""" ATTENTION: This file contains the suggestions displayed. Only suggestions up to the selected episode are shown on the website, but you might find spoilers below. That said, I try to only use phrases that don't contain spoilers themselves. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # """ from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass class Suggestion: text: str # only show this suggestion to people who have watched at least this episode episode: int | None = None suggestions = { "campaign1": [ Suggestion( text="I am Grog, the unintimidated.", episode=18 ), Suggestion( text="Bidet", episode=60 ), Suggestion( text="my esteemed panel of extremely mature", episode=83 ), Suggestion( text="I turn into a goldfish", episode=97 ), Suggestion( text="No, it's fine! We're gods!", episode=97 ), Suggestion( text="Life needs things to live", episode=63 ), Suggestion( text="I'd like to share the news of our Lord and Savior: My axe in your face!", episode=29 ), Suggestion( text="Your secret is safe with my indifference", episode=45 ), Suggestion( text="Have you ever had a Blueberry Cupcake", episode=93 ), Suggestion( text="Okay Okay Okay Okay", episode=63 ), Suggestion( text="I am your god, long may I reign", episode=18 ), Suggestion( text="We're running, it's bad", episode=45 ) ], "campaign2": [ Suggestion( text="Tieflings can only see movement.", episode=1 ), Suggestion( text="Because I'm really fucking strong.", episode=1 ), Suggestion( text="I use thaumaturgy to open all the windows", episode=2 ), Suggestion( text="Regular gnoll", episode=5 ), Suggestion( text="Nudity. It usually works.", episode=2 ), Suggestion( text="Donuts", episode=3 ), Suggestion( text="The world does need an asshole", episode=4 ), Suggestion( text="We'll try to catch you in a jar", episode=5 ), Suggestion( text="Fjord Explorers", episode=6 ), Suggestion( text="Eldritch Blast", episode=6 ), Suggestion( text="You look like a nerd", episode=8 ), Suggestion( text="The best lay ever", episode=8 ), Suggestion( text="Only steal from grumpy people", episode=9 ), Suggestion( text="You can reply to this message", episode=11 ), Suggestion( text="Be the chaos you want to see in the world", episode=12 ), Suggestion( text="I'm always ready to make a damn fool of myself", episode=12 ), Suggestion( text="The metagaming pigeon", episode=12 ), Suggestion( text="My name is Molly", episode=14 ), Suggestion( text="A simple tool", episode=15 ), Suggestion( text="I am your god, long may I reign", episode=18 ), Suggestion( text="I cast Regret", episode=21 ), Suggestion( text="The Traveler's bullshit!", episode=26 ), Suggestion( text="Uk'otoa", episode=37 ), Suggestion( text="Fluffernutter", episode=39 ), Suggestion( text="Sleep well with your bad decisions", episode=40 ), Suggestion( text="Not cool, man", episode=44 ), Suggestion( text="We're running, it's bad!", episode=45 ), Suggestion( text="Hello Bees", episode=46 ), Suggestion( text="Yes. It's a chair. It's a standard chair.", episode=48 ), Suggestion( text="Are you secretly in love with me?", episode=50 ), Suggestion( text="It’s a regular fucking turtle", episode=60 ), Suggestion( text="The rule is that evil dies", episode=74 ), Suggestion( text="Oh shit, are we a cult?", episode=77 ), Suggestion( text="I want to role play fish and chips!", episode=84 ), Suggestion( text="I pick and choose my apologies", episode=84 ), Suggestion( text="Can I get a hug?", episode=87 ), Suggestion( text="I smell like a crayon", episode=91 ), Suggestion( text="Captain, we're being followed by a tiny island.", episode=99 ) ], "campaign3": [ Suggestion( text="Copper's more of an insult", episode=1 ), Suggestion( text="The rug is more dexterous than I am?", episode=1 ), Suggestion( text="Optimism is the most optimistic", episode=2 ), Suggestion( text="Do you have any way of making things quiet?", episode=3 ), Suggestion( text="This isn't even metagaming", episode=4 ) ], "VoxMachinaVsMightyNein": [ Suggestion( text="Oh, you one of those rich boys?" ), Suggestion( text="Some days you get hit by a T-Rex." ) ], "ClubOfMisfits": [ Suggestion("I'm going to try something weird.") ], "TheNautilusArk": [ Suggestion("Rifle with a PhD"), Suggestion("It's got a trigger and a little thing") ] }