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Title = {"@ruskin147 As of today, it looks like 3.8 million - that's an *awful lot of computers*."},
Author = {@Raspberry\_Pi},
Date = {2014-10-12},
Url = {https://twitter.com/Raspberry_Pi/status/521065388948586497},
Urldate = {2014-11-22},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.22}
Title = {Using the BMP085/180 with Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black},
Author = {{Adafruit User KEVIN TOWNSEND}},
Url = {https://learn.adafruit.com/using-the-bmp085-with-raspberry-pi?view=all},
Year = {2013},
Urldate = {2014-10-25},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.10.25}
Title = {DHT Humidity Sensing on Raspberry Pi or Beaglebone Black with GDocs Logging},
Author = {{Adafruit User LADY ADA}},
Url = {https://learn.adafruit.com/dht-humidity-sensing-on-raspberry-pi-with-gdocs-logging?view=all},
Year = {2013},
Urldate = {2014-10-25},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.10.25}
Title = {AV1624 Datasheet},
Author = {{ANAG VISION}},
Date = {2006-05-22},
Url = {http://conrad.ru/doci/tekstovyy_displey_stn_anag_vision_av1624gfbw_sj__seryy_181664_en.pdf},
Urldate = {2014-11-23},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.23}
Title = {Digital-output relative humidity \& temperature sensor/module DHT22},
Author = {{Aosong Electronics Co.,Ltd}},
Url = {https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/Temperature/DHT22.pdf},
Year = {2011},
Urldate = {2014-11-08},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.08}
Title = {Rev. 2 des Raspberry Pi Model B - made in UK},
Author = {Philipp Bohk},
Date = {2012-09-04},
Url = {http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RaspberryPiModelBRev2.by.Philipp.Bohk.jpg},
Urldate = {2014-07-04},
File = {:home/lukas/VWA/figures/raspberry.jpg:JPG image}
Title = {BMP085 Digital pressure Sensor - Data Sheet},
Author = {{Bosch Sensortec}},
Date = {2009-10-15},
Url = {https://www.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Components/General/BST-BMP085-DS000-05.pdf},
Urldate = {2014-10-25},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.10.17}
Title = {Homepage},
Author = {dygraphs},
Url = {http://dygraphs.com/},
Year = {2014},
Urldate = {2014-12-19},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.12.19}
Title = {RPi Hardware - Power},
Author = {elinux},
Url = {http://elinux.org/index.php?title=RPi_Hardware&oldid=341192#Power},
Year = {2014},
Urldate = {2014-07-04}
Title = {Kategorie:1-Wire - FHEMWiki},
Author = {FHEMWiki},
Url = {http://www.fhemwiki.de/w/index.php?title=Kategorie:1-Wire&oldid=5092#1-Wire},
Year = {2014},
Urldate = {2014-10-18},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.10.18}
Author = {{Innenraumlufthygiene-Kommission des Umweltbundesamtes}},
Url = {http://www.umweltbundesamt.de/sites/default/files/medien/publikation/long/3689.pdf},
Year = {2008},
Urldate = {2014-11-11},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.11}
Title = {DS18B20 - Data Sheet},
Author = {Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.},
Url = {http://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS18B20.pdf},
Year = {2008},
Urldate = {2014-10-17},
Timestamp = {2014.10.17}
Title = {LCD-Modul TC1602E-01},
Author = {Pollin.de},
Url = {http://www.pollin.de/shop/dt/OTc1OTc4OTk-/Bauelemente_Bauteile/Aktive_Bauelemente/Displays/LCD_Modul_TC1602E_01.html},
Year = {2014},
Urldate = {2014-11-23},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.23}
Title = {What is Python? Executive Summary},
Author = {{Python Software Foundation}},
Url = {https://www.python.org/doc/essays/blurb/},
Urldate = {2015-01-02},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2015.01.02}
Title = {The Making of Pi},
Author = {{Raspberry Pi Foundation}},
Url = {http://www.raspberrypi.org/about/},
Year = {2012},
Organization = {{Raspberry Pi Foundation}},
Urldate = {2014-07-04}
Title = {Python Reference Manual},
Author = {Guido van Rossum},
Date = {1997-12-31},
Url = {http://svn.python.org/projects/python/tags/release15/Doc/ref/ref.ps},
Urldate = {2015-01-02},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2015.01.02}
Title = {Raspberry Pi: 32 Zeichen Hitachi HD44780 Display},
Author = {Schnatterente.net},
Date = {2014-10-10},
Url = {http://www.schnatterente.net/technik/raspberry-pi-32-zeichen-hitachi-hd44780-display#},
Urldate = {2014-11-23},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.23}
Title = {displaytest.py},
Author = {Schnatterente.net},
Url = {http://www.schnatterente.net/code/raspberrypi/displaytest.py},
Urldate = {2014-12-13},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.12.13}
Title = {Veroboard sample},
Author = {Tfitzp},
Date = {2013-08-22},
Url = {http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:VEROBOARD_sample.jpg},
Urldate = {2015-01-05},
File = {:figures/streifenplatine.jpg:JPG image;:figures/streifenplatine.png:PNG image},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2015.01.05}
Title = {gold plated printed circuit board},
Author = {Ulfbastel},
Date = {2007-08-22},
Url = {http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aupcb.jpg},
Urldate = {2015-01-05},
File = {:figures/streifenplatine.jpg:JPG image;:figures/streifenplatine.png:PNG image},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2015.01.05}
Title = {Install AirSensor on Linux},
Author = {usb-sensors-linux},
Date = {2013-04-29},
Url = {https://code.google.com/p/usb-sensors-linux/wiki/Install_AirSensor_Linux},
Urldate = {2014-11-08},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.08}
Title = {VELUX Raumluftfühler},
Author = {Velux},
Url = {http://www.velux.de/privatkunden/produkte/integra_system/produkte/produktempfehlung/raumluftfuehler},
Year = {2014},
Urldate = {2014-11-08},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.08}
Title = {GitHub --- Wikipedia{,} Die freie Enzyklopädie},
Author = {Wikipedia},
Date = {2014-12-12},
Url = {http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=GitHub&oldid=136725990},
Urldate = {2014-12-14},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.12.14}
Title = {Gnuplot --- Wikipedia{,} Die freie Enzyklopädie},
Author = {Wikipedia},
Date = {2015-01-12},
Url = {http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gnuplot&oldid=137696684},
Urldate = {2015-02-02},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.12.14}
Title = {Ohm --- Wikipedia{,} Die freie Enzyklopädie},
Author = {Wikipedia},
Date = {2014-12-08},
Url = {http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ohm&oldid=136576262},
Urldate = {2014-12-22},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.12.14}
Title = {Weather Underground (weather service) --- Wikipedia{,} The Free Encyclopedia},
Author = {Wikipedia},
Date = {2014-12-12},
Url = {http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Weather_Underground_(weather_service)&oldid=637705817},
Urldate = {2015-01-03},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.12.14}
Title = {Bus--- Wikipedia{,} Die freie Enzyklopädie},
Author = {Wikipedia},
Url = {http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bus_(Datenverarbeitung)&oldid=134938136},
Year = {2014},
Urldate = {2014-07-04},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.10.25}
Title = {Raspberry Pi--- Wikipedia{,} Die freie Enzyklopädie},
Author = {Wikipedia},
Url = {http://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Raspberry_Pi&oldid=134104012#Idee},
Year = {2014},
Urldate = {2014-07-04}
Title = {Flüchtige organische Verbindung},
Author = {{WISSEN Wiki}},
Url = {http://www.wissenwiki.de/index.php?title=Fl%C3%BCchtige_organische_Verbindung&oldid=41478},
Year = {2014},
Urldate = {2014-11-11},
Owner = {lukas},
Timestamp = {2014.11.11}