$(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() }) new Autocomplete('#autocomplete', { // Search function can return a promise // which resolves with an array of // results. In this case we're using // the Wikipedia search API. search: input => { const url = "/api/acronym/?search=" + input return new Promise(resolve => { if (input.length < 1) { return resolve([]) } fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { resolve(data) }) }) }, getResultValue: result => (result.name + ": " + result.full_name), // Open the selected article in // a new window onSubmit: result => { console.log(result) window.location = "/acronym/" + result.slug }, autoSelect: true, }) const input = document.querySelector('input[name="tags"]') input.classList.remove("form-control") document.querySelector("form").addEventListener("submit", function () { const list = JSON.parse(input.value).map(function (item) { return item['value']; }) input.value = JSON.parse(input.value).map(function (item) { return item['value']; }) console.log(input.value) return false; }) const tagify = new Tagify(input, { whitelist: [], maxTags: 10, dropdown: { maxItems: 20, enabled: 0 } }) fetch("/api/tag/") .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => data.map(function (item) { return item['name']; }) ) .then(data => { tagify.settings.whitelist = data }) const myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( document.getElementById("id_description_md"), { lineWrapping: true, lineNumbers: true, } );