%%%% Time-stamp: <2014-03-23 13:40:59 vk> %%%% === Disclaimer: ======================================================= %% created by %% %% Karl Voit %% %% using GNU/Linux, GNU Emacs & LaTeX 2e %% %doc% %doc% \section{\texttt{pdf\_settings.tex} --- Settings related to PDF output} %doc% \label{sec:pdf} %doc% %doc% The file \verb#template/pdf_settings.tex# basically contains the definitions for %doc% the \href{http://tug.org/applications/hyperref/}{\texttt{hyperref} package} %doc% including the %doc% \href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/graphics/}{\texttt{graphicx} %doc% package}. Since these settings should be the last things of any \LaTeX{} %doc% preamble, they got their own \TeX{} file which is included in \texttt{main.tex}. %doc% %doc% \paragraph{What should I do with this file?} The settings in this file are %doc% important for \myacro{PDF} output and including graphics. Do not exclude the %doc% related \texttt{input} command in \texttt{main.tex}. But you might want to %doc% modify some settings after you read the %doc% \href{http://tug.org/applications/hyperref/}{documentation of the \texttt{hyperref} package}. %doc% %% Fix positioning of images in PDF viewers. (disabled by %% default; see https://github.com/novoid/LaTeX-KOMA-template/issues/4 %% for more information) %% I do not have time to read about possible side-effect of this %% package for now. % \usepackage[hypcap]{caption} %% Declarations of hyperref should be the last definitions of the preamble: %% FIXXME: black-and-white-version for printing! \pdfcompresslevel=9 \usepackage[% unicode=true, % loads with unicode support %a4paper=true, % pdftex=true, % backref, % pagebackref=false, % creates backward references too bookmarks=true, % bookmarksopen=true, % when starting with AcrobatReader, the Bookmarkcolumn is opened pdfpagemode=None,% None, UseOutlines, UseThumbs, FullScreen plainpages=false, % correct, if pdflatex complains: ``destination with same identifier already exists'' %% colors: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikibooks/en/wiki/LaTeX/Colors urlcolor=DispositionColor, %% linkcolor=DispositionColor, %% pagecolor=DispositionColor, %% citecolor=DispositionColor, %% anchorcolor=DispositionColor, %% colorlinks=\mycolorlinks, % turn on/off colored links (on: better for % on-screen reading; off: better for printout versions) ]{hyperref} %% all strings need to be loaded after hyperref was loaded with unicode support %% if not the field is garbled in the output for characters like ČŽĆŠĐ \hypersetup{ pdftitle={\mytitle}, % pdfauthor={\myauthor}, % pdfsubject={\mysubject}, % pdfcreator={Accomplished with: pdfLaTeX, biber, and hyperref-package. No animals, MS-EULA or BSA-rules were harmed.}, pdfproducer={\myauthor}, pdfkeywords={\mykeywords} } %\DeclareGraphicsExtensions{.pdf} %%%% END %%% Local Variables: %%% TeX-master: "../main" %%% mode: latex %%% mode: auto-fill %%% mode: flyspell %%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US") %%% End: %% vim:foldmethod=expr %% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%'?0\:getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%doc.*\ .\\%(sub\\)\\?section{.\\+'?'>1'\:'1':