import argparse import hashlib import os from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from shutil import move from subprocess import run import requests import youtube_dl from peewee import DoesNotExist from data import series_data from models import Episode, Series, Line, Phrase from utils import srtdir, pretty_title, title_to_episodenumber, clear_cache static_path = Path("static") def main(args: argparse.Namespace) -> None: os.nice(15) for series in series_data: name = playlist_id = series.playlist_id is_campaign = "Campaign" in name try: s = == name).get() except DoesNotExist: s = Series() s.title = name s.is_campaign = is_campaign s.single_speaker = series.single_speaker s.slug = series.slug ydl_opts = { 'extract_flat': True } if playlist_id: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: playlist = ydl.extract_info("" + playlist_id, download=False) videos = playlist["entries"] urls = [v["url"] for v in videos] elif series.videos: urls = series.videos else: raise ValueError("either set playlist or videos for series") ydl_opts_download = { "writesubtitles": True, "subtitleslangs": ["en", "en-US"], "skip_download": True, } for nr, url in enumerate(urls, 1): changed = False try: e = == url)).get() if args.skip_existing and e.downloaded: continue except DoesNotExist: e = Episode() e.series = s e.video_number = nr changed = True e.youtube_id = url video_info = ydl.extract_info(f'{e.youtube_id}', download=False) if nr == 1: file = static_path / f"{s.slug}.webp" if not file.exists(): r = requests.get(f"{e.youtube_id}/maxresdefault.webp") r.raise_for_status() with"wb")as f: f.write(r.content) e.upload_date = datetime.strptime(video_info["upload_date"], "%Y%m%d") e.title = video_info["title"] e.pretty_title = pretty_title(video_info["title"]) if s.is_campaign or "Exandria" in e.title: if == 1 and ("One-Shot" in e.title or "Search For Bob" in e.title): continue e.episode_number = title_to_episodenumber(e.title, e.video_number) else: e.episode_number = e.video_number print(, e.episode_number, e.pretty_title) vttfile = srtdir / str( ydl_opts_download["outtmpl"] = str(vttfile) with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts_download) as ydl:[f'{e.youtube_id}']) if vttfile.with_suffix(".en-US.vtt").exists(): # few videos have en-US as language code instead of en move(vttfile.with_suffix(".en-US.vtt"), vttfile.with_suffix(".en.vtt")) output = run( ["ffmpeg", "-y", "-i", vttfile.with_suffix(".en.vtt"), vttfile.with_suffix(".srt")], capture_output=True ) e.downloaded = True try: vttfile.with_suffix(".en.vtt").unlink() with vttfile.with_suffix(".srt").open("rb") as f: file_hash = hashlib.sha256() while True: chunk = if not chunk: break file_hash.update(chunk) if e.subtitle_hash != file_hash.hexdigest(): print("subtitle hash changed, deleting imported data") Line.delete().where(Line.episode == e) Phrase.delete().where(Phrase.episode == e) e.phrases_imported = False e.text_imported = False e.subtitle_hash = file_hash.hexdigest() e.last_updated = changed = True except FileNotFoundError: e.downloaded = False if changed: clear_cache() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="fetch episode data from YouTube") parser.add_argument("--skip-existing", dest="skip_existing", action="store_true", help="don't check for update on existing videos") args = parser.parse_args() main(args)