%% Time-stamp: <2013-12-20 19:58:51 vk> %%%% === Disclaimer: ======================================================= %% created by %% %% Karl Voit %% %% using GNU/Linux, GNU Emacs & LaTeX 2e %% %doc% %% overriding preamble/preamble.tex %% %doc% \newcommand{\mylinespread}{1.0} \newcommand{\mycolorlinks}{true} %doc% \documentclass[12pt,paper=a4,parskip=half,DIV=calc,oneside,%% %doc% headinclude,footinclude=false,open=right,bibliography=totoc]{scrartcl} %doc% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}\usepackage[ngerman,american]{babel}\usepackage{scrpage2} %doc% \usepackage{ifthen}\usepackage{eurosym}\usepackage{xspace}\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} %doc% \usepackage[protrusion=true,factor=900]{microtype} %doc% \usepackage{enumitem} %doc% \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} %doc% \usepackage{todonotes} %doc% \usepackage{dingbat,bbding} %% special characters %doc% \definecolor{DispositionColor}{RGB}{30,103,182} %doc% %doc% \usepackage[backend=biber,style=authoryear,dashed=false,natbib=true,hyperref=true%% %doc% ]{biblatex} %doc% %doc% \addbibresource{references-biblatex.bib} %% remove, if using BibTeX instead of biblatex %doc% %doc% %% overriding userdata %% %doc% \newcommand{\myauthor}{Karl Voit}\newcommand{\mytitle}{LaTeX Template Documentation} %doc% \newcommand{\mysubject}{A Comprehensive Guide to Use the %doc% Template from https://github.com/novoid/LaTeX-KOMA-template} %doc% \newcommand{\mykeywords}{LaTeX, pdflatex, template, documentation, biber, biblatex} %doc% %doc% \newcommand{\myLaT}{\LaTeX{}@TUG\xspace} %doc% %doc% %% for future use? %doc% % \usepackage{filecontents} %doc% % \begin{filecontents}{filename.example} %doc% % %doc% % \end{filecontents} %doc% %doc% %doc% %% using existing TeX files %% %doc% \input{template/mycommands} %doc% \input{template/typographic_settings} %doc% \input{template/pdf_settings} %doc% %doc% \begin{document} %doc% %% title page %% %doc% \title{\mytitle}\subtitle{\mysubject} %doc% \author{\myauthor} %doc% \date{\today} %doc% %doc% \maketitle\newpage %doc% %doc% \tableofcontents\newpage %doc% %%---------------------------------------%% %doc% %doc% \section{How to use this \LaTeX{} document template} %doc% %doc% This \LaTeX{} document template from %doc% \myLaT\footnote{\url{http://LaTeX.TUGraz.at}} is based on \myacro{KOMA} %doc% script\footnote{\url{http://komascript.de/}}. You don't need any %doc% special \myacro{KOMA} knowledge (but it woun't hurt either). It provides an easy to use and %doc% easy to modify template. All settings are documented and many references to %doc% additional information sources are given. %doc% %doc% In general, there should not be any reason to modify a file in %doc% the \texttt{template} folder. \emph{All important settings are %doc% accessible in the main folder, mostly in the \texttt{main.tex} %doc% file.} This way, it is easy to get what you need and you can update %doc% the template independent of the content of the document. %doc% %doc% \newcommand{\myimportant}{%% mark important chapters %doc% \marginpar{\vspace{-1em}\rightpointleft} %doc% } %doc% \newcommand{\myinteresting}{\marginpar{\vspace{-2em}\PencilLeftDown}} %doc% %doc% The \emph{absolute minimum you should read} is listed below and %doc% marked with the hand symbol:\myimportant %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:modifytemplate}: basic configuration of this template. %doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:howtocompile}: how to generate the \myacro{PDF} file %doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:references}: using biblatex (instead of bibtex) %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% %doc% In order to get a perfect resulting document and to get an %doc% exciting experience with this template, you should definitely consider reading %doc% following sections which are also marked with the pencil symbol:\myinteresting %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:extending-template}: extend the template with %doc% your own usepackages, newcommands, and so forth %doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:mycommands}: pre-defined commands to make your life easier (e.g., including graphics) %doc% \item Section~\ref{sec:myacro}: how to do acronyms (like \myacro{ACME}) beautifully %doc% \item Section~\ref{sub:csquotes}: how to \enquote{quote} text and use parentheses correctly %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% %doc% The other sections describe all other settings for the sake of completeness. This is %doc% interesting for learning more about \LaTeX{} and modifying this template to a higher level of detail. %doc% %doc% \newpage %doc% \subsection{Six Steps to Customize Your Document}\myimportant %doc% \label{sec:modifytemplate} %doc% %doc% This template is optimized to get to the first draft of your thesis %doc% very quickly. Follow these instructions and you get most of your %doc% customizing done in a few minutes: %doc% %doc% \newcommand{\myfile}[1]{\texttt{\href{file:#1}{#1}}} %doc% %doc% \begin{enumerate} %doc% \item Modify settings in \texttt{main.tex} to meet your requirements: %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item Basic settings %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item Paper size, languages, font size, citation style, %doc% title page, and so forth %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \item Document metadata %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item Preferences like \verb+myauthor+, \verb+mytitle+, and so forth %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \item Replace \myfile{figures/institution.pdf} with the logo of %doc% your institution in either \myacro{PDF} or \myacro{PNG} %doc% format.\footnote{Avoid \myacro{JPEG} format for %doc% computer-generated (pixcel-oriented) graphics like logos or %doc% screenshots in general. The \myacro{JEPG} format is for %doc% photographs \emph{only}.} %doc% \item Further down in \myfile{main.tex}: %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item Create your desired structure for the chapters %doc% (\verb+\include{introduction}+, \verb+\include{evaluation}+, \ldots) %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \item Create the \TeX{} files and fill your content into these files you defined in the previous step. %doc% \item Optionally: Modify \myfile{colophon.tex} to meet your situation. %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item Please spend a couple of minutes and think about putting your work %doc% under an open license\footnote{\url{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/}} %doc% in order to follow the spirit of Open Science\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_science}}. %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \item In case you are using \myacro{GNU} make\footnote{If you %doc% don't know, what \myacro{GNU} make is, you are not using it (yet).}: %doc% Put your desired \myacro{PDF} file name in the second line of file %doc% \myfile{Makefile} %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item replace \enquote{Projectname} with your filename %doc% \item do not use any file extension like \texttt{.tex} or \texttt{.pdf} %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \end{enumerate} %doc% %doc% %doc% %doc% \subsection{License}\myimportant %doc% \label{sec:license} %doc% %doc% This template is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0) %doc% license\footnote{\url{https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/}}: %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item You can share (to copy, distribute and transmit) this template. %doc% \item You can remix (adapt) this template. %doc% \item You can make commercial use of the template. %doc% \item In case you modify this template and share the derived %doc% template: You must attribute the template such that you do not %doc% remove (co-)authorship of Karl Voit and you must not remove %doc% the URL to the original repository on %doc% github\footnote{\url{https://github.com/novoid/LaTeX-KOMA-template}}. %doc% \item If you alter, transform, or build a new template upon %doc% this template, you may distribute the resulting %doc% template only under the same or similar license to this one. %doc% \item There are \emph{no restrictions} of any kind, however, related to the %doc% resulting (PDF) document! %doc% \item You may remove the colophon (but it's not recommended). %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% %doc% %doc% \subsection{How to compile this document}\myimportant %doc% \label{sec:howtocompile} %doc% %doc% I assume that compiling \LaTeX{} documents within your software %doc% environment is something you have already learned. This template is %doc% almost like any other \LaTeX{} document except it uses %doc% state-of-the-art tools for generating things like the list of %doc% references using biblatex/biber (see %doc% Section~\ref{sec:references} for details). Unfortunately, some \LaTeX{} editors %doc% do not support this much better way of working with bibliography %doc% references yet. This section describes how to compile this template. %doc% %doc% \subsubsection{Compiling Using a \LaTeX{} Editor} %doc% %doc% Please do select \myfile{main.tex} as the \enquote{main project file} or make %doc% sure to compile/run only \myfile{main.tex} (and not \myfile{introduction.tex} %doc% or other \TeX{} files of this template). %doc% %doc% Choose \texttt{biber} for generating the references. Modern LaTeX{} %doc% environments offer this option. Older tools might not be that up to %doc% date yet. %doc% %doc% \subsubsection{Activating \texttt{biber} in the \LaTeX{} editor TeXworks} %doc% \label{sec:biberTeXworks} %doc% %doc% The \href{https://www.tug.org/texworks/}{TeXworks} editor is a very %doc% basic (but fine) \LaTeX{} editor to start with. It is included in %doc% \href{http://miktex.org/}{MiKTeX} and %doc% \href{http://miktex.org/portable}{MiKTeX portable} and supports %doc% \href{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Syntax_highlighting}{syntax %doc% highlighting} and %doc% \href{http://itexmac.sourceforge.net/SyncTeX.html}{SyncTeX} to %doc% synchronize \myacro{PDF} output and \LaTeX{} source code. %doc% %doc% Unfortunately, TeXworks shipped with MiKTeX does not support compiling %doc% using \texttt{biber} (biblatex) out of the box. Here is a solution to %doc% this issue. Go to TeXworks: \texttt{Edit} $\rightarrow$ %doc% \texttt{Preferences~\ldots} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Typesetting} $\rightarrow$ %doc% \texttt{Processing tools} and add a new entry (using the plus icon): %doc% %doc% \begin{tabbing} %doc% Arguments: \= foobar \kill %doc% Name: \> \verb#pdflatex+biber# \\ %doc% Program: \> \emph{find the \texttt{template/pdflatex+biber.bat} file from your disk} \\ %doc% Arguments: \> \verb+$fullname+ \\ %doc% \> \verb+$basename+ %doc% \end{tabbing} %doc% %doc% Activate the \enquote{View PDF after running} option. %doc% %doc% Close the preferences dialog and you will now have an additional %doc% choice in the drop down list for compiling your document. Choose the %doc% new entry called \verb#pdflatex+biber# and start a happier life with %doc% \texttt{biber}. %doc% %doc% In case your TeXworks has a German user interface, here the key %doc% aspects in German as well: %doc% %doc% \begin{otherlanguage}{ngerman} %doc% %doc% \texttt{Bearbeiten} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Einstellungen~\ldots} $\rightarrow$ %doc% \texttt{Textsatz} $\rightarrow$ \texttt{Verarbeitungsprogramme} $\rightarrow$ %doc% + \emph{(neues Verarbeitungsprogramm)}: %doc% %doc% \begin{tabbing} %doc% Befehl/Datei: \= foobar \kill %doc% Name: \> pdflatex+biber \\ %doc% Befehl/Datei: \> \emph{die \texttt{template/pdflatex+biber.bat} im Laufwerk suchen} \\ %doc% Argumente: \> \verb+$fullname+ \\ %doc% \> \verb+$basename+ %doc% \end{tabbing} %doc% %doc% \enquote{PDF nach Beendigung anzeigen} aktivieren. %doc% %doc% \end{otherlanguage} %doc% %doc% \subsubsection{Compiling Using \myacro{GNU} make} %doc% %doc% With \myacro{GNU} %doc% make\footnote{\url{https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Make\_\%28software\%29}} %doc% it is just simple as that: \texttt{make pdf} %doc% %doc% Several other targets are available. You can check them out by %doc% executing: \texttt{make help} %doc% %doc% In case you are using TeXLive (instead of MiKTeX as I do), you might %doc% want to modify the line \texttt{PDFLATEX\_CMD = pdflatex} within %doc% the file \texttt{Makefile} to: \texttt{PDFLATEX\_CMD = pdflatex -synctex=1 -undump=pdflatex} %doc% %doc% %doc% \subsubsection{Compiling in a Text-Shell} %doc% %doc% To generate a document using \texttt{Biber}, you can stick to %doc% following example: %doc% \begin{verbatim} %doc% pdflatex main.tex %doc% biber main %doc% pdflatex main.tex %doc% pdflatex main.tex %doc% \end{verbatim} %doc% %doc% Users of TeXLive with Microsoft Windows might want to try the %doc% following script\footnote{Thanks to Florian Brucker for provinding %doc% this script.} which could be stored as, e.g., \texttt{compile.bat}: %doc% \begin{verbatim} %doc% REM call pdflatex using parameters suitable for TeXLive: %doc% pdflatex.exe "main.tex" %doc% REM generate the references metadata for biblatex (using biber): %doc% biber.exe "main" %doc% REM call pdflatex twice to compile the references and finalize PDF: %doc% pdflatex.exe "main.tex" %doc% pdflatex.exe -synctex=-1 -interaction=nonstopmode "main.tex" %doc% \end{verbatim} %doc% %doc% %doc% \subsection{How to get rid of the template documentation} %doc% %doc% Simply remove the files \verb#Template_Documentation.pdf# and %doc% \verb#Template_Documentation.tex# (if it exists) in the main folder %doc% of this template. %doc% %doc% \subsection{What about modifying or extending the template?}\myinteresting %doc% \label{sec:extending-template} %doc% %doc% This template provides an easy to start \LaTeX{} document template with sound %doc% default settings. You can modify each setting any time. It is recommended that %doc% you are familiar with the documentation of the command whose settings you want %doc% to modify. %doc% %doc% It is recommended that for \emph{adding} things to the preambel (newcommands, %doc% setting variables, defining headers, \dots) you should use the file %doc% \texttt{main.tex}. %doc% There are comment lines which help you find the right spot. %doc% This way you still have the chance to update your \texttt{template} %doc% folder from the template repository without losing your own added things. %doc% %doc% The following sections describe the settings and commands of this template and %doc% give a short overview of its features. %doc% \subsection{How to change the title page} %doc% %doc% This template comes with a variety of title pages. They are located in %doc% the folder \texttt{template}. You can switch to a specific title %doc% page by including the corresponding title page file in the file %doc% \texttt{main.tex}. %doc% %doc% Please note that you may not need to modify any title page document by %doc% yourself since all relevant information is defined in the file %doc% \texttt{main.tex}. %doc% %doc% \section{\texttt{preamble.tex} --- Main preamble file} %doc% %doc% In the file \verb#preamble/preamble.tex# you will find the basic %doc% definitions related to your document. This template uses the \myacro{KOMA} script %doc% extension package of \LaTeX{}. %doc% %doc% There are comments added to the \verb#\documentclass{}# definitions. Please %doc% refer to the great documentation of \myacro{KOMA}\footnote{\texttt{scrguide.pdf} for %doc% German users} for further details. %doc% %doc% \paragraph{What should I do with this file?} For standard purposes you might %doc% use the default values it provides. You must not remove its \texttt{include} command %doc% in \texttt{main.tex} since it contains important definitions. This file contains %doc% settings which are documented well and can be modified according to your needs. %doc% It is recommended that you fully understand each setting you modify in order to %doc% get a good document result. However, you can set basic values in the %doc% \texttt{main.tex} file: font size, paper size, %doc% paragraph separation mode, draft mode, binding correction, and whether %doc% your document will be a one sided document or you are planning to %doc% create a document which is printed on both, left side and right side. %doc% \documentclass[% fontsize=\myfontsize,%% size of the main text paper=\mypapersize, %% paper format parskip=\myparskip, %% vertical space between paragraphs (instead of indenting first par-line) DIV=calc, %% calculates a good DIV value for type area; 66 characters/line is great headinclude=true, %% is header part of margin space or part of page content? footinclude=false, %% is footer part of margin space or part of page content? open=right, %% "right" or "left": start new chapter on right or left page appendixprefix=true, %% adds appendix prefix; only for book-classes with \backmatter bibliography=totoc, %% adds the bibliography to table of contents (without number) draft=\mydraft, %% if true: included graphics are omitted and black boxes %% mark overfull boxes in margin space BCOR=\myBCOR, %% binding correction (depends on how you bind %% the resulting printout. \mylaterality %% oneside: document is not printed on left and right sides, only right side %% twoside: document is printed on left and right sides ]{scrbook} %% article class of KOMA: "scrartcl", "scrreprt", or "scrbook". %% CAUTION: If documentclass will be changed, *many* other things %% change as well like heading structure, ... % FIXXME: adopting class usage: % from scrbook -> scrartcl OR scrreport: % - remove appendixprefix from class options % - remove \frontmatter \mainmatter \backmatter \appendix from main.tex % FIXXME: adopting language: % add or modify language parameter of package »babel« and use language switches described in babel-documentation %doc% %doc% \subsection{\texttt{inputenc}: UTF8 as input charset} %doc% %doc% You are able and should use \myacro{UTF8} character settings for writing these \TeX{}-files. %doc% %\usepackage{ucs} %% UTF8 as input characters; UCS incompatible to biblatex \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %% UTF8 as input characters %% Source: http://latex.tugraz.at/latex/tutorial#laden_von_paketen %doc% %doc% \subsection{\texttt{babel}: Language settings} %doc% %doc% The default setting of the language is American. Please change settings for %doc% additional or alternative languages used in \texttt{main.tex}. %doc% %doc% Please note that the default language of the document is the \emph{last} language %doc% which is added to the package options. %doc% %doc% To set only parts of your document in a different language as the rest, use for example %doc% \verb+\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{Beispieltext in deutscher Sprache}+. %doc% For using foreign language quotes, please refer to the \verb+\foreignquote+, %doc% \verb+\foreigntextquote+, or \verb+\foreignblockquote+ provided by %doc% \texttt{csquotes} (see Section~\ref{sub:csquotes}). %doc% \usepackage[\mylanguage]{babel} %% used languages; default language is *last* language of options %doc% %doc% \subsection{\texttt{scrpage2}: Headers and footers} %doc% %doc% Since this template is based on \myacro{KOMA} script it uses its great \texttt{scrpage2} %doc% package for defining header and footer information. Please refer to the \myacro{KOMA} %doc% script documentation how to use this package. %doc% \usepackage{scrpage2} %% advanced page style using KOMA %doc% %doc% \subsection{References}\myimportant %doc% \label{sec:references} %doc% %doc% This template is using %doc% \href{http://www.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/info/translations/biblatex/de/}{\texttt{biblatex}} %doc% and \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biber_(LaTeX)}{\texttt{Biber}} %doc% instead of %doc% \href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BibTeX}{\textsc{Bib}\TeX{}}. This has the following %doc% advantages: %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item better documentation %doc% \item Unicode-support like German umlauts (ö, ä, ü, ß) for references %doc% \item flexible definition of citation styles %doc% \item multiple bibliographies e.\,g. for printed and online resources %doc% \item cleaner reference definition e.\,g. inheriting information from %doc% \texttt{Proceedings} to all related \texttt{InProceedings} %doc% \item modern implementation %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% %doc% In short, \texttt{biblatex} is able to handle your \texttt{bib}-files %doc% and offers additional features. To get the most out of %doc% \texttt{biblatex}, you should read the very good package %doc% documentation. Be warned: you'll probably never want to change back %doc% to \textsc{Bib}\TeX{} again. %doc% %doc% Take a look at the files \texttt{references-bibtex.bib} and %doc% \texttt{references-biblatex.bib}: they contain the three %doc% references \texttt{tagstore}, \texttt{Voit2009}, and %doc% \texttt{Voit2011}. %doc% The second file is optimized for \texttt{biblatex} and %doc% takes advantage of some features that are not possible with %doc% \textsc{Bib}\TeX{}. %doc% %doc% This template is ready to use \texttt{biblatex} with \texttt{Biber} as %doc% reference compiler. You should make sure that you have installed an up %doc% to date binary of \texttt{Biber} from its %doc% homepage\footnote{\url{http://biblatex-biber.sourceforge.net/}}. %doc% %doc% %doc% In \texttt{main.tex} you can define several general \texttt{biblatex} %doc% options: citation style, whether or not multiple occurrences of %doc% authors are replaced with dashes, or if backward references (from %doc% references to citations) should be added. %doc% %doc% %doc% If you are using the LaTeX{} editor TeXworks, please make sure that %doc% you have read Section~\ref{sec:biberTeXworks} in order to use %doc% \texttt{biber}. %doc% %doc% \subsubsection{Example citation commands} %doc% %doc% This section demonstrates some example citations using the style \texttt{authoryear}. %doc% You can change the citation style in \texttt{main.tex} (\texttt{mybiblatexstyle}). %doc% %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item cite \cite{Eijkhout2008} and cite \cite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item citet \citet{Eijkhout2008} and citet \citet{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item autocite \autocite{Eijkhout2008} and autocite \autocite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item autocites \autocites{Eijkhout2008} and autocites \autocites{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item citeauthor \citeauthor{Eijkhout2008} and citeauthor \citeauthor{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item citetitle \citetitle{Eijkhout2008} and citetitle \citetitle{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item citeyear \citeyear{Eijkhout2008} and citeyear \citeyear{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item textcite \textcite{Eijkhout2008} and textcite \textcite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item smartcite \smartcite{Eijkhout2008} and smartcite \smartcite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item footcite \footcite{Eijkhout2008} and footcite \footcite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item footcite with page \footcite[p.42]{Eijkhout2008} and footcite with page \footcite[compare][p.\,42]{Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \item fullcite \fullcite{Eijkhout2008} and fullcite \fullcite{Bringhurst1993, Eijkhout2008}. %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% %doc% Please note that the citation style as well as the bibliography style %doc% can be changed very easily. Refer to the settings in %doc% \texttt{main.tex} as well as the very good documentation of \texttt{biblatex}. %doc% %doc% \subsubsection{Using this template with \myacro{APA} style} %doc% %doc% First, you have to have the \myacro{APA} biblatex style %doc% installed. Modern \LaTeX{} distributions do come with %doc% \texttt{biblatex} and \myacro{APA} style. If so, you will find the %doc% files \texttt{biblatex-apa.pdf} (style documentation) and %doc% \texttt{biblatex-apa-test.pdf} (file with citation examples) on your %doc% hard disk. %doc% %doc% \begin{enumerate} %doc% \item Change the style according to \verb#\newcommand{\mybiblatexstyle}{apa}# %doc% \item Add \verb#\DeclareLanguageMapping{american}{american-apa}# or \\ %doc% \verb#\DeclareLanguageMapping{german}{german-apa}# to your %doc% preamble\footnote{You might want to use section \enquote{MISC %doc% self-defined commands and settings} for this.} %doc% \end{enumerate} %doc% %doc% These steps change the biblatex style to \myacro{APA} style %doc% %doc% \subsubsection{Using this template with \textsc{Bib}\TeX{}} %doc% %doc% If you do not want to use \texttt{Biber} and \texttt{biblatex}, you %doc% have to change several things: %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item in \verb#preamble/preamble.tex# %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item remove the usepackage command of \texttt{biblatex} %doc% \item remove the \verb#\addbibresource{...}# command %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \item in \verb#main.tex# %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item replace \verb=\printbibliography= with the usual %doc% \verb=\bibliographystyle{yourstyle}= and \verb=\bibliography{yourbibfile}= %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \item if you are using \myacro{GNU} \texttt{make}: modify \verb=Makefile= %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item replace \verb#BIBTEX_CMD = biber# with \verb#BIBTEX_CMD = bibtex# %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% \item Use the reference file \texttt{references-bibtex.bib} %doc% instead of \texttt{references-biblatex.bib} %doc% \end{itemize} %doc% %doc% \usepackage[backend=biber, %% using "biber" to compile references (instead of "biblatex") style=\mybiblatexstyle, %% see biblatex documentation %style=alphabetic, %% see biblatex documentation dashed=\mybiblatexdashed, %% do *not* replace recurring reference authors with a dash backref=\mybiblatexbackref, %% create backlings from references to citations natbib=true, %% offering natbib-compatible commands hyperref=true, %% using hyperref-package references ]{biblatex} %% remove, if using BibTeX instead of biblatex \addbibresource{\mybiblatexfile} %% remove, if using BibTeX instead of biblatex %doc% %doc% \subsection{Miscellaneous packages} \label{subsec:miscpackages} %doc% %doc% There are several packages included by default. You might want to activate or %doc% deactivate them according to your requirements: %doc% %doc% \begin{enumerate} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/graphicx}{%% %doc% graphicx%% %doc% }}] %doc% The widely used package to use graphical images within a \LaTeX{} document. \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikibooks/en/wiki/LaTeX/Formatting\#Other\_symbols}{%% %doc% pifont%% %doc% }}] %doc% For additional special characters available by \verb#\ding{}# \usepackage{pifont} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://ctan.org/pkg/ifthen}{%% %doc% ifthen%% %doc% }}] %doc% For using if/then/else statements for example in macros \usepackage{ifthen} %% pre-define ifthen-boolean variables: \newboolean{myaddcolophon} \newboolean{myaddlistoftodos} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/fonts/eurosym}{%% %doc% eurosym%% %doc% }}] %doc% Using the character for Euro with \verb#\officialeuro{}# %\usepackage{eurosym} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/xspace.html}{%% %doc% xspace%% %doc% }}] %doc% This package is required for intelligent spacing after commands \usepackage{xspace} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikibooks/en/wiki/LaTeX/Colors}{%% %doc% xcolor%% %doc% }}] %doc% This package defines basic colors. If you want to get rid of colored links and headings %doc% please change corresponding value in \texttt{main.tex} to \{0,0,0\}. \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} \definecolor{DispositionColor}{RGB}{\mydispositioncolor} %% used for links and so forth in screen-version %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/ulem}{%% %doc% ulem%% %doc% }}] %doc% This package offers strikethrough command \verb+\sout{foobar}+. \usepackage[normalem]{ulem} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/framed}{%% %doc% framed%% %doc% }}] %doc% Create framed, shaded, or differently highlighted regions that can %doc% break across pages. The environments defined are %doc% \begin{itemize} %doc% \item framed: ordinary frame box (\verb+\fbox+) with edge at margin %doc% \item shaded: shaded background (\verb+\colorbox+) bleeding into margin %doc% \item snugshade: similar %doc% \item leftbar: thick vertical line in left margin %doc% \end{itemize} \usepackage{framed} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/eso-pic}{%% %doc% eso-pic%% %doc% }}] %doc% For example on title pages you might want to have a logo on the upper right corner of %doc% the first page (only). The package \texttt{eso-pic} is able to place things on absolute %doc% and relative positions on the whole page. \usepackage{eso-pic} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem}{%% %doc% enumitem%% %doc% }}] %doc% This package replaces the built-in definitions for enumerate, itemize and description. %doc% With \texttt{enumitem} the user has more control over the layout of those environments. \usepackage{enumitem} %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/todonotes/}{%% %doc% todonotes%% %doc% }}] %doc% This packages is \emph{very} handy to add notes\footnote{\texttt{todonotes} replaced %doc% the \texttt{fixxme}-command which previously was defined in the %doc% \texttt{preamble\_mycommands.tex} file.}. Using for example \verb#\todo{check}# %doc% results in something like this \todo{check} in the document. Do read the %doc% great package documentation for usage of other very helpful commands such as %doc% \verb#\missingfigure{}# and \verb#\listoftodos#. The latter one creates an index of all %doc% open todos which is very useful for getting an overview of open issues. %doc% The package \texttt{todonotes} require the packages \texttt{ifthen}, \texttt{xkeyval}, \texttt{xcolor}, %doc% \texttt{tikz}, \texttt{calc}, and \texttt{graphicx}. Activate %doc% and configure \verb#\listoftodos# in \texttt{main.tex}. %\usepackage{todonotes} \usepackage[\mytodonotesoptions]{todonotes} %% option "disable" removes all todonotes output from resulting document %disabled% \item[\texttt{\href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/blindtext}{%% %disabled% blindtext%% %disabled% }}] %disabled% This package is used to generate blind text for demonstration purposes. %disabled% %% This is undocumented due to problems using american english; author informed %disabled% \usepackage{blindtext} %% provides commands for blind text: %disabled% %% \blindtext creates some text, %disabled% %% \Blindtext creates more text. %disabled% %% \blinddocument creates a small document with sections, lists... %disabled% %% \Blinddocument creates a large document with sections, lists... %% 2012-03-10: vk: author published a corrected version which is able to handle "american english" as well. Did not have time to check new package version for this template here. %doc% \item[\texttt{\href{http://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/units}{%% %doc% units%% %doc% }}] %doc% For setting correctly typesetted units and nice fractions with \verb+\unit[42]{m}+ and \verb+\unitfrac[100]{km}{h}+. \usepackage{units} %doc% \end{enumerate} %%%% End %%% Local Variables: %%% TeX-master: "../main" %%% mode: latex %%% mode: auto-fill %%% mode: flyspell %%% eval: (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US") %%% End: %% vim:foldmethod=expr %% vim:fde=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%%%%'?0\:getline(v\:lnum)=~'^%doc.*\ .\\%(sub\\)\\?section{.\\+'?'>1'\:'1':