from collections import Counter import spacy as spacy from import IncrementalBar from spacy.lang.en import English from spacy.tokens.span import Span from spacy.tokens.token import Token from models import Episode, Line, db, Phrase from stopwords import STOP_WORDS nlp: English = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm", disable=["ner", "textcat"]) nlp.Defaults.stop_words = STOP_WORDS for episode in == False) & (Episode.text_imported == True)): print(f"Campaign {episode.season} Episode {episode.episode_number}") person = None text = "" line_select = == episode) with IncrementalBar('Parsing lines', max=line_select.count(), suffix="%(percent).1f%% - %(eta)ds") as bar: for line in == episode): if line.person == person: text += " " + line.text else: person = line.person text += "\n" delete = ["\"", "--", "(", ")", "[", "]"] for string in delete: text = text.replace(string, "") print("run nlp") doc = nlp(text) nouns = set() span: Span for span in doc.noun_chunks: tok: Token noun_chunk = "".join([tok.text_with_ws for tok in span if not tok.is_stop]).strip() nouns.add(noun_chunk) cnt = Counter(nouns) with db.atomic(): with IncrementalBar('inserting phrases', max=len(cnt)) as bar: for phrase, count in cnt.items(): if "\n" in phrase: continue if len(phrase) < 4: continue Phrase.create(text=phrase, count=count, episode=episode)