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2022-06-28 14:53:54 +02:00
originally created by Oliver Hahn
in PlotDaubechies.ipynb
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# two-fold upsampling -- https://cnx.org/contents/xsppCgXj@8.18:H_wA16rf@16/Upsampling
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from pyvista import Axes
# # The Cascade Algorithm to Compute the Wavelet and the Scaling Function
# Algorithm adapted from [this webpage](https://cnx.org/contents/0nnvPGYf@7/Computing-the-Scaling-Function-The-Cascade-Algorithm). The iterations are defined by
# $$ \varphi^{(k+1)}(t)=\sqrt{2} \;\sum_{n=0}^{N-1} h[n]\, \varphi^{(k)} (2t-n) $$
# For the $k$th iteration, where an initial $\varphi^{(0)}(t)$ must be given.
# The idea of the cascade algorithm is to re-write this as an ordinary convolution, yielding
# $$ \varphi^{(k+1)}_{1/2}[t] := \varphi^{(k+1)} \left( \frac{t}{2} \right) = \sqrt{2} \; \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} h[n]\, \varphi^{(k)} (t-n) $$
# Consider the next iteration (and let $p:=2n$)
# $$
# \begin{align}
# \varphi^{(k+2)} \left( \frac{t}{4} \right) &= \sqrt{2} \; \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} h[n]\, \varphi^{(k+1)} \left(\frac{t}{2}-n\right) \\
# & = \sqrt{2} \; \sum_{p \;{\rm even}} h\left[\frac{p}{2}\right]\, \varphi^{(k+1)} \left(\frac{t-p}{2}\right) \\
# & = \sqrt{2} \; \sum_{p=0}^{N-1} h_{\uparrow 2}\left[p\right]\, \varphi^{(k+1)}_{1/2} \left(t-p\right) \\
# \end{align}
# $$
# which defines the iterations of the cascade algorithm as simple convolutions $\varphi \to \sqrt{2} \,\varphi \ast h$ followed by upsampling of $h \to h_{\uparrow 2}$.
# And upsampling is defined in the usual way as ([see also here](https://cnx.org/contents/xsppCgXj@8.18:H_wA16rf@16/Upsampling))
# $$
# x_{\uparrow L}[n] :=
# \left\{ \begin{array}{ll}
# x[n/L] & \textrm{if } \frac{n}{L} \in \mathbb{Z} \\
# 0 & \textrm{otherwise}
# \end{array}\right. .
# $$
# Finally, to obtain the wavelet function, we also need the wavelet-scaling equation
# $$
# \psi(t) = \sqrt{2} \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} g[n] \, \varphi(2t-n)
# $$
# which can be applied in the cascade algorithm in the last iteration to obtain the wavelet rather than the scaling function.
def upsample(sig):
signew = np.zeros(len(sig) * 2 - 1)
signew[::2] = sig
return signew
# use the cascade algorithm to compute the scaling function and the wavelet
# -- https://cnx.org/contents/0nnvPGYf@7/Computing-the-Scaling-Function-The-Cascade-Algorithm
def cascade_algorithm(h, g, maxit):
x = np.arange(len(h), dtype=float)
phi = np.ones(len(h))
psi = np.ones(len(h))
phi_it = np.copy(phi)
psi_it = np.copy(psi)
h_it = np.copy(h)
g_it = np.copy(g)
for it in range(maxit):
# perform repeated convolutions
phi_it = np.sqrt(2) * np.convolve(h_it, phi_it, mode='full')
if it != maxit - 1:
psi_it = np.sqrt(2) * np.convolve(h_it, psi_it, mode='full')
psi_it = np.sqrt(2) * np.convolve(g_it, psi_it, mode='full')
# upsample the coefficients
h_it = upsample(h_it)
g_it = upsample(g_it)
# get the new mid-point positions
xnew = np.zeros(len(x) + len(x) - 1)
xnew[::2] = x
xnew[1::2] = x[:-1] + 2 ** -(it + 1)
x = xnew
return x, phi_it / len(h), psi_it / len(h)
# # Wavelet Coefficients for DB2 to DB8
# In[10]:
maxit = 10
# Haar wavelet
h_Haar = np.array([0.7071067811865476, 0.7071067811865476])
g_Haar = np.array([0.7071067811865476, -0.7071067811865476])
xhaar, phihaar, psihaar = cascade_algorithm(h_Haar, g_Haar, maxit)
# DB2 -- http://wavelets.pybytes.com/wavelet/db2/
h_DB2 = np.array([0.4829629131, 0.8365163037, 0.2241438680, -0.1294095226])
g_DB2 = np.array([-0.1294095226, -0.2241438680, 0.8365163037, -0.4829629131])
xdb2, phidb2, psidb2 = cascade_algorithm(h_DB2, g_DB2, maxit)
# DB3 -- http://wavelets.pybytes.com/wavelet/db3/
h_DB3 = np.array(
[0.3326705529509569, 0.8068915093133388, 0.4598775021193313, -0.13501102001039084, -0.08544127388224149,
g_DB3 = np.array(
[0.035226291882100656, 0.08544127388224149, -0.13501102001039084, -0.4598775021193313, 0.8068915093133388,
xdb3, phidb3, psidb3 = cascade_algorithm(h_DB3, g_DB3, maxit)
# DB4 -- http://wavelets.pybytes.com/wavelet/db4/
h_DB4 = np.array(
[0.23037781330885523, 0.7148465705525415, 0.6308807679295904, -0.02798376941698385, -0.18703481171888114,
0.030841381835986965, 0.032883011666982945, -0.010597401784997278])
g_DB4 = np.array(
[-0.010597401784997278, -0.032883011666982945, 0.030841381835986965, 0.18703481171888114, -0.02798376941698385,
-0.6308807679295904, 0.7148465705525415, -0.23037781330885523])
xdb4, phidb4, psidb4 = cascade_algorithm(h_DB4, g_DB4, maxit)
# DB8 -- http://wavelets.pybytes.com/wavelet/db8/
h_DB8 = np.array(
[0.05441584224308161, 0.3128715909144659, 0.6756307362980128, 0.5853546836548691, -0.015829105256023893,
-0.2840155429624281, 0.00047248457399797254, 0.128747426620186, -0.01736930100202211, -0.04408825393106472,
0.013981027917015516, 0.008746094047015655, -0.00487035299301066, -0.0003917403729959771, 0.0006754494059985568,
g_DB8 = np.array(
[-0.00011747678400228192, -0.0006754494059985568, -0.0003917403729959771, 0.00487035299301066, 0.008746094047015655,
-0.013981027917015516, -0.04408825393106472, 0.01736930100202211, 0.128747426620186, -0.00047248457399797254,
-0.2840155429624281, 0.015829105256023893, 0.5853546836548691, -0.6756307362980128, 0.3128715909144659,
xdb8, phidb8, psidb8 = cascade_algorithm(h_DB8, g_DB8, maxit)
# DB16 --
h_DB16 = np.array(
[0.0031892209253436892, 0.03490771432362905, 0.1650642834886438, 0.43031272284545874, 0.6373563320829833,
0.44029025688580486, -0.08975108940236352, -0.3270633105274758, -0.02791820813292813, 0.21119069394696974,
0.027340263752899923, -0.13238830556335474, -0.006239722752156254, 0.07592423604445779, -0.007588974368642594,
-0.036888397691556774, 0.010297659641009963, 0.013993768859843242, -0.006990014563390751, -0.0036442796214883506,
0.00312802338120381, 0.00040789698084934395, -0.0009410217493585433, 0.00011424152003843815,
0.00017478724522506327, -6.103596621404321e-05, -1.394566898819319e-05, 1.133660866126152e-05,
-1.0435713423102517e-06, -7.363656785441815e-07, 2.3087840868545578e-07, -2.1093396300980412e-08])
g_DB16 = np.array([-2.1093396300980412e-08, -2.3087840868545578e-07, -7.363656785441815e-07, 1.0435713423102517e-06,
1.133660866126152e-05, 1.394566898819319e-05, -6.103596621404321e-05, -0.00017478724522506327,
0.00011424152003843815, 0.0009410217493585433, 0.00040789698084934395, -0.00312802338120381,
-0.0036442796214883506, 0.006990014563390751, 0.013993768859843242, -0.010297659641009963,
-0.036888397691556774, 0.007588974368642594, 0.07592423604445779, 0.006239722752156254,
-0.13238830556335474, -0.027340263752899923, 0.21119069394696974, 0.02791820813292813,
-0.3270633105274758, 0.08975108940236352, 0.44029025688580486, -0.6373563320829833,
0.43031272284545874, -0.1650642834886438, 0.03490771432362905, -0.0031892209253436892])
xdb16, phidb16, psidb16 = cascade_algorithm(h_DB16, g_DB16, maxit)
# In[30]:
fig: Figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots(5, 2, figsize=(12, 12)) # ,gridspec_kw = {'wspace':0.025})
label = ['Haar', 'DB2', 'DB4', 'DB8', 'DB16']
ax[0, 0].set_title('scaling functions $\\varphi$')
ax[0, 1].set_title('wavelets $\\psi$')
ax[0, 0].plot(xhaar, phihaar, lw=1)
ax[0, 1].plot(xhaar, psihaar, lw=1)
ax[1, 0].plot(xdb2, phidb2, lw=1)
ax[1, 1].plot(xdb2, psidb2, lw=1)
ax[2, 0].plot(xdb4, phidb4, lw=1)
ax[2, 1].plot(xdb4, psidb4, lw=1)
ax[3, 0].plot(xdb8, phidb8, lw=1)
ax[3, 1].plot(xdb8, psidb8, lw=1)
ax[4, 0].plot(xdb16, phidb16, lw=1)
ax[4, 1].plot(xdb16, psidb16, lw=1)
for a in ax.flatten():
for a, i in zip(ax[:, 0], label):
a.set_ylabel('$\\varphi_{\\rm ' + i + '}[t]$')
a.set_ylim([-1.0, 1.5])
for a, i in zip(ax[:, 1], label):
a.set_ylabel('$\\psi_{\\rm ' + i + '}[t]$')
a.set_ylim([-2, 2])
fig.savefig(Path(f"~/tmp/wavelets.pdf").expanduser(), bbox_inches='tight')
# # Spectral Response of Scaling Functions and Wavelets
fig2: Figure = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
ax: Axes = fig2.gca()
def fourier_wavelet(h, g, n):
k = np.linspace(0, np.pi, n)
fphi = np.zeros(n, dtype=complex)
fpsi = np.zeros(n, dtype=complex)
N = len(h)
for i in range(N):
fphi += np.exp(1j * k * i) * h[i] / np.sqrt(2)
fpsi += np.exp(1j * k * i) * g[i] / np.sqrt(2)
return k, fphi, fpsi
ax.plot([0, np.pi], [0., 0.], 'k:')
ax.plot([0, np.pi], [1., 1.], 'k:')
kh, fphih, fpsih = fourier_wavelet(h_Haar, g_Haar, 256)
ax.plot(kh, np.abs(fphih) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\varphi_{\\rm Haar}$',c="C0")
ax.plot(kh, np.abs(fpsih) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\psi_{\\rm Haar}$',c="C0",linestyle="dashed")
kdb2, fphidb2, fpsidb2 = fourier_wavelet(h_DB2, g_DB2, 256)
ax.plot(kdb2, np.abs(fphidb2) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\varphi_{DB2}$')
ax.plot(kdb2, np.abs(fpsidb2) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\psi_{DB2}$')
kdb4, fphidb4, fpsidb4 = fourier_wavelet(h_DB4, g_DB4, 256)
ax.plot(kdb4, np.abs(fphidb4) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\varphi_{DB4}$')
ax.plot(kdb4, np.abs(fpsidb4) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\psi_{DB4}$')
kdb8, fphidb8, fpsidb8 = fourier_wavelet(h_DB8, g_DB8, 256)
ax.plot(kdb8, np.abs(fphidb8) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\varphi_{DB8}$')
ax.plot(kdb8, np.abs(fpsidb8) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\psi_{DB8}$')
kdb16, fphidb16, fpsidb16 = fourier_wavelet(h_DB16, g_DB16, 256)
ax.plot(kdb16, np.abs(fphidb16) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\varphi_{DB16}$')
ax.plot(kdb16, np.abs(fpsidb16) ** 2, label='$\\hat\\psi_{DB16}$')
# plt.semilogy()
# plt.ylim([1e-4,2.0])
fig2.savefig(Path(f"~/tmp/wavelet_power.pdf").expanduser(), bbox_inches='tight')