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Added Agora, expanded monofonic tests

This commit is contained in:
glatterf42 2022-06-02 14:40:54 +02:00
parent 6713f48075
commit 5d421a789b
11 changed files with 545 additions and 1 deletions

agora/README.md Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
Resimulating the AGORA box (https://arxiv.org/abs/1308.2669) with 1024^3 particles. See also: https://cosmicweb.astro.univie.ac.at/simulation/AGORA_512 for IC setup and snapshot times (though they are here as well).
## ICs
Created with musIC-panphasia,
- MusIC-panphasia: [54a88338aaa4afc5e4ba2b07b633372994d3b5d4](https://github.com/glatterf42/music-panphasia/tree/54a88338aaa4afc5e4ba2b07b633372994d3b5d4)
- no compile-time parameters
- `agora_1024.conf`
## Swift code at the VSC
- version: [94e73ee944d84782601c87e490b7fb96420bb68f](https://gitlab.cosma.dur.ac.uk/swift/swiftsim/-/tree/94e73ee944d84782601c87e490b7fb96420bb68f)
- configure: `./configure --with-gsl=$(gsl-config --prefix) --enable-fof --with-metis=/opt/sw/spack-0.12.1/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/gcc-9.1.0/metis-5.1.0-gvmpssik7izg6ds4gdioiyq7ajvcxnvh --enable-compiler-warnings=yes --with-numa --with-tbbmalloc --enable-mpi-mesh-gravity`
- execute: `mpirun -np 8 /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/swift_mpi --cosmology --self-gravity --fof --limiter --threads=24 --pin /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/agora/1024/agora_1024.yml`
- output times: snap_times_agora1024.txt
- example job script: agora_job.sh

agora/agora_1024.conf Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
boxlength = 60.0
zstart = 100
levelmin = 7
levelmin_TF = 7
levelmax = 7
padding = 16 # try reduce it at your own risk
overlap = 4
align_top = no
baryons = no # switch on for baryon runs
use_2LPT = no
use_LLA = no # AMR codes might want to enable this
Omega_m = 0.272
Omega_L = 0.728
Omega_b = 0.0455
H0 = 70.2
sigma_8 = 0.807
nspec = 0.961
transfer = eisenstein
cubesize = 256
seed[8] = 95064
seed[9] = 31415
seed[10] = 27183
fft_fine = yes
accuracy = 1e-6
grad_order = 6
laplace_order = 6
format = swift
filename = agora_128.hdf5

agora/agora_1024.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# Define some meta data about the simulation.
run_name: agora_1024
# Define the system of units to use internally.
UnitMass_in_cgs: 1.98848e43 # 10^10 M_sun in grams
UnitLength_in_cgs: 3.08567758e24 # 1 Mpc in centimeters
UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1e5 # 1 km/s in centimeters per second
UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # 1 Ampere
UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # 1 Kelvin
# Values of some physical constants
# G: 6.67408e-8 # (Optional) Overwrite the value of Newton's constant used internally by the code.
# Cosmological parameters # update according to monofonic output
h: 0.702 # Reduced Hubble constant
a_begin: 0.0099009901 # Initial scale-factor of the simulation, z = 100
a_end: 1.0 # Final scale factor of the simulation, z = 0
Omega_cdm: 2.72e-01 # 0.2610089 # CDM density parameter, new: Omega_m = _cdm + _b (w/o neutrinos)
Omega_lambda: 0.728 # Dark-energy density parameter
Omega_b: 0.0 # 0.0488911 # Baryon density parameter
# Parameters for the self-gravity scheme
mesh_side_length: 2048# Number of cells along each axis for the periodic gravity mesh (must be even).
eta: 0.025 # Constant dimensionless multiplier for time integration.
MAC: adaptive # Choice of mulitpole acceptance criterion: 'adaptive' OR 'geometric'.
epsilon_fmm: 0.001 # Tolerance parameter for the adaptive multipole acceptance criterion.
theta_cr: 0.7 # Opening angle for the purely gemoetric criterion.
# use_tree_below_softening: 0 # (Optional) Can the gravity code use the multipole interactions below the softening scale?
# allow_truncation_in_MAC: 0 # (Optional) Can the Multipole acceptance criterion use the truncated force estimator?
comoving_DM_softening: 0.026041666666666668 # Comoving Plummer-equivalent softening length for DM particles (in internal units).
max_physical_DM_softening: 0.026041666666666668 # Maximal Plummer-equivalent softening length in physical coordinates for DM particles (in internal units). #should work b/c Lbox is given in Mpc=internal unit
rebuild_frequency: 0.01 # (Optional) Frequency of the gravity-tree rebuild in units of the number of g-particles (this is the default value).
a_smooth: 1.25 # (Optional) Smoothing scale in top-level cell sizes to smooth the long-range forces over (this is the default value).
r_cut_max: 4.5 # (Optional) Cut-off in number of top-level cells beyond which no FMM forces are computed (this is the default value).
r_cut_min: 0.1 # (Optional) Cut-off in number of top-level cells below which no truncation of FMM forces are performed (this is the default value).
softening_ratio_background: 0.05 # typical value for zoom simulations, according to docs
# FOF group finding parameters
basename: fof_output # Filename for the FOF outputs (Unused when FoF is only run to seed BHs).
scale_factor_first: 0.91 # Scale-factor of first FoF black hole seeding calls (needed for cosmological runs).
delta_time: 1.005 # Time between consecutive FoF black hole seeding calls.
min_group_size: 256 # The minimum no. of particles required for a group.
linking_length_ratio: 0.2 # Linking length in units of the main inter-particle separation.
seed_black_holes_enabled: 0 # Enable (1) or disable (0) seeding of black holes in FoF groups
dump_catalogue_when_seeding: 0 # Enable (1) or disable (0) dumping a group catalogue when runnning FOF for seeding purposes.
absolute_linking_length: -1. # (Optional) Absolute linking length (in internal units). When not set to -1, this will overwrite the linking length computed from 'linking_length_ratio'.
group_id_default: 2147483647 # (Optional) Sets the group ID of particles in groups below the minimum size. Defaults to 2^31 - 1 if unspecified. Has to be positive.
group_id_offset: 1 # (Optional) Sets the offset of group ID labeling. Defaults to 1 if unspecified.
# Parameters governing the time integration (Set dt_min and dt_max to the same value for a fixed time-step run.)
dt_min: 1e-6 # The minimal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).
dt_max: 0.025 # The maximal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).
# Parameters governing the snapshots
basename: output # Common part of the name of output files.
# subdir: dir # (Optional) Sub-directory in which to write the snapshots. Defaults to "" (i.e. the directory where SWIFT is run).
scale_factor_first: 0.1 # (Optional) Scale-factor of the first snapshot if cosmological time-integration.
delta_time: 0.01 # Time difference between consecutive outputs (in internal units)
# invoke_stf: 0 # (Optional) Call VELOCIraptor every time a snapshot is written irrespective of the VELOCIraptor output strategy.
invoke_fof: 1 # (Optional) Call FOF every time a snapshot is written
# compression: 0 # (Optional) Set the level of GZIP compression of the HDF5 datasets [0-9]. 0 does no compression. The lossless compression is applied to *all* the fields.
# distributed: 0 # (Optional) When running over MPI, should each rank write a partial snapshot or do we want a single file? 1 implies one file per MPI rank.
# UnitMass_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Grams)
# UnitLength_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Centimeters)
# UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Centimeters per second)
# UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Amperes)
# UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Kelvin)
output_list_on: 1 # (Optional) Enable the output list
output_list: /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/agora/snap_times.txt # (Optional) File containing the output times (see documentation in "Parameter File" section)
# select_output_on: 0 # (Optional) Enable the output selection behaviour
# select_output: selectoutput.yml # (Optional) File containing information to select outputs with (see documentation in the "Output Selection" section)
# Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics
delta_time: 1.1 # Time between statistics output
scale_factor_first: 0.1 # (Optional) Scale-factor of the first statistics dump if cosmological time-integration.
energy_file_name: statistics # (Optional) File name for statistics output
timestep_file_name: timesteps # (Optional) File name for timing information output. Note: No underscores "_" allowed in file name
output_list_on: 1 # (Optional) Enable the output list
output_list: /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/agora/snap_times.txt # (Optional) File containing the output times (see documentation in "Parameter File" section)
# Parameters related to the initial conditions
file_name: /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/agora/1024/agora_1024.hdf5 # The file to read
periodic: 1 # Are we running with periodic ICs?
cleanup_h_factors: 0 # (Optional) Clean up the h-factors used in the ICs (e.g. in Gadget files).
cleanup_velocity_factors: 0 # (Optional) Clean up the scale-factors used in the definition of the velocity variable in the ICs (e.g. in Gadget files).
cleanup_smoothing_lengths: 0 # (Optional) Clean the values of the smoothing lengths that are read in to remove stupid values. Set to 1 to activate.
smoothing_length_scaling: 1. # (Optional) A scaling factor to apply to all smoothing lengths in the ICs.
replicate: 1 # (Optional) Replicate all particles along each axis a given integer number of times. Default 1.
remap_ids: 0 # (Optional) Remap all the particle IDs to the range [1, NumPart].
metadata_group_name: ICs_parameters # (Optional) Copy this HDF5 group from the initial conditions file to all snapshots, if found
# Parameters controlling restarts
enable: 1 # (Optional) whether to enable dumping restarts at fixed intervals.
save: 0 # (Optional) whether to save copies of the previous set of restart files (named .prev)
# onexit: 0 # (Optional) whether to dump restarts on exit (*needs enable*)
subdir: restart # (Optional) name of subdirectory for restart files.
basename: restart # (Optional) prefix used in naming restart files.
delta_hours: 2.0 # (Optional) decimal hours between dumps of restart files.
stop_steps: 100 # (Optional) how many steps to process before checking if the <subdir>/stop file exists. When present the application will attempt to exit early, dumping restart files first.
max_run_time: 24.0 # (optional) Maximal wall-clock time in hours. The application will exit when this limit is reached.
# resubmit_on_exit: 0 # (Optional) whether to run a command when exiting after the time limit has been reached.
# resubmit_command: ./resub.sh # (Optional) Command to run when time limit is reached. Compulsory if resubmit_on_exit is switched on. Note potentially unsafe.
# config_file_name: vrconfig_auriga6_halo7_8_9.cfg
# basename: haloes
# output_list_on: 1
# output_list: /home/ben/sims/swiftsim/examples/zoom_tests/snap_times.txt
# Parameters governing domain decomposition
# DomainDecomposition:
# initial_type: memory # (Optional) The initial decomposition strategy: "grid",
# # "region", "memory", or "vectorized".
# initial_grid: [10,10,10] # (Optional) Grid sizes if the "grid" strategy is chosen.
# synchronous: 0 # (Optional) Use synchronous MPI requests to redistribute, uses less system memory, but slower.
# repartition_type: fullcosts # (Optional) The re-decomposition strategy, one of:
# # "none", "fullcosts", "edgecosts", "memory" or
# # "timecosts".
# trigger: 0.05 # (Optional) Fractional (<1) CPU time difference between MPI ranks required to trigger a
# # new decomposition, or number of steps (>1) between decompositions
# minfrac: 0.9 # (Optional) Fractional of all particles that should be updated in previous step when
# # using CPU time trigger
# usemetis: 0 # Use serial METIS when ParMETIS is also available.
# adaptive: 1 # Use adaptive repartition when ParMETIS is available, otherwise simple refinement.
# itr: 100 # When adaptive defines the ratio of inter node communication time to data redistribution time, in the range 0.00001 to 10000000.0.
# # Lower values give less data movement during redistributions, at the cost of global balance which may require more communication.
# use_fixed_costs: 0 # If 1 then use any compiled in fixed costs for
# # task weights in first repartition, if 0 only use task timings, if > 1 only use
# # fixed costs, unless none are available

agora/agora_job.sh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=a01611430@unet.univie.ac.at
#SBATCH --time=10:10:00
#SBATCH --nodes=4 #equal to -N x
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --job-name AG1024
#SBATCH -o agora_1024.out
module load gcc/9.1.0-gcc-4.8.5-mj7s6dg
module load openmpi/3.1.4-gcc-9.1.0-fdssbx5
module load gsl/2.5-gcc-9.1.0-ucmpak4
module load fftw/3.3.8-gcc-9.1.0-2kyouz7
module load libtool/2.4.6-gcc-9.1.0-vkpnfol
module load hdf5/1.10.5-gcc-9.1.0-rolgskh
module load metis/5.1.0-gcc-9.1.0-gvmpssi
module load python/3.9.4-gcc-9.1.0-l7amfu6
module load intel-tbb/2019.4-gcc-9.1.0-sjg5kuu
module load numactl/2.0.12-gcc-9.1.0-vqkmtbi
cd $DATA/swiftsim/examples/agora
mpirun -np 8 /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/swift_mpi --cosmology --self-gravity --fof --limiter --threads=24 --pin /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/agora/1024/agora_1024.yml

View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
# Redshift

View file

@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ Trying to create a zoom-in simulation of a specific halo from https://virgodb.du
## ICs
- MusIC-panphasia: [54a88338aaa4afc5e4ba2b07b633372994d3b5d4](https://github.com/glatterf42/music-panphasia/tree/54a88338aaa4afc5e4ba2b07b633372994d3b5d4)
- no compile-time parameters
- `auriga_6_ics.conf`

View file

@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
# MonofonIC Tests
The monofonIC code is available at https://bitbucket.org/ohahn/monofonic/src/master/ . However, for our tests, we use the experimental version (only available through admission from Oliver Hahn, ohahn) from https://bitbucket.org/ohahn/monofonic-experimental/src/master/ . The branch newrandom is the one holding all desired code.
## Accessing the different waveforms
To change the Daubechies wavelet in question, go to line 146 of /src/plugins/random_music2.cc and spell out the desired wavelet there. Only exception: to change to the exact solution (the shannon wavelet), change line 258 to '#if 0'.
## MonofonIC code at the VSC
- version: [981c093447fe1860297e8cf2337f24f280181ec5](https://bitbucket.org/ohahn/monofonic-experimental/src/981c093447fe1860297e8cf2337f24f280181ec5)
- configuration: shannon_512_100.conf
## Swift code at the VSC
- version: [94e73ee944d84782601c87e490b7fb96420bb68f](https://gitlab.cosma.dur.ac.uk/swift/swiftsim/-/tree/94e73ee944d84782601c87e490b7fb96420bb68f)
- configure: `./configure --with-gsl=$(gsl-config --prefix) --enable-fof --with-metis=/opt/sw/spack-0.12.1/opt/spack/linux-centos7-x86_64/gcc-9.1.0/metis-5.1.0-gvmpssik7izg6ds4gdioiyq7ajvcxnvh --enable-compiler-warnings=yes `
- execute: `/gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/swift --cosmology --self-gravity --fof --threads=$SLURM_NPROCS /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/monofonic_tests/output/shannon_512_100/shannon_512_100_param.yml`
- output times: monofonic_snap_times.txt
- example job file: shannon_job.sh

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Scale Factor

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
GridRes = 512
BoxLength = 67.742
zstart = 49.0
LPTorder = 2
DoBaryons = no
DoBaryonVrel = no
DoFixing = yes
DoInversion = no
ParticleLoad = sc
ParameterSet = Planck2018EE+BAO+SN
ZeroRadiation = false
transfer = CLASS
ztarget = 2.5
generator = MUSIC2
seed = 12345
NumThreads = 24
format = SWIFT
filename = ics_shannon_512_100.hdf5
UseLongids = true

View file

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
# Define some meta data about the simulation.
run_name: mon_test_shannon_512_100
# Define the system of units to use internally.
UnitMass_in_cgs: 1.98848e43 # 10^10 M_sun in grams
UnitLength_in_cgs: 3.08567758e24 # 1 Mpc in centimeters
UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1e5 # 1 km/s in centimeters per second
UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # 1 Ampere
UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # 1 Kelvin
# Values of some physical constants
# G: 6.67408e-8 # (Optional) Overwrite the value of Newton's constant used internally by the code.
# Cosmological parameters # update according to monofonic output
h: 0.67742 # Reduced Hubble constant
a_begin: 0.02 # Initial scale-factor of the simulation, z = 49
a_end: 1.0 # Final scale factor of the simulation, z = 0
Omega_cdm: 0.2610089 # CDM density parameter, new: Omega_m = _cdm + _b (w/o neutrinos)
Omega_lambda: 0.690021 # Dark-energy density parameter
Omega_b: 0.0488911 # Baryon density parameter
# Parameters for the self-gravity scheme
mesh_side_length: 1024# Number of cells along each axis for the periodic gravity mesh (must be even).
eta: 0.025 # Constant dimensionless multiplier for time integration.
MAC: adaptive # Choice of mulitpole acceptance criterion: 'adaptive' OR 'geometric'.
epsilon_fmm: 0.001 # Tolerance parameter for the adaptive multipole acceptance criterion.
theta_cr: 0.7 # Opening angle for the purely gemoetric criterion.
# use_tree_below_softening: 0 # (Optional) Can the gravity code use the multipole interactions below the softening scale?
# allow_truncation_in_MAC: 0 # (Optional) Can the Multipole acceptance criterion use the truncated force estimator?
comoving_DM_softening: 0.006510416666666667 # Comoving Plummer-equivalent softening length for DM particles (in internal units).
max_physical_DM_softening: 0.006510416666666667 # Maximal Plummer-equivalent softening length in physical coordinates for DM particles (in internal units). #should work b/c Lbox is given in Mpc=internal unit
rebuild_frequency: 0.01 # (Optional) Frequency of the gravity-tree rebuild in units of the number of g-particles (this is the default value).
a_smooth: 1.25 # (Optional) Smoothing scale in top-level cell sizes to smooth the long-range forces over (this is the default value).
r_cut_max: 4.5 # (Optional) Cut-off in number of top-level cells beyond which no FMM forces are computed (this is the default value).
r_cut_min: 0.1 # (Optional) Cut-off in number of top-level cells below which no truncation of FMM forces are performed (this is the default value).
# FOF group finding parameters
basename: fof_output # Filename for the FOF outputs (Unused when FoF is only run to seed BHs).
scale_factor_first: 0.91 # Scale-factor of first FoF black hole seeding calls (needed for cosmological runs).
delta_time: 1.005 # Time between consecutive FoF black hole seeding calls.
min_group_size: 256 # The minimum no. of particles required for a group.
linking_length_ratio: 0.2 # Linking length in units of the main inter-particle separation.
seed_black_holes_enabled: 0 # Enable (1) or disable (0) seeding of black holes in FoF groups
dump_catalogue_when_seeding: 0 # Enable (1) or disable (0) dumping a group catalogue when runnning FOF for seeding purposes.
absolute_linking_length: -1. # (Optional) Absolute linking length (in internal units). When not set to -1, this will overwrite the linking length computed from 'linking_length_ratio'.
group_id_default: 2147483647 # (Optional) Sets the group ID of particles in groups below the minimum size. Defaults to 2^31 - 1 if unspecified. Has to be positive.
group_id_offset: 1 # (Optional) Sets the offset of group ID labeling. Defaults to 1 if unspecified.
# Parameters governing the time integration (Set dt_min and dt_max to the same value for a fixed time-step run.)
dt_min: 1e-6 # The minimal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).
dt_max: 0.025 # The maximal time-step size of the simulation (in internal units).
# Parameters governing the snapshots
basename: output # Common part of the name of output files.
# subdir: dir # (Optional) Sub-directory in which to write the snapshots. Defaults to "" (i.e. the directory where SWIFT is run).
scale_factor_first: 0.1 # (Optional) Scale-factor of the first snapshot if cosmological time-integration.
delta_time: 0.01 # Time difference between consecutive outputs (in internal units)
# invoke_stf: 0 # (Optional) Call VELOCIraptor every time a snapshot is written irrespective of the VELOCIraptor output strategy.
invoke_fof: 1 # (Optional) Call FOF every time a snapshot is written
# compression: 0 # (Optional) Set the level of GZIP compression of the HDF5 datasets [0-9]. 0 does no compression. The lossless compression is applied to *all* the fields.
# distributed: 0 # (Optional) When running over MPI, should each rank write a partial snapshot or do we want a single file? 1 implies one file per MPI rank.
# UnitMass_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Grams)
# UnitLength_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Centimeters)
# UnitVelocity_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Centimeters per second)
# UnitCurrent_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Amperes)
# UnitTemp_in_cgs: 1 # (Optional) Unit system for the outputs (Kelvin)
output_list_on: 1 # (Optional) Enable the output list
output_list: /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/monofonic_tests/snap_times.txt # (Optional) File containing the output times (see documentation in "Parameter File" section)
# select_output_on: 0 # (Optional) Enable the output selection behaviour
# select_output: selectoutput.yml # (Optional) File containing information to select outputs with (see documentation in the "Output Selection" section)
# Parameters governing the conserved quantities statistics
delta_time: 1.1 # Time between statistics output
scale_factor_first: 0.1 # (Optional) Scale-factor of the first statistics dump if cosmological time-integration.
energy_file_name: statistics # (Optional) File name for statistics output
timestep_file_name: timesteps # (Optional) File name for timing information output. Note: No underscores "_" allowed in file name
output_list_on: 1 # (Optional) Enable the output list
output_list: /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/monofonic_tests/snap_times.txt # (Optional) File containing the output times (see documentation in "Parameter File" section)
# Parameters related to the initial conditions
file_name: /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/monofonic_tests/output/shannon_512_100/ics_shannon_512_100.hdf5 # The file to read
periodic: 1 # Are we running with periodic ICs?
cleanup_h_factors: 0 # (Optional) Clean up the h-factors used in the ICs (e.g. in Gadget files).
cleanup_velocity_factors: 0 # (Optional) Clean up the scale-factors used in the definition of the velocity variable in the ICs (e.g. in Gadget files).
cleanup_smoothing_lengths: 0 # (Optional) Clean the values of the smoothing lengths that are read in to remove stupid values. Set to 1 to activate.
smoothing_length_scaling: 1. # (Optional) A scaling factor to apply to all smoothing lengths in the ICs.
replicate: 1 # (Optional) Replicate all particles along each axis a given integer number of times. Default 1.
remap_ids: 0 # (Optional) Remap all the particle IDs to the range [1, NumPart].
metadata_group_name: ICs_parameters # (Optional) Copy this HDF5 group from the initial conditions file to all snapshots, if found
# Parameters controlling restarts
enable: 1 # (Optional) whether to enable dumping restarts at fixed intervals.
save: 0 # (Optional) whether to save copies of the previous set of restart files (named .prev)
# onexit: 0 # (Optional) whether to dump restarts on exit (*needs enable*)
subdir: restart # (Optional) name of subdirectory for restart files.
basename: restart # (Optional) prefix used in naming restart files.
delta_hours: 2.0 # (Optional) decimal hours between dumps of restart files.
stop_steps: 100 # (Optional) how many steps to process before checking if the <subdir>/stop file exists. When present the application will attempt to exit early, dumping restart files first.
max_run_time: 24.0 # (optional) Maximal wall-clock time in hours. The application will exit when this limit is reached.
# resubmit_on_exit: 0 # (Optional) whether to run a command when exiting after the time limit has been reached.
# resubmit_command: ./resub.sh # (Optional) Command to run when time limit is reached. Compulsory if resubmit_on_exit is switched on. Note potentially unsafe.
# Parameters governing domain decomposition
# DomainDecomposition:
# initial_type: memory # (Optional) The initial decomposition strategy: "grid",
# # "region", "memory", or "vectorized".
# initial_grid: [10,10,10] # (Optional) Grid sizes if the "grid" strategy is chosen.
# synchronous: 0 # (Optional) Use synchronous MPI requests to redistribute, uses less system memory, but slower.
# repartition_type: fullcosts # (Optional) The re-decomposition strategy, one of:
# # "none", "fullcosts", "edgecosts", "memory" or
# # "timecosts".
# trigger: 0.05 # (Optional) Fractional (<1) CPU time difference between MPI ranks required to trigger a
# # new decomposition, or number of steps (>1) between decompositions
# minfrac: 0.9 # (Optional) Fractional of all particles that should be updated in previous step when
# # using CPU time trigger
# usemetis: 0 # Use serial METIS when ParMETIS is also available.
# adaptive: 1 # Use adaptive repartition when ParMETIS is available, otherwise simple refinement.
# itr: 100 # When adaptive defines the ratio of inter node communication time to data redistribution time, in the range 0.00001 to 10000000.0.
# # Lower values give less data movement during redistributions, at the cost of global balance which may require more communication.
# use_fixed_costs: 0 # If 1 then use any compiled in fixed costs for
# # task weights in first repartition, if 0 only use task timings, if > 1 only use
# # fixed costs, unless none are available

View file

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#SBATCH --mail-type=ALL
#SBATCH --mail-user=a01611430@unet.univie.ac.at
#SBATCH --time=40:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=1 #equal to -N 1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=48
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --job-name MON_512
#SBATCH -o mon_shannon_512.out
module load gcc/9.1.0-gcc-4.8.5-mj7s6dg
module load openmpi/3.1.4-gcc-9.1.0-fdssbx5
module load gsl/2.5-gcc-9.1.0-ucmpak4
module load fftw/3.3.8-gcc-9.1.0-2kyouz7
module load libtool/2.4.6-gcc-9.1.0-vkpnfol
module load hdf5/1.10.5-gcc-9.1.0-rolgskh
module load metis/5.1.0-gcc-9.1.0-gvmpssi
module load python/3.9.4-gcc-9.1.0-l7amfu6
source /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/python_files/swift_venv/bin/activate
cd $DATA/monofonic_exp_shannon/build
mpiexec -np 2 ./monofonIC ../swift_shannon_512_100.conf
python3 /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/python_files/rename_and_move_ics_swift.py 1 $DATA/monofonic_exp_shannon/build /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/monofonic_tests/output/shannon_512_100 shannon 512 100.0
cd $DATA/swiftsim/monofonic_tests/output/shannon_512_100
/gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/examples/swift --cosmology --self-gravity --fof --threads=$SLURM_NPROCS /gpfs/data/fs71636/fglatter/swiftsim/monofonic_tests/output/shannon_512_100/shannon_512_100_param.yml