import os from dataclasses import dataclass import en_core_web_md from alive_progress import alive_bar from peewee import chunked from spacy.lang.en import Language from spacy.tokens.span import Span from spacy.tokens.token import Token from app import db from models import Episode, Line, Phrase from stopwords import STOP_WORDS from utils import clear_cache os.nice(15) @dataclass class Noun: name: str count: int = 1 lemma_cache: dict[str, str] = {} nlp: Language = en_core_web_md.load(disable=["ner", "textcat"]) nlp.Defaults.stop_words = STOP_WORDS for episode in == False) & (Episode.text_imported == True)).order_by( print(episode.video_number, episode.pretty_title) person = None text = "" line_select = == episode) with alive_bar(line_select.count(), title='Parsing lines') as bar: for line in == episode).order_by(Line.order): bar() if line.person == person: text += " " + line.text else: person = line.person text += "\n" + line.text delete = ["\"", "--", "(", ")", "[", "]"] for string in delete: text = text.replace(string, "") print("run nlp") doc = nlp(text) print("nlp finished") nouns: dict[str, Noun] = {} chunk: Span noun_chunks = list(doc.noun_chunks) with alive_bar(len(noun_chunks), title='lemmatizing and counting') as bar: for chunk in noun_chunks: bar() tok: Token noun_chunk = str(chunk).strip() if noun_chunk in lemma_cache: lemmas = lemma_cache[noun_chunk] else: lemmas = "|".join([token.lemma_ for token in nlp(noun_chunk)]).lower() lemma_cache[noun_chunk] = lemmas if lemmas not in nouns: nouns[lemmas] = Noun(noun_chunk) else: nouns[lemmas].count += 1 with db.atomic(): phrases = [] for lemmas, data in nouns.items(): if "\n" in continue if len( < 4: continue phrases.append(Phrase(, count=data.count, episode=episode)) num_per_chunk = 100 chunks = chunked(phrases, num_per_chunk) with alive_bar(len(phrases) // num_per_chunk + 1, title="saving") as bar: for chunk in chunks: bar() Phrase.bulk_create(chunk) episode.phrases_imported = True clear_cache()