[tool.poetry] version = "0.3.0" name = "cosmicweb-music" description = "Script to download initial conditions for zoom-in cosmological simulations from the cosmICweb service." authors = [ "Michael Buehlmann ", "Lukas Winkler ", ] license = "MIT" readme = "README.md" homepage = "https://github.com/cosmo-sims/cosmicweb-music" repository = "https://github.com/cosmo-sims/cosmicweb-music" documentation = "https://github.com/cosmo-sims/cosmicweb-music" include = ["LICENSE"] keywords = ["scientific computing"] classifiers = [ "Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules", "Topic :: Scientific/Engineering", "Intended Audience :: Science/Research", ] [tool.bumpversion] current_version = "0.3.0" parse = "(?P\\d+)\\.(?P\\d+)\\.(?P\\d+)" serialize = ["{major}.{minor}.{patch}"] search = "{current_version}" replace = "{new_version}" tag = true sign_tags = false tag_name = "v{new_version}" tag_message = "Bump version: {current_version} → {new_version}" allow_dirty = false commit = true message = "Bump version: {current_version} → {new_version}" commit_args = "" [[tool.bumpversion.files]] filename = "pyproject.toml" search = "[tool.poetry]\nversion = \"{current_version}\"" replace = "[tool.poetry]\nversion = \"{new_version}\"" [[tool.bumpversion.files]] filename = "cosmicweb_music/__init__.py" search = "__version__ = \"{current_version}\"" replace = "__version__ = \"{new_version}\"" [tool.poetry.scripts] cosmicweb-music = "cosmicweb_music.cosmICweb:cli" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.9" click = "^8.1.7" requests = "^2.31.0" [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] pytest = "^8.1.1" bump-my-version = "^0.20.1" [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" [tool.black] line-length = 88 target-version = ["py38"] include = '\.pyi?$' exclude = '\.git|\.venv|build|_build|dist'