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2015-02-10 20:53:56 +01:00

387 lines
15 KiB

%%%% Time-stamp: <2013-09-18 19:27:11 vk>
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Disclaimer
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%% created by
%% Karl Voit
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%%%% Basic settings
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%% (idea of using newcommands for basic documentclass settings from: Thomas Schlager)
%% e.g., "A4", "letter", "legal", "executive", ...
%% The size of the paper of the resulting PDF file.
%% "oneside" or "twoside"
%% Either you are creating a document which is printed on both, left pages
%% and right pages (twoside) or you create a document which is printed
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%% e.g., "no", "full", "half", ...
%% How to separate paragraphs: indention ("no") or spacing ("half",
%% "full", ...).
%% Inner binding correction. This value depends on the method which is
%% being used to bind your printed result. Some techniques do not
%% require a binding correction at all ("0mm"), other require for
%% example "5mm". Refer to KOMA script documentation for a detailed
%% explanation what a binding correction is and how to measure it.
%% e.g., 10pt, 11pt, 12pt
%% The font size of the main text in pt (points).
%% e.g., 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
%% Line spacing in %/100. For example 1.5 means 150% of the usual line
%% spacing. Please use with caution: 100% ("1.0") is fine because the
%% font was designed for it.
%% "english,ngerman", "ngerman,english", ...
%% NOTE: The *last* language is the active one!
%% See babel documentation for further details.
%% BibLaTeX-settings: (see biblatex reference for further description)
%% e.g., "alphabetic", "authoryear", ...
%% The biblatex style which is being used for referencing. See
%% biblatex documentation for further details and more values.
%% CAUTION: if you change the style, please check for (in)compatible
%% "biblatex" package options in the file
%% "template/preamble.tex"! For example: "alphabetic" does
%% not have an option "dashed=..." and causes an error if it
%% does not get removed from the list of options.
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%% Name of the biblatex file that holds the references.
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%% NOTE: if you are using "0,0,0" for black, printers might still
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%% (paying for color print-outs vs. paying for b/w-printouts)
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%% to "\definecolor{DispositionColor}{gray}{0}" and thus
%% overwriting the value of \mydispositioncolor above.
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%% "template/title_Diplomarbeit_KF_Uni_Graz.tex": fancy (german) title page for KF Uni Graz
%% "template/title_Thesis_TU_Graz": titlepage for Graz University of Technology (correct Corporate Design)
%% "template/title_VWA": titlepage for Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit
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%% Please do not set to "false" without a good reason. The colophon
%% helps your readers to get in touch with LaTeX and to find this template.
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%% If set to "true": the current list of open todos is added after the
%% table of contents. If \mytodonotesoptions is set to "disable", no
%% list of todos is added, independent of this setting here.
%% ========================================================================
%%%% Document metadata
%% ========================================================================
%% general metadata:
\newcommand{\myauthor}{Lukas Winkler} %% also used for PDF metadata (hyperref)
\newcommand{\mytitle}{Umweltdatenmessung mit dem Raspberry Pi} %% also used for PDF metadata (hyperref)
\newcommand{\mysubject}{Umweltdatenmessung mit dem Raspberry Pi} %% also used for PDF metadata (hyperref)
\newcommand{\mykeywords}{Umweltdatenmessung, Raspberry, Temperatur, Klimadaten, Wetter, Auswertung, Software} %% also used for PDF metadata (hyperref)
%% this information is used only for generating the title page:
\newcommand{\myworktitle}{Master's Thesis} %% official type of work like ``Master theses''
\newcommand{\mygrade}{Master of Science} %% title you are getting with this work like ``Master of ...''
\newcommand{\mystudy}{8A} %% your study like ``Arts''
\newcommand{\myuniversity}{Graz University of Technology} %% your university/school
\newcommand{\myinstitute}{BRG Kremszeile} %% affiliation
\newcommand{\myinstitutehead}{Univ.-Prof.\,Dipl-Ing.\,Dr.techn.~Some One} %% head of institute
\newcommand{\mysupervisor}{MMag. Matthias Kittel} %% your supervisor
\newcommand{\myevaluator}{Prof.~Some Genius} %% your evaluator
\newcommand{\myhomestreet}{Rechte Kremszeile 54} %% your home street (with house number)
\newcommand{\myhometown}{Krems an der Donau} %% your home town
\newcommand{\myhomepostalnumber}{3500} %% your postal number of home town
\newcommand{\mysubmissionmonth}{Februar} %% month you are handing in
\newcommand{\mysubmissionyear}{2015} %% year you are handing in
\newcommand{\mysubmissiontown}{\myhometown} %% town of handing in (or \myhometown)
%% additional information for generic_documentation title page
\newcommand{\myid}{1234567} %% Matrikelnummer
\newcommand{\mylecture}{LECTURE} %%
%% ========================================================================
%%%% MISC command definitions
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%%%% Typographic settings
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%%%% MISC usepackages
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%% ... it's OK to put here your own usepackage commands ...
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%%%% MISC self-defined commands and settings
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%% activated \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} in the preamble
%% override default language of babel: (be sure to know, what you're
%% doing here)
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%%%% Templates
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%% template for inserting figures:
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%%%% begin{document}
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%% Choose your desired title page:
\input{\mytitlepage} %% include title page
%% include the abstract without chapter number but include it on table of contents:
\include{abstract} %% Abstract
\tableofcontents %% this produces the table of contents - you might have guessed :-)
%% if myaddlistoftodos is set to "true", the current list of open todos is added:
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\appendix %% closes main document, appendix follows until end; only available in book-classes
%\addpart*{Anhang} %% adding Appendix to tableofcontents
\setglossarystyle{altlisthypergroup} % alternativ listhypergroup (in der selben Zeile)
\section*{Eidesstattliche Erklärung}
Ich, \myauthor, erkläre hiermit eidesstattlich, dass ich diese
vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit selbständig und ohne Hilfe Dritter
verfasst habe. Insbesondere versichere ich, dass ich alle wörtlichen
und sinngemäßen Übernahmen aus anderen Werken als Zitate kenntlich
gemacht und alle verwendeten Quellen angegeben habe.
#1 & \hspace{3cm} & & \hspace{4cm} \\\cline{2-2}\cline{4-4}
& & & \\[-3mm]
& {\footnotesize #2} & & {\footnotesize #3}
\mysignatureblock{\myhometown, am}{Datum}{Unterschrift}
\section*{Zustimmung zur Aufstellung in der Schulbibliothek}
Ich, \myauthor, gebe mein Einverständnis, dass ein Exemplar meiner vorwissenschaftlichen Arbeit in der Schulbibliothek meiner Schule aufgestellt wird.
\mysignatureblock{\myhometown, am}{Datum}{Unterschrift}
Diese VWA und alle enthaltenen Bilder stehen, wenn nicht anders angegeben (alle Bilder im Glosar sind \emph{Public Domain}), unter der \emph{Creative-Commons-Lizenz Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International}.
Um eine Kopie dieser Lizenz zu sehen, besuchen Sie \newline \href{}{}.
Diese Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit kann unter\linebreak
als PDF heruntergeladen werden.
%%%% end{document}
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