import os import spacy as spacy from alive_progress import alive_bar from peewee import chunked from spacy.lang.en import English from spacy.tokens.span import Span from spacy.tokens.token import Token from models import Episode, Line, db, Phrase from stopwords import STOP_WORDS os.nice(15) lemma_cache = {} nlp: English = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", disable=["ner", "textcat"]) nlp.Defaults.stop_words = STOP_WORDS for episode in == False) & (Episode.text_imported == True)).order_by( print(episode.video_number, episode.title) person = None text = "" line_select = == episode) with alive_bar(line_select.count(), title='Parsing lines') as bar: for line in == episode).order_by(Line.order): bar() if line.person == person: text += " " + line.text else: person = line.person text += "\n" + line.text delete = ["\"", "--", "(", ")", "[", "]"] for string in delete: text = text.replace(string, "") print("run nlp") doc = nlp(text) print("nlp finished") nouns = {} chunk: Span noun_chunks = list(doc.noun_chunks) with alive_bar(len(noun_chunks), title='lemmatizing and counting') as bar: for chunk in noun_chunks: bar() tok: Token noun_chunk = "".join([tok.text_with_ws for tok in chunk if not tok.is_stop]).strip() if noun_chunk in lemma_cache: lemmas = lemma_cache[noun_chunk] else: lemmas = "|".join([token.lemma_ for token in nlp(noun_chunk)]) lemma_cache[noun_chunk] = lemmas if lemmas not in nouns: nouns[lemmas] = { "count": 1, "name": noun_chunk } else: nouns[lemmas]["count"] += 1 with db.atomic(): phrases = [] for lemmas, data in nouns.items(): phrase = data["name"] count = data["count"] if "\n" in phrase: continue if len(phrase) < 4: continue phrases.append(Phrase(text=phrase, count=count, episode=episode)) num_per_chunk = 100 chunks = chunked(phrases, num_per_chunk) with alive_bar(len(phrases) // num_per_chunk + 1) as bar: for chunk in chunks: bar() Phrase.bulk_create(chunk) episode.phrases_imported = True