup[halo_id] = ids return comp_halo_lookup if __name__ == '__main__': compare_halo_resolutions( ref_waveform="shannon", comp_waveform="shannon", reference_resolution=128, comparison_resolution=256, plot=False, plot3d=True, plot_cic=False, velo_halos=True, single=False, force=True )