from math import log from pathlib import Path import numpy as np from colossus.cosmology import cosmology from colossus.lss import mass_function from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.axes import Axes from matplotlib.figure import Figure from paths import base_dir, has_1024_simulations from read_vr_files import read_velo_halos from readfiles import read_gadget_halos from utils import print_progress, figsize_from_page_fraction def counts_without_inf(number_halos): with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): number_halos_inverse = 1 / np.sqrt(number_halos) number_halos_inverse[np.abs(number_halos_inverse) == np.inf] = 0 return number_halos_inverse def monofonic_tests(): fig: Figure = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_from_page_fraction()) ax: Axes = fig.gca() linestyles = ["solid", "dotted"] resolutions = [128] if has_1024_simulations: resolutions.append(1024) else: resolutions.append(512) plank_cosmo = cosmology.cosmologies["planck18"] our_cosmo = { # "sigma8": 0.807, "H0": 0.67742 * 100, "Om0": 0.3099, "Ob0": 0.048891054, "ns": 0.96822, } cosmology.addCosmology("ourCosmo", params={**plank_cosmo, **our_cosmo}) cosmology.setCosmology("ourCosmo") print(cosmology.getCurrent()) x = None for i, waveform in enumerate( [ "DB2", "shannon", "shannon_rehalo", # "resim_master", "resim_newrandom", "resim_newerrandom", # "resim_newswift", "resim_mastergadget" ]): for j, resolution in enumerate(resolutions): if (waveform == "shannon_rehalo" or "resim" in waveform) and resolution != 128: continue print(waveform, resolution) dir = base_dir / f"{waveform}_{resolution}_100" if "gadget" in waveform: halos = read_gadget_halos(dir) halo_masses: np.ndarray = halos["Masses"].to_numpy() * 1e10 else: halos = read_velo_halos(dir) halo_masses: np.ndarray = halos["Mvir"].to_numpy() * 1e10 * 0.67742 # halo_masses = halo_masses[halo_masses > 0] halo_masses.sort() print(halo_masses[-4:]) # halos = read_halo_file(dir/"fof_output_0004.hdf5") # halo_masses: np.ndarray = halos["Masses"].to_numpy() * 1e10 * 0.67742 ( Ns, deltas, left_edges, number_densities, lower_error_limit, upper_error_limit, ) = halo_mass_function(halo_masses, sim_volume=(100 * 0.67742) ** 3) ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") if resolution == resolutions[-1]: x = left_edges #, number_densities, width=widths, log=True, fill=False) name = f"{waveform} {resolution}" ax.step( left_edges, number_densities, where="post", color=f"C{i + 1}", linestyle=linestyles[j], label=name, zorder=10 ) # ax.fill_between( # left_edges, # lower_error_limit, # upper_error_limit, # alpha=0.5, # linewidth=0, # step="post", # ) # break # break mfunc = mass_function.massFunction( x, z=0, mdef="vir", model="tinker08", q_out="dndlnM" ) ax.plot(x, mfunc, label="tinker08 (vir)", color="C0") ax.set_xlabel("Mass ($h^{-1} M_{\odot}$)") ax.set_ylabel(r"$\frac{dN}{d\log M}$ ($h^{3}Mpc^{-3}$)") # s: GadgetHDFSnap = pynbody.load(str(base_dir / "resim_mastergadget_128_100" / "output" / "snapshot_019.hdf5")) # s.physical_units() # h3 =["h"] ** 3 # bin_center, bin_counts, err = pynbody.analysis.hmf.simulation_halo_mass_function( # s, log_M_min=10, log_M_max=15, delta_log_M=0.1 # ) # ax.errorbar( # bin_center, bin_counts * h3, # yerr=err, # fmt='o', # capthick=2, # elinewidth=2, # color='darkgoldenrod' # ) # m, sig, dn_dlogm = pynbody.analysis.hmf.halo_mass_function( # s, log_M_min=10, log_M_max=15, delta_log_M=0.1, kern="ST" # ) # ax.plot(m, dn_dlogm, color='darkmagenta', linewidth=2) ax.legend() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(Path(f"~/tmp/halo_mass_function.svg").expanduser(), transparent=True) def halo_mass_function(halo_masses, num_bins=60, sim_volume=100 ** 3): bins = np.geomspace(halo_masses.min(), halo_masses.max(), num_bins + 1) digits = np.digitize(halo_masses, bins) number_densities = [] widths = [] centers = [] left_edges = [] Ns = [] deltas = [] for bin_id in range(num_bins): print_progress(bin_id + 1, num_bins) mass_low = bins[bin_id] mass_high = bins[bin_id + 1] counter = 0 for val in halo_masses: if mass_low <= val < mass_high: counter += 1 delta_mass = mass_high - mass_low delta_log_mass = log(mass_high) - log(mass_low) widths.append(delta_mass) centers.append(mass_low + delta_mass / 2) left_edges.append(mass_low) values = np.where(digits == bin_id + 1)[0] # print(halo_masses[values]) # print(values) num_halos = values.shape[0] assert num_halos == counter nd = num_halos / sim_volume / delta_log_mass number_densities.append(nd) Ns.append(num_halos) deltas.append(delta_mass) deltas = np.array(deltas) Ns = np.array(Ns) left_edges = np.array(left_edges) number_densities = np.array(number_densities) lower_error_limit = number_densities - counts_without_inf(Ns) / sim_volume / deltas upper_error_limit = number_densities + counts_without_inf(Ns) / sim_volume / deltas return ( Ns, deltas, left_edges, number_densities, lower_error_limit, upper_error_limit, ) def hmf_from_rockstar_tree(file: Path): masses = [] with as f: for line in f: if line.startswith("#"): continue cols = line.split() Mvir = float(cols[10]) masses.append(Mvir) masses = np.array(masses) # agora_box_h = 0.702 # masses /= agora_box_h box_size = 85.47 ( Ns, deltas, left_edges, number_densities, lower_error_limit, upper_error_limit, ) = halo_mass_function(masses, num_bins=50, sim_volume=box_size ** 3) fig: Figure = plt.figure() ax: Axes = fig.gca() ax.set_xscale("log") ax.set_yscale("log") ax.set_xlabel("Halo Mass [$M_\\odot$]") ax.set_ylabel("Number Density [$\\textrm{\\#}/Mpc^3/dlogM$]") ax.step(left_edges, number_densities, where="post") plank_cosmo = cosmology.cosmologies["planck18"] auriga_cosmo = { "sigma8": 0.807, "H0": 70.2, "Om0": 0.272, "Ob0": 0.0455, "ns": 0.961, } cosmology.addCosmology("aurigaCosmo", params={**plank_cosmo, **auriga_cosmo}) cosmology.setCosmology("aurigaCosmo") print(cosmology.getCurrent()) mfunc = mass_function.massFunction( left_edges, z=0, mdef="vir", model="tinker08", q_out="dndlnM" ) ax.plot(left_edges, mfunc) ax.fill_between( left_edges, lower_error_limit, upper_error_limit, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0, step="post", ) if __name__ == "__main__": monofonic_tests() # hmf_from_rockstar_tree(Path(argv[1]))